
This dictionary is issued from the data of the multilingual dictionary Ergane. It contains more than 15000 words. If you wish to have a rapid overview of the Esperanto vocabulary consult the glossary of most frequent words.

Tiu vortaro estis konstruita el la datumo de la multlingva vortaro Ergane kiu entenas pli ol 15000 vortoj. Por trovi pli rapide la bazajn vortojn de Esperanto, uzu preferinde la leksikonon de plej oftaj vortoj.

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abako                         abacus
abata                         abbatial
abata jurisdikcio             abbacy
abateco                       abbacy
abateja                       abbatial
abatejo                       abbey
abatino                       abbess
abato                         abbot
abceso                        abscess
abdiki                        abdicate, resign
abdiko                        abdication
abdomena                      abdominal
abdomeno                      abdomen
abduktoro                     abductor
abelejo                       apiary
abelisto                      bee-keeper
abelkulturo                   bee-keeping
abelo                         bee
abelujo                       beehive, bee-hive
abelvakso                     beeswax
aberacii                      deviate
aberacio                      aberration
abhxaza                       Abkhazian
Abhxazio                      Abkhazia
abhxazo                       Abkhazian
Abhxazujo                     Abkhazia
abia                          deal
Abintono                      Abington
abio                          fir
abiogenezo                    abiogenesis
abisena                       Abyssinian, Ethiopian
Abisenio                      Abyssinia, Ethiopia
abiseno                       Abyssinian, Ethiopian
Abisenujo                     Abyssinia, Ethiopia
abismo                        abyss, chasm
abiturienta diplomo           leaving-certificate
abiturienta ekzameno          final examination
abjxuri                       abjure, abnegate
abjxuro                       abjuration
ablativo                      ablative
abnegacii                     abnegate, deny oneself
abnegacio                     abnegation
abnorma                       abnormal
abnormajxo                    abnormality, abnormity
abnormeco                     abnormality, abnormity
aboco                         ABC, alphabet
aboli                         abolish, abrogate
abolicii                      abolish, abrogate
abolicio                      abolition, abrogation
abolo                         abolition, abrogation
abomaso                       rennet-stomach
abomena                       dismal, dreary, ghastly, hideous, horrible, nasty
abomenajxo                    abomination
abomeni                       abhor, abominate, loathe
abomeninda                    abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome
abomenindajxo                 abhorrence, abomination, atrocity, horror
abomeno                       abhorrence, abomination, horror
abonanto                      subscriber
aboni                         subscribe
abono                         subscription
aborigeno                     aboriginal
aborti                        abort, miscarry
abortigi                      abort
abortigisto                   abortionist
abortigo                      abortion
aborto                        abortion
Abrahamo                      Abraham
abraziigxi                    cave in
abreviacio                    abbreviation
abrikoto                      apricot
abrogacio                     abrogation
abrupta                       abrupt
abrupte                       abruptly
absceso                       abscess
absciso                       abscissa
absejli                       abseil
absintajxo                    absinth
absintlikvoro                 absinth
absinto                       absinth
absoluta                      absolute
absolute                      absolutely
absolutismo                   absolutism
absolvi                       absolve
absolvo                       absolution
absorba                       absorbent
absorbi                       absorb
absorbilo                     absorbent
absorbita de                  absorbed in
absorbo                       absorption
abstemio                      teetotalism
abstinenco                    abstinence, teetotalism
abstinenculo                  total abstainer
abstini                       abstain
abstrakta                     abstract
abstraktajxo                  abstraction
abstrakti                     abstract
absurda                       absurd
absurdajxo                    absurdity
absurdeco                     absurdity
abunda                        abundant
abunde                        abundantly
abundeco                      abundance
abundi                        abound
abundo                        abundance, plenty
acera                         maple, maple-, of a maple
acerba                        acerbic, acid, harsh, sour, tart
acero                         maple, sycamore
acetato                       acetate
acetileno                     acetylene
aceto                         acetic acid
acetono                       acetone
acida                         acid, sour, tart
acida cxerizo                 morello
acidi                         be acid, be sour
acidigxi                      sour, grow sour, turn
acido                         acid
Acoroj                        Azores
acxetado                      acquisition, purchase
acxetajxo                     purchase
acxetakiri                    acquire, buy, purchase
acxetanta regiono             market, outlet
acxetanto                     buyer, client, purchaser
acxetebla                     for sale
acxeti                        buy, purchase
acxeti auxkcie                buy at a public sale
acxeto                        purchase
Adamo                         Adam
adapti                        accommodate, adapt, adjust, fit
adapti por orkestro           orchestrate, score
adaptigo                      accommodation
adaptigxemo                   adaptability
adaptigxi                     accomodate oneself, adapt oneself
adaptigxo                     adaptation, adjustment
adaptinto                     adaptor
adaptita                      adapted
adapto                        adaptation
adapto por orkestro           orchestration
adekvata                      adequate
Adelaido                      Adelaide
Adena Golfo                   Gulf of Aden
Adeno                         Aden
adepto                        adept, supporter
adhero                        adhesion
adi                           keep
adiaux                        adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye, good-bye
adiauxa                       goodbye-
adiauxi                       say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
adiauxo                       farewell, goodbye, good-bye
adicii                        add, add up
adicio                        addition
Adisabebo                     Addis Ababa
adjektiva                     adjectival
adjektivo                     adjective
adjudiki                      invite tenders for, put out to tender
adjunkto                      assistant
adjutanto                     adjutant, aide-de-camp
administra                    administrative
administra aparato            machine of government
administra jaro               financial year
administra ofico              stewardship
administracio                 administration, management
administrado                  administration, management
administraj kostoj            administrative expenses
administrantaro               administration, management
administranto                 manager
administri                    administer, manage
administristaro               administration, management
administristo                 administrator
administro                    administration, management
admira                        admiring
admiralitato                  admirality
admiralo                      admiral
Admiraltoj                    Admirality Islands
admirantino                   admirer
admiranto                     admirer
admiri                        admire
admirinda                     admirable
admiro                        admiration
admoni                        admonish, scold
admonletero                   dunning-letter
admono                        exhortation
adoleskantino                 flapper
adoleskanto                   adolescent
adoleskeco                    puberty
adoleskulino                  adolescent
adoleskulo                    adolescent
adolto                        adult
adonido                       pheasant's eye
Adono                         Adonis
adoptado                      adoption
adoptaj gepatroj              foster-parents
adopti                        adopt
adoptita                      adopted
adoptito                      adoptive child
adopto                        adoption
adoptulo                      adoptive child
adorado                       adoration, worship
adorantino                    adorer, female adorer, worshipper, female worshipper
adoranto                      worshipper
adoratino                     adored one
adori                         adore, worship
adorinda                      adorable
adoro                         adoration, worship
adrenalino                    adrenaline
adresanto                     shipper, sender
adresaro                      address list
adresato                      addressee
adresi                        address
adresiga masxino              addressing machine, addressograph
adresigilo                    addressing machine
adresito                      addressee
adreslibro                    directory
adreso                        address
adressxangxo                  change of address
Adrianopolo                   Adrianople
Adriatiko                     Adriatic, Adriatic Sea
adstringa                     tart
adstringilo                   adstringent
adulta                        adulterous
adulti                        commit adultery
adulto                        adultery
adultulino                    adulteress
adultulo                      adulterer
advento                       advent
adverba                       adverbial
adverbo                       adverb
advokatacxo                   pettifogger, shyster
advokato                      advocate, lawyer
aera                          overground, overhead
aera rezisto                  air-resistance
aerdefenda artilerio          ack-ack, anti-aircraft guns
aerdefendo                    air-defence, anti-aircraft defence, anti-aircraft defences
aereskadro                    air squadron, air-squadron
aerfiltrilo                   air-filter
aerfloto                      air-fleet
aerkavo                       air-pocket
aerklapo                      air-valve
aerklimatizita                air-conditioned
aerkuseno                     air cushion
aerlinia piloto               airline pilot, airline-pilot
aermalpurigo                  air-pollution
aermalsana                    airsick
aermalsano                    airsickness
aermehxanikisto               flight engineer, flight mechanic
aero                          air
aerodromo                     airfield
aerohaveno                    airport
aerolito                      meteoric stone
aeroplano                     plane, aeroplane, airplane
aerostato                     balloon, air-balloon
aerpafilo                     air gun, air-gun
aerpirato                     skyjacker
aerponto                      airlift
aerposxta letero              air letter, aerogramme
aerposxtmarko                 air-mail stamp
aerposxto                     airmail
aerpremo                      air-pressure
aerstevardino                 stewardess
aersxipo                      air-ship
aertubo                       tube
aeruma                        airy
aeruma krado                  air-grid
aerumi                        air out, ventilate
aervojo                       airway
afabla                        affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
afableco                      kindness
afablega                      most charming
afazio                        aphasia
afekcii                       affect
afekciita                     affected
afekcio                       affection
afekta                        affected, artificial
afektado                      affectation
afekte milda                  bland, sugary
afektema                      affected
afekti                        attitudinize, pose, put on airs
afektita                      inflated
afekto                        affectation
afektulo                      attitudinizer, poseur
aferkoncerneco                relevance
afero                         affair, business, business deal, case, matter
afgana                        Afghan
afganino                      Afghan woman
Afganio                       Afghanistan
Afganlando                    Afghanistan
afgano                        Afghan
Afganujo                      Afghanistan
afikso                        affix
afineco                       affinity
afisxi                        placard, post, post up
afisxkolono                   advertising pillar
afisxo                        notice, placard, poster
afisxtabulo                   bill-board, notice-board
afliktado                     affliction, ordeal, trial
aflikti                       afflict, grieve
afliktigxo                    sadness
afliktita                     sad
aflikto                       affliction
aforismo                      aphorism
afranki                       prepay, put on stamps
afrankita                     post-paid, stamped
afranko                       postage
afranktarifo                  postal rates
afrika                        African
afrikano                      African
afrikansa                     Afrikaans
afrikansa lingvo              Afrikaans, Afrikaans language
afrikanso                     Afrikaner, Afrikander
afrikazia                     Afro-Asian
Afriko                        Africa
Afrodito                      Aphrodite
afrodiziigajxo                aphrodisiac
afusto                        carriage, gun-carriage
agaca                         tart
agado                         action, activity
Agamemno                      Agamemnon
agapo                         agape
agaragaro                     agar, agar-agar
agariko                       mushroom
agato                         agate
agavo                         agave
agema                         active
agemo                         activity
agendo                        agenda, appointment book
agenteco                      agency
agentejo                      agency
agento                        agent
agenturo                      agency
agi                           act
agi laux                      follow, observe
agita                         inflammatory
agitado                       commotion
agitanto                      activist
agitgrupo                     action committee, action group
agiti                         abet, agitate, incite, stir up
agitigxo                      commotion
agitkomisiono                 action committee, action group
agito                         agitation, commotion, disturbance, excitement, flutter, turmoil
agla nazo                     aquiline nose
agleca nazo                   aquiline nose
aglibero                      elbow-room
aglido                        eaglet
aglo                          eagle
aglomerajxo                   agglomerate
agnoski                       acknowledge, recognize
agnosko                       acknowledgement
ago                           act, action
agonii                        be near death
agonio                        agony, death throes
agorafobio                    agoraphobia
agordi                        tune
agordigxemo                   manageability, tractability
agordo                        agreement
agrabla                       agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant
agrable                       agreeably, comfortably, pleasantly
agrableco                     pleasantness
agrafa fermilo                hooks and eyes
agrafi                        clasp
agrafo                        clasp, hook
agrara                        agricultural, farm
agregato                      aggregate
agresa                        aggresive
agresema                      aggressive
agresi                        commit aggression
agresiva                      aggressive
agreso                        aggression
agrikultura ekspozicio        agricultural exhibition
agrikultura instruado         agricultural instruction
agrikultura lernejo           agricultural school
agrikultura produktajxo       agricultural product
agrikulturista ligo           farmers' union
agrikulturisto                agrarian
agrikulturo                   agriculture, farming, tillage
agro                          field
agrokulturisto                farmer
agrokulturo                   agriculture
agronomia                     agricultural
agronomio                     agriculture
agronomo                      agriculturist
agropiro                      couch-grass
agrostemo                     corn cockle
agxa                          aged
Agxario                       Adzharia
agxio                         premium
agxo                          age
aha                           aha
ahx                           ah, oh, ow
Ahxajo                        Achaea, Achaia
Ahxeno                        Aix-la-Chapelle
Ahxerono                      Acheron
aidozo                        aids
aj                            ouch, ow
Ajaco                         Ajax
ajlero                        garlic bulb
ajlo                          garlic
ajn                           at all, -ever
Ajro                          Ayr
ajxo                          thing
ajxoj                         stuff, things
ajxura                        open-work
akacio                        acacia
akademia                      academic
akademiano                    academician
akademio                      academy
akajunukso                    cashew-nut
akanto                        acanthus
akapari                       corner, monopolize
akaro                         mite
akcelanta                     accelerative
akcelanto                     promotor
akceli                        accelerate, speed up
akceligxi                     accelerate, pick up
akceligxo                     acceleration
akcelilo                      accelerator, accelerator pedal
akcelo                        acceleration
akcenti                       accent, accentuate, stress
akcento                       accent, stress
akcentsigno                   stress-mark
akceptanto                    acceptor
akceptebla                    acceptable
akcepti                       accept, receive, take, take in
akcepti oficiale              do the honours
akcepti solene                welcome
akcepti vizitantojn           entertain, receive
akceptigi                     force
akceptigi obstine             drive through
akceptinda                    acceptable
akceptindeco                  susceptibility
akceptistino                  receptionist
akceptita                     accepted
akcepto                       acceptance
akceptosalono                 reception room, reception-room
akceptposxtgxirilo            giro payment slip
akceptsalono                  reception room, reception-room
akcesora                      accessory, secondary
akcesora fako                 subsidiary subject
akcesora tono                 overtone
akcesorajxo                   accessory, side-issue
akcesorajxoj                  accessories
akciaro                       share-capital
akcidentema                   accident-prone
akcidenti                     have an accident
akcidento                     accident
akcidentrisko                 accident risk
akcio                         share
akcio de navigacia kompanio   shipping share
akcipitro                     hawk
akciuleco                     shareholdership
akciulo                       shareholder
akcizo                        excise, excise-duty
Akeno                         Aix-la-Chapelle
akeo                          ai, sloth
Akerono                       Acheron
akilkalkano                   Achilles' heel
Akilo                         Achilles
akiltendeno                   Achilles' tendon
akirado                       acquisition
akirajxo                      accession, acquisition, gain
akirebla                      obtainable
akiri                         acquire, attain, get, obtain
akiri pene                    reclaim
akiro                         accession, acquisition, asset
aklamado                      acclamation
aklame                        by acclamation
aklami                        acclaim, applaud
aklamo                        acclaim, acclamation, approval
aklimatizi                    acclimatize
akno                          pimple
akolito                       acolyte
akomodi                       accomodate
akomodigxo                    accommodation
akomodo                       accommodation
akompanado                    accompaniment
akompanantaro                 suite, train
akompanantino                 chaperon, duenna
akompananto                   accompanist, companian
akompani                      accompany
akompani varte                chaperon, squire
akompano                      accompaniment, escort
akonito                       aconite, monkshood
akorda kun                    in accordance with
akordi                        agree
akordigi                      bring into agreement
akordigxema                   manageable, tractable
akordigxi                     come to an agreement
akordionisto                  accordionist
akordiono                     accordion
akordo                        accord, agreement, chord, settlement
akoro                         calamus
akra                          abrasive, lurid, sharp
akra tono                     tartness
akraflanka                    angular, sharp-edged
akratona                      abrasive, sharp-toned, shrill, snappy, tard
akreco                        sharpness
akreditajxo                   credential
akrediti                      accredit
akreditivo                    letter of credit
akreo                         acre
akresona                      shrill
akrido                        grasshopper, locust
akrigi                        sharpen
akrigrimeno                   strop
akro                          acre
akrobata                      acrobatic
akrobatado                    acrobatics
akrobato                      acrobat
akromatopsia                  colour-blind
akronimo                      acronym
Akropolo                      Acropolis
akrulino                      cat
akselo                        armpit
aksesorajxo                   accessorie
aksingo                       hub, nave
aksiomo                       axiom
akso                          axis, axle
aktia                         of Actium
aktinio                       actinium
Aktio                         Actium
aktisto                       actuary
aktiva                        active
aktiva vocxo                  active voice
aktiveco                      activity, vigour
aktivigi                      put on, start, switch on, turn on
aktivo                        assets
aktivoj                       assets
akto                          act, certificate, diploma, document
akto[1]                       act
akto[2]                       certificate, diploma, document
aktori                        act
aktorino                      actress
aktoro                        actor
aktuala                       current, present, present-day, topical, up-to-date
aktualajxo                    topic
aktualeco                     topicality
aktuario                      actuary
aktujo                        brief case, portfolio
akumulatoro                   accumulator, battery, storage battery
akumuli                       accumulate, heap, pile up, stack
akumulilo                     accumulator, battery, storage battery
akupunkturisto                acupuncturist
akupunkturo                   acupuncture
akurata                       accurate, on time, prompt, punctual
akurate                       exactly, sharp
akurateco                     accuracy, exactitude, precision
akustika                      acoustic
akustika ujo                  resonance-box
akustiko                      acoustics
akusxi                        give birth, labour, be in labour
akusxintino                   lying-in woman
akusxistino                   midwife
akusxlito                     childbed
akusxocxambro                 lying-in room
akuta                         acute
akuza                         accusatory
akuzajxo                      accusation, charge, complaint, indictment
akuzanto                      accuser
akuzativo                     accusative
akuzi                         accuse
akuzi pri                     accuse of, charge with, impeach of, indict for, tax with
akuzito                       accused, defendant
akuzo                         accusation
akva                          aquatic, water, water-, of water
akvaforto                     etching
akvamarino                    aquamarine
akvarelo                      water-colour
akvario                       aquarium
akvedukto                     aqueduct
akvero                        drop, drop of water
akvilegio                     columbine
akvo-                         aquatic, water-
akvobubalo                    water buffalo, water-buffalo
akvofalo                      waterfall
akvoklosxo                    diving-bell
akvokreso                     watercress
akvolilio                     waterlily
akvomelono                    water-melon
akvonecesejo                  water-closet
akvoricxa                     abounding in water
akvovaporo                    vapour
akvumado                      watering
akvumi                        irrigate, water
akvumilo                      watering-can
al                            at, to, toward, towards
al ci                         you, to you
al ili                        them, to them
al la                         the, to the
al mi                         me, to me
al ni                         us, to us
al vi                         you, to you
Alabamo                       Alabama, Alabama River
alabastra                     alabaster
alabastro                     alabaster
Alaho                         Allah
Alandinsuloj                  Aalands Islands
alarangxi                     adapt, adjust
alarma                        alarming
alarmbremso                   communication-cord
alarmi                        alarm
alarmilo                      alarm
alarmo                        alarm
alarmsignalo                  alarm, alarm-signal
alarmsonorilo                 alarm-bell
Alasko                        Alaska
alauxdo                       lark
albana                        Albanian
albana lingvo                 Albanian, Albanian language
albanino                      Albanian woman
Albanio                       Albania
albano                        Albanian
Albanujo                      Albania
albatroso                     albatross
Albertlago                    Lake Albert
albino                        albino
Albiono                       Albion
albo                          alb
albordigxa haveno             port of call
albordigxejo                  landing-stage, pier
albordigxi                    land
albumo                        album
alcedo                        halcyon, kingfisher
alceli                        chase, hunt after, hunt for, pursue
alciono                       halcyon, kingfisher
alcxemilo                     lady's mantle
aldehido                      aldehyde
Aldernejo                     Alderney
aldo                          contralto, contralto voice
aldone                        in addition
aldoni                        add
aldoni akvon al               dilute, weaken
aldonita                      accompanying
aldono                        appendix, codicil, rider
aldonvalora imposto           VAT
aldulino                      alto, contralto
Aleganoj                      Alleghanys
alegoria                      allegoric
alegorio                      allegory
aleksandra verso              alexandrine
Aleksandrio                   Alexandria
Aleksandro                    Alexander
aleo                          avenue
Alepo                         Aleppo
alergia                       allergic
alergio                       allergy
alero                         penthouse, shed
alesti                        be present
Aleuxtoj                      Aleutian Islands
alfabeta                      alphabetical
alfabeto                      alphabet
alfabetumo                    ABC book
alfao                         alpha
alfiksi                       affix, attach
alfikso                       attachment
alflugdirekto                 approach path, approach route
alflugi                       approach, fly
alflui                        come flocking in, flow towards, rush towards, stream towards
alfluo                        high tide
Alfredo                       Alfred
alfronti                      confront, face
alfundigi                     deposit
alfundigxi                    sink
algebra                       algebraic
algebro                       algebra
alglui                        paste, paste up, placard, post, post up
algluigxema                   sticky
algluigxi                     stick
algo                          alga, seaweed
algoritmo                     algorithm
algxeria                      Algerian
algxerianino                  Algerian woman
algxeriano                    Algerian
Algxerio                      Algeria
Algxero                       Algiers
algxustigi                    adjust, put right
algxustigo                    adjustment
alhxemiisto                   alchemist
alhxemio                      alchemy
alia                          other, another, else
alianco                       alliance
alibio                        alibi
Alicao                        Alice
alie                          differently, else
alies                         another man's, other people's
aliflanke                     on the other hand
aliformigi                    transform
aliformigo                    recreation, refashioning, regeneration, transformation
aliformigxo                   metamorphosis, transformation
aligatoro                     alligator
aligxi                        join
aligxo                        accession
aliigi                        alter, change, turn
aliigxi                       alter, change
alilandano                    alien, foreigner
alilande                      abroad
aliloke                       elsewhere
aliloken                      elsewhere
alimaniere                    differently
alimento                      alimony
alinei                        indent
alineo                        paragraph
alinome                       alias, otherwise, otherwise called
alinomita                     differently named
alinomite                     alias, otherwise, otherwise called
alirebla                      accessible
aliri                         advance, approach, come on
alirvojo                      access road
alitempe                      another time
aliteracio                    alliteration
aliulo                        another, another man
aljugxado                     tender
aljungi                       put
alkala                        alkaline
alkaleca                      alkaline
alkalo                        alkali
alkemilo                      lady's mantle
alklimatigxi                  acclimate, acclimatize
alklimatigxo                  acclimatization
alko                          elk, moose
alkohola                      alcoholic
alkoholajxmaniulo             alcoholic
alkoholajxo                   alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits, strong drink
alkoholajxoj                  alcoholic drinks
alkoholentenanta              alcoholic
alkoholismo                   alcoholism
alkoholisto                   alcoholic
alkoholo                      alcohol
alkoholtitro                  alcoholic content
alkoholulo                    alcoholic
alkonformigo                  accommodation
alkonformigxemo               adaptability
alkonformigxo                 accommodate oneself, adapt oneself
alkonstrui                    add
alkovo                        alcove, recess
alkrocxi                      hitch on, hook on
alkrocxigxi                   cling to, get caught on
alkrocxigxi al                board
alkrustigxi                   fur
alkrustigxo                   fur, scale
alkudri                       sew, sew on
alkuro                        crush
alkutimajxo                   habit, trick
alkutimigxi                   become accustomed
alligi                        moor
alligiteco                    attachment
alloga                        attractive
allogajxo                     attraction
allogeco                      attraction, attractiveness, charm
allogi                        attract, draw
almanako                      almanac
almarsxi                      advance, march on
almenaux                      at least
almeti                        attach, put onto
almezuri                      take one's measure for
almozmonahxo                  mendicant friar
almozo                        alms
almozordeno                   mendicant order
almozpetado                   begging
almozpetanto                  beggar
almozpeti                     beg
almozpetulo                   beggar
almozulejo                    almshouse, workhouse
almozulino                    beggar-woman
almozulo                      beggar
alna                          alder, alder-, of an alder
alnagxi                       be washed ashore
alno                          alder
aloino                        aloin
alojo                         alloy
aloligno                      eaglewood
aloo                          aloe
alosimila                     aloetic
Alosto[1]                     Alost
alosukeltiristo               aloe juice collector
alosuko                       aloe juice
alpako                        alpaca
alpara                        at par
alparolebla                   approachable, communicative, get-at-able
alparoli                      address
alpasxi                       approach, deal with, tackle
alpasxi al                    approach
alpasxo                       approach
alpherbejo                    alp, alpine pasture
alpismo                       mountaineering
alpisto                       Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer
alpkapro                      ibex
alpo                          alp, mountain pasture
Alpoj                         Alps
alportado                     arrival, arrivals, supply
alporti                       bring, fetch
alpregxi                      invoke
alproksimigi                  bring close together
alproksimigxi                 advance, come close, come closer, come on
alproksimigxo                 approach
alproprigi al si              abstract
alsaca                        Alsatian
alsacano                      Alsatian
Alsaco                        Alsace, Elsass
Alsaco-Loreno                 Alsace-Lorraine
alsxovi                       push on, shove on
alsxovigxi                    draw up to the table, sit down to table
alsxultrigi                   level
alsxultrigxi                  aim, take aim
alta                          high, lofty, tall
Alta Kanto                    Canticles, Song of Solomon, Song of Songs
altaro                        altar
altartabulo                   altarpiece
alteco                        height
alten                         into the heights
alterigxi                     land
alterna                       alternate, alternating
alternado                     alternation
alternativo                   alternative, option
alterne                       alternately
alterni                       alternate
alterno                       alternation
altigxanta                    rising
altira forto                  attraction
altiri                        attract
altklasulo                    someone of the upperclass
altkreska                     tall
altlernejo                    academy
altmontarano                  Highlander
alto                          altitude, height
altpreza                      pricey
altrudi                       force, impose upon
altruisma                     altruistic
altruismo                     altruism
altstatura                    lanky, of high stature, tall
aludi                         allude, hint
aludi kalumnie                insinuate
aludo                         allusion
alumeto                       match
aluminio                      aluminium, aluminum
alumino                       alum earth, alumina
aluno                         alum
aluvia                        alluvial
aluvio                        alluvion, alluvium
alveni                        arrive, get
alveno                        arrival
alveturejo                    access, approach, drive, sweep
alveturi                      collide, run
alveturigi                    bring, convey, supply
Alvo                          Alva
alvoki                        appeal to, invoke
alvoki pregxe                 invoke
amabla                        dainty, kind, nice, pretty
amalgami                      amalgamate
amando                        almond
Amano                         Amman
amantino                      lover
amanto                        lover
amao                          aum
amara                         bitter
amaranto                      amaranthus
amareco                       bitterness
amarigi                       make bitter
amarigxi                      become bitter
amarilido                     amaryllis
amasfabriki                   mass produce
amasigi                       amass, heap, pile up, stack
amasigxo                      assembly
amaso                         crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
amata                         loved, beloved
amatino                       beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved
amato                         beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved
amatoreca                     amateurish, small-time
amatoro                       amateur, fancier
Amazona Riverego              Amazon, Amazon River
Amazono                       Amazon
ambasadejo                    embassy
ambasado                      embassy
ambasadorejo                  embassy, embassy building
ambasadoro                    ambassador
ambaux                        both
ambauxflanken                 to both sides
ambicia                       ambitious
ambicio                       ambition
ambigua                       ambiguous
ambona                        Amboinese
ambonano                      Amboinese
Ambono                        Amboina
amboso                        anvil
ambosocxizilo                 hardy
ambro                         amber
ambrozio                      ambrosia
ambulanco[1]                  ambulance
ambulanco[2]                  ambulance, field hospital
amebo                         amoeba
amen                          amen
amendamento                   amendment
amendi                        amend
amendo                        amendment
amerika                       American
amerikano                     American
Ameriko                       America
Ameriko[1]                    America
ametisto                      amethyst
amfetamino                    amphetamine
amfibio                       amphibian
amfiteatro                    amphitheatre
Amforo                        Aquarius
ami                           love
amika                         friendly
amikeco                       friendship
amikino                       friend
amiko                         friend
aminda                        lovable
amindeco                      sweetness
amindo                        charm, sweetness
amindumi                      court, woo
Amirantoj                     Amirants
amnestii                      amnesty, pardon
amnestio                      amnesty
amo                           love
amoko                         amuck
amoniako                      ammonia
amonio                        ammonia
Amono                         Ammon, Amon, Amun
amorfa                        amorphous
amori                         make love
Amoro                         Cupid, Eros
amortizebla                   redeemable, repayable
amortizi                      amortize, deaden
amortizilo                    shock absorber
amortizo                      redemption
ampermetro                    ammeter
ampero                        ampere, amp@re
amperometro                   ammeter
ampleksa                      ample, bulky, extensive
amplekse                      comprehensively
ampleksi                      comprise
amplekso                      bulk, dimension, extend, size
amplitudo                     amplitude
ampolo                        bulb
amputi                        amputate
amputo                        amputation
amsterdama                    Amsterdam
amsterdamano                  inhabitant of Amsterdam, native of Amsterdam
Amsterdamo                    Amsterdam
Amudarjo                      Amudaryra, Oxus
amuleto                       amulet, charm, talisman
Amuro                         Amur
amuza                         amusing, entertaining, funny
amuzado                       amusement, fun
amuzajxo                      entertainment
amuzi                         amuse
amuzigxi                      enjoy oneself, have a good time
amuzo                         amusement, fun
anabaptismo                   anabaptism
anagramo                      anagram
anakondo                      anaconda
anakronismo                   anachronism
anala seksumo                 anal sex
analfabeta                    illiterate
analfabeto                    illiterate
analfabetulo                  illiterate
analitika                     analytic, analytical
analizi                       analyse
analizisto                    analyst, analytical chemist
analizo                       analysis
analoga                       analogous
analoge                       by analogy with, on the analogy of
analogeco                     analogy
analogia                      analogous
analogio                      analogy
analoj                        annals
ananaso                       pine-apple, pineapple
anapesto                      anapaest
anarhxia                      anarchic, anarchical, anarchist
anarhxiismo                   anarchism
anarhxiisto                   anarchist
anarhxio                      anarchy
anarkia                       anarchic, anarchical, anarchist
anarkiismo                    anarchism
anarkiisto                    anarchist
anarkio                       anarchy
anaro                         adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters
anasa                         duck, duck-, duck's, of a duck
anasa ovo                     duck egg
anasajxo                      duck, duck meat
anaso                         duck
anatemo                       anathema, ban, excommunication
Anatolio                      Anatolia, Asia Minor
anatomia                      anatomical
anatomiisto                   anatomist
anatomio                      anatomy
ancxovo                       anchovy
andaluza                      Andalusian
Andaluzio                     Andalusia
andaluzo                      Andalusian
Andaluzujo                    Andalusia
Andamanmaro                   Andaman Sea
Andamanoj                     Andaman Islands
Andoj                         Andes
andora                        Andorrian
andoranino                    Andorrian woman
andorano                      Andorrian
Andoro                        Andorra
Andromedo                     Andromeda
anekdoto                      anecdote
aneksa                        accessory
aneksado                      annexation
aneksi                        annex
anekso                        annexation
anemia                        anaemic
anemio                        anaemia
anemono                       anemone
anestezisto                   anaesthesist
anestezo                      anaesthesia
aneto                         dill
angilforkego                  eelspear
angilforma                    anguilliform, eel-shaped
angilglata                    slippery as an eel
angilhauxto                   eelskin
angilkaptado                  eel-fishing
angilnaso                     eel-pot, eel-trap
angilo                        eel
angilpastecxo                 eel-pie
angilsimila                   eel-like
angilvendisto                 eelmonger
angino                        angina, quinsy
angla                         English
angla lingvo                  English, English language
anglamika                     pro-English
angle                         in English
anglikana                     Anglican
anglikano                     Anglican
anglino                       English, Englishwoman
Anglio                        England
anglismo                      anglicism
anglo                         Englishman, Sassenach
Anglolando                    England
anglosaksa                    Anglo-Saxon
anglosakso                    Anglo-Saxon
Anglujo                       England
angola                        Angolan
angolanino                    Angolian woman
angolano                      Angolese
Angolo                        Angola
angora                        oppressing
angoro                        agony, anguish, fear
angorsxvito                   cold sweat
angula                        gaunt
angulhava                     angular
angulo                        angle, corner
angulo[1]                     angle
angulo[2]                     corner
angura kato                   Angora cat
Anguro                        Angora, Ankara
angxela                       angelic
angxelino                     angel, female angel
angxelo                       angel
angxeluso                     angelus
anhxo                         ankh
anigxi                        accede
anilino                       aniline
animala                       animal
animala odoro                 animal smell
animalo                       animal
animi                         animate
animo                         soul
animstato                     mood
anizo                         anise
anizosukerajxo                candy coated aniseed
anjono                        anion
ankaux                        also, likewise, too
ankoraux                      still, yet
ankoraux ne                   not yet
ankorauxfoje                  once more
ankrejo                       anchorage, moorage, mooring
ankro                         anchor
anksieco                      anxiety
ano                           member, supporter
anodo                         anode
anomalia                      deviating, divergent
anomalio                      abnormity, anomaly
anoncado                      announcement, notification, notice
anoncanto                     advertiser
anonci                        advertise, announce, give notice
anonci lauxtvocxe             call over
anoncistino                   announcer
anoncisto                     announcer
anonco                        ad, advertisement
anonima                       anonymous
anonima kompanio              limited liability company
anonima societo               limited liability company
anonimeco                     anonymity
anonimulo                     anonymous writer
ansero                        goose
anservice                     single file
anso                          handle
anstataux                     instead of
anstatauxa                    deputy
anstatauxe                    instead
anstatauxi                    take the place of
anstatauxigi                  replace, substitute
anstatauxo                    replacement, substitution
antagonisto                   adversary, opponent
antarkta                      Antarctic
Antarkta Oceano               Antarctic Ocean
antarktika                    Antarctic
Antarktika Oceano             Antartic Ocean
Antarktiko                    Antarctic
Antarkto                      Antarctic, the Antarctic
antaux ...                    ... ago
antaux cxio                   above all, especially
antaux nelonge                recently
antaux ol                     before, previous to
antauxa                       former, last, previous, prior
antauxa flanko                front
antauxa lampo                 headlamp
antauxa nomo                  first name
antauxa piedo                 foreleg, front paw
antauxajxo                    antecedent
antauxbrako                   lower-arm
antauxdati                    antedate
antauxdiluva                  antediluvian, very ancient
antauxdiri                    forecast, foretell, prophesy
antauxdiristino               fortune teller
antauxdiristo                 fortune teller
antauxe                       ahead, formerly, previously
antauxen                      ahead, foreward, on
antauxeniri                   go forward
antauxfabrikita domo          prefabricated house, pre-fabricated house
Antauxfasta Mardo             Shrove-Tuesday
antauxgardi                   guard, preserve, protect, save
antauxgxoji                   look forward
antauxgxoji pri               look forward to
antauxhieraux                 the day before yesterday
antauxi                       precede
antauxiranto                  precursor
antauxiri                     precede
antauxjugxo                   prejudice
antauxmangxajxo               entr@e
antauxmendi                   reserve
antauxmendo                   booking
antauxmeti                    serve
antauxmetistino               waitress
antauxnomo                    first name
antauxo                       fore
antauxo posten                back to front
antauxparolo                  foreword
antauxplano                   foreground
antauxsento                   presentiment
antauxsigno                   indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign
antauxtagmeze                 a.m.
antauxtegmento                penthouse, shed
antauxtuko                    apron
antauxurbo                    suburb
antauxvenanto                 precursor
antauxvidebla                 foreseeable, measurable
antauxvidi                    foresee
antauxzorga                   thoughtful
antauxzorgo                   thoughtfulness
antecedento                   antecedent
antecedentoj                  antecedents, record
antemo                        corn chamomile
anteno                        antenna
antibiotiko                   antibiotic
anticipi                      anticipate, think ahead
anticipo                      anticipation
antidoto                      antidote
antikoncipa                   contraceptive
antikorpo                     antibody
antikristo                    Antichrist
antikva                       ancient, antique
antikva tempo                 antiquity
antikvajxisto                 antique dealer
antila                        Antillian
antilano                      Antillian
Antiloj                       Antilles
antilopo                      antelope
antimono                      antimony
Antiohxio                     Antioch
antipatia                     nasty
antipatio                     aversion, dislike
antipodo                      antipode
antisemita                    anti-Semitic
antisemitismo                 anti-Semitism
antisemito                    anti-Semite
antisepsa                     antiseptic
antisepsilo                   antiseptic
antitezo                      antithesis
antologio                     anthology
antracito                     anthracite
Antrimo                       Antrim
antropologio                  anthropology
antropologo                   anthropologist
Antverpeno                    Antwerp
Anubo                         Anubis
anuitato                      instalment, repayment
Anunciacio                    Annunciation
anuso                         anus
aorto                         aorta
apacxo                        apache, hood, ruffian
aparatadaptilo                device driver
aparataro                     equipment
aparato                       apparatus, device, set
aparta                        apart, particular, separate, special
apartamento                   apartment, flat
aparte                        apart, separately
aparte de                     apart from
aparteni                      belong to
apartigi                      divide, separate
apartigo                      separation, partition
apatia                        apathetic
apatio                        apathy
apelacianto                   appellant
apelacii                      appeal
apelacii al                   appeal to, make an appeal to
apelacio                      appeal
apelo                         appeal
apenaux                       barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
apendicito                    appendicitis
apendico                      appendix
apeninano                     inhabitant of the Apennines
Apeninoj                      Apennines
aperi                         appear, emerge, perform
aperitivo                     dram, nip, peg, snifter, snorter
apero                         appearance
aperteco                      frankness, openness
aperturo                      aperture, opening
apetita                       appetizing
apetitiga                     appetizing
apetito                       appetite
apio                          celery
aplauxdado                    acclamation
aplauxdi                      acclaim, applaud, clap
aplauxdo                      acclaim, acclamation, approval
aplikado                      application, employment, use
aplikajxo                     application
apliki                        apply, practice
apliko                        application, employment, use
aplombo                       aplomb, self-assurance
apodikta                      apodictic
apogi                         lean, support, sustain
apogi sin                     lean
apogi sin al                  lean against
apogilo                       prop, support
apogsegxo                     armchair, arm-chair
apokalipsa                    apocalyptic
Apokalipso                    Apocalypse
apokrifa                      apocryphal
Apolo                         Apollo
apologio                      apology
apopleksio                    fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy
apostata                      apostate
apostatigxi                   apostatize
apostato                      apostate
apostola                      apostolic
apostola patro                church-father
apostoleco                    apostleship, apostolate
apostolo                      apostle
apostrofo                     apostrophe
apotekisto                    chemist
apoteko                       chemist's shop, drugstore
apoteozo                      apotheosis
apra                          of a wild boar
apreci                        appreciate
apreco                        appreciation
apreti                        finish
apreturi                      finish
apreturo                      starch
aprezi                        appreciate
aprezo                        appreciation
aprido                        young of a wild boar
aprilo                        April
apro                          wild boar
aprobi                        approve
aprobo                        acclaim, approval
apud                          at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to
apuda                         adjacent
apudajxo                      neighbourhood, vicinity
apude                         nearby
apudeco                       proximity
apudesti                      be present
apudigxi                      approach, come closer
Apulio                        Apulia
araba                         Arabian, Arabic
Araba Maro                    Arabian Sea
arabe                         in Arabic
arabesko                      arabesque
arabino                       Arabian woman
Arabio                        Arabia
arabo                         Arab
Arabujo                       Arabia
arakido                       peanut
arako                         rack, arrack
Arallago                      Aral Sea
aranea                        of a spider
araneajxo                     spiderweb
araneo                        spider
arangxi                       arrange, fix up
arangxi florojn               arrange flowers
arangxo                       accommodation, arrangement
arauxkario                    araucaria, monkey puzzle
arba                          arboreal, tree, tree-, of a tree
arbaro                        forest, woods
arbarvojeto                   forest path
arbitra                       arbitrary
arbitracianto                 arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire
arbitracio                    arbitration
arbitre                       arbitrarily
arbitro                       arbiter, arbitrator
arbo                          tree
arbosxelo                     bark
arbotrunko                    stem, trunk, tree-trunk
Arbroto                       Arbroath
arbustaro                     shrubbery
arbusto                       bush, shrub
arbuto                        arbutus fruit
arbutujo                      arbutus, strawberry tree
arda                          ablaze, ardent
Ardenoj                       Ardennes
ardeo                         heron
ardezotabulo                  slate
Ardgajo                       Ardgay
ardi                          glow, glow with heat
ardo                          glow, heat, passion
Ardrosano                     Ardrossan
areno                         arena
areo                          area
Areopago                      Areopagus
Areso                         Ares
arestado                      apprehension, arrest, detention
aresti                        arrest
arestito                      arrested person, prisoner
aresto                        apprehension, arrest, detention
argano                        crane
argentina                     Argentine, Argentinean
argentinanino                 Argentinian woman
argentinano                   Argentine
Argentino                     Argentina
argila                        earthen, clay, stone
argilajxo                     crockery, earthenware, pottery
argilo                        clay
Argo                          Argus
argono                        argon
argumentado                   argumentation
argumenti                     maintain
argumento                     argument, plea
argxenta                      silver
argxentkolora                 silver-coloured
argxento                      silver
arhxaika                      archaic
arhxaismo                     archaism
arhxeologio                   archaeology
arhxeologo                    archaeologist
Arhxeozoiko                   Archaeozoic, Archaeozoic era, Archeozoic, Archeozoic era
Arhximedo                     Archimedes
arhxipelago                   archipelago
arhxitekto                    architect
arhxitektura                  architectonic, architectural
arhxitekturo                  architecture
arhxitravo                    architrave
arhxivisto                    archivist, keeper of the records
arhxivo                       archive, archives, files, records
Ariadno                       Ariadne
ariergardo                    rear, rearguard
Arieso                        Aries
arigxi                        form a group
ario                          air, aria
aristokrata                   aristocratic
aristokrataro                 aristocracy
aristokratio                  aristocracy
aristokrato                   aristocrat
Aristotelo                    Aristotle
Aristoto                      Aristotle
aritmetiko                    arithmetic
Arizono                       Arizona
arja                          Aryan
arjo                          Aryan
arkadaro                      portico
Arkadio                       Arcadia
arkaika                       archaic
arkaismo                      archaism
arkajxo                       arch
arkeo                         ark
arkeologia                    archaeological
arkeologiisto                 archaeologist
arkeologio                    archaeology
arkeologo                     archaeologist
arkeopterigo                  archeopteryx
arkiduklando                  archduchy
arkiduko                      archduke
Arkimedo                      Archimedes
arkipelago                    archipelago
arkitekto                     architect
arkitektura                   architectonic, architectural
arkitekturo                   architecture
arkitravo                     architrave
arkivisto                     archivist, keeper of the records
arkivo                        archive
arko                          arc, bow
arkta                         Arctic
Arkta Oceano                  Arctic Ocean
Arktika Oceano                Arctic Ocean
Arktiko                       Arctic, the Arctic
Arkto                         Arctic, the Arctic
arlekeno                      buffoon, jester
Armadalo                      Armadale
Armahxo                       Armagh
armaturo                      armature, brace, cramp-iron
armea                         military
armea pastro                  chaplain, army chaplain, padre
armena                        Armenian
armenino                      Armenian woman
Armenio                       Armenia
armeno                        Armenian
Armenujo                      Armenia
armeo                         army
armerio                       sea pink
armi                          arm
armilejo                      armoury, arsenal
armilo                        weapon
Armoriko                      Armorica
Arnhejmo                      Arnhem
arniko                        arnica
aro[1]                        bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set
aro[2]                        are, square decametre
aroga                         arrogant
aroganta                      arrogant
aroganteco                    arrogance, assumingness, overbearingness, presumption
aroki                         castle
aroma                         aromatic, fragrant, nutty
aromo                         aroma, flavour
arondismento                  district
Arono                         Aaron
aroruto                       arrowroot
arsenalo                      armoury, arsenal
arseniko                      arsenic
arsenoksido                   arsenic
arta                          artificial, artistic
artajxo                       work of art
artefarita                    artificial
artefarita satelito           earth satellite
artemizio                     absinth
Artemo                        Artemis, Phoebe
arterio                       artery
arteriosklerozo               arteriosclerosis
arteza                        artesian
artgalerio                    art gallery
artifika                      contrived
artifiko                      subterfuge, trick, trickery
artiki                        articulate
artikigi                      articulate
artiklo                       article, commodity
artiko                        joint
artikolo[1]                   article
artikolo[2]                   article
artileriano                   artilleryman, gunner
artileriisto                  artilleryman, gunner
artilerio                     artillery
artista                       artistic
artisto                       artist
artisxoko                     artichoke
arto                          art
artrito                       arthritis
arumo                         arum
asafetido                     asafoetida
asbesto                       asbestos
ascendi                       go up
asekura statistikisto         actuary
asekuri                       insure
asekuristo                    insurer
asekuro                       insurance
asembleo                      assembly
asemblero                     assembler
asepsa                        aseptic
aserti                        assert, state
asfalti                       asphalt
asfalto                       asphalt
asfodelo                      asphodel
asigni                        assign
asigno                        summons
asimilado                     assimilation
asimili                       assimilate
asimilo                       assimilation
asira                         Assyrian
Asirio                        Assyria
asiro                         Assyrian
Asirujo                       Assyria
asistado                      assistance, help
asistantino                   assistant, lady help
asistanto                     aid, assistant, helper
asisti                        abet, aid, assist, help
asisto                        help
Asizo                         Assisi
asketa                        ascetic
askorbata acido               ascorbic acid, vitamin C
aso                           ace
asociano                      partner
asociito                      partner
asocio                        association
asparago                      asparagus
aspekti                       appear, look
aspektigi bona                become
aspekto                       appearance, aspect
aspergi                       sprinkle, water
aspidistro                    aspidistra
aspiri                        aspire, aspire to, hope for
aspirino                      aspirin
aspiro                        ambition, aspiration
astateno                      astatine
asteka                        Aztec
asterisko                     asterisk
astero                        aster
asteroido                     asteroid
astma                         asthmatic, wheezy
astmeco                       asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness
astmo                         asthma
astmulo                       asthmatic, asthmatic patient
Astreo                        Astraea
astro                         heavenly body
astrologiisto                 astrologer
astrologio                    astrology
astrologo                     astrologer
astronauxto                   astronaut, spaceman
astronomia                    astronomic, astronomical
astronomiisto                 astronomer
astronomio                    astronomy
astronomo                     astronomer
Asturio                       Asturias
Asturujo                      Asturias
Asxintono                     Ashington
ataka                         aggressive, offensive
atakadi                       harass, press hard
atakanto                      aggressor, assailant, attacker
atakema                       aggressive
ataketo                       attack, fit
ataki                         assault, attack
atako                         access, attack
atalanto                      red admiral
atasxeo                       attach@
atavismo                      atavism, throw-back
ateismo                       atheism
ateisto                       atheist
ateliero                      atelier, studio, work-room, workshop
atena                         Athenian
atenano                       Athenian
atencanto                     assailant, assaulter
atenci                        assault, violate
atencinto                     assailant, assaulter
atenco                        assault
atenculo                      assailant, assaulter
atendado                      expectation
atendejo                      waiting-room, waiting room
atendi                        abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
atendo                        expectation
Ateno                         Athena, Athens
Ateno[1]                      Athena, Athene
Ateno[2]                      Athens
atenta                        attentive
atente                        attentively
atentema                      attentive
atenti                        pay attention, watch out for
atenti pri                    pay attention to
atentigi                      draw attention
atentigi pri                  advance, put forward
atento                        attention
atestanto                     witness
atesti                        attest, bear witness of, testify
atesto                        certificate, testimony
atika                         Attic
Atiko                         Attica
atingebla                     accessible
atingi                        accomplish, attain, get, reach
atingopovo                    range, reach
atlanta                       Atlantean
Atlantido                     Atlantis
atlantika                     Atlantic
Atlantiko                     Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean
atlantino                     Atlantean woman
Atlantio                      Atlantis
atlanto                       Atlantean
Atlantujo                     Atlantis
Atlaso                        Atlas
atlaso[1]                     atlas
atlazo                        atlas
atleta                        athletic
atletiko                      athletics
atletismo                     athletics
atleto                        athlete
atmosfera                     atmospheric
atmosfero                     atmosphere
atolo                         atoll
atoma                         atomic
atombombo                     atom bomb
atomcentralo                  atomic powerstation
atomenergio                   atomic energy
atomfendado                   fission
atomfuzio                     atomic fusion
atomo                         atom
atompezo                      atomic weight
atomteorio                    atomic theory
atonala                       atonal
Atrehxto                      Arras
atributo                      attribute
atriplo                       orache
atrofii                       atrophy
atrofiigxi                    atrophy
atrofio                       atrophy
atuti                         trump
atuto                         trump
aux                           or
aux ... aux                   either ... or
auxbado                       aubade
auxbrieto                     aubretia
auxdaca                       audacious, bold, daring, intrepid
auxdaci                       dare
auxdaco                       audacity, boldness, daring
auxdantaro                    audience
auxdavida                     audio-visual
auxdi                         hear
auxdicio                      audition
auxdienco                     audience
auxdigxi                      be heard
auxdilo                       hearing aid
auxditorio                    auditory
auxdokapablo                  hearing
auxdsentumo                   hearing
auxdvida                      audio-visual
auxgia stalo                  Augean stable
Auxgio                        Augeas
auxguri                       forecast, foretell, prophesy
auxguristino                  fortune teller
auxguristo                    fortune teller
auxguro                       indication, omen, presage, portent, sign
Auxgusto                      Augustus
auxkciisto                    auctioneer
auxkcio                       auction
auxlo                         auditorium
auxreolo                      aureole, halo
Auxrignacio                   Aurignacian Period
auxrikulo[1]                  bear's-ear
auxro                         aura
Auxroro                       Aurora
auxskultantaro                audience, auditory
auxskultanto                  listener
auxskulti                     listen
auxskultilo                   earphone
auxspicio                     auspices, patronage, protection, support
auxstra                       Austrian
auxstralia                    Australian
auxstralianino                Australian woman
auxstraliano                  Australian
Auxstralio                    Australia
Auxstrio                      Austria
auxstro                       Austrian
Auxstrujo                     Austria
auxtarkio                     autarky, self-sufficiency
auxtenta                      authentic
auxtentika                    authentic, genuine
auxtentikeco                  authenticity
auxtisma                      autistic
auxtismo                      autism
auxtisto                      motorist
auxto                         car
auxtobiografia                autobiographical
auxtobiografio                autobiography
auxtobushaltejo               bus stop
auxtobuso                     bus, autobus, omnibus
auxtodidakto                  autodidact, self-taught man
auxtogena                     autogenous
auxtohxtono                   native
auxtokrata                    autocratic
auxtokratio                   absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy
auxtokratismo                 autocracy
auxtokrato                    absolute ruler, autocrat
auxtoktona                    indigenous, native
auxtoktono                    native
auxtolitotrajno               car sleep train
auxtolitvagonaro              car sleep train
auxtoluigado                  car hire
auxtomacio                    automation
auxtomata                     automatic
auxtomate                     automatically
auxtomatigi                   automate
auxtomatigo                   automation
auxtomatizi                   automate
auxtomato                     automoton
auxtomobilejo                 garage
auxtomobilismo                motoring
auxtomobilisto                motorist
auxtomobilo                   automobile, car, motor car, motor-car
auxtonoma                     autonomic, autonomous
auxtonomeco                   autonomy
auxtonomio                    autonomy
auxtopneuxmatiko              automobile tyre, motor tyre
auxtopneuxmo                  automobile tyre, motor tyre
auxtopsio                     autopsy
auxtora rajto                 copyright
auxtoradio                    car radio
auxtorino                     authoress, writer, woman writer
auxtoritata                   authorative
auxtoritateco                 authority
auxtoritato                   authority
auxtoritatulo                 authority
auxtoro                       author
auxtostiranto                 motorist
auxtostirlernejo              driving-school, school of motoring
auxtostrada alveturejo        access road
auxtostrado                   motor road, motorway
auxtosxoseego                 motorway, super highway, turnpike
auxtosxoseo                   motor road, motorway
auxtovetkuristo               racing driver, racing motorist
auxtovojo                     expressway, freeway
auxtovrako                    car wreck
auxtuna                       autumn
auxtuneca                     autumnal
auxtunfino                    last days of autumn
auxtuno                       autumn
ava                           bird, bird-, bird's, of a bird
avalo                         guarantee, guarantee of a bill
avangarda                     avant-garde
avangardo                     avant-garde
avantagxo                     advantage, benefit
avanulo                       forward
avara                         avaricious, miserly, stingy
avareco                       avarice, miserliness, stinginess
avarulo                       miser, niggard, skinflint
avelarbo                      hazel, hazel-tree
avelo                         hazelnut
avelujo                       hazel, hazel-tree
aveno                         oats
Aventino                      Aventine
aventura                      adventurous
aventurema                    adventurous
aventuristo                   adventurer
aventuro                      adventure
aventurricxa                  adventurous
aventurulo                    adventurer
avenuo                        avenue
averagxa                      average, mean
averagxo                      average
averii                        break down, suffer damage
averio                        damage
Averno                        Avernus
averti                        caution, warn
averto                        warning
aviadi                        aviate
aviadilo                      aeroplane
aviadisto                     aviator
aviado                        aviation
avida                         avid, eager for, greedy
avideco                       avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness
avidi                         covet
avidi spiron                  gasp, pant for breath
avido                         avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness
avinjo                        granny
avino                         grandmother
avizi                         advise, counsel, notify
avizo                         notification, notice
avo                           grandfather
avocxjo                       granddad
azaleo                        azalea
azena                         ass's, donkey, donkey-, of an ass
azenbleki                     bray
azencxevalo                   hinny
azenino                       jenny-ass, she-ass
azenisto                      donkey-driver
azeno                         ass, donkey
azera                         Azerbaijan
azerino                       Azerbaijan woman
Azerio                        Azerbaijan
azero                         Azerbaijani
Azerujo                       Azerbaijan
azia                          Asian, Asiatic
aziano                        Asian
azilo                         asylum
azimuto                       azimuth
Azio                          Asia
Azoiko                        Azoic, Azoic era
azoto                         nitrogen
Azovmaro                      Sea of Azov

ba                            bah, nuts, pooh
Baalo                         Baal
Babelo                        Babel, Babylon
babilado                      chat
babilemo                      talkativeness
babilemulo                    chatterbox, tattler, telltale
babili                        chat, chatter
babilona                      Babylonian
Babilonio                     Babylonia
Babilono                      Babel, Babylon
babilulo                      chatterbox, tattler, telltale
babordo                       port side
babusxo                       mule
Bafingolfo                    Baffin Bay
Bafinlando                    Baffin Island
bagaso                        bagasse
bagatela                      insignificant, trifling
bagatelo                      trifle
Bagdado                       Baghdad
bagno                         house of correction
bahama                        Bahamian
bahamanino                    Bahamian woman
bahamano                      Bahamian
Bahamoj                       Bahama Islands, Bahamas
bahxrajna                     Bahraini
bahxrajnanino                 Bahraini woman
bahxrajnano                   Bahraini
Bahxrajno                     Bahrein
Bajelo                        Bailleul
Bajkallago                    Lake Baikal
Bajkalo                       Baikal
bajoneta fermilo              bayonet catch, bayonet joint
bajoneto                      bayonet
Bajruto                       Beirut, Beyrout, Beyrouth
bajto                         byte
bakajxo                       baked goods
bakejo                        bakery
bakelito                      bakelite
bakfaruno                     flour
bakforno                      oven, baking oven
Bakhxo                        Bacchus
baki                          bake
bakisto                       baker
bakterio                      bacterium
bakupi                        backup
bakupo                        backup
balado                        ballad, ballade
balai                         sweep
balailo                       broom
balalajko                     balalaika
balanci                       rock, swing
balanciero                    balance, fly
balancigxi                    balance, poise
balasto                       ballast
balato                        balata
balbuti                       stammer, stutter
baldakeno                     baldachin, canopy
baldaux                       soon
baldauxa                      speedy
baledestro                    ballet master
baledo                        ballet
balenlameno                   baleen, whalebone
baleno                        whale
balenosto                     baleen, whalebone
baletistino                   ballerina, ballet dancer, ballet girl
baletisto                     ballet dancer
baleto                        ballet
balgo                         bellows
balia                         Balinese
baliano                       Balinese
Balimeno                      Ballymena
balistiko                     ballistics
Balkanoj                      Balkans
balkono                       balcony
balo                          ball, dance
balono                        balloon
balotado                      ballot, balloting, voting by ballot
baloti                        vote
balsalono                     ball-room
balta                         Baltic
Balta Maro                    Baltic Sea
Balto                         Baltic
balustrado                    balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing
balzama                       balm, balsam
balzami                       embalm
balzamino                     balsam
balzamizi                     embalm
balzamo                       balm, balsam
bambuo                        bamboo
bambusxosoj                   bamboo shoots
banala                        commonplace, dismal, trite
banalajxo                     banality, platitude
banaleco                      banality, triteness, triviality, platitude
banano                        banana
bananujo                      banana plant, banana-plant
banbudo                       bathing box
bancxambro                    bathroom
bandagxo                      bandage
Bandamaro                     Banda Sea
banderolo                     wrapper
bandito                       bandit
bando                         band, bevy, gang
banejgardisto                 bath superintendant, baths superintendant
banejo                        bathroom
bangalo                       bungalow
bangladesxa                   Bangladesh
bangladesxanino               Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi lady, Bangladeshi woman
bangladesxano                 Bangladeshi
bangxo                        banjo
bani                          bathe
bani sin                      bathe, have a bath
banjano                       banyan
banka bileto                  bank-note
bankajuto                     bathing box
bankalsono                    swimming trunks
bankbileto                    bank note, banknote
bankdiskonto                  bank discount, bank rate
bankedcxambro                 banquet room, banquet-room
bankedi                       banquet, feast
bankedo                       banquet
bankestro                     banker, bank manager
bankiero                      banker
bankismo                      banking
bankisto                      bank clerk, bank official
banko                         bank
Bankoko                       Bangkok
bankokonto                    bank account, banking account
bankostumo                    bathing suit, bathing-suit
bankrota                      bankrupt
bankroti                      be bankrupt, go broke
bankrotinto                   bankrupt
bankroto                      bankruptcy, failure
bankrotulo                    bankrupt
banksaldo                     balance, balance with a bank
banksekreto                   banking secret
bankuracejo                   health resort
bankuvo                       bath
bano                          bath
banspongo                     bathing-sponge
bansxio                       banshee
bantua                        Bantu
bantuo                        Bantu
banurbo                       spa
baobabo                       baobab
baptejo                       baptistery
bapti                         baptize, christen
baptisto                      baptist
bapto                         baptism, christening
baptonomo                     Christian name
baptopatro                    godfather
barajxo                       dam
barako                        barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed
barakti                       flounder, struggle, writhe
barba                         bearded
barba dianto                  sweet william
barbadosa                     Barbadian
barbadosanino                 Barbadian woman
barbadosano                   Barbadian
Barbadoso                     Barbados
barbara                       barbaric
barbarajxo                    barbarity
barbareco                     barbarity, barbarousness
Barbario                      Barbary
barbarismo                    barbarism
barbaro                       barbarian
barbfisxo                     barbel
barbhava                      bearded
barbio                        barbel
barbiro                       barber
barbisto                      barber
barbiturato                   barbiturate
barbo                         beard
Barcelono                     Barcelona
barcxo                        borscht, borstch
bardo                         bard
bareliefo                     bas-relief, low relief
barelo                        barrel
Barencmaro                    Barents Sea
bargxestro                    barge-master
bargxo                        barge
bari                          bar, obstruct
bariergardisto                signalman
bariero                       barrier
barikadi                      barricade
barikado                      barricade
barila digo                   dam
barilo                        barrier, fence
barilpordo                    gate
bario                         barium
Barita Mozo                   Dammed Meuse
baritono                      baritone
baritonulo                    baritone
bariumo                       barium
barko                         bark, barque
Barnabaso                     Barnabas
baro                          bar, barrier
baroka                        baroque
baroko                        baroque
barometra alto                barometer reading, height of the barometer
barometro                     barometer
baronino                      baroness
baronlando                    barony
barono                        baron
barto                         busk, steel
basa                          deep
basbalo                       baseball
baseno                        basin, reservoir
basiero                       bear
basigisto                     bear
basketbalo                    basketball
baskulo                       weighing machine
basludanto                    bass player
baso                          bass, bass voice
Basro                         Basrah
bastarda                      bastard
bastardeco                    bastardy
bastardo                      bastard
bastiono                      bastion
basto                         bast
bastonadi                     beat, beat up, flog, thrash, whack
bastoneto                     stick, little stick
bastono                       baton, cane, stick
basulo                        bass
basviolono                    bass-viol, violoncello
batadi                        clatter
batalema                      truculent
batali                        fight, struggle
bataliono                     battalion
batalo                        battle, scuffle, struggle
batava                        Batavian
batavo                        Batavian
bategi                        thrash
baterio                       battery
bati                          beat, hit, strike
batiki                        batik
batisto                       batiste, cambric, lawn
batita kremo                  whipped cream
bato                          blow
bauxdo                        baud
bauxksito                     bauxite
bavara                        Bavarian
Bavario                       Bavaria
bavaro                        Bavarian
Bavarujo                      Bavaria
baza                          basic
baza salajro                  basic wage
bazalto                       basalt, whimstone
bazaro                        bazaar, fair, market
Bazelo                        Basel, Basle
bazi                          base
baziliko                      basilica
bazilio                       basil
bazo                          base, basis
bazopilkludo                  baseball
bazuko                        anti-tank gun, bazooka
bebo                          baby
bebofono                      baby intercom, baby phone
bebovartantino                baby-sitter
bebovartanto                  baby-sitter
bedauxri                      be sorry about, regret
bedauxriga                    miserable
bedauxrinda                   regrettable
bedauxrinde                   regrettably, unfortunately
bedauxro                      regret
bedo                          bed
bedueno                       Bedouin, Beduin
beginejo                      beguinage
begino                        beguine
begonio                       begonia
bekerelo                      becquerel
beko                          beak, bill
bela                          beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
beladono                      belladonna
bele                          beautifully
beleco                        beauty
belega                        lovely
beleta                        pretty
beletagxo                     ground floor
beletre klera                 well-read
beletristiko                  belles-lettres
beletro                       belles-lettres
Belfasto                      Belfast
belfrido                      belfry, bell tower
belga                         Belgian
belgino                       Belgian, Belgian woman
Belgio                        Belgium
belgo                         Belgian
Belgujo                       Belgium
beliza                        Belizian
belizanino                    Belizian, Belizian lady, Belizian woman
belizano                      Belizian
Belizo                        Belize
belo                          bel
belsona                       euphonious
belulino                      beautiful woman, beauty
bemolo                        flat
bendi                         tape
bendo                         binding, strip, tape
benediktano                   Benedictine, Benedictine monk
benediktanto                  Benedictine
benefico                      benefit performance
Benelukso                     Benelux
bengala                       Bengal
bengala fajro                 bengal-light, bengal-lights
Bengala Golfo                 Bay of Bengal
Bengalio                      Bengal
Bengalujo                     Bengal
beni                          bless
benigna                       benign
benina                        Beninese
beninanino                    Beninese woman
beninano                      Beninese
Benino                        Benin
benketo                       small bench, stool
benko                         bench
benksegxaro                   lounge suite, three-piece suite
beno                          blessing, boon
benzeno                       benzene
benzinbombo                   Molotov cocktail
benzincisterno                fuel tank
benzinkrucxo                  petrol can
benzinmezurilo                petrol gauge
benzinmotoro                  petrol engine
benzinnivela indikilo         petrol gauge
benzino                       gasolene, gasoline, petrol
benzinstacio                  filling station
benzinujo                     gas tank, petrol tank
Beogrado                      Belgrade
berberiso                     barberry
berbero                       Berber
bergamoto                     bergamot
bergamotoleo                  bergamot
Berhxeno                      Mons
berilio                       beryllium
berilo                        beryl
berilsxtono                   beryl
Beringomaro                   Bering Sea
berlina                       Berlin
berlinanino                   Berliner, Berlin lady, Berlin woman
berlinano                     Berliner
Berlino                       Berlin
bermo                         shoulder, verge, verge of a road
Bermudoj                      Bermudas
berna                         Bernese
bernano                       Bernese
Berno                         Bern, Berne
bero                          berry
Berviko cxe la Tvido          Berwick upon Tweed
Besarabio                     Bessarabia
Besarabujo                    Bessarabia
besta                         beastly, bestial
bestacxo                      monster
besteca                       beastly, bestial
bestejo                       pen, sty
bestia                        beastly, bestial, brutal, brutish
bestio                        beast, brute, wild animal
bestkuracisto                 veterinarian
besto                         animal, beast
beta                          beet, beet-, of a beet
Betlehxemo                    Bethlehem
beto                          beet
betono                        concrete
betsukero                     beet sugar, beetroot sugar
betulo                        birch
bezona                        necessary
bezonajxo                     requisite
bezonajxoj                    materials, necessaries, requisites
bezonata                      necessary
bezoni                        need, require
bezono                        need, want
Biblio                        Bible
bibliografio                  bibliography
bibliotekisto                 librarian
biblioteko                    library
bicikli                       cycle
biciklo                       bike, cycle, bicycle
biciklosako                   cycle-bag
bido                          bead
bienisto                      farmer, rancher
bieno                         estate, farm, property, ranch
biero                         ale, beer
bifsteko                      steak, beefsteak
bikino                        bikini
bilanco                       balance sheet
bilardo                       billiards
bildekrano                    screen
bildero                       pixel
bildkarto                     picture postcard
bildo                         image, picture
bildodetruo                   iconoclasm
bildotubo                     cathode tube
bildsimbolo                   icon
bildtubo                      cathode tube
bildvalvo                     cathode tube
biletgicxeto                  booking-office
bileto                        bill, ticket, note
binara                        binary
bindajxo                      binding, cover
bindi                         bind
bindo                         binding, cover
binoklo                       binoculars
biografo                      biographer
biologo                       biologist
birdajxo                      fowl, poultry
birdaro                       birds
birdejo                       aviary
birdeto                       little bird
birdo                         bird
bireto                        beret
Birkenhedo                    Birkenhead
birma                         Burmese
birmanino                     Burmese woman
birmano                       Burmese
Birmo                         Burma
bis                           encore, one more time
Bisauxo                       Bissau
biskoto                       bicuit
biskvito                      biscuit, cookie
bismuto                       bismuth
bitmatrico                    bitmap
bito                          bit
bitoko                        byte
bizanca                       Byzantine
bizancano                     Byzantine
Bizanco                       Byzantium
bizara                        bizarre, odd, weird
bizono                        bison
Bjelorusio                    White Russia
Bjelorusujo                   White Russia
blagi                         kid, pull someone's leg
blago                         sly joke
Blakpulo                      Blackpool
blanka                        blank, white
blanka argilo                 white clay
Blanka Maro                   White Sea
Blanka Nilo                   White Nile
blanka poplo                  abele
blanketo                      blank cheque, carte blanche
blankigi                      blanch, whiten
blanko                        white
blankulo                      European, white man
blasfemanto                   blasphemer
blasfemi                      blaspheme, cuss, curse, swear
blasfemo                      blasphemy
blato                         cockroach
blazo                         blister
bleki                         bellow, bleat, neigh
blinda                        blind
blindeco                      blindness
blindigi                      dazzle
blindulo                      blind, sightless person
blindumi                      dazzle
blokado                       blockade
bloketo                       bit
bloki                         block, blockade
bloklavo                      aa lava, block lava
bloko                         block, pad
blonda                        blond, fair
bloveksciti                   stir up
blovi                         blow
blovinstrumento               wind instrument, wind-instrument
blua                          blue
Blua Nilo                     Blue Nile
Blubarbulo                    Bluebeard
bluo                          blue
bluzo                         blouse
bo-                           by marriage, -in-law
Boacolago                     Reindeer Lake
boao                          boa
boateto                       little boat
boato                         boat
bobeli                        bubble
bobelo                        bubble
bobeni                        wind
bobeno                        bobbin, coil, spool
Bocvano                       Bechuanaland, Botswana
Bodenlago                     Bodensee, Constance
bofilo                        son-in-law
Boformaro                     Beaufort Sea
bofrato                       brother-in-law
bogepatroj                    parents-in-law
bohema                        Bohemian
Bohemio                       Bohemia
bohemo                        Bohemian
Bohemujo                      Bohemia
bojegi                        bark, bay
boji                          bark
bojminaci                     bay at, bark at
boksi                         box
boksisto                      boxer
bokso                         boxing
boleti                        simmer
boli                          boil
boligi                        boil
bolilo                        kettle
bolivia                       Bolivian
bolivianino                   Bolivian woman
boliviano                     Bolivian
Bolivio                       Bolivia
bolkrucxo                     kettle
bolsxeviko                    Bolshevik
bolsxevisto                   Bolshevik
boltingo                      nut
bombardi                      bombard
Bombejo                       Bombay
bombi                         bomb
bombikso                      silkworm
bombo                         bomb
bombono                       bonbon, bon-bon
bona                          good, nice, okay
bonan matenon                 good morning
bonan nokton                  good night
bonan posttagmezon            good afternoon
bonan sxancon                 good luck
bonan tagon                   good day
bonan vesperon                good evening
bonaspekta                    good-looking
bone                          OK, okay, well
bone edukita                  cultivated, cultured, educated
boneco                        goodness
bonega                        fine, great
bonege                        fine, very well
boneta                        nice
bonete                        so so
bonfama                       of good repute
bonfara vendo                 bazaar, fancy fair, jumble-sale
bonfartanta                   well
bonfarti                      be well, feel fine
bonfarto                      well-being
bongusta                      nice, tasty
bongustega                    delicious
bongusto                      good taste
bonhava                       in easy circumstances, well-to-do
bonhumora                     gay, merry
bonifiko                      bonus
bonkaraktera                  good-hearted
bonkonduta                    sweet
bonkora                       good-hearted, kind
bonkvaliteco                  virtue
bonmaniera                    courteous, polite, well-mannered
bonmaniereco                  good breeding, refinement
bono                          good
bonodora                      fragrant, good-smelling, nutty
bonodoro                      nice smell, sweet smell
bonstata                      in good condition
bonstato                      well-being
bonsxance                     fortunately
bonsxanco                     luck
bonsxancon                    good luck
bonulo                        nice guy
bonvenigi                     welcome
bonvenigo                     greeting, salutation
bonvenon                      welcome
bonvolo                       affection
bonvolu                       please
bopatrino                     mother-in-law
bopatro                       father-in-law
borakso                       borax
boratingi                     bore, broach, sink, strike, tap
bordelo                       brothel
bordero                       border
bordo                         bank, border, edge, shore
Borglono                      Looz
bori                          bore, drill
borilo                        bore
Borneo                        Borneo
boro                          boron
borso                         stock exchange
bosna                         Bosnian
bosnino                       Bosnian woman
Bosnio                        Bosnia
Bosnio-Hercegovino            Bosnia-Hercegovina
bosno                         Bosnian
Bosnujo                       Bosnia
Bosporo                       Bosporus
botaniko                      botany
botelmalfermilo               bottle opener
botelo                        bottle
Botna Golfo                   Gulf of Bothnia
boto                          boot
botsvana                      Botswanan
botsvananino                  Botswanan woman
botsvanano                    Botswanan
bova                          bovine, cow, cow-
bovajxo                       beef
bovejo                        byre, cowhouse, cowshed
bovidajxo                     veal
bovido                        calf
bovino                        cow
bovo                          bovine, bovine animal
bovorabanto                   cattle-lifter, cattle-stealer
bovorabisto                   cattle-lifter, cattle-stealer
brabanta                      Brabantine
brabantano                    Brabantine
Brabanto                      Brabant
braceleto                     bracelet
bradipo                       sloth
bragxo                        charcoal
brajlo                        Braille, braille
braka                         arm, arm, of an arm
brakapogilo                   arm, arm-rest
brakhorlogxo                  watch, wrist-watch
brako                         arm
brakringo                     bracelet
braksegxo                     armchair
brakumi                       embrace
bramo[1]                      bream
bramo[2]                      topgallant mast
brancxeto                     twig
brancxo                       bough, branch
brancxotrancxilo              bill, pruning-knife
brancxvojo                    by-way, side-way
brando                        brandy
brankardo                     stretcher
branko                        gill
brasiko                       cabbage
brasikstumpo                  stalk of cabbage
brava                         brave, gallant
brazila                       Brazilian
brazilanino                   Brazilian woman
brazilano                     Brazilian
Brazilo                       Brazil
brecxi                        breach
brecxo                        breach, gap
bredi                         breed, keep, raise, rear
bremsi                        brake
bremso                        brake
bretaro                       cabinet
breto                         shelf
Bretonio                      Bretagne, Brittany
bretono                       Breton
Bretonujo                     Bretagne, Brittany
bridi                         bridle, check, restrain
Bridlintono                   Bridlington
brido                         bridle, check, restraints
brigado                       brigade
brika                         brick
briketo                       bar
briko                         brick
brila                         bright, brilliant
brili                         shine
brilo                         gloss, sheen
brita                         British
Brita Kolombio                British Columbia
Britio                        Britain, Great Britain
brito                         Briton
Britujo                       Britain, Great Britain
brizo                         breeze
brocxo                        brooch
brodi                         embroider
Brodiko                       Brodick
brogi                         scald
brokanta                      second hand, secondhand
brokanti                      deal in secondhand goods
brokantisto                   secondhand dealer
brokolo                       broccoli, brocoli
bronza                        bronze
bronzo                        bronze
brosi                         brush
broso                         brush
brosxura                      paperbacked
brosxuro                      leaflet, pamphlet, paperback
brovo                         brow, eyebrow
brua                          noisy
Brugo                         Bruges
brui                          make a noise
brulajxo                      fuel
brulalkoholo                  methylated spirit
brulavertilo                  fire-alarm, firecall
brulbombo                     incendiary bomb
brulema                       flammable
brulgluigxi                   burn
brulgusta                     burnt
bruli                         burn
bruligi                       burn
bruligxo                      combustion
brulligno                     firewood
brulstampi                    brand
brulstampilo                  branding iron
brulstampo                    brand
brulsxtiparo                  faggot
brulvundi                     burn
bruna                         brown
Brunajo                       Brunei
bruneja                       Bruneian
brunejanino                   Bruneian woman
brunejano                     Bruneian
Brunejo                       Brunei
brunhara                      brunette
Brunhildo                     Brunhild, Bruennhilde
bruno                         brown
brunokula                     browneyed
Brunsviko                     Brunswick
bruo                          ado, din, noise
brusela                       Brussels
brusela brasiko               Brussels-sprouts
Bruselo                       Brussels
bruska                        abrupt
brustangoro                   angina pectoris
brusto                        bosom, breast, chest
bruta                         brute, harsh
brutaro                       livestock
brutigi                       dull
brutigxi                      become dull
bruto                         head of cattle
bubacxo                       naughty boy, pickle
bubalo                        buffalo
bubo[1]                       brat, urchin
bubo[2]                       jack
bucxejo                       abattoir, slaughterhouse
bucxi                         butcher, slaughter
bucxistbutiko                 butcher's shop
bucxisto                      butcher
budaismo                      Buddhism
budaisto                      Buddhist
Budao                         Buddha
Budapesxto                    Budapest
buddhisma erao                Buddhist Era
Buddo                         Buddha
budgxeto                      budget
budo                          barn, shed, stand
bufedo                        buffet
bufo                          toad
bufro                         buffer, bumper
Bugo                          Bug
bugri                         bugger, sodomize
bugro                         anal sex
bugxeta deficito              budgetary deficit
bugxeto                       budget
bukanisto                     buccaneer
bukedo                        bouquet
buki                          buckle
bukli                         curl
buklo                         curl
buko                          buckle
bukso                         box-tree
Bukuresxto                    Bucharest
bulbo                         bulb
buldozo                       bulldozer
buleto                        small ball
bulgara                       Bulgarian
bulgarino                     Bulgarian woman
Bulgario                      Bulgaria
bulgaro                       Bulgar, Bulgarian
Bulgarujo                     Bulgaria
buljono                       bouillon
bulko                         roll
bulo                          chunk, clod, lump
bulteno                       bulletin
bulvardo                      boulevard
bulvolvi                      wind up
bunkro                        bunker, shelter
bunta                         multicoloured
buo                           buoy
Burdegalo                     Bordeaux
burdo                         bumblebee
Burgoponto                    Boroughbridge
burgunda                      Burgundian
burgunda vino                 burgundy
Burgundio                     Burgundy
burgundo                      Burgundian
Burgundujo                    Burgundy
burgxa                        bourgeois, middleclass
burgxaro                      bourgeoisie
burgxo                        middleclass citizen
burgxoni                      bud
burgxono                      bud
Burkinafaso                   Upper Volta
buro                          Boer
burokrataro                   bureaucracy, officialdom
burundia                      Burundian
burundianino                  Burundian woman
burundiano                    Burundian
Burundio                      Burundi
bushaltejo                    bus stop, busstop
buso                          bus, omnibus
busstacidomo                  bus station
busxa                         oral
busxa seksumo                 oral sex
busxego                       jaws, mouth, muzzle
busxmano                      Bushman
busxo                         mouth
busxo[1]                      mouth
busxo[2]                      mouth
busxo[3]                      mouth
busxpleno                     morsel, mouthful
busxpreno                     bite
busxtuko                      napkin
busxumi                       muzzle
busxumo                       muzzle
butana                        Bhutanese
butananino                    Bhutanese woman
butanano                      Bhutanese
Butano                        Bhutan
buterigi                      churn
butero                        butter
buterpano                     bread and butter
buti                          earth, earth up, hill, hill up
butika centro                 shopping-centre
butikisto                     shopkeeper
butiko                        boutique, shop, store
butikumi                      shop
butoni                        button
butono[1]                     button
butono[2]                     button
butonumi                      button
bv.                           please

carino                        czarina
caro                          czar
cedema                        accommodating
cedemo                        accommodation
cedi                          cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield
cedigi                        soften up
cedo                          abandonment
cedra                         cedar, of a cedar
cedro                         cedar
cejlona                       Ceylonese
cejlonano                     Ceylonese
Cejlono                       Ceylon
Celebesmaro                   Celebes Sea
Celebeso                      Celebes
celebrado                     celebration
celebri                       celebrate
celerio                       celery
celi                          aim, intend
celilo                        sight, gunsight
celo                          aim, goal, purpose
Celsiuso                      Celsius
celtusxi                      finish
celulito                      cellulite
cemento                       cement
cendo                         cent
cent                          hundred, one hundred
centauxro                     centaur
centavo                       centavo
centimetro                    centimeter, centimetre
centmil                       hundred thousand
centona bado                  one hundredth of a baht, satang
centra                        central
centra hejtado                central heating
Centrafriko                   Central African Republic
centralo                      exchange, power station
centro                        centre
Centroburgo                   Middlesbrough
cenzuri                       censor
cenzuro                       censor
cepo                          onion
cerasto                       cerastes, horned viper
Cerbero                       Cerberus
cerbo                         brain
cerbumajxoj                   worries
cerbumi                       puzzle over, rack one's brains
ceremonia                     formal, measured, stiff
ceremonieco                   ceremony, solemnity
ceremonio                     ceremony
Cereso                        Ceres
cerio                         cerium
cerkopiteko                   meercat
certa                         certain, sure
certagrade                    to a certain degree
certe                         certainly
certeco                       certainty
certgrade                     to a certain degree
certigi                       assure, certify, make certain
cerva                         deer, deer-, of a deer
cervido                       fawn
cervino                       hind
cervo                         deer
cervoparko                    deer-park
cetera                        additional, remaining, rest of
cetere                        besides, for the rest, moreover, what's more
cetero                        remainder
Cezaro                        Caesar
cezio                         caesium
Character set                 ASCII
ci                            thou, you
cia                           your
Cibelo                        Cybele
cibernetiko                   cybernetics
Cicero                        Cicero
cico                          nipple
cicumo                        nipple
cidonio                       quince
cidro                         cider
ciferi                        figure
cifero                        cipher, digit, figure, numeral
ciferplato                    dial
cigano                        gypsy, Gypsy
cigaredo                      cigarette
cigaredstumpo                 cigarette-end, stub
cigareto                      cigarillo
cigaro                        cigar
cigarstumpo                   cigar-end, cigar-stub
cigno                         swan
cikatro                       scar
Cikladoj                      Cyclades
ciklono                       cyclone
cikonio                       stork
cikorio                       chicory
cilindro                      cylinder, roller
cimbalisto                    cymbalist
cimbalo                       cymbal
cimo                          bug, bedbug
cin                           you
cinamo                        cinnamon
Cindra Merkredo               Ash Wednesday
cindrigi                      incinerate
cindro                        ash, cinder
cindroblonda                  ash-blond, ash-blonde
cindrogriza                   ashen
Cindromerkredo                Ash Wednesday
cindrujo                      ashtray
Cindrulino                    Cinderella
cinika                        cynical
cipra                         Cypriot, Cypriote
cipranino                     Cyprian woman
ciprano                       Cypriot, Cypriote
cipreso                       cypres
Cipro                         Cyprus
cirklo                        circle
cirko                         circus
cirkonferenco                 circumference
cirkonstanco                  circumstance
cirkulado                     circulation, traffic
cirkulanta                    about, abroad
cirkulero                     circular
cirkuli                       be about, circulate
cirkumcidi                    circumcise
cirkumcido                    circumcision
cirkumflekso                  circumflex
cirkvito                      circuit
ciro                          polish, wax
cisterno                      cistern, tank
citadelo                      citadel
citajxo                       quotation
citi                          cite, quote
citilo                        inverted comma, quotation mark, quote
citiloj                       quotation marks, quotes
citro                         zither
citrolo                       water-melon
citronarbo                    lemon-tree
citrono                       lemon
citronsuko                    lemon juice
citronujo                     lemon-tree
civila                        civil, civilian, non-military
civilizacio                   civilization
civilizado                    civilization
civilizi                      civilize
civilizita                    civilized
civilizo                      civilization
civita                        civic
civitano                      citizen
civito                        city state
colo                          inch
conga lingvo                  Tsonga, Tsonga language
congo                         Tsonga

cxadio                        Chad
cxado                         Chad
cxadolago                     Lake Chad
cxagosinsuloj                 Chagos Islands
cxagrena                      deplorable, pitiable, sad
cxagreni                      annoy, grieve, vex, worry
cxagreni sin                  worry oneself
cxagreno                      annoyance, disappointment, grief
cxambristino                  maid
cxambro                       chamber, room
cxambroj                      quarters
cxamo                         chamois
cxampanjo                     champagne
cxampano                      champagne
cxampinjono                   mushroom
cxampiono                     champion
cxano                         trigger
cxapelo                       hat
cxapitro                      chapter
cxapo                         cap
cxar                          as, because, for, since
cxareto                       carriage, typewriter carriage
cxarlatani                    bilk, cheat, take in
cxarlatano                    charlatan, imposter, quack
cxarma                        charming, lovely
cxarmega                      most charming
cxarmi                        charm
cxarmo                        charm
cxarniro                      hinge
cxaro                         cart, chariot
cxarpenti                     build, build from wood
cxarpentisto                  carpenter
cxarto                        charter
cxarumo                       wheelbarrow
cxasi                         chase, hunt
cxasisto                      hunter
cxaskuri                      chase, hunt for
cxasta                        chaste
cxasteco                      chastity, purity
cxastigi                      bowdlerize, chasten, expurgate, purify
cxastrancxilego               cutlass
cxatrio                       chatri
cxe                           at, beside, with
cxecxena                      Chechen
cxecxenio                     Chechenia
cxecxeno                      Chechen
cxecxenujo                    Chechenia
cxeestanta                    present
cxeestanto                    present one
cxeesti                       attend, be present, witness
cxeesto                       presence
cxef-                         arch-, chief-
cxefa                         chief, main, major, principal
cxefangxelo                   archangel
cxefartikolo                  leading article
cxefduklando                  archduchy
cxefduko                      archduke
cxefe                         chiefly
cxefepiskoplando              archbishopric
cxefepiskopo                  archbishop
cxefkonsulo                   consul general
cxefkuiristo                  chef
cxefministro                  premier, prime minister
cxefo                         chief, boss
cxefparte                     for the greater part, for the most part
cxefurbo                      capital, capital city, metropolis
cxefvojo                      major road
cxehxa                        Czech
cxehxino                      Czech woman
cxehxio                       Czech Republic
cxehxo                        Czech
cxehxoslovaka                 Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
cxehxoslovakino               Czech woman
cxehxoslovakio                Czechoslovakia
cxehxoslovako                 Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
cxehxoslovakujo               Czechoslovakia
cxehxujo                      Czech Republic
cxekaro                       cheque-book
cxeko                         check, cheque
cxelo                         cell
cxemizo                       shirt
cxenero                       link
cxeno                         chain
cxerizarbo                    cherry-tree
cxerizo                       cherry
cxerizujo                     cherry-tree
cxerko                        coffin
cxerpi                        draw
cxesi                         cease, stop
cxesigi                       stop
cxestro                       Chester
cxetabligxi                   draw up to the table, sit down to table
cxevala                       equestrian, horse, horse-, of a horse
cxevalbleki                   neigh
cxevalbredejo                 studfarm
cxevalejo                     corral, stable
cxevaleto                     pony
cxevalforto                   horsepower
cxevalisto                    groom, stableman
cxevalo                       horse
cxevalpiedo                   coltsfoot
cxevalpovo                    horsepower
cxevaltrio                    team of three horses
cxi tie                       here
cxi tien                      here, hither, this way
cxi tio                       these, this, this here
cxi tiu                       this
cxi tiuj                      these
cxi tiun nokton               tonight
cxia                          all, every kind of
cxial                         for every reason
cxiam                         always, ever
cxiama                        everlasting
cxie                          all about, everywhere
cxie en la                    all over the, throughout the
cxieesta                      omnipresent, ubiquitous
cxiel                         in every way
cxiela                        celestial, heavenly
cxielarko                     rainbow
cxielblua                     sky blue
cxielbluo                     sky blue
cxielglora                    heavenly
cxielirtago                   Ascension Day
cxielo                        heaven, sky
cxies                         everyone's
cxiesulino                    hooker, prostitute, whore
cxifi                         crease, crumble
cxifonisto                    ragpicker
cxifono                       rag, scrap
cxifro                        code, secret code
cxikagano                     Chicagan, Chicagoan
cxikago                       Chicago
cxikanado                     hair-splitting
cxikanema                     censorious
cxikanemo                     censoriousness
cxikani                       carp at, haze, quibble
cxikanulo                     hair-splitter, niggler, nit-picker
cxikune                       herewith
cxilia                        Chilean
cxilianino                    Chilean woman
cxiliano                      Chilean
cxilio                        Chile
cximomente                    at this moment
cximpanzo                     chimpanzee
cxina                         Chinese
cxina inko                    Indian ink
cxina lingvo                  Chinese, Chinese language
cxina Novjaro                 Chinese New Year
cxinio                        China
cxino                         Chinese
cxinujo                       China
cxio                          all, altogether, everything
cxiokapabla                   all-round
cxiom                         all, all of it
cxiopova                      almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent
cxiopovo                      omnipotence
cxioscia                      all-knowing, omniscient
cxiovendejo                   bazaar
cxipa                         cheap, inexpensive
cxipe                         cheaply
cxirkaux                      about, round, around, towards
cxirkauxajxo                  environment, environs, surroundings
cxirkauxajxoj                 surroundings
cxirkauxbarejo                corral, enclosure
cxirkauxbari                  fence off
cxirkauxbraki                 embrace, hug
cxirkauxbrako                 bracelet
cxirkauxcxizi                 chip, chip off
cxirkauxe                     roundabout, thereabout, thereabouts
cxirkauxfermi                 enclose
cxirkauxi                     surround
cxirkauxiri                   circumvent, go around
cxirkauxkolo                  collar
cxirkauxmano                  bracelet
cxirkauxpalpi                 fumble
cxirkauxpreni                 embrace, hug
cxisupre                      above
cxiu                          each, every
cxiu[1]                       all the
cxiuflanke                    on every side
cxiufoje                      each time, every time
cxiuj                         all
cxiujara                      annual, yearly
cxiujare                      yearly
cxiuloke                      everywhere
cxiumomente                   any time, momentarily
cxiumonate                    monthly
cxiun duan tagon              every other day
cxiurilate                    in all respects, in every respect, in every way
cxiuriska asekuro             comprehensive insurance
cxiusemajne                   weekly
cxiutaga                      daily
cxiutage                      daily
cxizi                         carve, chisel
cxizilo                       chisel
cxokoladbriketo               bar of chocolate
cxokoladkovrita pufkuko       chocolate @clair
cxokolado                     chocolate
cxu                           either, if, is it, whether
cxu ne                        isn't it, isn't that so, or not
cxuro                         sperm

D-kordo                       D-chord
d-ro                          Dr.
D-trajno                      corridor train, corridor-train
da                            of
Dafno                         Daphne
dagestana                     Dagestan, Daghestan
Dagestano                     Dagestan, Daghestan
Dagono                        Dagon
Dahomeo                       Dahomey
Dakaro                        Dakar
Dako                          Dacca
dakoto                        Sioux
daktilo                       date
daktilujo                     date palm, date-palm
dalio                         dahlia
Dalmacio                      Dalmatia
Dalmacujo                     Dalmatia
dalmato                       Dalmatian
damagxi                       damage
damagxo                       damage
Damasko                       Damascus
damludo                       checkers
damne                         damn
damni                         damn
damoj                         checkers
Damokleso                     Damocles
dana                          Danish
dana lingvo                   Danish, Danish language
Dana Markolo                  Denmark Strait
danci                         dance
danci nupte                   display
dancistino                    dancer
dancisto                      dancer
danco                         dance
dando                         dandy, dude, fop
dangxera                      dangerous
dangxereco                    danger
dangxero                      danger, peril
danino                        Danish woman
Danio                         Denmark
danka                         thankful
danka pro                     grateful for
danke al                      thanks to
dankeco                       gratitude
dankema                       thankful
dankema pro                   grateful for
dankemo                       gratitude
danki                         thank
danki pro                     thank for
danko                         gratitude, thanks
dankon                        thank you, thanks
Danlando                      Denmark
dano                          Dane
Danubo                        Danube
Danujo                        Denmark
Danuo                         Don
Dardaneloj                    Dardanelles
Darlintono                    Darlington
darmo                         dharma
dartro                        acne
dati                          date
dato                          date
datreveno                     anniversary
dauxra                        abiding, lasting
dauxradi                      continue, hold, last
dauxre                        constantly, continually, continuously
dauxri                        continue, endure, keep on, last
dauxrigi                      continue, go on, proceed with
dauxrigo                      continuation
dauxrigota                    to be continued
Davido                        David
dazipo                        armadillo
de                            by, from, of, since
de cxi tie                    from here, hence
de kiam                       since
de kie                        from where, whence
de kiu                        of which
de la jaro                    of the year
de tempo al tempo             now and then
de tie                        from there, thence
de tie cxi                    from here, hence
de[1]                         from, of
de[2]                         by
de[3]                         since
debati                        beat off, knock off, strike off
debato                        debate
debeto                        debit
debito                        demand, sale
debutanta                     junior, future, young
deca                          decent, fitting, proper, suitable
dece                          decently, properly
decembro                      December
deci                          befit, be fitting
decida                        decisive
decida konkurso               decider, play-off
decideco                      decision, firmness, peremptoriness, resolution
decidi                        decide
decidiga                      decisive
decidigxi                     make up one's mind
decidigxo                     decision-making
decido                        decision
decxevaligxi                  dismount
decxifri                      decipher
dedicxi                       dedicate, devote
dedicxi atenton al            pay attention to
dedukti                       abstract, deduce, gather
deerigi                       split off
defalajxejo                   dump, refuse dump, tip, rubbish tip
defalajxo                     clippings, cuttings, parings, refuse, rubbish, waste, windfall
defali                        fall, fall off, tumble down
defendi                       defend
defendo                       defence, defense
deficito                      deficit
defii                         challenge, defy
definitiva                    definite, definitive
definitive                    definitely, positively
defio                         challenge
deflankigxi                   go astray, get off the subject
defluiga tubo                 drain-pipe, outlet-pipe, waste-pipe
degeli                        melt, thaw
degelo                        melting, thaw
degeneri                      degenerate
degenerita                    degenerate
degradi                       degrade
degrati                       scrape, scrape off, scratch off
deguti                        drain, drip down, trickle down
dehaki                        cut off
deirpunkto                    starting point
dejxeti                       cast off, fling off, throw off
dejxori                       be on duty, serve
dek                           ten
dek du                        twelve
dek-dua                       twelfth
dek kvar                      fourteen
dek-kvara                     fourteenth
dek kvin                      fifteen
dek-kvina                     fifteenth
dek naux                      nineteen
dek-nauxa                     nineteenth
dek ok                        eighteen
dek-oka                       eighteenth
dek sep                       seventeen
dek-sepa                      seventeenth
dek ses                       sixteen
dek-sesa                      sixteenth
dek tri                       thirteen
dek-tria                      thirteenth
dek unu                       eleven
dek-unua                      eleventh
deka                          tenth
dekalkulebla                  deductible
dekalkuli                     count down
dekano                        dean
dekduo                        dozen
deklamanto                    reciter
deklami                       declaim, recite
deklami monotone              rattle off, reel off
deklaracio                    declaration, proclamation
deklari                       declare, state
deklari netauxga              declare unfit for use, condemn, scrap
deklarilo                     tax form
deklaro                       declaration, proclamation, statement
deklinigxi                    deviate
deklinigxo                    deflection, deviation
dekliva                       sloping
deklivi                       slope down
deklivo                       acclivity, hillside, slope
dekmil                        ten thousand
dekodigi                      decode
dekoka                        eighteenth
dekokti                       boil
dekokto                       decoction
dekonduki                     lead away
dekono                        tenth
dekonsili                     advise against, dissuade from
dekontigi                     transfer
dekope                        by tens
dekoracio                     decor, d@cor, decoration
dekori                        adorn, decorate, ornament
dekoro                        decor, d@cor, decoration
dekreti                       decree
dekreto                       decree
dekrocxi                      unhook
deksesuma                     hexadecimal
dekstra                       right, righthand
dekstra flanko                right-hand side
dekstre                       on the right
dekstren                      right, to the right
dekstrulo                     right-hander
dekstrume                     clockwise
dekutimigi                    break of a habit, teach
dekutimigxi                   break oneself of a habit, get out of a habit, unlearn
delasi                        abandon
delegacio                     delegation
delegado                      delegation, deputation
delegato                      delegate, deputy, representative
delegi                        delegate
delegitaro                    delegation, deputation
delegito                      delegate
delfeno                       dolphin
delfinio                      larkspur
Delfio                        Delphi
delfta                        Delft
Delfto                        Delft
Delhio                        Delhi
delikata                      dainty, delicate, fine, refined
delikateco                    tenderness
delira                        delirious
delirajxo                     abracadabra
deliri                        be delirious
deliro                        delirium
delogi                        entice, seduce
delonge                       for a long time
delto                         delta
demandi                       ask
demando                       question
demeti                        take off, put off
Demetro                       Demeter
demisii                       resign
demokrata                     democratic
demokratio                    democracy
demokrato                     democrat
demona                        demonic
demono                        demon
demonstracii                  demonstrate
demonstracio                  demonstration
demonstrativo                 demonstrative, demonstrative pronoun
demonstri                     demonstrate, prove
demonstro                     demonstration
demordi                       bite off
denaska                       congenital, inborn, inbred, innate, native
denombrado                    ennumeration
denove                        again, all over again, anew
densa                         concentrated, dense, thick
denta                         dental
dentaro                       teeth
dentbroso                     tooth-brush
dentdoloro                    toothache
dentisto                      dentist
dentkarno                     gum
dento-                        dental
dentpasto                     tooth-paste
dentpikilo                    toothpick
dentpingilo                   toothpick
dentpinglo                    toothpick
dentrado                      cogwheel, gear
dentskrapi                    gnaw off, pick
denuncanto                    accuser
denunci                       denounce
denunco                       accusation
departemento                  department
dependa                       dependent
depende de                    according to
dependeco                     dependence
dependi                       depend
dependi de                    be dependent on, depend onldepend upon
depesxi                       dispatch
deponejo                      depository
deponi                        deposit
deporti                       deport
depost                        since, ever since
depost kiam                   since
depreni                       deduct, take away
depreni de                    break into
depreno                       demand, sale
depresajxo                    print, imprint
deprezi                       write off
deprimi                       depress
deprimiteco                   dejection, depression
deprimo                       depression
deputado                      delegation, deputation
deputato                      delegate, deputy, representative
deputi                        depute
deputilaro                    delegation, deputation
deputito                      delegate, deputy, representative
derazi                        shave, shave off
Derbio                        Derby
derivajxo                     derivation
derivi                        derive
derompi                       break, break off
derompigxi                    break, break off
deruli                        roll off
deruligxi                     roll off
des                           the
des pli                       all the more
desalti                       jump off, leap down
descendi                      descend, go down
descendo                      descent
desegnajxo                    design, drawing
desegni                       design, draw
desegno                       design, drawing
desegnopapero                 drawing-paper
deserto                       dessert
desinfekti                    disinfect
deskvamigxi                   flake off, peel off, scale off
despota                       despotic
despoto                       despot
destini                       destine, earmark, ordain
destini por                   destine for
destino                       destiny, fate
destinprojekto                development plan
desubtrahata nombro           minuend
desucxilo                     hood, suction apparatus
desxiri                       pick, pluck, tear off
desxovi                       abdicate
detala                        detailed
detale                        in detail
detalisto                     retailer
detalo                        detail
detektivo                     detective
detemigxi                     stray from one's subject, wander from one's subject
detemigxo                     digression, straying, wandering from the point
deteni                        abstract, restrain
deteni sin                    abstain
deteni sin de                 abstain from
determini                     determine, fix
detondi                       cut off
detrancxi                     cut off
detriki                       cast off
detronigi                     depose
detruado                      destruction
detrui                        destroy, quash
detruo                        destruction
deturna manovro               diversion, red herring, smoke screen
deturni                       turn away
deturnigxi                    turn
devanci                       overhaul, overtake, pass
devena                        coming
devena de                     a native of, coming from
deveni                        come, derive, originate, result
deveni de                     hail from
deveno                        lineage
deversxi                      pour off, strain off
devi                          have to, must, ought to, should
deviacio                      deviation
devianta                      aberrant
deviga                        compulsory
devigi                        compel, force
devii                         turn
devio                         aberrance, aberration
devizo                        motto, watchword, slogan
devo                          duty, obligation
devojigxanta                  aberrant
devojigxi                     go astray, stray off
devojigxo                     aberrance
Devono                        Devon, Devonian period
dezerta                       dreary, gaunt
dezerteco                     abandonment
dezerto                       desert
deziri                        desire, wish
dezirinda                     desirable
deziro                        desire, want, wish
dia                           divine
diabeto                       diabetes
diabla                        diabolical, devilish
diable                        darn
diablo                        devil
diafilmo                      film strip
diakono                       deacon
dialekto                      dialect
dialogo                       dialogue
diamanto                      diamond
diametro                      diameter
Diano                         Diana
dianto                        carnation
diareo                        diarrhoea
dibocxi                       debauch
dibocxo                       dissipation, debauchery
didelfo                       opossum
dieso                         grid, hash, number sign, pound sign, sharp
dieta                         dietary
dieto                         diet
difekta                       broken, out of order
difekti                       damage, injure, spoil
difektigxi                    break down
difektigxinta                 broken, broken down
difektita                     broken, damaged
difekto                       damage
diferenca                     different
diferenci                     differ, be different
diferencigi                   differentiate
diferenco                     difference
difina                        defining, determining
difina artikolo               definite article
difini                        define, determine
difinita                      definite
difino                        definition
digestado                     digestion
digesti                       digest
digesto                       digestion
digi                          dam up, form an embankment
digna                         dignified
digno                         dignity
digo                          dike, embankment
dika                          bold, corpulent, fat, thick
dikeco                        thickness
dikfingro                     thumb
Dikfingrulo                   Tom Thumb
diktatoro                     dictator
diktaturo                     dictatorship
dikti                         dictate
dikventra                     fat
dilemo                        dilemma
diletanteca                   amateurish, small-time
diletanto                     dabbler, dilettante
diligenta                     diligent, hardworking, industrious
diligenteco                   industry
Diluvio                       Diluvium
diluvo                        deluge, flood
dimancxo                      Sunday
dimensio                      dimension, measurement
dinamito                      dynamite
dineo                         Navajo
Dio                           God
Diogeno                       Diogenes
diplomato                     diplomat
diplomigxi                    graduate
diplomita                     certificated, graduate
diplomo                       diploma
direktado                     steering
direktanta                    leading
direktanto                    manager
direkti                       direct, guide, manage, steer
direkti al                    head for, make for
direkti sin                   bear down, make
direkti sin al                break down upon, make for
direkti sin laux              abide by
direktilisto                  driver
direktilo                     handlebars, helm, rudder
direktilstango                tiller
direkto                       direction
direktoro                     director, manager
diri                          say, tell
disauxdigi                    broadcast
disbrancxigi                  branch
disbrancxigo                  branching
disbrancxigxi                 branch off
disciplino                    discipline
discxiplo                     disciple
disde                         out of
disdoni                       deal, distribute
disdono                       distribution
diserigebla                   biodegradable, biodestructible
diservo                       service, worship service
disfali                       collapse
dishaki                       chop, chop up
disigi                        disintegrate, divide, separate
disigxema                     loose, sandy
disigxi                       separate
disiri                        break up, separate
disjxeti                      scatter
disketo                       diskette
diski                         dial
diskilo                       disc drive, disk drive
disko                         dial, disc, disk, record
diskonto                      discount
diskreditigi                  cry down, cut up, demolish, pull to pieces, run down, write down
diskreta                      discrete
diskreteco                    modesty
diskriminacio                 discrimination
diskutado                     discussion
diskuti                       discuss
diskuto                       discussion
dispeli                       disperse
dispepsio                     dyspepsia, indigestion
disponebla                    available
disponi                       absorb, have at one's disposal
disponigi                     make available
dispono                       disposition
dispozicio                    predisposition, tendency
disputi                       argue, dispute
disputo                       dispute, quarrel
disradii                      emit
dissemi                       disseminate
dissemigi                     disseminate, sow
disskvamigxi                  flake off, peel off
dissxiri                      tear
dissxirita                    tattered
distanco                      distance, offset
distili                       distil
distinga                      distinctive
distingi                      distinguish
distingigxa                   distinctive
distingo                      distinction, renown
distra vespero                evening, party
distrado                      distraction, diversion
distrajxo                     distraction, diversion
distri                        distract, divert, entertain
distribua servo               parcels delivery, parcels service
distribui                     distribute
distribuilo                   distributor
distribuo                     distribution
distrigxema                   absent, absent-minded, abstracted
distrigxemo                   absence of mind, abstraction
distrigxo                     absence of mind
distrikta tribunalo           county court
distrikto                     district
distrita                      absent-minded, abstracted, distracted
distriteco                    absence of mind, abstraction
distro                        distraction, diversion
disvastigi                    spread
disversxi                     spill
divano                        couch, divan
diveni                        guess
diversa                       diverse, varied, various
diversaj                      several
dividi                        divide, separate, share
dividstreko                   break
divizio                       division, military division
dizelo                        diesel
DNA                           DNA
do                            so, then, therefore
doganejo                      custom-house
dogano                        customs
dogma                         dogmatic
dogmo                         dogma
doko                          dock
doktoro                       doctor
dokumento                     document, paper
dolaro                        dollar
dolcxa                        gentle, soft, sweet, tender
dolcxa akvo                   fresh water
dolcxacida                    bittersweet
dolcxajxo                     candy
dolcxamara                    sweet-and-sour
dolcxeco                      sweetness
dolcxodora                    sweet-smelling
dolcxulino                    sweetheart
dolcxulo                      sweetheart
Dolomitoj                     Dolomites
dolora                        painful
dolorgxemi                    groan
dolori                        ache, be painful, hurt
dolorigi                      hurt
doloro                        pain
dom-                          domesticated, house-
domagxe                       that's too bad, what a pity
domagxi                       begrudge, regret
domagxo                       pity
dombesto                      domestic animal
domego                        mansion
dometo                        cottage
domicilo                      abode, dwelling place, dwelling-place, residence
Dominikanio                   Dominican Republic
dominikia                     Dominican
dominikiano                   Dominican
Dominikio                     Dominican Republic
dominio                       dominion
dommastrino                   housewife
domo                          house
donace                        as a gift, gratis
donacema                      generous
donaceto                      little present
donaci                        donate, give
donaco                        gift, present
donajxo                       gift
doni                          give
doni logxejon                 accomodate
Donjeco                       Donetz
donjxuano                     Don Juan, woman-chaser
Donkastro                     Doncaster
donkihxoto                    Don Quixote
dorika                        Dorian, Doric
dorloti                       coddle, pamper, pet
dormcxambro                   bedroom
dormcxemizo                   night-shirt
dormejo                       sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place
dormema                       sleepy
dormetema                     drowsy
dormeti                       nap, slumber
dormi                         be asleep, sleep
dormi sur                     sleep on
dormigi                       put to sleep
dorminklina                   drowsy
dormo                         sleep
dormrobo                      night-dress, night-gown, nightie
dornarbusto                   thorn bush
dorno                         thorn
Dornorozeto                   the Sleeping Beauty
dorse                         at the back
dorsen                        backward, on one's back
dorsflanko                    back, reverse, reverse side
dorso                         back
dorsosako                     rucksack
dosiero                       dossier, file
dosierujo                     folder
Dosonkriko                    Dawson Creek
doti                          endow
doto                          dowry
dozi                          measure out
dozo                          dose
Drakmontaro                   Drakensberg Mountains
drako                         dragon
dramo                         drama
drapiri                       drape
drapo                         cloth, wooden cloth
drasta                        drastic
drasxi                        thresh
drataro                       wiring
drato                         wire
dratprovizado                 wiring
drattondilo                   wire-shears
drenado                       draining
dreni                         drain
drenigxi                      drain
drenkrano                     drain-cock
dresi                         tame, train
drinkajxo                     booze
drinkejo                      bar, pub
drinkemulo                    boozer, alcoholic
drinki                        drink, drink to excess
drinkulo                      boozer, alcoholic
drivi                         drift, be adrift
drogekscitita                 high
drogo                         drug
dromedaro                     dromedary
droni                         drown
dronigi                       drown
dronmarcxejo                  quicksand, quicksands
du                            two
du semajnoj                   fortnight, two weeks
dua                           second
duaranga                      secondary
duba                          doubtful
dubi                          doubt
dubinda                       doubtful
Dublino                       Dublin
dubo                          doubt
ducent                        two hundred
dudek                         twenty
dudek unu                     twenty-one
dudeka                        twentieth
duelbirdo                     fighting cock, gamecock, ruff
dufoje                        twice
Duglaso                       Douglas
dujara                        biennial, two-year, two-year-old
Dukbosko                      Bois-le-Duc
dukino                        duchess
duklando                      duchy
duko                          duke
dukolora                      bicolour, bicoloured, of two colours
dum                           for, during, whereas, while, whilst
Dumbartono                    Dumbarton
dume                          all the time, in the meantime, meanwhile
Dumfriso                      Dumfries
dumnokte                      at night, during the night
dumtage                       by day, during the day
dumtempe                      meanwhile
dunaskito                     twin
dunaskitoj                    twins
dunganto                      employer
dungi                         employ, hire
dunginto                      employer
dungito                       employee
dungokontrakto                labor agreement, labour agreement, labour contract
dungolisto                    muster-roll
dungperejo                    employment exchange, labor exchange, labour exchange
Dunkerko                      Dunkirk
duo                           pair
duobla                        double, dual
duobla vo                     W
duobligi                      double
duona                         half
duondia                       of a demigod
duondiino                     demigodess
duondio                       demigod
duonebria                     tipsy
duonfali                      stumble
duonfratino                   half-sister
duonfrato                     half-brother
duoninsulo                    peninsula
duonluma                      dim
duonlumo                      dusk
duono                         half
duonpatrino                   step-mother
duonpatro                     step-father
duope                         by twos
dupersona lito                double bed
dupieda                       two-footed
dupiedulo                     biped
dupunkto                      colon
dura                          hard
dusenca                       ambiguous
dusignifa                     ambiguous
dusxejo                       showerstall
dusxi                         shower
dusxi sin                     take a shower
dusxilo                       showerhead
dusxo                         shower
duuma                         binary

E-kordo                       E-chord
ebena                         even, flat, level, smooth
ebenajxo                      plain
ebenigi                       even, level
-ebla                         -able, -ible
eble                          maybe, perhaps, possibly
ebleco                        possibility
ebli                          be possible
eblo                          possibility
ebria                         drunk, intoxicated
ebrieco                       drunkenness, inebriety
ebrieta                       tipsy
ebrigajxo                     intoxicating liquor
ebriigxi                      get drunk
ebrio                         drunkenness
ebriulo                       drunk
Ebro                          Ebro
ebura                         ivory
eburo                         ivory
-eca                          -ish, -like
-eco                          -ness, -ship, -ity
ecx                           even
ecx se                        even if
edelvejso                     edelweiss
Edeno                         Eden
edifi                         edify
-edo                          -oid
edukado                       education
eduki                         breed, bring up, educate, raise
edukigxi                      be educated
eduko                         education
edzeco                        marriage, matrimony
edzigi                        marry, wed
edzigxa festo                 wedding, wedding-party
edzigxi                       marry, be married, get married
edzigxinta                    married
edzigxpeto                    offer, offer of parriage
edzigxpropono                 offer, offer of marriage, proposal
edzineco                      marriage
edzinigi                      marry, wed
edzinigxi                     marry, be married, get married
edzinigxinta                  married
edzino                        wife
edzo                          husband
efektigxi                     come to pass, come true
efektiva                      actual, real
efektive                      absolutely, actually, in fact
efektivigi                    accomplish, achieve
efektivigita                  completed
efekto                        effect, impression
efika                         effective, effectual, efficacious
efiki                         act, be effective, have effect
efiko                         effect
egala                         equal, even, level
egale                         alike, all the same, equally
egaleco                       draw, equality
egali                         equal
egaligi                       even, level
egalpezo                      equilibrium
ege                           extremely
Egeja Maro                    Aegean Sea
egido                         protection
egipta                        Egyptian
Egiptio                       Egypt
egipto                        Egyptian
Egiptujo                      Egypt
Egiro                         Aegir
eglefino                      haddock
egoisma                       self-interested, selfish
egoismo                       selfinterest, selfishness
egoista                       self-interested, selfish
egxo                          mountain ridge
ehxi                          echo
Ehxo                          Echo
Ejfelturo                     Eiffel Tower
ejlo                          ale
ejnstejnio                    einsteinium
ejo                           place
ek                            away we go, let's start
ekarto                        deviation
ekauxdi                       descry, perceive
ekboji                        give tongue, bark
ekbrili                       flash
ekbruli                       burn, catch, flash on, strike, take fire
ekbruligi                     kindle, light
ekceli                        aim, take aim
ekde                          from, since
ekdiskuti pri                 bring up
ekesti                        arise
ekflagri                      burst into flames
ekflori                       come into bloom
ekfunkciigi                   put on, start, switch on, turn on
ekgliti                       skid, slip
ekhavi                        get
eki                           begin, come on, set in, start
ekinsulti                     become abusive
ekipajxo                      equipment
ekipi                         equip
ekipo                         equipment
ekiri                         start out
ekkanti                       intone, raise
ekkapti                       clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize
ekkoleri                      get angry
ekkonsumi                     break into, broach, cut into
ekkrii                        call out
ekkuri                        start running
ekkuro                        run
ekkusxi                       lie down
ekkusxigxi                    lie down
eklezia                       ecclesiastic
eklezio                       church
ekleziulo                     clergyman
ekludi                        kick off
ekludo                        kick-off
eklumigi                      light
ekmalsati                     get hungry
ekmanki al                    fall short of
eko                           beginning, commencement, inception, opening, outset, start
ekonomika                     economical
ekonomiko                     economics
ekonomio                      economy
ekpafi                        discharge, fire, fire off
ekpago                        initial deposit, instalment, down payment, first instalment
ekparoli pri                  bring up
ekpreni                       grasp
ekpreno                       grasp
ekprocesi kontraux            prosecute, sue
ekpusxi                       jog, nudge
ekrano                        screen
ekranumi                      screen
ekrigardi                     glance
ekrimarki                     descry, perceive
eks-                          ex-, former
eksalti                       start
ekscesa                       excessive, inordinate
ekscese                       excessively
eksceso                       excess
ekscita                       exciting
eksciteco                     excitement
eksciti                       excite
ekscitigxo                    excitement
ekscitita                     agitated
ekscititeco                   excitement
ekscito                       excitation, excitement
eksedzigxi                    get a divorce, get divorced
eksedzigxinta                 divorced
eksedzigxo                    divorce
eksedzinigxi                  get a divorce
eksedzinigxinta               divorced
eksento                       emotion
eksidi                        sit down
eksigi                        discharge, dismiss, fire, sack
eksigxi                       quit, resign
eksigxo                       resignation
ekskludi                      exclude
ekskluziva                    exclusive
ekskluzive                    exclusively
ekskluzivi                    exclude
ekskomuniko                   anathema, ban, excommunication
ekskrecii                     secrete
ekskui                        jerk, jolt, shake
ekskurso                      excursion, outing, sightseeing trip
ekskuzi                       excuse
ekskuzi sin                   apologize
ekskuzo                       apology
eksmembrigxi                  withdraw one's name, withdraw one's subscription
eksmoda                       old-fashioned, out of date
ekspansio                     expansion
ekspeda servo                 parcels delivery, parcels service
ekspeddato                    shipping-date
ekspedi                       dispatch, send off, ship
ekspedicio                    expedition
ekspedinto                    sender
eksperimenta                  experimental
eksperimenti                  experiment
eksperimento                  experiment
eksperta                      expert
ekspertisto                   expert
eksperto                      expert, specialist
ekspliki                      explain
ekspliko                      explanation
eksplodi                      explode
eksplodigi                    blow up
eksplodilo                    explosive device
eksplodmotoro                 internal combustion engine
eksplodo                      explosion
ekspluati                     exploit, utilize
ekspona tempo                 exposure time
eksponi                       demonstrate, exhibit, expose
eksponmezurilo                exposure meter
ekspono                       exposure
eksporti                      export
ekspozicii                    exhibit
ekspozicio                    exhibition, exposition
ekspresi                      express
ekspreso                      express
ekstari                       get up, rise, stand, stand up
ekstaza                       ecstatic
ekstazo                       ecstasy
ekster                        outside, outside of
ekstera                       external, outer, outside
eksterajxo                    exterior
ekstere                       abroad, out, outside
eksteren                      out, outside, outward
eksterlanda                   alien, foreign
eksterlandanino               foreigner, foreign lady, foreign woman
eksterlandano                 foreigner
eksterlande                   abroad
eksterlando                   foreign country
ekstermi                      exterminate, wipe out
ekstero                       exterior
eksterordinara                extraordinary, formidable
eksterordinara dividendo      bonus
eksterordinare                exceedingly, extraordinarily
ekstra                        extra
ekstraktado                   abstraction
ekstrakti                     extract
ekstravaganca                 extravagant, high-flown
ekstrema                      extreme
Ekstrema Oriento              Far East, the Far East
ekstremajxo                   end, tip
ekstreme                      extremely
ekteni                        clutch, grapple
ektimigita                    startled
ektiminta                     startled
ektiri                        jerk, pull, tug
ektrancxi                     cut into
ektusxi                       touch upon
ektusxmaniero                 touch
ekvadora                      Ecuadorian
Ekvadoro                      Ecuador
Ekvatora Gvineo               Equatorial Guinea
ekvatoro                      equator
ekveturi                      depart, leave, sail, start
ekvidi                        descry, perceive
ekvilibro                     equilibrium
ekvinokso                     equinox
ekvivalenta                   equivalent
ekvivalento                   equivalent
ekvojagxi                     depart, leave, set out
ekzakta                       exact
ekzakte                       exactly
ekzakteco                     accuracy, exactitude, precision
ekzameni                      examine
ekzameno                      investigation, examination, test
ekzekuti                      execute
ekzekutisto                   hangman, executioner
ekzemple                      for example, for instance
ekzemplero                    copy
ekzemplo                      example
ekzerci                       exercise, practise
ekzerci sin                   practice, practise
ekzercita                     experienced, expert, skilful, skilled, skillful, practised
ekzerciteco                   expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
ekzerco                       exercise, practice
ekzili                        exile
ekzilito                      exile
ekzilo                        exile
ekzistado                     existence
ekzisti                       exist
ekzisto                       existence
ekzotika                      exotic
el                            from, out of
elacxeti                      ransom, redeem
Elacxetinto                   Redeemer, Saviour
elacxetsumo                   ransom, redemption money
elartikigi                    dislocate
elasta                        elastic
elauxtigxi                    get out, get out of a car
Elbruso                       Mount Elbrus
elburgxonigxi                 bud, sprout
elcxerpita                    exhausted, used up
eldevigi                      extort, wrest, wring
eldevigo                      exaction, extortion
eldonejo                      publisher, publishing house
eldoni                        issue, publish
eldonisto                     publisher
eldono                        edition
elefanta                      elephant, elephant-, elephant's, elephantine, of an elephant
elefanto                      elephant
eleganta                      elegant
elegio                        elegy
elekti                        choose, elect, pick out
elektita                      elected
elekto                        choice, election
elektra                       electric
elektro                       electricity
elektronika                   electronic
elektroniko                   electronics
elektrono                     electron
elementa                      elemental, elementary
elementa instruado            elementary education
elementa lernejo              primary school
elemento                      element
Elenhaveno                    Port Ellen
elfari                        accomplish, achieve, finish
elfarita                      completed
elfini                        finish
elfo                          elf
elfosi                        dig up, excavate, grub
elgutigilo                    colander, strainer
Elicinsuloj                   Ellice Islands
eligi                         draw out, drive out, express, utter, give utterance to, pull out
eligo                         output
elimini                       eliminate
eliminigxi                    drop out
elirejo                       exit, way out
eliri                         exit, go out
elirigi                       deprive, dismiss
Eliro                         Exodus
Elizeo                        Elysium
elizii                        elide
elizio                        elision
eljxetajxo                    refuse, rubbish, waste
elkovi                        hatch out
elkrani                       tap
ellabori                      finish, work out
ellacigi                      fag out, fatigue, jade, overdrive, override, tire out
ellasi                        release
ellasita                      left out, omitted
ellerni                       master
ellitigxi                     get up
elmergigxi                    emerge
elmigri                       emigrate
elokventa                     eloquent
elpagi                        pay off, redeem
elpaki                        unpack
elparoli                      pronounce
elpeli                        drive out
elpensi                       invent
elpetigi                      implore, invoke
elporti                       abide, bear, carry out, endure, put up with, suffer
elpremi                       squeeze out
elpremo                       exaction, extortion
elprovita                     approved, tried, well-tried
elrabi                        harry, ravage
elradikigi                    eradicate
elregistri sin                log out
elrevigi                      disappoint
elrevigxi                     be disappointed
elsalvadora                   Salvadorian
elsalvadoranino               Salvadorian, Salvadorian lady, Salvadorian woman
elsalvadorano                 Salvadorian
Elsalvadoro                   El Salvador
elseligi                      cast, shed
elsendi                       broadcast
elspezi                       pay out, spend
elspezo                       expenses
elspezoj                      expenses
elspiri                       exhale
elspirtesto                   breath test
elsxalti                      turn off
elsxipigxi                    disembark
elsxovi                       thrust out
elteni                        abide, endure
elterigi                      dig, dig up, lift, pull up
eltiro                        pull
eltrovajxo                    invention
eltrovi                       invent
eltrovo                       invention
eltrudi                       extort
eluzi                         use up, wear out
eluzigxi                      wear away, wear off, wear out
eluzita                       worn
elvagonigxi                   get out
elveni                        come out
elversxi                      pour out
elvido                        view
elvoki                        evoke
emajli                        enamel
emajlo                        enamel
embarasa                      straitened
embarasi                      embarrass
embarasita                    in distress
embaraso                      abashment, embarrassment, perplexity
emblemo                       emblem
embuski                       ambush
embusko                       ambush
emerita                       retired
emeritigxi                    retire
emerito                       retired person
emfaza                        emphatic
emfazi                        accent, accentuate, emphasize
emfazo                        accent, emphasis
emi                           have a tendency
eminenta                      eminent
eminente                      fine, very well
emo                           tendency
emocia                        touching
emocii                        move, stir
emociita                      seized with emotion
emocio                        emotion
en                            a, in, inside, into, on, per, within
en alia maniero               differently, otherwise
en cxeesto de                 in the presence of
en cxiu okazo                 in any event
en kio                        wherein
en kiu                        in which, wherein
en la komenco                 at first, at the outset, in the beginning
en la okazo se                in case
en la tuta                    all over the, throughout the
en stoko                      stocked
en tago                       a day
en tio                        therein
enadaptigxi gxuste            fit together
enamigxi al                   fall in love with
enamigxi en                   fall in love with
enarhxivigi                   archive
enarkivigi                    archive
enauxtigxi                    get in, get into a car
enbalzamigi                   embalm
enboteligi                    bottle
enciklopedio                  encyclopaedia, encyclopedia
encxifri                      encipher
endangxerigi                  endanger
endivio                       endive
endormigxi                    go to sleep
enen                          inwards
Eneo                          Aeneas
energia                       energetic
energiemulo                   hustler
energio                       energy
enestanto                     occupant
enfermi                       put away, stow
enfluejo                      mouth
enfosi                        bury
engluti                       engulf, swallow up
engrauxlo                     anchovy
enhavi                        comprise, contain, include
enhavo                        contents
enigi                         enter, insert, put in
enigmeco                      enigmatic character, mysteriousness
enigmo                        enigma, puzzle, riddle
enigo                         input
enigxi                        get in
enirbileto                    admission ticket
enirejo                       entrance, portal
eniri                         go in, enter, perform
eniri cxe                     call at ...'s house, call on
eniro                         access
enkadrigi                     frame
enkarnigi                     embody
enkarnigo                     embodiment
enkarnigxo                    incarnation
enkasigisto                   bank messenger
enkavigxinta                  hollow
enketo                        inquiry, investigation
enklasigi                     classify
enkodigi                      encode
enkonduko                     introduction, preface
enkorpigi                     embody
enkorpigo                     embodiment
enladigi                      can
enlanda                       aboriginal, domestic
enlitigi                      put to bed
enlitigxi                     go to bed
enlitigxtempo                 bedtime
enlogxanto                    inhabitant
enlogxigo                     accommodation
enmanigi                      hand, hand over
enmeti                        insert, put in, put away, stow
enmigri                       immigrate
enmiksigxema                  meddlesome
enmiksigxemo                  meddlesomeness
enmiksigxemulo                bushbody, meddler
enmiksigxi en                 interfere with
enoficigi                     appoint
enoficigo                     appointment, appointment to office
enoficigxo                    accession
enorma                        enormous
enorme                        enormously
enpaki                        pack, package, wrap up
enposxtigi                    post
enradikigxi                   root, strike
enregistri sin                log in
enregistrigi                  register
enskribi                      enter
enskribigi                    register
enskribigo                    entry
ensorbado                     assimilation, digestion
ensorcxi                      bewitch, delude
ensorcxiga                    enchanting
ensorcxo                      delusion, spell
enspaci                       fill, take up, occupy
enspezi                       take in
enspezo                       income
enspezoj                      income
enspiri                       inhale
ensxalti                      turn on
ensxipe                       aboard, on board
ensxipigxi                    embark
ensxipigxinta                 aboard
ensxlosi                      lock up, shut up
ensxovi                       insert
ensxprucigilo                 syringe
entenajxo                     contents
enteriga entreprenisto        mortician, undertaker
enteriga entrepreno           undertaker's business
enterigi                      bury
enterigo                      burial, funeral, interment
entiri                        draw, pull
entjera                       integer
entombigi                     bury, entomb, inter
entombigo                     burial, funeral, interment
entordita hernio              strangulated hernia
entreprena aktivado           trade and industry
entreprenaro                  trade and industry
entreprenema                  enterprising
entrepreni                    undertake
entrepreno                    enterprise
entrudigxi                    intrude
entute                        altogether, as a whole, on the whole
entuziasma                    enthusiastic
entuziasmo                    enthusiasm
enua                          boring, weary
enui                          be bored, be tired of something
enuiga                        boring, stodgy
enuigi                        bore
enuigxi                       get bored
enurezo                       bed-wetting, enuresis
enveni                        come into, enter
enversxi                      pour in
envia                         envious
envicigxi                     fall in, fall into line, form up, line up
enviema                       envious, jealous
envii                         envy
envio                         envy
envolvi                       envelop
Eoceno                        Eocene
Eolo                          Aeolus
eono                          aeon
Eoso                          Eos
Epifanio                      Epiphany, Twelfth-night
epifito                       epiphyte
epilepsio                     epilepsy
episkopa                      episcopal
episkopa mosxto               monsignor
episkopo                      bishop
epistolo                      epistle, letter
epizodo                       episode
epoko                         age, epoch, era
epoleto                       epaulet
epopea                        epic
epopeo                        epic poem
erao                          era
erara                         erroneous, mistaken, wrong
erare                         by mistake
erari                         err, make a mistake
erariga                       deceptive, delusive, fallacious
erarkredi                     fancy
eraro                         aberration, error, mistake
erarpasxo                     aberration
erarsercxilo                  debugger
erbio                         erbium
erco                          ore
erikejo                       heath
eriko                         heather
Eriso                         Eris
Eritreo                       Eritrea
erizipelo                     erysipelas
Ermelo                        Ermelo
ermito                        hermit
ero                           element, fragment, item, particle
erodi                         wear down, wear off, wear out
erotika                       erotic
erpi                          harrow
escepta                       exceptional
escepte                       apart from, but, except, other than
escepte de                    with the exception of
escepti                       except, exclude
escepto                       exception
esenca                        essential
esenco                        essence, gist
eskalatoro                    escalator
eskali                        scale
eskalo                        ladder
eskapi                        escape, flee
eskapo                        escape
eskimo                        Eskimo
eskorti                       escort
eskorto                       escort
eskudo                        escudo
esperantisto                  Esperantist
esperanto                     Esperanto
espereble                     hopefully
esperi                        hope
espero                        hope
esplorado                     exploration, investigation, research
esplordemandi                 interrogate, question
esplori                       examine, explore, investigate, research
esploro                       exploration, investigation, research
esprimi                       express
esprimi sin                   express oneself
esprimo                       expression
establi                       erect, establish
establo                       establishment
estas                         there is, there are
esti                          be
esti adepto de                adhere to
esti ...anta                  busy oneself
esti bonhava                  be in easy circumstances, be well off, be well-to-do
esti deponita                 be deposited, be in the keeping, rest
esti ebla                     be possible
esti konforma                 be correct, be right
esti konforma al              answer, answer to, come up to
esti konforma laux            correspond to
esti konsiderata              be considered, count
esti laux                     correspond to
esti lauxmezura               fit
esti ... lauxtusxe            feel ...
esti longa                    measure
esti maldungata iom post iom  be discharged gradually
esti malfermetita             be ajar
esti pli forta ol             be able to match with, be stronger than
esti preskaux                 abut on to, abut to
esti sklavigxinta             be addicted
esti traktata kiel            be treated as
esti unu el                   belong to, be one of
esti[1]                       be
esti[2]                       be
esti[3]                       be
estigi                        develop
estigxi                       arise
estimata                      dear
estimi                        esteem, think well of
estiminda                     respectable
estimo                        esteem, regard
estingi                       extinguish, put out
estinta                       former
estinteco                     past
estinto                       past
estona                        Estonian
estonino                      Estonian woman
Estonio                       Estonia
estono                        Estonian
estonta                       future
estonteco                     future
estonto                       future
Estonujo                      Estonia
estrado                       platform, stage
estraro                       board of directors
estreco                       authority
estrema                       bossy, masterful
estri                         govern, head up, restrain
estrino                       mistress
estro                         boss, chief, leader
estulo                        creature
esxafodo                      scaffold
eta                           tiny
etagxo                        floor, storey, story
etapo                         stage
etburgxa                      lower middleclass
etendi                        extend, strech out
etendi la manojn al           reach for
etendigxi                     run
etendigxi antauxen            reach forward
eterna                        eternal
eterne                        for ever, forever
eterneco                      eternity
eterno                        eternity
etero                         ether
etika                         ethical
etikedo                       label
etiketo                       etiquette
etiko                         ethic, ethics
etiopino                      Ethiopian woman
Etiopio                       Abyssinia, Ethiopia
etiopo                        Abyssinian, Ethiopian
Etiopujo                      Abyssinia, Ethiopia
Etno                          Etna
-eto                          -et
etoso                         atmosphere, ethos, mood
etosplena                     atmospheric
etruska                       Etrurian, Etruscan
Etruskio                      Etruria
etrusko                       Etrurian, Etruscan
Etruskujo                     Etruria
etspirita                     petty, small-minded
etullernejo                   nursery school
Euxfrato                      Euphrates
euxnuko                       eunuch
euxro                         euro
euxropa                       European
euxropano                     European
euxropio                      europium
evakui                        evacuate
evangelia                     evangelic
evangelio                     gospel
evento                        event
eventuala                     contingent, eventual
eventuale                     if the occasion arises
eventualo                     contingency, eventuality
Everesto                      Everist
evidenta                      evident, obvious
evidente                      apparently, obviously
eviti                         avoid, evade
Evo                           Eva
evoluado                      development, evolution
evolui                        develop, evolve
evolulando                    developing country
evoluo                        development, evolution
ezoko                         pike

fabelo                        fairy tale
fablo                         fable
fabo                          bean
fabrikado                     making, manifacture
fabrikejo                     factory
fabriki                       fabricate, manufacture
fabrikista prezo              recommended price
fabriko                       factory
facila                        easy, facile
facilanima                    flighty, impulsive
facile                        easily
faciligajxoj                  accommodation
faciligi                      facilitate
facilkompreneble              for obvious reasons, understandably
facilrompa                    fragile
fadeno                        thread
Faetono                       Phaeton
Fafno                         Fafner
fago                          beech
fajenco                       crockery, earthenware, pottery
fajfi                         whistle
fajfilo                       whistle
fajli                         file
fajlilo                       file
fajrajxo                      fireworks
fajrejo                       hearth
fajrero                       spark
fajrilo                       lighter
fajro                         fire
Fajrolando                    Tierra del Fuego
fajrosxirmilo                 fender
fajrujo                       firebox
fakestro                      head of a department
fakista unuigxo               trade-union
fako                          branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality
fakta                         factual, real
fakte                         indeed, in fact
fakto                         fact
fakturi                       invoice
fakturo                       bill, invoice
fakulo                        expert, specialist
fakultato                     faculty
falakvo                       waterfall
falcxi                        cut, mow
falcxileto                    sickle
falcxilo                      scythe
faldi                         fold
faldo                         fold
faleti                        stumble
fali                          drop, fall
fali dorsen                   fall backwards
faligi                        drop, overthrow
faligo                        overthrow, subversion
falko                         falcon
falo                          fall
falsa                         false
falsajxo                      counterfeit
falsi                         falsify
falsigi                       falsify
faluso                        phallus
fama                          famous
fameco                        fame, renown
familia                       domestic
familia cxambro               living room
familia nomo                  surname
familio                       family
famkonata                     famous
famo                          fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour
famulo                        celebrity
fanatika                      fanatical
fandi                         melt
fandigxi                      melt
fanfaro                       fanfare, flourish
fanfaroni                     boast, brag
fantazia                      fantastic, of fantasy
fantazio                      fantasy
fantomi                       haunt
fantomo                       ghost, phantom
farado                        making, manufacture
farbi                         paint
farbisto                      painter
farbo                         dye, paint
farcxi                        stuff
farcxo                        stuffing
farendajxo                    a thing that needs to be done
fari                          act, do, make, perform
fari bieron                   brew
fari servon                   accomodate
farigxi                       become, come about, grow, happen
farigxi ekskutima             fall into abeyance
farigxo                       event
farmaciisto                   chemist, dispensing chemist, pharmaceutical chemist, pharmacist
farmacio                      pharmacy
farmi                         farm, lease
farmigi                       farm out
farmisto                      farmer
farmo                         farm
faro                          action
farti                         fare
faruno                        flour, meal
fasado                        facade, fa@ade
fascina                       absorbing, fascinating
fascini                       fascinate
fascinita                     fascinated, gripped
fasko                         bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf
fasoni                        cut
fasti                         fast
fatala                        fateful, ill-fated
fatalo                        fate, ill fate
fauxki                        gape, yawn
fauxko                        jaws, maw
favora                        advantageous, favourable
favoranto                     patron
favorata                      favorite, favourite
favoratino                    favourite
favori                        favor, favour
favoro                        favor, favour
fazano                        pheasant
fazeolo                       haricot
fazo                          phase, stage
fea                           fairy
febra                         feverish
febri                         have a fever
febro                         fever
februaro                      February
federacio                     federation
federala                      federal
feina                         fairy
feino                         fairy
fekajxo                       dung, excrement
fekajxputo                    cesspit, cesspool
feki                          defecate
feko                          dung, excrement
fekunda                       fertile
felicxa                       fortunate, happy
felicxe                       unfortunately
felicxeco                     happiness
felicxo                       happiness
felietono                     serial
felo                          fur, hide, skin
felto                         felt
femalo                        female
femuro                        thigh
fendajxo                      crack, crevice
fendi                         split
fendi haron                   split hairs
fendigxi                      burst, split
fendigxinta                   cracked
fendo                         crack, crevice
fenestra vitro                window-glass
fenestro                      window
fenestrokadro                 frame, window-frame
fenestrokovrilo               blind
fenestrumo                    shutter
fenikso                       phoenix
fenkolo                       fennel
fenomena                      phenomenal
fenomeno                      phenomenon
Fenro                         Fenris
feo                           fairy
fera                          iron
ferdeko                       deck
ferdrato                      wire, iron wire
ferio                         holiday
ferioj                        vacation
Fermdigo                      IJsselmeer Dam
fermenti                      ferment
fermentilo                    leaven, yeast
fermi                         close, shut
fermigxi                      close, be closed
fermio                        fermium
fermita                       closed, shut
fero                          iron
feroca                        fierce
ferumi                        shoe
fervojo                       railroad, railway
fervora                       full of zeal, zealous
fervoro                       fervor, fervour, zeal
festado                       celebration
festeno                       banquet, feast
festi                         celebrate
festivalo                     festival
festo                         celebration, festival, party
Festo de cxiuj Sanktuloj      All Saints' Day
Festo de la Sankta Triuno     Trinity Sunday
Festo de Lauxboj              Feast of Tabernacles
fetora                        bad-smelling, stinking, odorous
fetoranta                     bad-smelling, stinking, odorous
fetori                        reek, smell, smell bad, stink
fetoro                        stench
feuxda                        feudal
feuxdo                        fief
feuxdulo                      vassal
fi                            shame
fia                           nasty
fiakro                        cab
fiancxigxi                    become engaged
fiancxigxinta                 engaged
fiancxinigxi                  become engaged
fiancxinigxinta               engaged
fiancxino                     bride, fianc@e
fiancxo                       fianc@
fiaska                        abortive
fiaski                        abort, fail
fiaskigi                      abort, quash
fiasko                        abortion, failure, fiasco
fibero                        muskrat, musk-rat, musquash
fibestoj                      vermin
fibolo                        safety-pin, safety pin
fibro                         fiber, fibre
fidela                        faithful
fidi                          have faith, have faith in, trust
fidi al                       rely on, trust in
fidi je                       have faith in, rely on, trust
fidinda                       reliable, trustworthy
fido                          confidence, faith, trust
fiera                         proud
fieri                         be proud
fieri pri                     be proud of
fiero                         pride
fifama                        of ill repute
figarbo                       fig-tree
figo                          fig
figujo                        fig-tree
figura                        figurative
figuranto                     extra
figuri                        depict, represent
figuro                        figure, diagram, image, picture, representation
Figxiinsuloj                  Fiji Islands
fiinsektoj                    vermin
fikcia                        fictional, fictitious
fikcio                        fiction
fiki                          fuck, screw
fikopii                       crib
fiksa                         fixed
fiksi                         attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure
fikso                         fixing
filatelio                     philately, stamp-collecting
filatelo                      philately, stamp-collecting
filiigi                       affiliate
filiigxi                      affiliate
filiko                        fern
filino                        daughter
filio                         affiliate, branch
filipina                      Philippine
filipinanino                  Philippine woman
filipinano                    Filipino
Filipinoj                     Philippines
filisxto                      Philistine
filmo                         film, motion picture, movie
filmruleto                    film
filo                          son
filozofi                      philosophize
filozofia                     philosophic
filozofio                     philosophy
filozofo                      philosopher
filtri                        filter
filtrilo                      filter
fina                          final
fina parto                    back part, hind part
fina prilaborado              finishing off
finajxo                       ending
finalo                        decider, play-off
financa                       financial
financi                       finance
financo                       finance
finarangxi                    conclude, dispatch, expedite, finnish, settle
findecidi                     compose, conclude, dispatch, settle
fine                          at last, finally, ultimately
finfari                       finish, finish off
finfine                       at last, at long last
fingringo                     thimble
fingro                        finger
fingrofrapo                   touch
fingrumi                      finger, handle
fini                          accomodate, end, finish, terminate
fini fusxrapide               bungle, scamp one's work
finigxi                       end, come to an end, end up, expire
finigxo                       end, terminate
finita                        completed, done, finished, over, through
finlabori                     finish
finlegi                       read, read out
finna                         Finnish
Finna Golfo                   Gulf of Finland
finna lingvo                  Finnish, Finnish language
finnino                       Finnish, Finnish lady, Finnish woman
Finnio                        Finland
Finnlando                     Finland
finno                         Finn
Finnujo                       Finland
fino                          end, ending
finpagi                       pay off
finpago                       payment, full payment
finpretigi                    get finished
finstacio                     end-of-the-line
finstudi                      finish one's studies
finuzitajxo                   cast-off
finveni                       end up
fipetola                      wanton
fipetolemo                    wantonness
firakonto                     dirty story
firma                         fast, firm, stable
firmao                        company, firm
firme                         firmly
firmigi                       fasten, fix, affix, secure
firmo                         company, firm
firsto                        coping
fiska jaro                    fiscal year
fisxhoko                      hook
fisxi                         fish
fisxi nase                    fish with a fish-trap
fisxi rete                    fish with a net
fisxisto                      fisherman
fisxkapti                     fish
fisxkapti nase                fish with a fish-trap
fisxkapti rete                fish with a net
fisxkaptisto                  fisherman
fisxo                         fish
fisxvergo                     fishing rod
fizika                        physical
fizikisto                     physicist
fiziko                        physics
fizionomio                    physiognomy
fjordo                        fjord, inlet, loch
flago                         banner, flag
flagreti                      flicker
flagri                        flare, flare up
flamanta                      ablaze
flamengo                      flamingo
flami                         flame
flamkapa                      hot-headed
flamo                         flame
flandra                       Flemmish
Flandraj Ardenoj              Flemmish Ardennes
Flandrio                      Flanders
flandro                       Flemming
Flandrujo                     Flanders
flanela                       flannel
flanelo                       flannel
flanka                        incidental, side
flanka brancxo                collateral branch, side-branch
flankafero                    accessory
flankajxo                     accessory matter, sideissue, sideshow
flanke de                     beside, alongside, next to
flanken                       to the side
flankenigxi                   deflect, diverge, wander
flankigxi                     go astray, stray off
flanko                        side
flankokupo                    hobby, sideline
flankon cxe flanko            abreast
flankvojo                     by-way, side-way
flano                         pancake
flaresplori                   smell at, sniff at
flari                         smell
flaro                         smell
flarsento                     smell
flarumi                       snuffle
flatado                       flattery
flate                         coaxingly
flati                         flatter
flato                         flattery
flava                         yellow
flava febro                   yellow fever
flava kupro                   brass
Flava Maro                    Yellow Sea
Flava Rivero                  Yellow River
flavgriza                     beige
flavo                         yellow
flebito                       phlebitis
flegi                         attend, nurse, tend to
flegistino                    nurse
flegisto                      nurse
flegmo                        indifference, phlegm
fleksebla                     flexible
fleksi                        bend
fleksigxi                     bend
fleksita                      bend
flikajxo                      patch
fliki                         mend, patch, patch up
flirti                        flirt, flit, flutter
Flisingo                      Flushing
Flitvudo                      Fleetwood
florajxo                      blossom
floranta                      abloom
florbrasiko                   cauliflower
Florenco                      Florence
Florfontano                   Bloemfontein
Florido                       Florida
floro                         bloom, flower
florpoto                      flowerpot
flosi                         float
floso                         raft
floto                         fleet
flua                          fluent
fluajxo                       fluid, liquid
fluejo                        bed, watercourse
flugarmeo                     air force
flugfolio                     flier
flughaveno                    airport
flugi                         fly
flugilo                       wing
flugmasxino                   aircraft
flugo                         flight
flui                          flow
fluida                        fluid, liquid
fluidajxo                     fluid, liquid
flulinia                      streamlined
fluo                          current, flow, stream
fluoro                        fluorine
flusa                         flood
fluso                         flood, high tide
flustrado                     whisper
flustri                       whisper
fluto                         flute
FM-dissendilo                 FM transmitter
FM-ricevilo                   FM receiver
fobio                         phobia
foirkomercisto                market trader
foiro                         fair, market
foja                          occasional
foje                          once, on occasion, sometimes
fojnamaso                     haystack
fojno                         hay
fojo                          occasion, time
foko                          seal
fokuso                        focus
foldo                         slot
foliaro                       foliage
folio                         leaf, sheet
foliumi                       leaf through
folkloro                      folklore
fondajxo                      foundation
fondi                         erect, establish, found
fonduso                       fund
fonetika                      phonetic
fonetiko                      phonetics
fono                          background
fonoforo                      hearing aid
fonografo                     cylinder phonograph
fontano                       fountain
fonti                         spring, well up
fonto                         fountain, source, spring
fontplumo                     fountain-pen, fountain pen
for                           away
fora                          distant, far, remote
forbati                       beat off, knock off, strike off
forbruli                      be burnt down
forbruligi                    burn down
fordoni sin                   abandon oneself
fordoni sin al                indulge in
foresta                       absent
forestanta                    absent
forestanteco                  absenteeism
forestantlisto                attendance register
forestanto                    absentee
foreste                       in one's absence
foreste de                    in the absence of
foresteco                     absence, non-attendance
foresti                       be absent, be missing
foresto                       absence
forflankigxi                  go astray, stray off
forflugi                      fly away
forflui                       flow down, flow off
forfosi                       dig off, level
forgesema                     forgetful
forgesi                       forget
forgxi                        forge
forgxisto                     smith
forigi                        do away with, get rid of, remove
forigi la mangxilaron         clear away, remove the cloth
forigo                        abolition
foriri                        absent onself, depart, go away, leave
foriri malfiere               slink off
foriro                        departure
forjxetajxo                   refuse, rubbish, waste
forjxeti                      throw away
forjxetindajxo                garbage, leavings, refuse, rubbish, waste
forklini                      parry, ward off
forko                         fork
forkondukado                  carrying off, discharge
forkonduki                    divert
forkonduko                    carrying off, discharge
forkonsenti                   relinquish, renounce, waive
forkonsumi                    use up
forkuri                       abscond
forlasi                       abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit
forlasi jxure                 abjure, forswear, swear off, renounce
forlasiteco                   abandonment
forlaso                       abandonment
forlavi                       wash off
forlesivi                     wash off
forloga                       repellent, repelling, repulsive
formala                       formal
formangxi                     eat up
formetejo                     shed
formeti                       put away, store
formi                         form, shape
formikmangxulo                anteater
formiko                       ant, emmet
formikurso                    anteater
formo                         form, shape
formorti                      die away, fail
Formoso                       Formosa
formularo                     blank, form
formuli                       formulate
formulo                       formula
fornagxi                      swim away
forno                         furnace, kiln, oven, stove
forpasi                       march off, retreat, withdraw
forpeli                       chase away, drive away, expel
forpermeso                    furlough, leave, pass
forporti                      bring away, carry away
forprenebla                   detachable, removable
forpreni                      abstract, take away
forpreni la jungilaron de     unharness
forrabo                       abstraction
forreagi                      abreact
forregali                     put off, send about his business
forresti                      absent oneself
forsendi                      dismiss, turn away
forsendi gxentile             put off, rebuff, send about his business
forsendi pretekste            put off, send about his business
forsitio                      forsythia
forskui                       shake off
forstreki                     cross out, strike out
forsxovi                      move
forsxovigxo                   shift
forsxovo                      shift
forta                         strong
forteco                       force, strength
forteni                       keep at a distance, keep at bay
fortepiano                    pianoforte
fortigi                       fortify
fortika                       firm, robust, sturdy
fortikajxo                    fortification
fortimiga                     deterrent, forbidding
fortimigi                     deter, discourage, scare
fortimigo                     deterrence
forto                         force, strength, vigour
fortostrecxo                  exertion
fortrancxi                    cut off
fortransi                     pass away
fortreso                      fortress
Fortuno                       Fortune
forturni                      turn away
forumo                        forum
foruzi                        use up
foruzita                      used up
forvelki                      abort
forveturi                     drive away, drive off
forveturo                     departure
forvisxi                      delete
forvojagxi                    depart, leave, set out
fosajxo                       hole, ditch, pit
fosforeska                    phosphorescent
fosforeski                    glow in the dark
fosforo                       phosphorus
fosi                          dig, grub, spade
fosilio                       fossil
fosilo                        spade
foso                          pole
fosto                         pole, post, stanchion, stake
foti                          photograph
fotilo                        camera
fotisto                       photographer
foto                          photograph
fotografajxo                  photograph
fotografi                     photograph
fotografio                    photography
fotografisto                  photographer
fotokopio                     photoprint
fragila                       fragile
fragmenta                     fragmentary
fragmento                     fragment, lump, piece
fragmito                      reed
frago                         strawberry
frajo                         spawn
frakasi                       crush, shatter, smash
frakcio                       fraction
frako                         dress-coat, evening dress, tails
frakseno                      ash
frakturo                      fracture
framasona                     masonic
framasono                     freemason, Mason
frambo                        raspberry
franca                        French
Franca Giano                  French Guiana
franca lingvo                 French, French language
Franca Polinezio              French Polynesia
francino                      Frenchwoman, French lady
Francio                       France
franco                        Frenchman
Francujo                      France
franda                        alluring, attractive, enticing, tempting
frandajxo                     delicacy, tidbit, sweet
frandi                        relish
frangxipano                   almond paste
frangxo                       frindge
franka                        Frankish
Frankfurto                    Frankfort, Frankfurt
Frankfurto cxe la Majno       Frankfort upon the Main
Frankonio                     Franconia
frapeti                       pat, tap
frapeti sur                   tap at
frapi                         hit, knock, strike
frapi sur la pordon           knock at the door, rap at the door
frapo                         knock
fratino                       sister
frato                         brother
frauxdi                       defraud, swindle
frauxla                       single, unmarried
frauxlino[1]                  unmarried woman, spinster
frauxlino[2]                  Miss
frauxlo[1]                    bachelor
Frazerburgo                   Fraserburgh
frazisto                      coaxer, flatterer
frazo                         sentence
frekventi                     frequent, visit regularly
fremda                        alien, foreign, strange
fremdulino                    stranger, female stranger
fremdulo                      foreigner, stranger
freneza                       crazy, insane, mad, nuts
frenezeco                     craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness
frenezeta                     crack-brained, daft, loopy, nuts, weird
frenezi                       act crazy, rave
frenezigxi                    go crazy
frenezo                       craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness
frenezulejo                   insane asylum
frenezulo                     lunatic
fresxa                        fresh, recent
fresxdate                     recently
fresxiganta                   refreshing
frida                         cold, frigid
fridigi                       refrigerate
fridujo                       refrigerator
fripona                       nasty
friponi                       cheat, do something crooked
fripono                       cheat, crook, rogue
frisa                         Frisian
frisino                       Frisian, Frisian woman
Frislando                     Friesland
friso                         Frisian
friti                         fry
fritilo                       frying-pan
fritita ovo                   boiled egg
frivola                       frivolous
frivolo                       frivolity
frizi                         curl, do
frizistino                    hairdresser, female hairdresser
frizisto                      barber, hairdresser
frizo                         hair-do
frizona                       Frisian
frizonino                     Frisian, Frisian woman
Frizonio                      Friesland
frizono                       Frisian
Frizonujo                     Friesland
fromagxo                      cheese
fronte al                     opposite
fronti                        confront, face
fronto                        front, battlefront, frontage
frosti                        freeze
frostigi                      freeze
frostigilo                    freezer
frostigita                    frozen
frostigxinta                  frozen
frosto                        freezing cold, frost
frostvundo                    frostbite
frotado                       friction
froteti                       strike
froti                         rub
froto                         friction
frotpuriga                    abrasive
frotpurigi                    rub
frotpurigilo                  abrasive
frua                          early
frue                          early
fruktarbejo                   orchard
fruktarbo                     fruit-tree
frukti                        bear fruit
frukto                        fruit
fruktodona                    fertile, fruitful
fruktoporta                   fruitful
frumatene                     early in the morning
frunto                        forehead
frustri                       frustrate
ftizo                         consumption, tuberculosis
ftizulo                       consumptive
fugxi                         flee, run away
fugxo                         flight, run
fulgo                         soot
fulgoro                       firefly
fulmi                         lighten
fulmo                         lightning
fumajxita                     smoked
fumajxita haringo             red herring
fumi                          smoke
fumkupeo                      smokers
fumo                          smoke
fumtabako                     cross-cut Maryland
fumtubo                       chimney, smokestack
fundamenta                    fundamental
fundamento                    element, foundation
fundo                         bottom, foundation, ground
funebra                       mournful
funebra procesio              funeral procession
funebrajxo                    funeral service
funebri                       mourn
funebro                       mourning
funelo                        funnel
fungo                         fungus, mushroom
funkcii                       function, operate, run, work
funkciigi                     control, operate, work
funkcio                       function
funkcipreta                   in working order
funkciulo                     functionary
funto                         pound
furioza                       furious
furiozeco                     amuck
furiozegigxi                  run amuck
furori                        be a hit, be in
furorlibro                    best-seller
furoro                        craze, hit
furzi                         fart
furzo                         fart
fusilo                        gun, rifle
fusxi                         botch, bungle, screw up, spoil
fusxita                       spoiled
fusxkontakto                  short circuit
fusxpalpi                     fumble
futbalo                       football, soccer
futo                          foot

gabardino                     gaberdine
Gabono                        Gabon
gadolinio                     gadolinium
gaela                         Gaelic
gaja                          cheerful, gay, merry
gajiga                        amusing
gajlo                         gall
gajni                         earn, gain, win
gajni monon                   make money
gajni sian porvivon per       live on, live upon
gajno                         benefit, gain, profit
galaksia                      galactic
Galapagoinsuloj               Gal@pagos Islands
Galasxilzo                    Galashiels
Galegio                       Galicia
Galegujo                      Galicia
galerio                       gallery
galica                        Galician
Galicio                       Galicia
Galicujo                      Galicia
Galilio                       Galilee
Galilujo                      Galilee
galino                        fowl
galinolo                      moorhen
galiumo                       gallium
galjono                       galloon, gold braid, stripe
galo                          bile, gall
galopi                        gallop
galopo                        gallop
galosxo                       galosh, overshoe
gamasxo                       gaiter
Gambilando                    Gambia
Gambio                        Gambia
gambo                         leg
gamo                          gamut, key, scale
gana                          Ghana
ganano                        Ghanaian
gangstero                     gangster, hoodlum
Gangxeso                      Ganges
Ganimedo                      Ganymede
Gano                          Ghana
ganto                         glove, mitten
gapi                          gape, gawk
gapi al                       gape at
gapulo                        loafer
garagxi                       dock, put away
garagxo                       garage
garantiajxo                   pledge, security
garantii                      guarantee, warrant
garantio                      guarantee, warrant
garantiulo                    hostage
garbo                         sheaf
gardangxelo                   guardian angel
gardenio                      gardenia
gardi                         guard, keep, look after, watch over
gardisto                      guard
gardo                         guard
gardostaranto                 sentry
gargari                       gargle, rinse
garni                         garnish, fit out, trim
garnizono                     garrison
garolo                        jay
gasbotelo                     gas cannister, gas cylinder
Gaskona Golfo                 Bay of Biscay
gaskono                       Gascon
gaso                          gas
gaspedalo                     accelerator, accelerator pedal
gastama                       hospitable
gastameco                     hospitality
gastamo                       hospitality
gastejestrino                 hostess, landlady
gastejestro                   host, innkeeper, landlord
gastejo                       hostel, inn
gasti                         be a guest of, stay with
gastigantino                  hostess
gastiganto                    host
gastigi                       accomodate, entertain, put up
gastlogxi                     be on a visit, stay, stop
gasto                         guest
gauxla                        Gallic, Gaulish
Gauxlio                       Gaul
gauxlo                        Gaul
Gauxlujo                      Gaul
gazelo                        gazelle
gazetaro                      press
gazetistino                   journalist, female journalist
gazetisto                     journalist
gazeto                        gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical
gazo                          gauze
gazonero                      sod, sod of grass, turf
gazono                        lawn
geavo                         grandparent
geavoj                        grandparents
geedzeco                      marriage
geedzigxa ceremonio           wedding
geedzigxa festo               wedding, wedding-party
geedzigxi                     marry, be married, get married
geedzigxinta                  married
geedzo                        spouse
geedzoj                       couple, married people
gefiancxigxi                  become engaged
gefrato                       brother, sibling, sister
gefratoj                      brothers and sisters
geheno                        hell
gejo                          homosexual, gay
gejsxo                        geisha
geko                          gecko
Gelderlando                   Guelderland, Guelders
geldra                        Guelders
Geldrio                       Guelderland, Guelders
Geldrujo                      Guelderland, Guelders
gelo                          frost
gemisto                       jeweller
gemo                          gem, jewel
genciano                      gentian
genealogia                    genealogical
genealogia tabelo             family tree, pedigree
genealogio                    family tree, genealogy, pedigree
genealogo                     genealogist
genepo                        grandchild
genera                        genital
generacio                     generation
generalo                      general
generi                        beget, generate
Genezo                        Genesis
genia                         ingenious
genio                         genius
genisto                       broom
geniulo                       genius, man of genius
geno                          gene
Gento                         Ghent
genui                         kneel
genuigxi                      kneel
genuo                         knee
geografia                     geographic, geographical
geografia karto               map
geografiisto                  geographer
geografio                     geography
geografo                      geographer
geologio                      geology
geologo                       geologist
geometrio                     geometry
gepatra                       parental
gepatro                       parent
gepatroj                      parents
gepraavo                      great-grandparent
geranio                       geranium
germana                       German
Germana Demokratia Respubliko East Germany, GDR
Germana Federacia Respubliko  German Federal Republic
germana lingvo                German, German language
germanema                     pro-German
germanino                     German, German lady, German woman
Germanio                      Germany
germaniumo                    germanium
Germanlando                   Germany
germano                       German
Germanujo                     Germany
gesti                         gesture
gestlingvo                    sign language
gesto                         gesture
Getshedo                      Gateshead
gibono                        gibbon
gicxeto                       window, ticket-window
Gideono                       Gideon
giganta                       gigantic, huge
giganto                       giant
Gilbertinsuloj                Gilbert Islands
Gilgamesxo                    Gilgamesh
gimnastiko                    gymnastics
gimnazio                      high school
gingivo                       gum
gipso                         gypsum, plaster of Paris
girlando                      garland, wreath
giroskopo                     gyroscope
gisto                         yeast
gitaro                        guitar
glaceo                        icing
glacia                        icy
glaciajxo                     ice, icecream
glacibalaisto                 sweeper
glaciejo                      glacier
glacimonto                    iceberg
glacio                        ice
gladi                         iron, iron clothes
gladilo                       iron
gladotabulo                   ironing board
glano                         acorn
glaso                         glass
glata                         smooth
glatigi                       smooth, make smooth
glavingo                      scabbard
glavo                         sword
glazuri                       glaze
glazuro                       glaze
glimo                         mica
glisi                         glide, plane
glisilo                       glider, sailplane
glita                         slippery
gliti                         glide, slip
glitiga                       slippery
glitilo                       skate
glitkuri                      skate
glitkurilo                    skate
glitpilko                     hockey
glitveturilo                  sledge, sleigh
globeto                       corpuscle, marble
globkrajono                   ballpoint pen
globludado                    bowling
globludo                      bowling
globo                         ball, ball-bearing, globe
globskribilo                  ballpoint, ball-point pen
globtrotulo                   globe-trotter
glora                         famous, glorious
glori                         commend, glorify, laud, praise
glorigi                       put on the map
glorkanto                     paean
gloro                         fame, glory, renown
glosaro                       glossary
gloso                         gloss
gluajxo                       glue
glueca                        sticky
glui                          glue, stick
gluigxi                       stick
glumarko                      sticker
gluo                          glue
glutegi                       gulp down
gluteo                        buttock
gluti                         swallow
gnomo                         brownie, gnome, goblin
gnuo                          gnu, wildebeest
Gogo                          Gog
golejo                        goal
golfeto                       bay
golfludo                      golf
golfo                         golf, gulf
golfo[1]                      gulf
golfo[2]                      golf
Golgoto                       Calvary, Golgotha
Goliato                       Goliath
gonoreo                       clap, gonorrhea
gorda                         Gordian
gorgxdoloro                   soar throat
gorgxnodo                     Adam's apple
gorgxo                        throat
gorgxotrancxi                 cut the throat of
gorilo                        gorilla
Gotaburgo                     Gothenburg
gotika                        Gothic
gracia                        graceful
gracieco                      grace, gracefulness
Gracio                        Grace
graco                         grace
grado                         degree, grade
grafiko                       graphic arts, graphics
graflando                     county
grafo                         count, earl
grajno                        grain, granule, pip
graki                         caw, croak
Gralkavaliro                  Grail Knight
Gralo                         Grail
gramatiko                     grammar
gramo                         gram, gramme
gramofondisko                 grammophone disc
gramofono                     phonograph, record-player
Gramonto                      Grammont
granato                       pomegranate
granda                        big, great, large
Granda Sklavolago             Great Slave Lake
Granda Ursolago               Great Bear Lake
grandagxa                     elderly
Grandaj Antiloj               Greater Antilles
grandanima                    magnanimous
grandeco                      size
grandega                      enormous, huge, immense
grandege                      enormously
grandioza                     grand, grandiose, magnificent, superb
grando                        size
grandparte                    for the greater part, for the most part
grandvalora                   costly, valuable
granita                       granite
granito                       granite
grapfrukto                    grapefruit
grapolo                       cluster
grasa                         fat, fatty, greasy
grasi                         grease
graso                         fat, grease
gratado                       scrabble
grati                         scratch
gratuli                       congratulate
gratulo                       congratulation
grava                         important, serious
graveco                       concern
graveda                       pregnant
gravedigxi                    conceive
gravito                       gravity
gravurajxo                    engraving
gravuri                       engrave
grego                         flock, herd
grejsa poto                   Cologne pot, stone jar
greka                         Greek
grekino                       Greek woman
Grekio                        Greece
greko                         Greek
Grekujo                       Greece
grenado                       grenade
Grendlo                       Grendel
Grenlanda Maro                Greenland Sea
Grenlando                     Greenland
greno                         grain
greso                         grass
grifelo                       stylus
grilo                         cricket
grimaci                       grimace
grimaco                       grimace
grimpi                        climb
Grimzbio                      Grimsby
grincado                      grating
grinci                        creak, gnash, grate, grind
Grinoko                       Greenock
grio                          meal
gripo                         flu, grip, influenza
griza                         grey
grizo                         grey
grizuo                        fire-damp
groenlanda                    Greenland
groenlandano                  Greenlander
Groenlando                    Greenland
groso                         gooseberry
grosxo                        groschen
groteska                      grotesque
groto                         cave, grotto
grumbli                       growl, grumble
grumblulo                     grouser, grumbler
grumo                         groom, stableman
grunda disfalo                landslide
grundi                        strand
grundo                        ground, soil
grundtavolo                   layer, layer of earth
grupigxi                      form a group
grupo                         group
gruzo                         gravel, grit
gubernatoro                   governor
gubernio                      province
gudri                         tar
gudro                         tar
gulasxo                       goulash, stew
guldeno                       guilder, gulden
gumi                          erase
gumo                          eraser, gum
gurdi                         grind out
gurdisto                      organ grinder, organ-grinder
gurdita                       hackneyed
gurdo                         barrel-organ, hurdy-gurdy
gusti                         taste
gustigi                       flavor, flavour, season
gusto                         taste
gustumi                       taste
gustumo                       taste, sense of taste
guteto                        droplet
guti                          drip
gutmalsekigi                  baste
guto                          drip, drop
guverni                       coach, tutor
guvernistino                  governess
guvernisto                    tutor
gvardio                       guard
gvatemala                     Guatemalan
gvatemalano                   Guatemalan
Gvatemalo                     Guatemala
gvati                         keep an eye on, spy on
gvatsekvi                     tail, shadow
gvida ideo                    leitmotif, leitmotiv
gvidanto                      leader
gvidi                         conduct, direct, guide, head, lead
gvidilo                       guide-book
gvidisto                      guide
gvidlibro                     handbook, guide, guidebook
gvidmarki                     beacon
gvidmarkilo                   beacon
gvido                         guide
gvinea                        Guinea
Gvineo                        Guinea

gxangalo                      jungle
gxardenisto                   gardener
gxardeno                      garden
gxardenumado                  gardening
gxemela                       twin
gxemelduo                     twins
gxemelo                       twin
gxemeloj                      twins
gxemi                         groan, moan
gxena                         nasty, troublesome
gxendarmo                     gendarme, patrolman
gxenerala                     general, usual
gxeneralaj sxtatoj            States General
gxenerale                     generally
gxenerale akceptita           accepted
gxeneraleco                   generality, universality
gxeneva Lago                  Lake of Geneva
gxenevo                       Geneva
gxeni                         bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
gxeni sin                     be ashamed
gxeno                         trouble
gxenova Golfo                 Gulf of Genoa
gxenovo                       Genoa
gxenro                        genre
gxentila                      courteous, polite, well-mannered
gxentilajxo                   courtesy
gxentileco                    politeness
gxentilhomeca                 gentlemanlike, ladylike
gxentilhomo                   gentleman
gxentlemaneca                 gentlemanlike
gxentlemanineca               ladylike
gxentlemanino                 lady
gxentlemano                   gentleman
gxermana                      Germanic, Teutonic
gxermano                      German, Teuton
gxermi                        germinate
gxermo                        germ
gxi                           it
gxia                          its
gxiba                         hunch-backed
gxibhava                      hunch-backed
gxibo                         bump, hump
gxibraltaro                   Gibraltar
gxibulo                       hunchback
gxibutio                      Djibouti, Jibuti
gxin                          it
gxino                         gin
gxirafo                       giraffe
gxiranto                      endorser
gxirato                       endorsee
gxiri                         endorse
gxiro                         endorsement
gxis                          until, till
gxis nun                      yet
gxis revido                   bye, goodbye, so long
gxisatendi                    bide, abide, stay for, wait, await, wait for
gxisfunda                     thoroughgoing
gxisfunde                     thoroughly
gxisosta                      diehard
gxisvivi                      go through, live to see
gxogi                         jog
gxoja                         happy, glad
gxojeco                       gladness, joy
gxoji                         be glad, enjoy, rejoice
gxojiga                       joyful
gxojigi                       make glad
gxojo                         gladness, joy
gxuamo                        hedonism
gxui                          delight in, enjoy
gxungario                     Dzungaria
gxusta                        correct, exact, proper, right
gxustatempe                   at the right time, in time
gxuste                        just, exactly, okay, right
gxustigi                      adjust, put right

ha                            ah, aha
ha lo                         hello
hacxi                         hatch, shade
hafnio                        hafnium
haga                          Hague, of The Hague
hagano                        inhabitant of The Hague
Hago                          The Hague
Haitio                        Haiti
Haito                         Haiti
hajlero                       hailstone
hajlo                         hail
haketi                        chop, dice, mince
haki                          chop, cut, hack
hakilo                        axe
hakviando                     hamburger meat
haladza                       fumy
haladzi                       fume
haladzo                       fume
halebardo                     halberd
haliotiso                     abalone, ear shell, haliotis
halo                          hall
haloo                         halo
haltejo                       stop
halti                         halt, come to a halt, stop
halti en                      call at
haltigi                       halt, stop
haltostreko                   break
haltstreko                    break
hamako                        hammock
hamburgero                    hamburger
Hamburgo                      Hamburg
Hamiltono                     Hamilton
Hanibalo                      Hannibal
Hanojo                        Hanoi
Hanovro                       Hanover
Hanso                         Hanse, Hanseatic League
hanti                         haunt
hararo                        hair
hararzono                     hair ribbon, fillet
hardi                         harden, temper
haremo                        harem
harfendado                    hair-splitting
harfendemulo                  hair-splitter, niggler, nit-picker
haringo                       herring
harkovrita                    hairy, hirsute
harmonia                      harmonious
harmonii                      fit together, harmonize
harmoniko                     harmonica
harmonio                      harmony
haro                          hair
haroj                         hair, hairs
harpio                        harpy
harpo                         harp
harstariga                    eerie, grisly, gruesome, macabre
hasta                         hurried
haste                         hastily, hurriedly, in a hurry
hasto                         haste
hasxisxo                      hashish
hauxto                        skin
hauxtveziketo                 blister
havaja                        Hawaiian
Havajo                        Hawaii
Havano                        Havana
havebla                       available
haveno                        harbor, harbour, port
havi                          have, have got
havi diareon                  have diarrhoea
havi intereson pri            be interested in, have an interest in
havi malbonsxancon            have bad luck
havi permeson                 be allowed to, may
havigi                        get, procure
havigi al si                  buy, get, procure
Haviko                        Hawick
hazarda                       accidental, chance, random
hazarde                       by accident, by chance
hazardluda turbo              put-and-take top, teetotum
hazardo                       accidence, chance, hazard
he                            hey, say
hebrea                        Hebrew, Jewish
hebreo                        Hebrew, Jew
Hebridoj                      Hebrides, Western Islands
hedero                        ivy
hegxo                         hedge
hegxtondilo                   hedge clippers, hedge shears
hejma                         domestic
hejme                         at home
hejmeca                       homy
hejmen                        home
hejmo                         home
hejmsidema                    stay-at-home
hejmveo                       homesickness
hejmvesto                     dressing-gown
hejtado                       heating
hejtajxo                      fuel
hejti                         heat, stoke
hejtilo                       heater
Hekato                        Hecate
hektolitro                    hectolitre
Hektoro                       Hector
hela                          bright, clear, light
Helaso                        Hellas
helblua                       bright blue
Heldero                       Den Helder
heleboro                      hellebore
helena                        Hellenian, Hellenic
Heleno                        Helen
helianto                      sunflower
helico                        helix, propeller
heligxi                       clear
helika konko                  snail-shell
heliko                        snail
heliumo                       helium
helpa                         auxilary
helpantino                    assistant, lady help
helpanto                      aid, assistent, helper
helpema                       accommodating, helpful
helpemo                       helpfulness, readiness to help
helpi                         accomodate, aid, assist, help
helpi malsupreniri            help down, help off
helpo                         aid, help
Helsinko                      Helsinki
Helvetio                      Helvetia
helveto                       Helvetian
hemeralopio                   night-blindness, nyctalopia
hemisfero                     hemisphere
hemoroido                     haemorrhoid, hemorrhoid, pile
hemoroidoj                    haemorhoids
Henegovio                     Henegovia
heni                          whinny
hepatito                      hepatitis
hepatkolbaso                  liver sausage
hepato                        liver
herakleo                      cow parsnip, hogweed
heraldiko                     heraldry
herbejo                       meadow
herbo                         grass, herb
herboverda                    grass green
hereda                        hereditary
heredajxo                     inheritance
heredanto                     heir
heredeco                      heredity
heredi                        inherit
heredigi                      bequeath, leave
hereza                        heretical
herezo                        heresy
herezulo                      heretic
Herkulo                       Heracles, Hercules
Hermeso                       Hermes
Hero                          Hera
heroa                         heroic
heroeco                       heroism
heroeno                       heroin
heroino                       heroin, heroin
heroino[1]                    heroine
heroino[2]                    heroin
heroldi                       herald
heroldo                       herald
heroo                         hero
herpato                       herpes
herpeto                       herpes
Hespero                       Hesperus
Hestio                        Hestia
hezitado                      hesitation, wavering
hezitanta                     hesitant
hezitema                      irresolute, undecided
heziti                        hesitate
hezito                        hesitation
hiato                         gap
hibisko                       hibiscus
hibrida                       hybrid, mongrel
hidrargo                      quicksilver
Hidro                         Hydra
hidrofobio                    hydrophobia
hidrogenbombo                 H-bomb, hydrogen bomb
hidropso                      dropsy
hieno                         hyaena
hieraux                       yesterday
hieraux vespere               last night
hierauxa                      yesterday, of yesterday
higiena                       hygienic
higieno                       hygiene
Himalajoj                     Himalayas
himno                         anthem, hymn
hinda                         Indian
Hinda Oceano                  Indian Ocean
hindino                       Indian, Indian lady, Indian woman
Hindio                        India
hindo                         Indian
Hindocxinio                   Indo-China
Hindocxinujo                  Indo-China
hindoeuxropa                  Indo-European
hindoeuxropano                Indo-European
hindogxermana                 Indo-European, Indo-Germanic
hindua                        Hindu, Hindoo
Hindujo                       India
hinduo                        Hindu, Hindoo
hino                          hinny
Hipno                         Hypnos
hipnotigi                     hypnotize
hipnotisto                    hypnotist
hipnoto                       hypnosis, hypnotic trance
hipogloso                     halibut
Hipokrato                     Hippocrates
hipokrita                     hypocritical
hipokriti                     dissemble
hipokritulo                   hypocrite
hipopotamo                    hippo, hippopotamus
hipoteko                      mortgage
hipoteza                      hypothetical
hipotezi                      hypothesize
hipotezo                      hypothesis
hirta                         bristly, standing on end, untidy
hirti                         bristle
hirtigi                       tousle
hirudo                        leech
hirundo                       swallow
hisi                          hoist, hoist up, run up, wind up
hisilo                        halyard
hispana                       Spanish
hispana lingvo                Spanish, Spanish language
hispanino                     Spanish woman
Hispanio                      Spain
Hispaniolo                    Hispaniola
Hispanlando                   Spain
hispano                       Spaniard
Hispanujo                     Spain
histeria                      hysterical
histerio                      hysteria
historio                      story, history
histriko                      porcupine
Hisxamo                       Heysham
ho                            oh
ho ve                         alas, oh dear
hobio                         hobby
hobojo                        oboe
hodiaux                       today, to-day
hodiaux matene                this morning
hodiaux posttagmeze           this afternoon
hodiaux vespere               this evening
hodiauxa                      current, present, present-day
hoj                           ahoy
hoka                          hook
hokeo                         hockey
hokfadeno                     line
hokfisxi                      fish with a line
hokfisxilo                    fishing rod
hokfisxkaptanto               angler
hokfisxkapti                  fish with a line
hoko                          hook
hola                          hey
holanda                       Dutch
Holanda Angulo                Hook of Holland
holandano                     Dutchman, Hollander
Holando                       Holland
holdo                         hold
holmio                        holmium
homa                          human
homamaso                      crowd, mass, multitude
homamo                        charity, love of one's neighbour
homaro                        human race, mankind
hombucxado                    massacre
homekipi                      man
homekipo                      crew
Homero                        Homer
homo                          man, human being
homoj                         people
homportilo                    stretcher
homrabanto                    abductor
homrabi                       abduct
homrabo                       abduction
hondurasa                     Honduran
hondurasanino                 Honduran woman
hondurasano                   Honduran
Honduraso                     Honduras
honesta                       above-board, honest
Honkongo                      Hongkong
honora                        honorary
honora protektanto            patron
honorario                     fee
honori                        honor, honour
honorindeco                   respectability, venerability
honoro                        honor, honour
honta                         ashamed
honti                         be ashamed
hontiga                       humiliating
hontigi                       abash, put to shame
hontigita                     ashamed
hontinda                      shameful
honto                         abashment, shame
hop                           gee-up
hopi                          hop
-hora                         hour's, hours'
horaro                        schedule, time-table
hordeo                        barley
hordo                         band, horde, troop
horizontala                   horizontal, level
horizonto                     horizon
horlogxeto                    watch
horlogxisto                   watchmaker
horlogxo                      clock, watch
horo                          hour, o'clock, time
horori                        be horrified
hororo                        horror
horoskopo                     horoscope
Horuso                        Horus
hospitalo                     hospital
hostimontrilo                 monstrance
hotelo                        hotel
hu                            boo
Hudsongolfo                   Hudson Bay
Hudsonkolo                    Hudson Strait
hufferi                       shoe
huffero                       horseshoe
hufo                          hoof
hufoferi                      shoe
humana                        humane
humanisto                     humanist
Humbro                        Humber
humida                        damp, humid, moist
humideco                      damp
humila                        humble
humileco                      humility
humiliga                      humiliating
humiligi                      abase
humiligo                      abasement
humiligxi                     abase oneself, humble oneself
humiligxo                     abasement
humo                          humus
humoro                        humor, humour, mood, temper
humura                        humorous, humourous
humuro                        humor, humour
hunda                         canine
hundacxo                      monster
hundo                         dog
hungara                       Hungarian
hungarino                     Hungarian, Hungarian lady, Hungarian woman
Hungario                      Hungary
Hungarlando                   Hungary
hungaro                       Hungarian
Hungarujo                     Hungary
hupo                          hooter
hura                          hurray
hurai                         cheer
hurao                         cheer
hurio                         houri
hurli                         howl
hurlo                         howl

hxaldeano                     Chaldean
hxaldeo                       Chaldea
hxaosa                        chaotic
hxaoso                        chaos, tangle
hxartumo                      Khartoum, Khartum
hxemiisto                     chemist
hxemio                        chemistry
hximera                       chimerical
hximero                       Chimera
hxina                         Chinese
hxina inko                    Indian ink
hxina lingvo                  Chinese, Chinese language
hxina Novjaro                 Chinese New Year
hxinino                       Chinese, Chinese lady, Chinese woman
hxinio                        China
hxino                         Chinese
hxinujo                       China
hxirurga                      surgical
hxirurgio                     surgery
hxirurgo                      surgeon
hxolero                       cholera
hxorejo                       coir loft
hxoreo                        Saint Vitus's dance
hxoro                         chorus, coir

ia                            some kind of
iagrade                       to some extent
iai                           bray
ial                           for some reason
iam                           at some time, ever, sometime
ibekso                        ibex
ibera                         Iberian
ibiso                         ibis
idaro                         offspring
ideala                        ideal
idealisto                     idealist
idealo                        ideal
idekonfuzo                    confusion of ideas
identa                        identical
identigi                      identify
idento                        identity
ideo                          idea
ideografio                    picture writing
ideologio                     ideology
idilio                        idyll
idiomo                        idiom
idiota                        idiotic
idioteco                      idiocy
idiotismo                     idiom
idioto                        idiot
ido                           child, offspring, young
idolano                       idolator
idolfiguro                    idol
idolkulto                     idolatry, idol worship
idolo                         idol
idolservo                     idolatry, idol worship
ie                            anywhere, somewhere
iel                           anyway, somehow
ien                           somewhere, to some place
ies                           someone's
Igdrasilo                     Yggdrasil, Yggdrasill
igi                           cause, get, make
ignamo                        sweet potato, yam
ignori                        ignore
igvano                        iguana
igxi                          become, get, grow
igxi la edzino de             become the wife of, marry
igxi la edzo de               become the husband of, marry
ikonoklasto                   iconoclast
ikonrompado                   iconoclasm
ikskruroj                     knock kneed legs, turned-in legs
ikso                          X
iksodo                        tick
iksradioj                     X-rays
ilekso                        holly
ili                           them, they
ilia                          their
Iliado                        Iliad
ilin                          them
ilo                           means, tool
iloj                          means
ilumini                       enlighten, illuminate
ilustrajxo                    illustration
ilustri                       illustrate
ilustrita posxtkarto          picture postcard
iluzia                        misleading
iluzii                        delude
iluziisto                     magician
iluzio                        illusion
imagi                         fancy, imagine
imago                         imagination
Imhotepo                      Imhotep
Imiro                         Ymir
imitado                       imitation
imitajxo                      imitation
imiti                         imitate
imitita                       counterfeit, faked, forged
imito                         imitation
imperialismo                  imperialism
imperiestrino                 empress
imperiestro                   emperor
imperiismo                    imperialism
imperiisto                    imperialist
imperio                       empire
impertinenta                  impertinent
impertinenteco                impertinence
impertinentulo                boor
impeti al                     rush at
impeto                        impetus
implici                       imply
implikajxo                    tangle
implikanta                    confusing
impliki                       entangle, implicate
impona                        imposing
imponeco                      airs
imponi                        impress, strike
importi                       import
impostdeklaro                 return, tax return
impostdepreno                 tax deduction
impostebla                    subject to tax
imposti                       tax
impostisto                    revenue agent, tax collector
impostkonsilisto              tax consultant
impostkvoto                   assessment
impostmalplialtigo            tax abatement, tax reduction, tax relief
imposto                       tax
impostoficejo                 tax-collector's office
impostpaganto                 ratepayer, taxpayer
impostplialtigo               tax hike, tax increase
impostpremo                   tax burden
impostsistemo                 fiscal system, system of taxation, tax system
impotenta                     impotent
impresebla                    accessible, impressible, sensitive
impresi                       impress
impresigxema                  impressable, sensitive
impresionismo                 impressionism
impresionisto                 impressionist
impreso                       impression
impulsi                       impel
impulso                       access, impetus, impulse
imputi                        blame, hold against
imputo                        imputation
imuna                         immune
ina                           female, feminine
inauxgura                     inaugural
inauxguracii                  inaugurate
inauxguri                     inaugurate
inauxguro                     inauguration
incendia                      incendiary
incendio                      conflagration, fire
incenso                       incense
incensujo                     censer, incensory, thurible
incesto                       incest
incitanto                     firebrand, instigator
inciteti                      tease
inciti                        abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up
inda                          deserving, worthy
indeksi                       index
indekso                       index
indi                          be worth, be worthy of
indiana                       Indian, Red Indian
indiano                       Indian, American Indian
indico                        index
indiferenta                   immaterial, indifferent
indigestio                    dyspepsia, indigestion
indigna                       indignant
indigni                       be indignant
indigni pri                   resent, take exception to, take offence at
indignigi                     annoy
indigno                       offence, scandal
indigxena                     aboriginal, native
indigxena auxstraliano        aboriginal, aborigine
indigxenauxstralia            aboriginal, aborigine
indigxenauxstraliano          aboriginal, Australian aboriginal
indigxeno                     aboriginal, native
indikativo                    indicative, indicative mood
indiki                        indicate, suggest
indiko                        indication
indio                         indium
individua                     individual
individuo                     individual
indo                          value, worth
indonezia                     Indonesian
indonezianino                 Indonesian woman
indoneziano                   Indonesian
Indonezio                     Indonesia
Indro                         Indra
indulga                       lenient
indulgenco                    indulgence
indulgi                       be lenient with, indulge, spare
Induso                        Indus
industria                     industrial
industria fako                industrial branch
industriisto                  industrialist
industrio                     industry
inerta                        inert
infana                        childish
infaneca                      childish
infaneto                      baby
infanlito                     child's bed, cot
infano                        child, infant
infanprostituado              child prostitution
infanterio                    infantry
infekta                       catching, contagious, infectious
infekta centro                source of infection
infektado                     contagion, contamination, infection
infekti                       infect
infektita                     contaminated, infected
infekto                       infection
infera                        infernal
infero                        hell
infesti                       infest
infesto                       infestation
inflacio                      inflation
inflamo                       inflammation
influi                        affect, influence
influo                        influence
informajxo                    information
informejo                     inquiry-office
informi                       inform, report
informigxi                    be advised, find out
informo                       information
infuzajxo                     extract, infusion
infuzi                        infuse
ingo                          holder, socket
ingredienco                   component, element, ingredient, part
Ingusxio                      Ingushia
ingusxo                       Ingush
Ingusxujo                     Ingushia
ingveno                       groin
ingxeniero                    engineer
inicialo                      initial
iniciati                      initiate, start
iniciatinto                   instigator
injekti                       inject
injektilo                     syringe
injekto                       injection
inkandeska                    incandescent
inklina                       inclined
inklini                       incline, be inclined
inklino                       disposal, inclination, tendency
inkluziva                     inclusive
inkluzive                     including, inclusively
inkluzive de                  including
inkluzivi                     include
inko                          ink
inkuba                        nightmarish
inkubo                        incubus, nightmare
inkubsongxo                   nightmare
inkujo                        well, ink-well
inkuso                        anvil, incus
ino                           female
inokuli                       inoculate
insektforpelilo               repellent, insect repellent
insekto                       bug, insect
insida                        insidious
insidanto                     attacker, enemy
insidi                        set a trap, set a trap for
insidi kontraux               beset, threaten
insido                        snare
insigno                       badge, insignia
insista                       emphatic
insistadi                     persevere, persist, pursue one's point
insistado                     insistence, pressure, urgency
insisti                       insist
insisto                       insistence, pressure, urgency
inskripcio                    inscription
inspektado                    inspection
inspekti                      inspect
inspektisto                   inspector
inspekto                      inspection
inspektoro                    inspector
inspira                       inspiring
inspirajxo                    inspiration
inspiri                       inspire
inspiro                       inspiration
instali                       install
instanco                      authoritative source, court
instiga kauxzo                inducement, occasion, motive
instiga okazajxo              inducement, motive, occasion
instigi                       encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge
instigilo                     prompt
instigo                       impetus, incitement, stimulus
instinkto                     instinct
institucio                    institution
instituto                     institute
instruado                     education
instrui                       teach
instruistino                  teacher, female teacher
instruisto                    instructor, teacher
instrukcii                    instruct
instrukcio                    directions, instruction
instrumento                   instrument
instruo                       instruction
insularo                      archipelago
insulo                        island
insulta                       insulting, offensive, opprobrious
insultado                     abuse
insulti                       abuse, insult, offend
insulto                       abuse, insult
integra                       integral
integrita cirkvito            integrated circuit
intelekta                     intellectual
intelekto                     intellect, mind
intelektulo                   intellectual
inteligenta                   intelligent, sagacious
inteligenteca kvociento       I.Q.
inteligenteco                 intelligence
inteligento                   intelligence
intenca                       intentional
intence                       deliberately, on purpose
intenci                       intend, mean
intenco                       intention, meaning, plan
intendantino                  matron
intendanto                    steward, superintendant
intensa                       intense, intensive
inter                         among, between
inter ... kaj                 ... to, from ... to, of ... to
interbatali                   be at loggerheads, tussle
interbatigxi                  fight
interbatigxo                  scuffle
interdigigi                   dam in, dam up, embank
interesa                      interesting
interesega                    absorbing
interesi                      interest
interesigxi                   be interested, take an interest
interesigxi pri               be interested in, take an interest in
interesigxo                   interest
interesita                    gripped, interested
intereskomunumo               community of interests
intereso                      interest
interesto                     interest
interfaco                     interface
interjekcio                   interjection
interkompreno                 mutual understanding
interkonsenti                 agree
interkonsenti rendevuon       make an appointment
interkonsento                 accommodation, agreement
interkonsiligxi               deliberate
interkonsiligxo               consultation, deliberation
interkvereli                  be at loggerheads, tussle
interligi                     connect, join
interligiteco                 connection
intermita                     intermittent
intermita febro               tertian fever
intermiti                     occur intermittently
intermonto                    defile, mountain pass
interna                       inner, inside, internal
Interna Mongolio              Inner Mongolia
Interna Mongolujo             Inner Mongolia
internacia                    international
internacia rapidtrajno        international express, international express train
internajxo                    inside
interne                       inside
interne de                    inside, within
internen                      inside, inwards
interno                       inside, interior
interparolado                 conversation
interparoli                   converse
interpreti                    interpret
interpretilo                  interpreter
interpretisto                 interpreter
interpreto                    interpretation
interpunkcii                  punctuate
interpunkcio                  interpunction, punctuation
interrilati kun               associate with
interrilato                   relation, understanding
interrompi                    interrupt
interrompo                    interruption
interstacia bloko             section
intersxangxi                  interchange, swap
intersxangxo                  exchange
intertempe                    all the while, meanwhile
intervalo                     interval
interveni                     intervene
intervjui                     interview
intervjuo                     interview
intestaro                     intestines
intesto                       intestine
intima                        close, intimate
intima interparolo            private talk
intrigi                       intrigue
intrigo                       plot
inundi                        flood
inundo                        flood
invadi                        invade
invado                        invasion
invalida                      disabled
invalido                      disabled person
inventajxo                    invention
inventaro                     inventory
inventi                       invent
inventisto                    inventor
invento                       invention
Invergaro                     Invergarry
inversa                       reverse, reversed
inverse                       vice-versa
inversigi                     turn
investado                     investment
investanto                    investor
investi                       invest
inviti                        invite
invito                        invitation
Io                            Io
iom                           a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent
iom post iom                  gradually, little by little
iomete                        a little, rather
ionika                        Ionian
iperito                       mustard-gas
Ipro                          Ypres
ipsilono                      Y
iraka                         Iraki, Iraqi, Iraquian
irakano                       Iraki, Iraqi, Iraquian
Irako                         Irak, Iraq
irana                         Iranian
irananino                     Iranian woman, Persian woman
iranano                       Iranian, Persian
Irano                         Iran, Persia
iranta sampasxe               abreast
irebla                        passable, practicable
irejo                         path, road, way
Ireno                         Irene
iri                           go
iri al kinejo                 go to the cinema, go to the movies
iri kun                       accompany
iri plue                      pass on
iri rekte al                  go straight to
iri sub                       go under
iridio                        iridium
Iriso                         Iris
irlanda                       Irish
Irlanda Maro                  Irish Sea
irlandanino                   Iriswoman
irlandano                     Irishman
Irlando                       Ireland
ironia                        ironic
ironio                        irony
irorevena bileto              return-ticket
irpreni                       fetch, get, pick up
Isido                         Isis
islama                        Islamic
islamano                      Mohammedan, Moslem, Muslim, Mussulman
islamo                        Islam
islanda                       Icelandic
islandano                     Icelander
Islando                       Iceland
Islolago                      IJsselmeer
israela                       Israelian
israelanino                   Israeli woman
israelano                     Israelian
israelida                     Israelite, Israelitish
israelido                     Israelite
Israelo                       Israel
Isro                          IJzer
Istanbulo                     Istanbul
-isto                         -er, -ist, -or
Isxtaro                       Ishtar
Itako                         Ithaca
itala                         Italian
itala lingvo                  Italian, Italian language
italino                       Italian woman
Italio                        Italy
italo                         Italian
Italujo                       Italy
iterbio                       ytterbium
itinero                       route
itrio                         yttrium
iu                            a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
iu ajn                        any
iuj                           a few, some
izola                         isolated, secluded
izolado                       insulation, isolation
izoleco                       isolation, separation
izoli                         insulate, isolate, seclude
izolilo                       insulator
izolita                       remote
izolite                       out of the way
izoliteco                     isolation, separation
izraela                       Israeli
izraelano                     Israeli
Izraelo                       Israel

ja                            certainly, indeed, rather, surely
jada                          jade
jado                          jade
jaguaro                       jaguaro
jahxto                        yacht
jako                          jacket
Jakobo                        Jacob
jakto                         yacht
Jalto                         Yalta
jam                           already, by now, yet
jam de                        since
jam ne                        no longer
Jamajko                       Jamaica
Jano                          Janus
januaro                       January
japana                        Japanese
japana lingvo                 Japanese, Japanese language
Japana Maro                   Sea of Japan
japanacxo                     Jap
japanino                      Japanese woman
Japanio                       Japan
Japanlando                    Japan
japano                        Japanese
Japanujo                      Japan
jarcento                      centennial, century
jardeko                       decade
jardo                         yard
jardo[1]                      yard
jardo[2]                      yard
jarfina tago                  New Year's Eve
jargono                       gibberish, jargon, lingo
jarlibro                      year-book
jarmilo                       millenium
jaro                          year
Jasono                        Jason
java                          Javan, Javanese
javanino                      Javanese woman
javano                        Javanese
Javo                          Java
Javomaro                      Java Sea
je                            at, by, on, upon
je la fino                    at the back, behind, in the rear
je via sano                   cheers, good health
Jehovo                        Jehovah
jemena                        Yemeni
jemenanino                    Yemeni woman
jemenano                      Yemeni
Jemeno                        Yemen
jen                           behold, here is, here are, look, there
jen ... jen                   sometimes ... sometimes
jene                          thus
Jerihxo                       Jericho
Jerusalemo                    Jerusalem
Jeruzalemo                    Jerusalem
jes                           yes
jesi                          assent, say yes
jeso                          assent
Jesuo                         Jesus
Jesuo Kristo                  Jesus Christ
jeto                          jet plane
Jezuo                         Jesus
jida                          Yiddish
jodli                         yodel
jodo                          iodine
jogo                          yoga
jogurto                       yoghourt, yoghurt
Johanesburgo                  Johannesburg
jokero                        wild card
jokersigno                    wild card
Jonika Maro                   Ionian Sea
jordangxero                   danger of skidding
Jordanio                      Jordan
Jordano                       Jordan
jori                          skid
Josxuo                        Joshua
joto                          iota, jot
Jozefo                        Joseph
ju                            the
ju ... des                    the ... the
jubila                        jubilant
jubilea                       jubilee
jubileo                       jubilee
jubili                        exult
jubilo                        exultation, jubilation
juda                          Jewish
judismo                       Judaism
judo                          Jew
jugi                          yoke
juglandarbo                   walnut-tree
juglando                      walnut
juglandujo                    walnut-tree
jugo                          yoke
jugoslava                     Yugoslav, Yugoslavian
jugoslavino                   Yugoslav woman
Jugoslavio                    Yugoslavia
jugoslavo                     Yugoslav, Yugoslavian
Jugoslavujo                   Yugoslavia
jugxa decido                  decision, judgement
jugxa preno                   attachment, seizure
jugxado                       adjudication, trial
jugxalvoko                    summons
jugxantaro                    jury
jugxejo                       court, courtroom
jugxi                         judge
jugxi laux                    go by, rely on, trust
jugxisto                      judge
jugxo                         judgment
juki                          itch
juko                          itch
julio                         July
Julo                          Yule
juna                          young
juna angilo                   elver
juneco                        youth
jungajxo                      harness
jungi                         harness
jungilaro                     harness
junio                         June
Juno                          Juno
junto                         seam
junulargastejo                youth hostel
junulino                      young woman
junulo                        youngster, youth
Jupitro                       Jove, Jupiter
Jupitro[1]                    Jove, Jupiter
Jupitro[2]                    Jove, Jupiter
jupo                          skirt
juristo                       jurist, lawyer
Juro                          Jura
justa                         fair, just, righteous
justeco                       justice, righteousness
Justitio                      Justice
Jutlando                      Jutland
juvelisto                     jeweller
juvelo                        jewel

jxaluza                       jealous
jxaluzi                       be jealous
jxaluzo                       jealousy
jxargono                      jargon
jxaro                         stone jar
jxauxdo                       Thursday
jxazo                         jazz
jxerzo                        Jersey
jxetdisko                     disc, discus, disk
jxeteti                       toss
jxeti                         throw
jxeti sin sur                 leap upon, pounce upon, spring upon
jxeti sur                     abdicate to
jxetkovri                     sprinkle, strew
jxetkubo                      die
jxetlanco                     javelin
jxongli                       juggle
jxonglisto                    juggler
jxosi                         earth, earth up, hill, hill up
jxuno                         Juneau
jxuraso                       Jurassic
jxuri                         swear
jxurio                        jury
jxurnalistino                 journalist, female journalist
jxurnalisto                   journalist
jxurnalo                      daily paper, journal, newspaper
jxuro                         oath
jxus                          just, just now

k.t.p.                        etc.
kaba                          Cape
kabano                        cabin, hut, shack
kabaredo                      cabaret
kabareto                      cabaret
kabineto                      cabinet
kablo                         cable
kablogramo                    cablegram
kabo                          cape
Kabo de Bona Espero           Cape of Good Hope
Kaboprovinco                  Cape Province
Kabulo                        Kabul
Kaburbo                       Cape Town
kaco                          cock, prick
kacxo                         gruel, mess, mush
kadavrajxo                    carrion
kadavro                       cadaver, corpse
kadavrogrifo                  vulture
kadmio                        cadmium
kadro                         cadre, frame, framework
kaduka                        decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety
kadukigxi                     be on the decline, go downhill, go off
kadukigxo                     decay
kafejo                        caf@
kafeterio                     cafetaria
kafkrucxo                     coffee-pot
kafo                          coffee
kaftano                       caftan
kafujo                        coffee-pot
kagxo                         cage
kahelo                        tile
Kaino                         Cain
kainsigno                     brand of Cain, mark of Cain
Kairo                         Cairo
kaj                           and
kaj ankaux                    and also, and ... as well, as well as, together with
kaj ... kaj                   both ... and
kaj tiel plu                  and so on, et cetera
kajero                        exercise-book, folder, notebook
Kajleakino                    Kyleakin
kajo                          platform, quay, wharf
kajuto                        cabin
kakao                         cocoa
kakto                         cactus
kalabaseto                    courgette, zucchini
kalabaso                      calabash, gourd
Kalabrio                      Calabria
Kalabrujo                     Calabria
kalcio                        calcium
kaldronego                    boiler, steam-boiler
kaldronisto                   tinker
kaldrono                      boiler, cauldron, kettle
kalemburo                     pun
kalendaro                     calendar
kalendulo                     marigold
kalesxo                       carriage, coach
kalfatri                      calk, caulk
kalibro                       calibre
kalifornia                    Californian
Kalifornia Golfo              Gulf of California
kaliforniano                  Californian
Kalifornio                    California
kaliko                        chalice, goblet
kalio                         potassium
Kalipso                       Calypso
Kalisto                       Callisto
kalkajxo                      white-wash
kalkano                       heel
kalkanumo                     heel
kalki                         white-wash
kalko                         lime
kalksxmiri                    plaster
kalkulado                     calculation, computation
kalkuli                       calculate, count, figure, work out
kalkuli proksimume            approximate
kalkulilo                     calculator
kalkulo                       bill, calculation
kalo                          corn
kalorio                       calorie
kalpako                       bearskin, bearskin cap
kalsoneto                     briefs
kalsono                       drawers, panties, underpants
kalumnii                      slander
kalumnio                      backbiting, scandal, slander
kalva                         bald
Kalvario                      Calvary, Golgotha
kalveco                       baldness
kalvigxi                      be balding
Kalvino                       Calvin
kamarado                      buddy, companion, comrade, pal
kambio                        bill of exchange, draft
kambogxa                      Cambodian
kambogxanino                  Cambodian woman
kambogxano                    Cambodian
Kambogxo                      Cambodia
kameleono                     chameleon
kamelo                        camel
Kameloto                      Camelot
kamenbreto                    mantel, mantelpiece
kamenfajro                    fire on the hearth
kameno                        fireplace, hearth
kamentubo                     chimney, smokestack
kamerao                       camera
kamero                        dark-room, small room
kameruna                      Cameroon
Kameruno                      Cameroon, Cameroun
kamforo                       camphor
kamioneto                     van
kamiono                       lorry, truck
Kamlopso                      Kamloops
kampa konvolvulo              lesser bindweed
kampadejo                     camping ground, camping site
kampadi                       camp, be encamped, lie encamped, camp out
kampanjo                      campaign
kampanolo                     bellflower, Canterbury bell
kampara                       rural
kamparano                     countryman, peasant
kamparo                       country, countryside
kampi                         camp out
kamplogxi                     camp out
kampo                         field
kampucxea                     Cambodian
kampucxeano                   Cambodian
Kampucxeo                     Cambodia
kampulo                       farmer
kampumi                       camp out
kana                          cane, cane-
Kanaanio                      Canaan
Kanaanujo                     Canaan
kanabo                        hemp
kanada                        Canadian
kanadanino                    Canadian woman
kanadano                      Canadian
kanadia                       Canadian
kanadianino                   Canadian woman
kanadiano                     Canadian
Kanadio                       Canada
Kanado                        Canada
kanajlaro                     rabble, riff-raff
kanajlo                       rogue, scoundrel
kanalo                        canal, channel
kanapo                        couch, sofa
kanaria                       Canary
Kanaria Insularo              Canary Islands
Kanariaj Insuloj              Canary Islands
kanario                       canary
kancero                       cancer, canker
Kandelfesto                   Candlemas
kandelingo                    candlestick
kandelo                       candle
kandidati                     run for election
kandidato                     candidate
kandidatpropono               recommendation
kanejo                        cane-field
kanelo                        slot
kanibalo                      cannibal
kanistro                      fuel tank
kanjono                       ca@on
kankro                        crayfish
kano                          cane, reed
kanonigo                      canonization
kanono                        cannon
kanoto                        canoe
kantabra                      Cantabrian
kantado                       singing
kantarido                     cantharides, Spanish fly
kantaro                       songbook
kantbirdo                     singing-bird, song-bird
kanti                         sing
kantistino                    singer, female singer
kantisto                      singer
kanto                         song
kanvaso                       canvas
kanzono                       chanson
kaosa                         chaotic
kaoso                         chaos, tangle
kapabla                       able, capable
kapableco                     ability
kapabli                       be able, be able to
kapablo                       ability
kapdoloro                     headache
kapelo                        chapel
kaphararo                     hair of the head
kaphauxteroj                  dandruff
kapitalisto                   capitalist
kapitalo                      capital
kapitano                      captain
Kapitolo                      Capitol
kapitulaci                    capitulate, surrender
kapjesi                       nod
kapkuseno                     pillow
kapneadi                      shake one's head
kapnei                        shake one's head
kapo                          head, pate
kaporalo                      corporal
kapoto                        bonnet, hood
kapreolido                    fawn
kapreolo                      roe
kaprica                       capricious, fitful
kaprico                       caprice, whim
kaprido                       kid
Kaprikorno                    Capricorn
kaprimulgo                    nightjar
kaprino                       she-goat
kaprioli                      caper, frolic about
kapro                         goat
kapsiko                       chilli
kapsulo                       capsule, firing cap, firing-cap
kaptajxo                      prey
kapti                         capture, catch, grapple
kaptilo                       snare, trap
kaptito                       prisoner
kapto                         catch, prey
kaptuko                       kerchief
kapturna                      dizzy
kapturniga                    dizzying
kapucxo                       cowl, hood
Kapverdaj Insuloj             Cape Verde Islands
kara                          dear, expensive, lovely, valuable
kara[1]                       dear, lovely
kara[2]                       dear, expensive, valuable
karafi                        decanter
karafo                        carafe, decanter
karaiba                       Caribbean
Karaiba Maro                  Caribbean Sea
karakteranalizo               profile
karakteriza                   characteristic
karakterizado                 characterization
karakterizajxo                characteristic
karakterizi                   characterize
karakterizo                   profile
karaktero                     character, nature, personality
karambolfrukto                carambola, star-fruit
karapaco                      carapace, shell
karavano                      caravan
karbo                         coal
Karbonifero                   Carboniferous
karbono                       carbon
karbopapero                   carbon paper, carbon-paper
karboskorio                   cinder
karburilo                     carburettor
karcero                       cell
karcinomo                     cancer
kardaro                       thisle-field
kardelo                       goldfinch
kardi                         card
kardo                         thisle
kareco                        love, value, worth
Karelio                       Karelia
kareno                        hull
kareo                         curry
karesema                      affectionate, caressing, cuddlesome, cuddly
karesi                        caress, chuck, fondle, stroke
kareso                        caress, chuck, stroke
karespremi                    cuddle, hug
kargo                         cargo
Karia Maro                    Karian Sea
Karibdo                       Charybdis
kariero                       career
kariljonisto                  carillonneur
kariljono                     carillon, chimes
kariofila fromagxo            clove-cheese
karitado                      charity, love of one's neighbour
karitata                      charitable
karitato                      charity
karito                        charity, love of one's neighbour
Karlajlo                      Carlisle
karmelanino                   Carmelite
karmelano                     Carmelite
karmezina                     crimson
karmezino                     crimson
karmo                         karma
karna                         carnal
karnavalo                     carnival
karno                         flesh
karnomangxa                   carnivorous
karnovora                     carnivorous
Karono                        Charon
karoserio                     body, coach-work
karoto                        carrot
Karpatoj                      Carpathians, Carpathian mountains
karpo                         carp
kartaga                       Carthaginian
kartagano                     Carthaginian
Kartago                       Carthage
kartavi                       make a uvular R
karto                         card, map, menu
kartocxo                      cartridge
kartona                       cardboard
kartono                       cardboard
kartvela                      Georgian
karulino                      darling
karulo                        darling
karuselo                      carousel, carrousel, merry-go-round
Kasandro                      Cassandra
kasavo                        cassava
kasedo                        cassette
kaserolo                      casserole, saucepan
kaseto                        cassette
Kasiopeo                      Cassiopeia
kasisto                       cashier
kaskado                       waterfall
kaskedo                       cap
kasko                         helmet
kaso                          cashier's stand, fund, money box, money-box, till
Kaspia Maro                   Caspian Sea
Kastelburgo                   Castlebury
kastelo                       castle
kastila                       Castillian
Kastilio                      Castile
kastilo                       Castilian
Kastilujo                     Castile
Kastoro                       Castor
kastri                        castrate
kastrita vircxevalo           gelding
kasxa                         veiled
kasxauxskulti                 bug, eavesdrop, listen in, monitor, tap
kasxe                         clandestinely, secretly
kasxgardi                     hold back, keep back, withhold
kasxi                         conceal, hide
kasxi sin                     hide, hide oneself
kasxiri                       steal
kasxita                       hidden
kasxite                       behind one's back, underhand
kasxludo                      hide-and-seek
Kasxmiro                      Kashmir
kasxobservanto                spy
kasxobservi                   peep, peep upon, spy, spy upon
kasxtanarbo                   chestnut-tree
kasxtano                      chestnut
kasxtanujo                    chestnut-tree
kasxtanurbo                   chestnut-tree
katalogi                      catalog, catalogue
katalogo                      catalogue, directory
katarakto                     cataract
Kataro                        Katar, Qatar
katastrofa                    catastrophic, miserable
katastrofo                    catastrophe
katedralo                     cathedral
katedro                       pulpit
Kategato                      Kattegat
kategoria                     firm, peremptory, resolute
kategorio                     category
katehxismo                    catechism
kateni                        fetter, shackle
kateno                        fetter, shackle
katido                        kitten
katino                        female cat
kato                          cat
katolika                      Catholic
katolikismo                   Catholisism
katoliko                      catholic
katuno                        cotton
kauxcxuka                     rubber
kauxcxukarbo                  rubber tree
kauxcxuko                     rubber
Kauxkazoj                     Caucasus
kauxri                        cower, crouch, squat
kauxze de                     because of, on account of
kauxzi                        cause, give rise to
kauxzi malprofiton            harm, hurt, injure, prejudice
kauxzi malutilon al           harm, hurt, injure, prejudice
kauxzi skandalon              create a scandal, give offence
kauxzo                        cause, reason
kava                          concave, hollow
kavajxo                       cavity
kavalerio                     cavalry
kaveca                        hollow
kaverna                       hollow
kaverno                       cave, cavern, den
kaviaro                       caviar
kavio                         guinea-pig, guinea pig
kavo                          cave, cavity
kavokula                      hollow-eyed
kazahxa                       Kazak, Kazakh
Kazahxio                      Kazakhstan
Kazahxujo                     Kazakhstan
kazerno                       barracks
kazino                        casino
kazo                          afair, case, matter
kazo[1]                       affair, case, matter
kazo[2]                       case
ke                            that
keglo                         pin
keiranto                      wallflower
kelidonio                     greater celandine
kelka                         some
kelkaj                        a few, any, some
kelke da                      a few, some
kelkfoje                      several times, sometimes
kelktempe                     temporarily
kelnerino                     waitress
kelnero                       waiter
kelo                          basement, cellar
kelta                         Celtic
kelto                         Celt
kemiisto                      chemist
kemio                         chemistry
kenja                         Kenyan
kenjanino                     Kenyan woman
kenjano                       Kenyan
Kenjo                         Kenya
Kenozoiko                     Caenozoic, Cenozoic
kepro                         twill
Kerbero                       Cerberus
Kergeloj                      Kerguelen
kermeso                       fair
kerno                         core, nucleus, kernel, pit
kesto                         box, chest
kia                           what kind of, what sort of
kiagrade                      to what extent
kial                          why
kial[1]                       what for, why
kial[2]                       why
kialo                         reason
kiam                          as, when
kiam[1]                       when
kiam[2]                       when
kiamaniere[1]                 how, in what way
kiamaniere[2]                 how, in what way
kibico                        bushbody, meddler
kibuco                        kibbutz
kie ajn                       wherever
kie[1]                        where
kie[2]                        where
kiel                          as, how, like
kiel longe                    how long
kiel malproksima              how far
kiel vi fartas?               how are you?, how do you do?
kiel@                         as
kiel[1]                       how, in what way
kiel[2]                       how, in what way
kiel[3]                       as, like, such as
kien[1]                       where ... to
kien[2]                       where ... to
kies                          of which, which one's, whose
Kijevo                        Kieff, Kiev
kilo                          keel
kilogramo                     kilo
kilometro                     kilometer, kilometre
kilto                         kilt
Kimberlio                     Kimberley
kimono                        kimono
kimra                         Welsh
kimra lingvo                  Welsh, Welsh language
Kimrio                        Wales
kimro                         Welshman
Kimrujo                       Wales
kinejo                        cinema, movie theatre
kinino                        quinine
kino                          cinema
kinofilmo                     movie
Kinstono cxe la Hulo          Kingston upon Hull
kio                           what, which
kio ajn                       whatever
kio[1]                        what
kio[2]                        that, which
kiom                          how many, how much
kiom da tempo                 how long
kiom[1]                       how many, how much
kiom[2]                       how many, how much
kioma                         how many, what number
kioma horo                    what time
kioma horo estas?             what time is it?
kirasi                        armor, armour
kiraso                        armor, armour
kirgiza                       Kyrgyz
Kirgizio                      Kirghizia
Kirgizujo                     Kirghizia
Kirko                         Circe
kirli                         curl, froth, stir, whip, whirl
kirligxi                      swirl
kirlovento                    whirlwind
kirurga                       surgical
kirurgio                      surgery
kirurgo                       surgeon
kisi                          kiss
kiso                          kiss
kitelo                        overalls, smock
Kitimato                      Kitimat
kiu                           that, which, which one, who
kiu ajn                       any, whichever, whoever
kiu[1]                        who
kiu[2]                        which, which one
kiu[3]                        that, which
kiuj[1]                       who
kiuj[2]                       which, which ones
kiuj[3]                       that, which, who
kiun[2]                       which, which one
kiun[3]                       that, which, who
klacxi                        gossip
klacxo                        gossip
klakfermi                     bang, slam
klakfermigxi                  slam shut
klaki                         clap, click, rattle
klano                         clan
klapo                         valve
klara                         clear, distinct, plain
klare                         clearly
klarigi                       clarify, explain
klarigo                       explanation
klarigxi                      clear
klariono                      clarion
klarvida                      clairvoyant
klasika                       classic, classical
klaso                         class
klauxno                       clown
klauxzo                       clause
klavaro                       keyboard
klavo                         key
kleo                          clef
Kleopatro                     Cleopatra
klera                         cultured, educated, learned, well-informed
klerulo                       scholar
klientaro                     client@le
kliento                       client, customer
klifo                         cliff
kliko                         clique, coterie, junto, set
klimata                       climatic
klimatizilo                   air conditioning
klimatizita                   air-conditioned
klimatizo                     air conditioning
klimato                       climate
klingo                        blade
klini                         bend, incline, tilt
klini sin                     bend, stoop
klinigxi                      stoop
klinigxi antauxen             bend over
kliniko                       clinic
klisxajxo                     clich@, stereotype
klisxo                        clich@, cut, half-tone, negative, stereotype
kloako                        sewer
Klohxo                        Clough
klopodi                       aim, attempt, endeavour, take steps, undertake
klopodo                       attempt, effort
kloro                         chlorine
klubano                       club member
klubo                         club, society
klucxilo                      clutch
kluzo                         lock, sluice
knaba                         boyish
knabeca                       boyish
knabino                       girl, lass
knabo                         boy
knari                         creak, grate
knedi                         knead
kobajo                        guinea-pig, guinea pig
kobalto                       cobalt
koboldo                       goblin, imp
kobro                         cobra
kodigi                        encode
kodo                          code
kofro                         trunk
kofrujo                       trunk
kohera                        coherent, connected, consistent
koiti                         make love
koito                         coition
kojni                         wedge
kojno                         wedge
kojono                        testicle
kojoto                        coyote
koka ovo                      hen's egg
kokaino                       cocaine
kokajxo                       chicken, hen
kokbatalo                     cockfight
kokcinelo                     ladybug
kokejo                        coop
koketa                        coquettish
koketeco                      coquetry
koketi                        flirt
kokido                        chick, chicken
kokino                        chicken, fowl
koko                          chicken, fowl
kokono                        cocoon
Kokosinsuloj                  Cocos Islands
kokosnukso                    cocoanut, cocoa-nut, coconut, coco-nut
kokoso                        cocoanut, cocoa-nut, coconut, coco-nut
kokospulpo                    coconut pulp, coco-nut pulp
kokosujo                      coconut palm, coconut-palm
kokri                         be unfaithful, be unfaithful to
kokso                         hip
koktelo                       cocktail
kolbaso                       sausage
kolcxeno                      necklace
kolegio                       college
kolego                        colleague
kolektado                     collection
kolekti                       collect, gather, pick up
kolektigxo                    parade, roll-call
kolektiva                     collective, joint
kolektivo                     collective
kolekto                       collection
koleoptero                    beetle
kolera                        angry, cross
kolerega                      furious
koleri                        be angry
kolerigxi                     get angry
kolero                        anger
kolibro                       hummingbird
koliero                       necklace
kolizii                       collide
kolizii kontraux              collide with
kolizii kun                   collide with, crash into
kolizio                       collision
kolo                          neck
kolombia                      Colombian
kolombianino                  Colombian woman
kolombiano                    Colombian
kolombino                     dove, female pigeon
Kolombio                      Colombia
kolombo                       dove, pigeon
kolombumi                     bill and coo
kolonelo                      colonel
kolonia                       colonial
koloniigi                     colonize
kolonio                       colony, settlement
Kolonjo                       Cologne
kolono                        column, pillar
Kolonsajo                     Colonsay
kolorigi                      color, colour, paint
kolornuanco                   hue, dye
koloro                        color, colour, dye
kolorpendinta                 pale, sallow
kolosa                        colossal, huge
koloso                        colossus
kolporti                      peddle, sell door-to-door
kolumno                       column
kolumo                        collar
Kolvinbajo                    Colwyn Bay
komandanta                    in charge, in command
komandanto                    commander
komandejo                     bridge
komandi                       command, be in command, order
komando                       command
kombi                         comb
kombilo                       comb
kombinajxo                    combination
kombini                       combine
kombinigxi                    combine
komedio                       comedy
komedono                      acne
komenca                       initial
komenca litero                initial
komenca periodo               initial stage
komenca salajro               commencing salary
komencaj kostoj               initial cost, initial costs, start-up cost, start-up costs
komencanto                    beginner
komence                       at first, at the outset, in the beginning
komenci                       begin, commence, start
komencigxi                    begin, commence, start
komencigxo                    beginning, commencement, start
komenclitero                  initial
komencloko                    starting point
komenco                       beginning, commencement, start
komencrapido                  initial velocity
komentarii                    comment on
komentario                    annotation, note
komenti                       comment
komento                       comment
komercado                     trading
komercajxo                    merchandise, wares
komerci                       do business, trade
komercisto                    merchant
komerco                       business, commerce, trade
kometo                        comet
komforta                      comfortable
komforto                      comfort
komika                        comic, comical, funny
Komino                        Comine
komisaro                      commissar
komisii                       entrust, tell
komisiito                     commissioner
komisiknabo                   errand-boy
komisio                       commission, errand
komisiono                     commission
komitato                      committee
komizo                        clerk
komo                          comma
komodo                        chest, dresser
komodoro                      commodore
Komoroj                       Comoro Islands
kompakta                      compact
kompaktigi                    compress
kompanio                      company
kompare                       comparatively
kompari                       compare
komparo                       comparison
kompartimento                 compartment
kompaso                       compass
kompatema                     charitable, merciful
kompatemo                     charity, mercifulness, mercy
kompati                       have compassion on, pity
kompatigi                     excite pity
kompatinda                    dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor
kompato                       compassion, pity
kompensi                      compensate
kompetenta                    able, competent
kompetenteco                  ability
kompetentulo                  expert
kompilajxo                    compilation
kompilero                     compiler
kompili                       compile
kompililo                     compiler
kompilo                       compilation
kompleksa                     complex
komplekso                     complex
komplemento                   adjunct
kompleta                      absolute, complete
komplete                      completely, entirely, through
kompletiga                    complementary, supplementary
kompletigi                    complete
kompletigo                    replacement, replenishment, supplement
kompletigxi                   become complete
kompleto                      outfit, set, suit
kompleza                      kind, obliging
komplezema                    kind, obliging
komplezi                      do a favor, do a favour
komplezo                      favor, favour
kompliceco                    abetment
komplico                      abetter, accessory, accomplice
komplika                      complicated
kompliki                      complicate
komplimenti                   compliment
komplimento                   compliment
komploto                      conspiracy, plot
komponajxo                    composition
komponi                       compose
komponisto                    composer
komposti                      typeset
komprenajxo                   conception, idea, notion
komprenebla                   understandable
kompreneble                   of course
komprenebleco                 comprehensibility, intelligibility
kompreni                      understand, realise, realize
komprenigi                    explain
komprenita                    understood
kompreno                      notion, sense, realization
komprenpovo                   understanding
kompromiso                    accommodation
komputero                     computer
komputi                       compute
komputilo[2]                  computer
komputo                       calculation, computation
komuna                        common, joint
komunikajxo                   communication
komuniki                      communicate, report
komuniko                      communication
komunio                       communion
komunismo                     communism
komunisto                     communist
komunumo                      community
komuti                        commute
konata                        well-known
konateco                      acquaintance, conversance, familiarity
konato                        acquaintance
koncedi                       admit, concede, grant
koncentrita                   concentrated, strong
koncepto                      concept, idea
koncerna                      concerned, in question
koncerne                      about, concerning
koncerni                      concern
koncerno                      concern
koncertejo                    concert-room
koncerto                      concert
koncipi                       conceive
konciza                       concise
koncizeco                     brevity, briefness, conciseness
koncxerto                     concerto
kondamni                      condemn, sentence
kondensajxo                   moisture
kondenskovrigxi               get blurred, dim
kondicxi                      set conditions, stipulate
kondicxo                      condition, stipulation, terms
kondolenci                    express condolences
kondolenco                    condolences
kondomo                       condom, rubber
kondukanta virsxafo           bell-wether
konduki                       conduct, guide, lead
kondukisto                    conductor, driver
konduklernejo                 driving-school, school of motoring
kondukpermesilo               driving-licence
konduktoro                    guard
konduti                       behave, conduct oneself
kondutmaniero                 policy
konduto                       behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment
konektejo                     port
konekti                       connect, connect up, plug in
konekto                       connection
konfederacio                  confederation
konferenco                    conference
konfese                       admittedly
konfesi                       admit, confess, profess
konfesio                      confession
konfeso                       confession
konfidenca                    confidential
konfidenco                    confidence, secret
konfidi                       confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust
konfidi al                    rely on, trust in
konfido                       confidence
konfirmacii                   confirm
konfirmacio                   confirmation
konfirmi                      confirm, corroborate
konfirmo                      confirmation
konfiski                      confiscate
konfiti                       preserve
konflikto                     conflict
konforma                      conforming, fitting
konforme al                   in accordance with
konformi                      conform, fit, fit in
konformigi                    fit
konformigxi                   conform
konformigxi al                abide by
Konfuceo                      Confucius
konfuza                       jumbled up
konfuzajxo                    hotchpotch, medly
konfuzanta                    confusing
konfuzegi                     puzzle
konfuzi                       confuse, puzzle
konfuzita                     dazed, perplexed, upset
konfuzo                       confusion
kongano                       Congolese
kongesto                      congestion
Kongo                         Congo, Zaire
Kongolando                    Congo
kongresi                      attend a congress
kongreso                      congress, convention
kongrua                       compatible, congruent
kongrui                       coincide, fit together
koni                          be acquainted with, know
konigi                        let know, reveal
konigxi pri                   get acquainted with
konjako                       brandy, cognac
konjekti                      conjecture, surmise
konjekto                      conjecture, guess, guesswork
konjugacii                    conjugate
konjunkcio                    conjunction
konjunktivo                   subjunctive, subjunctive mood
konkeri                       conquer
konkludi                      abstract, induce, gather, infer
konkludiga                    conclusive
konkludo                      conclusion, inference
konko                         shell
konkreta                      concrete
konkura kontraktkomisiado     public tender
konkurado                     competition, rivalry
konkurenco                    competition
konkuri                       compete, rival
konkuro                       competition, rivalry
konkurso                      competition, contest
kono                          knowledge
konscia                       aware, conscious
konscienca                    conscientious
konscienco                    conscience
konscii                       be aware of, be conscious of, realise, realize
konscii pri                   be aware of
konscio                       awareness, consciousness
konsekvenca                   consistent
konsekvenco                   consequence, consistency
konsentema                    accommodating, good-hearted
konsentemo                    accommodation
konsenti                      accede, agree, consent
konsenti pri                  agree to
konsentite                    agreed, OK, O.K., okay
konsento                      agreement, consent, permission
konservado                    conservation, maintenance, preservation, retention
konservativa                  conservative
konservatorio                 academy of music
konservejo                    box-room, storage room
konservema                    conservative
konservemulo                  conservative
konservi                      conserve, keep, maintain, preserve
konservo                      conservation, maintenance, preservation, retention
konservulo                    conservative
konsiderema                   thoughtful
konsideri                     consider, esteem, regard
konsideri kiel                consider
konsiderinda                  considerable, sizable
konsiderinde                  considerably
konsidero                     consideration, deliberation
konsilantara salono           boardroom
konsilantaro                  council
konsilanto                    counsellor
konsilejo                     boardroom
konsileto                     hint, tip
konsili                       advise, counsel
konsiligxi                    deliberate
konsiligxo                    consideration, deliberation
konsilinda                    advisable
konsilo                       advice, counsel
konsisti                      consist
konsisti el                   consist of
konsistigajxo                 component, element, ingredient, part
konsistigi                    constitute, make up
konsisto                      consistency
konsoli                       comfort, console
konsoligxi pri                get over
konsolo                       consolation
konsonanco                    chord
konsonanto                    consonant
konspiri                      conspire
konspiro                      conspiracy
konstanta                     constant, continual, permanent, sustained
konstante                     constantly
konstati                      ascertain, establish, take note
konsternanta                  startling
konsterni                     appall, dismay, puzzle
konsternigxinta               upset
konsternita                   taken aback, upset
konsterno                     consternation
konstipi                      constipate
konstipilo                    adstringent
konstipita                    constipated
konstipo                      constipation
konstitucia                   constitutional
konstitucio                   constitution
konstruado                    building
konstruajxo                   building
konstruentreprenisto          builder, contractor, building contractor, master builder
konstrui                      build, construct
konstruisto                   builder
konstruplano                  specifications
konsulejo                     consulate
konsulo                       consul
konsulti                      consult
konsulto                      consultation
konsumanto                    consumer
konsumi                       consume, use up
kontagxa                      catching, contagious, infectious
kontagxi                      communicate
kontagxo                      contagion, contamination, infection
kontakti                      contact
kontaktloko                   point of contact
kontakto                      contact
kontaktpunkto                 point of contact
kontanta                      cash, in cash
kontante                      in cash
kontanto                      cash money
kontekspertizisto             accountant
kontempla                     contemplative
kontempli                     consider, contemplate, envisage, look at, regard, view
kontenta                      contented, pleased, satisfied
kontentiga                    satisfactory
kontentigi                    meet with, satisfy
kontento                      contentment, satisfaction
kontestebla                   debatable, questionable
kontesti                      challenge, question
kontinento                    continent, mainland
kontinua                      lasting
kontinui                      continue, last
kontinuigo                    continuance, perpetuation
konto                         account
kontorbezonajxbutiko          stationer's shop
kontoro                       office
kontoscienco                  accountancy
kontrabandi                   smuggle
kontrabandisto                smuggler
kontrabando                   contraband
kontrakti                     make a contract
kontrakti prunton             contract a loan
kontraktita                   job-
kontrakto                     contract
kontralto                     contralto
kontrasti                     contrast
kontrasto                     contrast
kontraux                      across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
kontrauxa                     alien, contrary
kontrauxa al                  alien to
kontrauxargumento             objection
kontrauxbatali                combat, contend with, fight, fight against
kontrauxdiri                  contradict
kontrauxe                     on the contrary, otherwise
kontrauxe de                  opposite
kontrauxfrostajxo             anti-freeze
kontrauxglita cxeno           non-skid chain
kontrauxi                     oppose
kontrauxkoncipa               contraceptive
kontrauxmendi                 cancel, countermand
kontrauxmoskita gazo          mosquito-net, mosquito-netting
kontrauxmoskita vualo         mosquito net
kontrauxsepsa                 antiseptic
kontrauxsklaveca movado       abolitionism
kontrauxsklavecisto           abolitionist
kontrauxsocia                 antisocial, unsocial
kontrauxstarema               intractable, obstinate, refractory, stubborn
kontrauxstari                 confront, stand up to, withstand
kontrauxstaro                 resistance
kontrauxtanka                 anti-tank
kontrauxtanka artilerio       anti-tank artillery
kontrauxtinea sako            mothproof storage bag
kontrauxulo                   adversary, opponent
kontrauxveneno                antidote
kontrauxvole                  against one's will
kontrevizoro                  accountant
kontribuajxo                  contribution
kontribui                     contribute
kontribuo                     contribution
kontricio                     compunction, contrition, remorse, repentance
kontroli                      audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
kontrolisto                   checker, controller
kontrolsumo                   checksum
kontumace                     in one's absence
konturi                       delineate, draw
konturo                       contour, outline
kontuzajxo                    bruise
kontuzi                       bruise
konuso                        cone
konvena                       appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable
konvencio                     convention
konvene                       appropriately
konveni                       be appropriate, suit, be suitable
konvergxi                     converge
konversacii                   converse
konversacio                   conversation
konverti                      convert
konvertigxo                   conversion
konvertito                    convert, proselyte
konverto                      conversion
konvikti                      convict
konvinki                      convince, persuade
konvinko                      belief, conviction
konvulsio                     convulsion
Kopenhago                     Copenhagen
kopiajxo                      copy
kopii                         copy
kopio                         copy
kopirajto                     copyright
kor-                          cardiac
kora                          cardiac, cordial, hearty
kora[1]                       cordial, hearty
kora[2]                       cardiac, heart-
korako                        raven
koralinsulo                   atoll
Korano                        Koran
Korantino                     Corantin
korbeto                       small basket
korbo                         basket
korbopilko                    basketball
kordo                         cord, string
kordono                       cordon
korea                         Korean
koregidoro                    Spanish mayor
koreino                       Korean woman
korekta                       correct, right
korekti                       correct
koreo                         Korean
korespondi                    correspond
Koreujo                       Korea
korfavora                     charitable, merciful
korfavoro                     charity, mercifulness, mercy
koriandro                     coriander
koridoro                      corridor, passage
korinklino                    affection
korinta                       Corinthian
korintika                     Corinthian
korinto                       Corinthian
korko                         cork
korktirilo                    corkscrew, cork-screw
korligita                     close, dear to the heart
kormorano                     cormorant
korniko                       crow
korno                         hooter, horn, klaxon
korno[1]                      horn
korno[2]                      hooter, horn, klaxon
kornuso                       cornel, dogberry
koro                          heart
korodi                        corrode
korono                        corona
korpa                         bodily, body, body-, corporal, corporeal, of the body, physical
korpigi                       embody
korplingvo                    body language
korpo                         body
korpodoro                     body smell
korporacio                    corporation, trade-union
korpremita                    dejected, depressed
korpremiteco                  dejection, depression, oppression
korpulenta                    fat, stout
korpuso                       corps
korsika                       Corsican
korsikanino                   Corsican woman
korsikano                     Corsican
korsikia                      Corsican
korsikianino                  Corsican woman
korsikiano                    Corsican
Korsikio                      Corsica
Korsiko                       Corsica
kortbirdo                     fowl
korteganaro                   royal household
korteganino                   lady-in-waiting
korto                         court, yard, courtyard
Kortrajo                      Courtrai
kortumo                       court
kortusxa                      moving, touching
kortusxi                      affect, move
kortusxita                    seized with emotion
korupteco                     corruption
korupti                       bribe
koruptilo                     bribe
Korveno                       Corwen
korvo                         crow
kosa                          Xhosa
kosa lingvo                   Xhosa, Xhosa language
kosino                        Xhosa woman
kosma spaco                   outer space
kosmo                         cosmos
koso                          Xhosa
kosta                         dear, expensive
Kostabravo                    Costa Brava
kostarika                     Costa Rican
kostarikano                   Costa Rican
Kostariko                     Costa Rica
kosti                         cost
kosto                         cost
kostoj                        charge, cost, expense
kostumo                       costume, outfit, suit
kosxmaro                      nightmare
kotizi                        subscribe
kotizo                        dues, subscription
kotkovrita                    muddy, mud-stained
kotleto                       cutlet
koto                          mud
kotono                        cotton
kotsxirmilo                   mudguard
koturno                       quail
koverto                       envelope
kovi                          incubate, sit
kovrajxo                      cover
kovri                         cover
kovri parte                   overlay
kovrilo                       cover, hood, lid
kovrita                       covered
kovro                         cover
kovropapero                   wrapping-paper
krabo                         crab
kracxi                        spit
kracxujo                      cuspidor, spittoon
kradi                         fence in, fence off, rail in, rail off
krado                         grate, grid, grill
kradrostado                   barbecue
kradrosti                     barbecue
kradrostilo                   barbecue
krajono                       pencil
krajonpintigilo               pencil sharpener
kraketa                       brittle, crisp, crunchy
kraketado                     grating
kraketi                       crackle
kraki                         crack
krako                         crack
Krakovo                       Cracow
krampo                        clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple
krampoj                       brackets, parantheses
kranio                        skull
kranko                        crank
krano                         faucet, tap
kravato                       tie, necktie
kredebla                      plausible
kredeble                      probably
kredema                       credulous
kredi                         believe, deem
kredi je                      believe in
kredinda                      plausible
kreditkarto                   credit card
kredito                       credit
kredo                         belief
krei                          create
kreitajxo                     creature
kreito                        creature
kremacii                      cremate
kremacio                      cremation
kremajxo                      cream
Kremlo                        Kremlin
kremo                         cream
kreno                         horse-radish, horseradish
kreola                        Creole
krepuska                      dim
krepusko                      dusk, twilight
kreskado                      growth
kreskajxbarilo                hedge
kreskajxo                     plant
kreski                        grow
kreski per sxlimo             silt up
kresko                        growth
kresto                        mountain ridge
krestomatio                   chrestomathy
Kretaceo                      Cretaceous
kretano                       Cretan
Kreto                         Crete
krevajxo                      burst, crack, flaw
krevi                         burst
krevinta                      cracked
krevo                         burst, crack
Krianlariko                   Crianlarich
kribri                        sift
kribrilo                      sieve
kriegi                        yell
kriego                        scream
krifo                         claw, talon
krii                          cry out, scream, shout
kriko                         jack
krima                         criminal
Krimeo                        Crimea
kriminala kodo                penal law
kriminala legxo               criminal law
krimo                         crime
krimulo                       criminal
krio                          cry, shout
kripla                        crippled, infirm
kriptono                      kriptono
kristala                      crystal
kristalo                      crystal
kristana                      Christian
kristana erao                 Christian Era
kristaneco                    Christianity
kristanigxi                   become a Christian
kristanismo                   Christianity
kristano                      Christian
Kristnaska Festo              Christmas, Christmas feast
Kristnaska Viro               Father Christmas
kristnaskarbo                 Christmas tree, Christmas-tree
Kristnasko                    Christmas, Yule
Kristo                        Christ
Krisxno                       Krishna
kritikanto                    judge
kritiki                       criticize
kritiko                       criticism
kriza                         critical
krizo                         crisis, depression, emergency
kroata                        Croatian
Kroatio                       Croatia
kroato                        Croat
Kroatujo                      Croatia
krocxi                        hook
krocxilo                      hook
krokodili                     crocodile
krokodilo                     crocodile
krokosmio                     montbretia
krokuso                       crocus
krom                          apart from, besides, except, except for
krom se                       unless
krom tio                      besides, in addition, moreover
kroma                         accidental, additional
krome                         besides, in addition, moreover
Kromero                       Cromer
kromnomo                      byname, nickname, sobriquet
kromo                         chromium
kromprodukto                  waste product
kromtubo                      spare tire, spare tyre
kromvirino                    concubine
kronado                       coronation
kroni                         crown
kronikisto                    chronicler, historian
kroniko                       chronicle
Krono                         Cronus
krotalo                       rattlesnake
krozi                         cruise
kruci                         cross
krucifikso                    crucifix
krucmarki                     check off, mark with a cross, put a cross against, tick off
kruco                         cross
krucosigni                    make the sign of the cross
krucumi                       crucify
krucvortenigmo                crossword puzzle
krucxo                        jug, pitcher
kruda                         crude, raw, rough
kruda petrolo                 crude oil
kruda skizo                   adumbration, shadow
krudlansxtofa                 baize
krudlansxtofo                 baize
kruela                        cruel
kruelega                      horrible
kruro                         leg, paw
krurrompo                     fracture of the leg
krurvindo                     puttee
kruta                         abrupt, steep
krutajxo                      precipice
kruteco                       steepness
kruzero                       cruzeiro
ksenono                       xenon
ksera                         xerographic
ksero                         xerography
kserografia                   xerographic
kserografio                   xerography
kserokopio                    xerographic copy
kuba                          Cuban
kubano                        Cuban
kube                          in the Cuban way
Kubo                          Cuba
kubutlibereco                 elbow-room
kubuto                        elbow
kudrado                       needlework
kudrajxo                      needlework
kudrero                       stitch
kudri                         sew
kudrilarkorbo                 sewing-basket, work-basket
kudrilaro                     sewing-things
kudrilarujo                   sewing-box
kudrilo                       needle
kudristino                    needlewoman, seamstress
kudrofadeno                   sewing-thread
kudrokurso                    sewing-class
kudromasxino                  sewing-machine
kufo                          bonnet, cap
kuglo                         bullet
kuirejo                       kitchen
kuirejstablo                  dresser
kuiri                         cook
kuirigxi                      cook
kuiristino                    cook, female cook
kuiristo                      cook, male cook
kuirita                       cooked
kuirpoto                      cooking pot
kukbakejo                     confectionery
kukbakisto                    confectioner
kukejo                        confectioner's, confectioner's shop
kuketo                        cupcake
kuketujo                      biscuit tin
kuko                          cake
kukolo                        cuckoo
kukumeto                      gherkin
kukumo                        cucumber
kukurbo                       gourd, pumpkin, squash
kulercxerpi                   dish up
kulerego                      spoon, large spoon
kulero                        spoon
kuliso                        flat
kulmino                       acme
kulmo                         blade, stalk
kulo                          gnat
kuloto                        short pants, shorts
kulpa                         guilty
kulpiga                       accusatory
kulpigi                       accuse, blame
kulpigi pri                   accuse of, charge with, impeach of, indict for, tax with
kulpigito                     accused, defendant
kulpigo                       accusation, charge, complaint, indictment
kulpiko                       gnat-bite, midge-bite
kulpo                         blame, fault, guilt
kulpulo                       culprit
kulsxirmilo                   mosquito net
kulti                         worship
kultivado                     cultivation, tillage
kultivi                       cultivate
kulto                         cult
kulturejo                     plantation
kulturi                       cultivate, grow
kulturkampo                   farmland
kulturo                       culture
kulvualo                      mosquito net
kun-                          co-, fellow
kun rezervo pri               bar, barring, except for, subject to, without prejudice
kunbekigxi                    squabble, wrangle
kune                          together
kune kun                      together with
kunfandajxo                   alloy
kuniga krampo                 brace
kunigi                        join, unite
kunigi node                   tie on
kunigxi                       associate, come together, join, pool
kunigxo                       joining, junction
kuniklo                       rabbit
kuniri                        go with
kunkudrajxo                   seam
kunkudri                      sew together
kunkudro                      seam
kunkulpa                      accessory
kunkulpulo                    abetter, accessory, accomplice
kunlabori                     cooperate, co-operate
kunligi                       connect, join
kunligo                       connection
kunmeti                       put together
kunmunti                      assemble
kunnaskita                    congentital, inborn, inbred, innate, native
kunordigi                     coordinate, co-ordinate
kunporti                      bring along, take along
kunrespondi                   correspond
kunrespondo                   connection
kunsento                      sympathy
kunsidantaro                  assembly
kunsido                       meeting
kuntirigxi                    cower, shrink
kunularo                      company
kunulo                        companion
kunveni                       assemble, congregate, gather, meet
kunvenigi                     take along
kunveno                       assemblage, gathering, meeting
kunvivi                       huddle
kunvoki                       convoke
kunvoko                       parade, roll-call
kuo                           Q
kupeo                         compartment, coup@
kupli                         couple
kupolo                        cupola, dome
kupono                        coupon
kupra                         copper
kupro                         copper
kuraca                        medical
kuraca gimnastiko             physiotherapy
kuracado                      treatment
kuraci                        care for, cure, treat
kuracilo                      drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
kuracisto                     doctor, physician
kuragxa                       brave, courageous, valiant
kuragxi                       be bold, dare
kuragxi batali kontraux       dare to fight, stand up to
kuragxi entrepreni            dare, venture
kuragxigi                     encourage
kuragxigo                     encouragement
kuragxo                       courage
Kuraso                        Cura@ao
kurataki                      assault, storm
kuratako                      assault, storming
kurba                         bent, curved
kurbigi                       bend
kurbigxadi                    twist
kurbigxi                      bend
kurbo                         bend, curve
kurda                         Kurdish
Kurdio                        Kurdistan
kurdo                         Kurd
Kurdujo                       Kurdistan
kuregi                        race, run
kuregisto                     runner
kurejo                        course, race-course, track, running track
kurento                       current
kuri                          run
kuriero                       courier
Kuriloj                       Kurile Islands
kurioza                       curious, interesting, quaint
kurso                         class, course
kurta                         short
kurteno                       curtain
kurtigi                       abbreviate, shorten
kurzo                         exchange rate, rate of exchange
kuseno                        cushion
kusxi                         lie, recline
kusxi supre sur               be on top of, lay on top of
kusxigi                       lay
kusxigxi                      lie down
kutima                        accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted
kutime                        ordinarily, usually
kutimi                        accustom, be in the habit of
kutimigxi                     accustom oneself, get used
kutimo                        custom, habit, way
Kuvajto                       Kuwait
kuvo                          tub, vat
kuzino                        cousin
kuzo                          cousin
kvadrata                      square
kvadratita                    checked, chequered
kvadratmejlo                  square mile
kvadrato                      square
kvakera                       Quaker
kvakero                       Quaker
kvalifi                       qualify
kvalifiki                     qualify
kvalifikita                   able
kvalifiko                     ability, qualification
kvalito                       property, quality
kvankam                       though, although
kvanto                        quantity
kvar                          four
kvara                         fourth
kvarangulo                    quadrangle
kvarco                        rock-crystal
kvardek                       forty
kvaronhoro                    quarter of an hour
kvarono                       fourth
kvarope                       by fours
kvartalacxo                   back street, slum
kvartalo                      district, neighbourhood, quarter
kvazaux                       as if, as though, in a way
kvazauxcxasta                 demure
kvazauxdecmora                demure
kvazauxpruda                  demure
kvereli                       quarrel, wrangle
kverelo                       quarrel
kverka                        oak, oaken
kverkejo                      oak-wood
kverko                        oak
kverkoligno                   oak, oak-wood
kvestisto                     mendicant friar
kvieta                        calm, quiet
kviete                        quietly, leisurely
kvieteco                      calmness, quietness
kvietigxi                     abate, subside
kvieto                        calm, quiet, silence
kviettemperamenta             staid
kvin                          five
kvina                         fifth
kvindek                       fifty
kvinono                       fifth
kvita                         even, paid up, paid-up
kvitanci                      receipt
kvitanco                      receipt
kvitigxi                      settle, square up
kvitigxo                      settlement

l'                            the
la                            the
la antauxan semajnon          last week
la cia                        yours
la Dipatrino                  Our Lady
la hierauxan nokton           last night
la ilia                       theirs
la lia                        his
la mia                        mine
la nia                        ours
la pasintan nokton            last night
la pasintan semajnon          last week
la plejparto de               most of
la proksiman semajnon         next week
la sama                       the same
la sxia                       hers
la tutan                      all, throughout the
la venontan semajnon          next week
la via                        yours
laboranto                     worker
laboratoria asistanto         laboratory assistent
laboratorio                   laboratory
laborborso                    employment exchange, labor exchange, labour exchange
labordivido                   division of labor, division of labour
laboregi                      work hard
laborejo                      workplace
laborema                      hardworking
laborenskribo                 tender
laboreto                      trifle
labori                        work
laborilo                      tool
laborintensiva                labor-intensive, labour-intensive
laborista klaso               working class, working classes
laborista movado              labor movement, labour movement
laboristino                   female laborer, femal labourer, femal worker
laboristo                     hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
laboristoj                    laborers, labourers, workers, workmen
laborkapitalo                 working capital
laborkondicxoj                terms of employment
laborkonflikto                labor dispute, labour dispute
labormaltauxga                disabled, unfit for work
labormerkato                  labor market, labour market
labornekapabla                disabled, unfit for work
laboro                        job, work
laborposteno                  job
laborpreta                    in working order
laborulo                      hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, worker
laca                          tired
lacega                        exhausted, tired out, worn out
lacegigi                      fag out, jade, overdrive, override
lacerto                       lizard
lacigxi                       get tired
lacxo                         shoe-lace
lada                          sheet metal, tin, tin plate
ladbotelo                     flask
lado                          sheet metal, tin, tin plate
Ladono                        Ladon
ladskatolo                    can, tin, tin can
lafa                          lava
lafo                          lava
lageto                        pond
lago                          lake, loch
lagro                         bearing
laguno                        lagoon
laika                         lay
laiko                         layman
Lakadivoj                     Laccadives
lakeo                         lackey
laki                          lacquer, varnish
lako                          lacquer
laksa                         loose
laksigilo                     laxative
lakso                         diarrhoea
laktajxfabriko                dairy
lakto                         milk
laktuko                       lettuce
laktumo                       roe
lama                          lame
lambastono                    crutch
lamenti                       lament, wail
lami                          limp
lamio                         dead-nettle
lampa petrolo                 kerosene
lampo                         lamp
lampsxaltilo                  light-switch
lana                          wool
lanco                         lance, spear
lancxi                        launch
landano                       compatriot
landinterno                   hinterland
landlimo                      border
lando                         country, land
landstrato                    highway
lanfadeno                     worsted
lango                         tongue
langusto                      lobster
lano                          wool
lanta                         slow
lanterno                      lantern
lanugo                        down, fluff
laosa                         Laotian
laosa lingvo                  Lao, Laotian language
laosano                       Laotian
Laoso                         Laos
lapo                          burr
lapona                        Lapp, Lappish
laponino                      Lappish woman, Lapponian woman
Laponio                       Lapland
lapono                        Laplander, Lapp
Laponujo                      Lapland
lapsano                       nipplewort
Laptevmaro                    Sea of Laptev
lardo                         bacon
largxa                        broad
largxe                        widely
largxeco                      width
largxo                        width
lariko                        larch
laringito                     laryngitis
laringo                       larynx
larmi                         shed tears, weep
larmo                         tear
Larno                         Larne
larvo                         grub, larva
lasi                          allow, leave, let, release
lasta                         last
lastatempe                    lately, recently
latekso                       latex
Laterono                      Latheron
latina                        Latin
latinida                      Romance
Latinida Ameriko              Latin America
latino                        Latin
latkurteno                    Venetian blind
lato                          lath, slat
latrino                       latrine
latuna                        brass
latuno                        brass
latva                         Latvian, Lettish
latvino                       Latvian woman
Latvio                        Latvia
latvo                         Latvian, Lett
Latvujo                       Latvia
laux                          according to, along, by
laux deziro                   at choice, at pleasure, at will
laux insisto de               at the instance of
laux la cirkonstancoj         in the circumstances, under the circumstances
laux onidiroj                 it is understood that, it is rumoured that
lauxbo                        arbor
lauxdi                        commend, laud, praise
lauxdinda                     commendable
lauxdire                      allegedly, as is being said
lauxdo                        praise
lauxgrada                     gradual
lauxgrade                     gradually, little by little
lauxlargxe                    crossways
lauxlegenda                   legendary
lauxlegxa                     legal
lauxlitere                    to the letter
lauxlonge                     lengthwise
lauxlonge de                  along
lauxmoda                      fashionable
lauxnominala                  at par
lauxofice                     officially
lauxplacxe                    as one pleases
lauxro                        laurel
lauxsistema                   systematic
lauxta                        loud
lauxte                        loudly
lauxvice                      in turn
lauxvide                      by sight
lauxvole                      as you wish, at will
lauxvorta                     literal
lauxvorte                     verbatim, word-for-word
lavajxpincxilo                clothespeg, clothespin
lavango                       avalanche
lavejo                        washroom
lavendo                       lavender
lavi                          wash
lavi la mangxilaron           wash up
lavistino                     laundress
lavkuvo                       washing-up bowl
lavpurigebla                  washable
lavpurigi la mangxilaron      wash up
lavurso                       raccoon, racoon, washing-bear
lazo                          lasso
lazura                        sky blue
Lazura Bordo                  Riviera, French Riviera
lazuro                        sky blue
Lebanono                      Lebanon
leciono                       lesson
leda                          leather
ledajxoj                      leather goods
Ledao                         Leda
ledo                          leather
legacio                       legation
legajxo                       reading matter
leganto                       reader
legebla                       legible
legenda                       legendary
legendo                       legend
legi                          read
leginda                       worth reading
legio                         legion
legitimi                      legitimize
legitimilo                    I.D., ID
legomo                        vegetable
legxera                       light
legxo                         law
lejdena kondensoro            Leyden jar
Lejdeno                       Leyden
lekanteto                     daisy
lekanto                       marguerite
lekcii                        lecture
lekcio                        lecture
leki                          lick
leksiko                       vocabulary
lektoro                       lector, lecturer
lekumi                        eat, eat cunt
lemingo                       lemming
lenso                         lens
lento                         lentil
lentugo                       freckle
leono                         lion
leontodo                      dandelion
leopardo                      leopard
leporhundo                    greyhound
leporo                        hare
lepro                         leprosy
leprulo                       leper
lernejaj ferioj               school holidays
lernejano                     pupil, scholar
lernejestro                   headmaster, head of a school
lernejo                       school
lerni                         learn
lernigi                       teach
lernita                       acquired, learnt
lernolibro                    textbook
lerta                         clever, dexterous, skillful
lerteco                       expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
lesivakvo                     lather
lesivejo                      laundry
lesivi                        wash
lesivi vestojn                wash clothes
lesivistino                   laundress
lesivo                        lye
Lesoto                        Lesotho
letargio                      lethargy
leterbloko                    notepad
leterkesto                    letterbox, mailbox
letero                        letter
leterpapero                   writing-paper
leterportisto                 postman
Leto                          Lethe
leuxtenanto                   lieutenant
levanta                       Levantine
levantano                     Levantine
Levanto                       Levant
levi                          lever, lift, raise
levido                        Levite
levigxi                       ascend, get up, go up, lift, rise, arise
levilo                        crow-bar, crowbar
levstango                     crow-bar, crowbar
lezi                          harm
lezo                          harm
li                            he, him
lia                           his
Liaso                         Lias
libana                        Lebanese
libanano                      Lebanese
Libano                        Lebanon
libelo                        dragonfly
libera                        free
liberala                      liberal
libereco                      freedom
liberia                       Liberian
liberianino                   Liberian woman
liberiano                     Liberian
liberigi                      release
liberigi sin de               get rid of
Liberio                       Liberia
libertempo                    spare time, time off, vacation
libervola                     voluntary
libervole                     voluntarily
libia                         Libyan
libianino                     Lybian woman
libiano                       Libyan
Libio                         Libya
libraro                       book collection
librejo                       library
libreto                       booklet
libro                         book
librobutiko                   bookshop, bookstore
librosxranko                  bookcase
librotenado                   book-keeping
librotenisto                  book-keeper
librovendisto                 bookseller
licenco                       licence, license
liceo                         lyceum
licia                         Lycian
licianino                     Lycian woman
liciano                       Lycian
Licio                         Lycia
lidia                         Lydian
lidiano                       Lydian
Lidio                         Lydia
Liegxo                        Li@ge
Liero                         Lyra
lifto                         elevator, lift
ligajxo                       braid, fillet, string, tie
ligamento                     ligament
ligfermi                      ligature, tie, tie up
ligi                          bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
ligilo                        bond, tie
ligna                         wooden
ligna tegajxo                 campshedding, campsheeting, campshot
lignero                       splinter
ligno                         timber, wood
lignogarni                    board, wainscot
lignokarbo                    charcoal
ligo                          connection, league
Ligo de Nacioj                League of Nations
Ligura Maro                   Ligurian Sea
ligustro                      privet
lihxtenstejnano               Liechtensteiner
Lihxtenstejno                 Liechtenstein
likva                         liquid
likva petrolgaso              liquefied petroleum gas, LPG
likvajxo                      liquid
likvida                       liquid
likvidi                       liquidate
likvoro                       liqueur
lilako                        lilac
lilio                         lily
limako                        slug
Limburgo                      Limbourg, Limburg
limdifini                     mark out, trace, trace out
Limeriko                      Limerick
limi                          bound
limiga                        restrictive
limigi                        abridge, confine, limit, restrict
limigita                      confined, limited, restricted
limigo                        limitation, restriction
limo                          boundary, frontier, limit
limonado                      lemonade
limtusxanta                   adjacent
limtusxi                      abut, adjoin, be next to
lin                           him
linagxo                       linen
lingva                        linguistic
lingvistika                   linguistic
lingvisto                     linguist
lingvo                        language, tongue
liniilo                       ruler, straightedge, straight-edge
linio                         line
linko                         lynx
Linkolno                      Lincoln
lino                          flax
linoleo                       lineseed oil, lineseed-oil
linoleumo                     linoleum
liphararo                     moustache
lipharoj                      moustache
lipo                          lip
lirli                         burble, gurgle, murmur, purl
liro                          lira, lyre
liro[1]                       lyre
liro[2]                       lira
Lisbono                       Lisbon
lispi                         lisp
listigi                       list, make a list
listo                         list
lita superkovrilo             bedspread, counterpane, coverlet
litajxo                       bed-clothes, bedding
litanio                       litany
lite                          abed
literatura                    literary
literaturo                    literature
litero                        letter
literumi                      spell
litio                         lithium
litkadro                      bedstead
litkovrilo                    blanket
litkuseno                     pillow
litmalsana                    bedridden, confined to one's bed, laid up
lito                          bed
litorino                      winkle, periwinkle
litova                        Lithuanian
litovino                      Lithuanian woman
Litovio                       Lithuania
litovo                        Lithuanian
Litovujo                      Lithuania
litro                         liter, litre
litsxranko                    cupboardbed
littuko                       sheet
liturgio                      liturgy
liturinado                    bed-wetting, enuresis
litvagono                     sleeping-car
liuto                         lute
livera servo                  parcels delivery, parcels service
liverauxto                    delivery van
liverauxtomobilo              delivery van
liveri                        deliver, furnish, supply
livero                        delivery
livona                        Livonian
Livonio                       Livonia
livono                        Livonian
Livonujo                      Livonia
Lofotoj                       Lofoten
logajxo                       bait
logi                          attract, decoy, lure
logika                        logical
logiko                        logic
logilo                        bait
logxado                       habitation
logxanta                      housed
logxantaro                    population
logxanto                      inhabitant
logxejo                       abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
logxi                         dwell, live
logxigo                       accommodation
logxloko                      abode, dwelling place, dwelling-place, residence
logxocxambro                  living room, living-room, sitting room, sitting-room
Lohxalino                     Lochaline
Lohxmado                      Lochmaddy
lojala                        faithful, loyal
loka                          local
loki                          locate, place
loko                          location, place, spot
lokomotivo                    engine
lokusto                       grasshopper
lombardejo                    pawnshop
lombardi                      borrow money on, pawn
lombardo                      pawning
Londono                       London
longa                         long
longano                       longan
longe                         a long time, for a long time
longeco                       length
longeluda disko               LP
longetempa                    long, of long standing, prolonged, protracted
longetempe                    at great length, for a long time
longitudo                     longitude
longo                         length
lordo                         lord
Lorelejo                      Lorelei
Loreno                        Lorraine, Lothringen
lorno                         binocular, binoculars
loterio                       lottery, raffle
loti                          draw lots
lotumi                        allot
lotuso                        lotus
Loveno                        Louvain
luanto                        renter, tenant
lucerno                       hanging lamp
Lucifero                      Lucifer
ludejo                        playground
ludi                          play
ludi sur                      play, play on
ludilo                        toy
ludo                          game
ludoni                        let
luebla                        for rent
luebla domo                   house to let
lui                           hire
luigi                         let, rent out
luigita                       hired out
luita domo                    hired house, rented house
luko                          porthole, skylight
lukontrakto                   lease
luksa                         deluxe, de luxe, luxurious
luksajxo                      luxury
lukseco                       luxury
luksemburgano                 Luxembourger, Luxemburger
luksemburgia                  Luxembourg, Luxemburg
luksemburgiano                Luxembourger, Luxemburger
Luksemburgio                  Luxembourg, Luxemburg
Luksemburgo                   Luxembourg, Luxemburg
lukso                         luxury
Luksoro                       Luxor
lukti                         struggle, wrestle
luli                          lull, rock
lulilo                        cradle
lulkanto                      lullaby
luma                          bright, light
lumbo                         loin
lumbriko                      earthworm
lumgxeni                      dazzle
lumi                          shine
lumigi                        illuminate, light
lumigo                        lighting
lumo                          light
lumsxirmilo                   lamp-shade
lumtubo                       fluorescent lamp
lumturo                       lighthouse
luna                          lunar
luncxo                        lunch, snack
lundo                         Monday
luno-                         lunar, moon-
lupago                        rent
lupeo                         magnifying glass
lupino                        lupine, she-wolf
lupino[1]                     she-wolf
lupino[2]                     lupine
lupo                          wolf
lupolo                        hop, hops
luprezo                       rent, rent money
lustro                        chandelier
lutajxo                       solder
luti                          solder

macedona                      Macedonian
maco                          matzo, unleavened bread
macxgumo                      chewing gum, chewing-gum
macxi                         chew
madagaskara                   Madagascan
Madagaskaro                   Madagascar
Madejro                       Madeira
madjaro                       Magyar
Madono                        Madonna
Madrido                       Madrid
magazeno                      department store, warehouse
magazino                      magazine
Magdalenio                    Magdalenian
Magdaleno                     Magdalena
magia                         magical
magio                         magic
magistrata domo               town-hall
magistro                      master
magneta                       magnetic
magnetigi                     magnetize
magnetismo                    magnetism
magneto                       magnet
magnetofono                   tape recorder, tape-recorder
magnetoskopo                  video recorder, video-recorder
magnezio                      magnesium
Magogo                        Magog
magra                         gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin
mahometano                    Mohammedan, Moslem, Muslim, Mussulman
Mahometo                      Mohammed, Muhammad
mahxo                         mach
maizo                         corn, Indian corn, maize, mealies
majao                         Maya
majesta                       majestic
majesteco                     majesty
majesto                       majesty
majo                          May
majorano                      majoram
majoritato                    majority
Majorko                       Majorca, Mallorca
majoro                        major
majskarabo                    june bug
majstro                       maestro, master
majusklo                      capital letter
Makabeoj                      Maccabees
makabra                       macabre
Makao                         Macau
makaronio                     macaroni
Makauxo                       Macao
makedona                      Macedonian
Makedonio                     Macedonia
makedono                      Macedonian
Makedonujo                    Macedonia
Makiavelo                     Machiavelli
maklerajxo                    brokerage, commission
makleri                       act as a middleman
makleristo                    broker
maklero                       broker
Makmuro                       MacMurray
makropo                       kangaroo
maksimuma                     maximum
maksimume                     at most
maksimumo                     maximum
makuleto                      spot
makuli                        soil, spot, stain
makulo                        blot, spot
makzelo                       jaw, jawbone
mala                          contrary, opposite
malabunda                     in short supply
malafabla                     brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant
malafablega                   grim
Malagasio                     Madagascar
malagrabla                    bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
malagrabla laboreto           bad job
malaja                        Malay
Malajgo                       Mallaig
malajo                        Malay
Malajujo                      Malaysia
malajzia                      Malaysian
malajziano                    Malaysian
Malajzio                      Malaysia
malakcepti                    reject
malakcepti vocxdone           reject
malakcepto                    rejection
Malako                        Malacca
malakra                       blunt
malakrigi                     blunt
malalta                       low
malalta lernejo               grammar school, primary school
malaltega prezo               distress prize, rock-bottom prize
malaltgermana                 Low German
malaltigi                     abase, decrease, lower
malaltigi la prezojn de       mark down
malaltigo                     abasement
malaltreliefo                 bas-relief, low relief
malaltvalora                  inferior
malami                        hate
malamika                      hostile
malamikeco                    enmity
malamiko                      enemy
malaminda                     nasty
malamo                        hate
malantaux                     behind, after
malantauxa akso               back axle, hind axle, rear axle
malantauxa benko              back seat, rear seat
malantauxa flanko             back, reverse, reverse side
malantauxa glaco              rear window
malantauxa lampo              rear-lamp, rear-light, tail-light
malantauxa parto              back, rear
malantauxa platformo          rear platform
malantauxa pordo              back-door
malantauxa rado               back wheel, hind wheel, rear wheel
malantauxe                    behind
malantauxen                   aback, backwards
malantauxplano                background
malaperi                      disappear
malaperigi                    liquidate
malapero                      disappearance
malaprobegi                   do down, slash, slate
malaprobi                     condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke
malaprobinda                  blameworthy, censurable, condemnable, objectionable
malaprobo                     censure, condemnation, disapprobation, disapproval
malario                       malaria
malatenti                     neglect
malavantagxa                  detrimental, disadvantageous, prejudicial
malavantagxe                  detrimentally, disadvantageously, prejudicially
malavantagxo                  disadvantage
malavara                      generous
malavia                       Malawian
malaviano                     Malawian
Malavilago                    Lake Malawi
Malavio                       Malawi, Nyasaland
malbela                       nasty, ugly
malbelega                     dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty
malbeni                       curse
malbobenado                   unrolling, unwinding
malbobeni                     unroll, unwind, wind off
malbona                       bad, miserable, nasty, poor
malbona traktado              abuse
malbonajxo                    abuse
malbone                       badly
malbonfaro                    outrage
malbonfartanta                not well, unwell
malbonhumora                  cross, peevish, pettish, petulant
malbonigi                     spoil
malbonigxi                    go bad
malbonigxo                    corruption, decay, depravation, taint
malbonkvalita                 inferior
malbonsxance                  unfortunately
malbonsxanco                  bad luck
malcedi                       confront
malcxasta                     lewd
malcxaste                     lewdly
malcxastulino                 slut, trollop
maldekstra                    left
maldekstra flanko             left, left side
maldekstre                    on the left
maldekstren                   left, to the left
maldelikata                   coarse, crude, harsh
maldetala                     general, vague
maldika                       gaunt, lean, slender, thin
maldiligenta                  lazy
maldiligenteco                laziness
maldiskreta                   meddlesome
maldiskreteco                 meddlesomeness
maldolcxa                     bitter
maldolcxeco                   bitterness
maldorma                      awake
maldunga arangxo              redundancy pay, redundancy scheme, severance scheme
maldungi                      discharge, dismiss, fire, sack
maldungo                      discharge, paying off
male                          on the contrary
malebena                      bumpy
malebenajxo                   bump
malebligi                     bar, inhibit, prevent
malebria                      sober
malediva                      Maldivian
maledivano                    Maldivian
Maledivoj                     Maldive Islands, Maldives
malegala                      different
maleleganta                   coarse, crude
malembarasi                   rid
maleolo                       ankle
malespera                     desperate
malespere                     despairingly
malesperi                     despair
malespero                     despair
malestimeco                   abjection
malestimi                     despise
malestiminda                  abject
malestimo                     contempt
malfacila                     difficult, hard, inconvenient
malfacilajxo                  difficulty, trouble
malfacile                     hardly, not easily, with difficulty
malfaciligi                   hamper, hinder, thwart
malfaldi                      spread out
malfekunda                    barren, infertile
malfelicxa                    unhappy
malfelicxe                    unfortunately
malfelicxiga                  miserable
malfelicxulo                  unfortunate
malfermegi la busxon          open one's mouth wide
malfermetita                  ajar
malfermi                      open, open up
malfermigxi svinge            swing open
malfermita                    open
malfermo                      opening
malfida                       suspicious
malfidela                     unfaithful
malfideligxi                  apostatize, desert, secede
malfideligxo                  apostasy, defection
malfidelulo                   deserter, renegade
malfidema                     suspicious
malfido                       suspicion
malfierigxi                   back down, climb down
malflua                       ebb
malfluo                       ebb, low tide
malfluso                      low tide
malforta                      faint, light, weak
malforte                      lightly, weakly
malfortigi                    weaken
malfortigxi                   abate, weaken
malfresxa                     stale
malfresxaera                  close, frowsty, stuffy
malfrua                       late, tardy
malfrue                       late
malfrui                       be late
malfruigxo                    delay, retardation
malfrumatene                  late in the morning
malfrunokte                   late at night
malfruposttagmeze             late in the afternoon
malfunkciigi                  shut off, stop, switch off, turn off
malfunkciigxi                 go on the blink, malfunction
malgaja                       bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber
malgajeco                     grief, sadness, sorrow
malglata                      coarse, rough
malgracia                     awkward
malgranda                     diminutive, little, small
Malgranda Azio                Asia Minor
Malgrandaj Antiloj            Lesser Antilles
malgrandanimeco               pettiness, small-mindedness
malgrandega                   tiny
malgrandigxi                  decrease, decline, wane
malgrasa                      gaunt, thin
malgraux                      despite, in spite of, notwithstanding
malgraux tio                  nevertheless
malgxentila                   rude
malgxentilega                 as bold as brass, incredibly insolent, shameless
malgxoja                      dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad
malgxoje                      sadly
malgxoji                      be grieved, be sad, be sorrowful
malgxojiga                    dismal, miserable
malgxojigi                    afflict, cause pain, cause pain to, distress, give pain to
malgxojo                      sadness, sorrow
malgxusta                     incorrect, wrong
malhavi                       lack
malhela                       bleak, dark, dismal, dreary
malhelblua                    dark blue
malhele blua                  dark blue
malheligxi                    darken
malhelpajxo                   handicap, impediment, obstacle
malhelpi                      bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent
malhelpo                      hindrance
malhisi                       lower
malhonesta                    nasty
malia                         Malian
malianino                     Malian woman
malica                        malicious, mischievous, nasty, vicious
malice ruza                   shrewd
malico                        craft, craftiness, cunning, guile
maligna                       vicious
malinhibicio                  abandon
malinklina                    averse
malinteligenta                obtuse
Malio                         Mali
maljuna                       old
maljunula hejmo               old people's home
maljunulejo                   old people's home
maljunulino                   gammer, old woman
maljunulo                     old man
malkara                       cheap, inexpensive
malkare                       cheaply
malkasxa                      above-board
malkasxe                      frankly, openly
malkasxi                      reveal
malklara                      indistinct
malklarigxi                   blur, fade
malkomforto                   discomfort
malkompakta                   loose, sandy
malkoncentri                  disperse, dilute, rarefy, thin
malkonekti                    cut, cut a connection
malkonsili                    advise against, dissuade from
malkonstruado                 demolition
malkonstrui                   break down, demolish, pull down, take down
malkonstruigebla              destructible
malkonstruo                   demolition
malkonvena                    not fitting, unseemly
malkovri                      discover, uncover
malkovro                      discovery
malkreski                     abate, decrease, diminish
malkresko                     abatement, decrease, diminution, wane
malkupli                      uncouple
malkuragxa                    afraid
malkuragxeco                  cowardice
malkuragxigxi                 be discouraged
malkuragxo                    cowardice
malkuragxulo                  coward, funk
mallaborema                   slothful
mallaksa                      constipated
mallaksigilo                  adstringent
mallakso                      constipation
mallargxa                     narrow
mallauxdi                     reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold
mallauxdo                     observation, remark, reproof
mallerni                      unlearn
mallerta                      awkward
mallevi                       lower
mallevigxi                    descend, go down
malliberejo                   jail, gaol, prison
malliberigi                   imprison, jail
malliberulejo                 jail, gaol, prison
malliberulo                   prisoner
malligi                       untie
malloga                       repellent, repelling, repulsive
mallonga                      brief, short
mallongan tempon              a while, momentarily
mallongdauxra                 short-lived
mallongigajxo                 abbreviation, abridgement
mallongigi                    abbreviate, abridge, shorten
mallongigo                    abbreviation
malluma                       dark, dim
mallumo                       darkness, murk
malmasiva                     hollow
malmendi                      cancel, countermand
malmilda                      bleak
malmobilizigxi                be released, demob
malmodesta                    arrogant
malmodesteco                  arrogance, assumingness, high-handedness, presumption, pretence
malmola                       hard
malmoleco                     hardness
malmorala                     abandoned, nasty
malmorale                     abandonedly
malmulta                      little
malmultaj                     few
malmulte da                   little
malmultekosta                 cheap, inexpensive
malmultekoste                 cheaply
malmunti                      take apart
malnaiva                      sophisticated
malneto                       draft, rough draft
malnobla                      abject, base, low, nasty, vile
malnobleco                    abjection
malnova                       old
malobea                       disobedient, insubordinate
malobeema                     disobedient, insubordinate
malofta                       rare
malofte                       seldom
malordo                       confusion, disorder
malpaci                       quarrel
malpacigxi                    get in a quarrel
malpaco                       quarrel
malpaki                       unpack
malpara                       odd
malpermanenta                 temporary
malpermesi                    forbid, prohibit
malpermesita elirtempo        curfew
malpeza                       light
malplacxa                     nasty
malplej                       fewest, least
malplena                      empty, void
malpleneco                    emptiness
malplenigi                    empty
malpli                        fewer, less
malpli kaj malpli             less and less
malplialtigi                  decrease, lower
malplialtigxi                 go down
malplibonigxi                 decline, go back, fall off
malplifortigxi                abate, settle
malpliigebla                  abatable
malpliigi                     abate, abridge, decrease, lessen
malpliigo                     curtailment, retrenchment
malpliigo de laborhoroj       reduced hours, shortening of working hours
malpliigxi                    abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall
malpliigxo                    abatement
malplilongigi                 abbreviate, abridge, curtail, shorten
malplipezigxi                 fall away, lose, lose flesh, lose in weight
malplivarmigi                 cool, cool down
malplivarmigxi                get cold
malplivarmigxo                cooling
malpolurita                   frosted
malprava                      wrong
malpravi                      be wrong
malpreferi                    subordinate
malprefero                    neglect, slighting
malprofito                    loss
malprofunda                   shallow, superficial
malprogresi                   decline, recede
malproksima                   distant, far, remote
Malproksima Oriento           Far East
malproksime                   far away, remotely
malproksimeco                 distance
malproksimigxi                blow over
malpropra                     another man's, other people's
malprosperi                   decline, recede
malprospero                   decay
malprotesto                   acquiescence, resignation, submission
malpura                       dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
malpureco                     dirtiness, untidiness
malpurega                     nasty
malpurigi                     soil
malrapida                     slow
malrapide                     leasurely, slowly
malrapidtrajno                slow train
malrapidvagonaro              slow train
malrespektigi                 abase
malrespektigi sin             abase oneself
malrespektigo                 abasement
malricxa                      miserable, poor
malricxeco                    poverty
malricxulejo                  almshouse, almonry, workhouse
malricxulo                    pauper, poor man
malricxulprizorgado           almonership
malricxulprizorgisto          almoner
malrigi                       dismantle, unrig
malsagxa                      foolish
malsagxulo                    fool
malsama                       different
malsamkreda                   dissenting
malsana                       ill, sick
malsanejo                     hospital
malsaneta                     not well, upset
malsani                       be ailing
malsanigxi                    be taken ill, fall ill
malsano                       disease, illness
malsanulejo                   hospital
malsanulo                     patient
malsata                       hungry
malsatego                     famine
malsati                       be hungry
malsato                       hunger
malseka                       wet
malseka sezono                wet season
malsekajxo                    damp
malsekeco                     damp
malseketa                     moist
malseketigi                   dampen
malsekigxi                    get wet
malserena                     dismal, dreary
malseriozajxo                 old wives' tale
malservi                      be detrimental to, detract from, do harm to
malsimetria                   asymmetric, asymmetrical, dissymmetric
malsimila                     different
malsimpatia                   nasty
malsimpatio                   antipathy
malsimpla                     complex, complicated
malsincera                    underhanded
malsovagxa                    tame
malsovagxigi                  tame
malsprita                     dull, stupid
malstrecxigxi                 relax
malstrecxo                    d@tante
malsubstanca                  insubstantial, light
malsukcesa                    abortive
malsukcesego                  failure, flop
malsukcesi                    abort, fail
malsukcesi pro                be foiled by, be frustrated by
malsukcesigi                  abort, quash
malsukceso                    abortion
malsupera                     inferior
malsupra flanko               bottom
malsupra najbaro              neighbour on the lower storey
malsupre                      below, downstairs, underneath
malsupre de                   below, beneath, under
malsupren                     down
malsuprenirejo                slope
malsupreniri                  descend, get off, go down
malsupreniro                  descent
malsuprenpendi                depend, hang down
malsuprensalti                jump off, leap down
malsxalti                     shut off, stop, switch off, turn off
malsxargi                     discharge, fire, fire off, let off
malsxargigxi                  go off
malsxargxi                    unload
malsxlosi                     unlock
malsxminki                    take off make-up
malsxpari                     waste
malsxparita                   spoiled, wasted
malsxparo                     waste
malta                         Maltese
maltano                       Maltese
malteni                       release
maltimema                     daring
Malto                         Malta
maltrafi                      miss
maltrankvila                  anxious
maltrankvile                  anxiously
maltrankviliga                anxious, grave, serious
maltrankviligi                oppress
malutila                      harmful
malutile                      detrimentally, disadvantageously, prejudicially
malutili                      harm
malutilo                      harm
malvarma                      bleak, chilly, cold
malvarmeta                    cool
malvarmeta sezono             cool season
malvarmetigxi                 cool, cool down
malvarmo                      cold
malvarmumo                    cold
malvasta                      close, cramped
malvastejo                    narrow space
malvenko                      defeat
malvera                       false, untrue
malvirto                      vice
malvolvado                    unwinding
malvolvi                      unroll
malzorga                      careless, neglectful, negligent, remiss
malzorgeco                    carelessness, negligence, remissness
mambesto                      mammal
mamego                        udder
mamnutri                      suckle
mamo                          breast, teat
Mamono                        Mammon
mampinto                      nipple
mamulo                        mammal
mamzono                       bra
mancxua                       Manchurian
mancxuo                       Manchurian
mancxura                      Manchurian
Mancxurio                     Manchuria
Mancxurujo                    Manchuria
mandarino                     tangerine
mandato                       mandate
manfaritajxo                  handiwork
mangano                       manganese
mango                         mango
mangostano                    mangosteen
mangujo                       mango tree, mango-tree
mangxajxo                     food
mangxajxosxranko              larder, pantry, store-cupboard
mangxebla                     edible
mangxejo                      dining-room
mangxi                        eat, feed
mangxigi                      feed
mangxilara lavilo             detergent, washing-up liquid
mangxilaro                    forks, knives and spoons
mangxo                        meal
mangxobastonetoj              chopsticks
mangxocxambro                 dining-room
mangxokarto                   menu
mangxoprovizejo               pantry
Mangxurio                     Manchuria
maniero                       manner, mode, way
manifestacii                  demonstrate
manifestacio                  demonstration
manifesti                     demonstrate, manifest, show
manifesto                     manifest
Manika Kolo                   Street of Dover
Manikaj Insuloj               Channel Islands
Maniko                        the Channel, the English Channel
Manikuagano                   Manikuagan
manikuri                      manicure
Manilo                        Manila
manioko                       cassave
manipulado                    treatment
manipuli                      handle, manipulate
Manitobolago                  Lake Manitoba
mankanta                      absent
mankantlisto                  attendance register
manke de                      in the absence of
manki                         be lacking, be missing
mankigi                       drop, omit
manko                         absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
mano                          hand
manovri                       maneuver, manoeuvre, manoeuvre
manovro                       maneuver, manoeuvre, manoeuvre
manpilkludo                   ball game
manplata frapado              applause
manplato                      palm
manpremi                      shake hands
manpremo                      handshake
manradiko                     wrist
mansaketo                     handbag, hand-bag
mansako                       handbag, hand-bag
mansardo                      attic, garret
mansigni                      wave
mantelo                       cloak, mantle
manteni                       have got hold of
mantuko                       towel
manumo                        cuff
manuskripto                   manuscript
maora lingvo                  Maori, Maori language
maoria lingvo                 Maori, Maori language
maparo                        atlas
mapo                          map
mara                          maritime, sea, sea-, of the sea
maraglo                       white-tailed eagle
mararmeo                      navy
marborda                      coast, coast-, coastal, of the coast
marbordo                      coast, seaside, shore
marbrancxo                    arm of the sea, estuary, firth
marcxandi                     bargain, haggle
marcxo                        marsh, swamp
mardo                         Tuesday
marfundo                      bottom of the sea, sea-bottom
margarino                     margarine
margarito                     daisy
margxeno                      margin
Marianoj                      Mariana Islands
marihxuano                    marijuana
marioneto                     marionette, puppet
marista bluo                  navy blue
mariste blua                  navy blue
maristo                       sailor
markezo                       penthouse, shed
marki                         mark
Markisoj                      Marquesas Islands
marko[1]                      mark
marko[2]                      mark
markolo                       strait
Markolo de Forto              Firth of Forth
markoti                       layer
markoto                       layer
marmalsano                    seasickness
marmelado                     jam, marmelade
marmonstro                    sea-monster
marmora                       marble
marmoro                       marble
maro                          sea
maroka                        Moroccan
marokanino                    Moroccan woman
marokano                      Moroccan
Maroko                        Morocco
maronarbo                     chestnut-tree
maronujo                      chestnut-tree
marsano                       Martian
Marso[1]                      Mars
Marsxalinsuloj                Marshall Islands
marsxi                        march, walk
marsxo                        walk
martagono                     martagon lily
martelado                     hammering
marteli                       hammer
martelo                       hammer
martirino                     martyr, female martyr
martiro                       martyr
marto                         March
masagxi                       massage
masagxo                       massage
masakri                       massacre
masakro                       massacre
masiva                        massive
maskado                       masquerade
maskerado                     masquerade
maski                         mask
maskla                        male
masklo                        male
masko                         mask
maskobalo                     masked ball
maso                          lump, mass
masonajxo                     masonry
masoni                        build
masonisto                     mason
mastiko                       putty
masto                         mast
mastri                        be master over, dominate
Mastrihxto                    Maestricht
mastrino                      mistress
mastro                        boss, master
mastruma sistemo              operating system
mastrumi                      keep house, manage
mastrumistino                 housekeeper
masturbi                      masturbate
masxinaro                     machinery
masxino                       engine, machine
masxo                         loop, mesh
matcxo                        game, match
matematika                    mathematical
matematikisto                 mathematician
matematiko                    mathematics
matene                        in the morning
matenhoro                     morning time
matenkoncerto                 aubade
matenmangxo                   breakfast
mateno                        morning
matenrugxo                    red of dawn
matenstelo                    morning star
Materhorno                    Matterhorn
materia                       material
materialo                     data, material
materiigxi                    materialise, materialize
materio                       matter
mato                          mat
matraco                       mattress
matrico                       matrix
matura                        mature, ripe
maturigxi                     ripen
Mauxricio                     Mauritius
Mauxrolando                   Mauritania
Mauxrujo                      Mauritania
mava                          bad
meblaro                       furniture
mebli                         furnish
meblita                       furnished
meblo                         piece of furniture
mebloj                        furniture
mecxo                         fuse, wick
medalo                        medal
mediacii                      mediate
mediacio                      mediation
medicina                      medical
medicinajxo                   drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
medicino                      medicine, practice of medicine
medikamento                   drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
Medino                        Medina
medio                         environment
meditema                      thinking, thoughtful, meditative, pensive
Mediteraneo                   Mediterranean
mediti                        meditate, think to oneself
Meduzo                        Medusa
Mefisto                       Mephistopheles
Mefistofelo                   Mephistopheles
mefito                        skunk
megera                        bitchy, shrewish
megero                        shrew
mehxanika                     mechanical
mehxanikisto                  mechanic
mehxaniko                     mechanics
Mehxlino                      Malines, Mechlin
mejlo                         mile
mejlosxtono                   landmark, milepost, milestone
mekanika                      mechanical
mekanikisto                   mechanic
mekaniko                      mechanics
Mekko                         Mecca
Mekongo                       Mekong
meksikia                      Mexican
Meksikia Golfo                Gulf of Mexico
meksikianino                  Mexican woman
meksikiano                    Mexican
Meksikio                      Mexico
Meksiko                       Mexico City
melanezia                     Melanesian
melaneziano                   Melanesian
Melanezio                     Melanesia
melankolia                    bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, melancholy
melankolio                    melancholy
meleagro                      turkey
melki                         milk
melo                          badger
melodia                       tuneful
melodio                       melody, tune
melodrama                     melodramatic
melodramo                     melodrama
melongeno                     aubergine
melono                        melon
mem                           self, herself, himself, itself
membreco                      membership
membrigxi                     accede
membro                        limb, member
memevidenta                   self-evident
memfida                       confident, self-assured
meminstruito                  autodidact, self-taught man
memlerninto                   autodidact, self-taught man
memorajxo                     keepsake, memento, souvenir
memori                        recall, recollect, remember
memorigajxo                   keepsake, memento, souvenir
memorigi                      recall, remind
memorinda                     memorable
memoro                        memory, recollection
memortago                     anniversary
memserva vendejo              supermarket
memstara                      independant
memvola                       willing
mencii                        mention
mencii mallonge               touch lightly on, touch on
mencio                        mention
mendelevio                    mendelevium
mendi                         book, order, reserve
mendilo                       order-form
mendo                         order
mensa                         mental
mensa postrestanteco          backwardness
mense postrestanta            backward, mentally deficient, retarded
menso                         mind
mensogi                       lie, tell a lie
mensogisto                    cheat, deceiver, imposter
mensogo                       lie
mento                         mint
mentono                       chin
menuo                         menu
mergi                         immerse
meriti                        be worthy of, deserve, merit
merito                        merit
merkato                       market, sales activity
merkredo                      Wednesday
Merkuro[1]                    Mercury
Merkuro[2]                    Mercury
merlo                         blackbird
mesagxo                       errand, message
Mesino                        Messina
meso                          mass
metaforo                      metaphor
metaforricxa                  full of images
metala                        metal, metallic
metalgarnajxo                 ironwork, mounting, studs
metalo                        metal
metamorfozi                   transform
metamorfozo                   metamorphosis, recreation, regeneration, transformation
meteo                         atmospheric phenomenon
meteorito                     meteorite
meteoro                       atmospheric phenomenon
meteorologio                  meteorology
meti                          lay down, place, put, put down
meti en prezkonkurado         invite tenders for, put out to tender
meti supre sur                superimpose
metiejo                       workshop
metiisto                      artisan
metio                         handicraft, occupation, trade
metoda                        methodical
metodista                     Methodist
metodisto                     Methodist
metodo                        method
metra                         metric
metro                         meter, metre
metroo                        subway, underground
metropolito                   archbishop
metropolo                     metropolis
Metusxelahxo                  Methuselah
mevo                          seagull
meza                          average, mean, middle
Meza Oriento                  Middle East
Mezafrika Respubliko          Central African Republic
mezagxa                       middle-aged
Mezameriko                    Central America
mezarangxo                    accomodation
Mezazio                       Central Asia
meze                          rather
meze de                       among, amidst, in the middle of
Mezepoko                      Middle Ages
Mezeuxropo                    Central Europe
mezmalnovnederlanda           Middle Dutch
Mezmaro                       Mediterranean
meznederlanda                 Middle Dutch
meznokto                      midnight
meznombra                     average, mean
meznombro                     average
mezo                          average, mean, middle
Mezolitiko                    Mesolithic, Mesolithic Age
Mezopotamio                   Mesopotamia
Mezoriento                    Middle East
Mezozoiko                     Mesozoic, Mesozoic era
meztagmangxi                  lunch
mezurado                      measurement
mezuri                        measure
mezurita                      measured
mezurita gxuste               adjusted
mezuro                        measure, measurement
mi                            I
mia                           my
miaj                          my
miaopinie                     in my view, in my opinion, to my thinking
Midaso                        Midas
midsxipmano                   middy, midshipsman, naval cadet
miela monato                  honeymoon
mielcxelaro                   honeycomb
mielo                         honey
mieltrinkajxo                 mead
mieno                         expression
migdalkukajxo                 almound pastry
migdalo                       almond
migdalokula                   almond-eyed
migrema                       migrant
migri                         migrate, roam, wander, wander about
Mikeno                        Mycenae
mikrobo                       germ, microbe
mikrofilmo                    microfilm
mikrofono                     microphone
mikrokanela disko             LP
Mikronezio                    Micronesia
mikroskopo                    microscope
miksajxo                      mixture
miksi                         blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
miksigxi                      blend, mingle, mix
miksomatozo                   myxomatosis
mikspoto                      potpourri, pot-pourri
mil                           thousand, one thousand
Milano                        Milan
milda                         gentle, mild
mildeco                       balminess, gentleness, leniency, meekness, mildness
milibaro                      millibar
milimetro                     millimeter, millimetre
milio                         millet
miliono                       million
milita                        military
militema                      martial, warlike
militi                        make war, wage war
militi kontraux               make war against, make war on, wage war against, wage war on
militista                     military
militista vesperkoncerto      tattoo
militistaro                   army
militisto                     warrior
milito                        war
militpastro                   chaplain, padre
militpauxzo                   truce
miljaro                       millennium
milvo                         kite
min                           me
min mem                       myself
minaca                        menacing, threatening
minaca timigo                 intimidation
minacanta                     menacing, threatening
minaci                        menace, threaten
minaco                        menace, threat
minacordono                   exhortation, warning
minbalaa sxipo                mine sweeper
minbarita tereno              minefield
Mincxo                        Minch
minejo                        mine
minejoligno                   pit-props, pitwood
minekspluatado                mining
minerala                      mineral
mineralo                      mineral
Minervo                       Minerva
mingalerio                    gallery of a mine
mingaso                       fire-damp
minimuma                      minimum
minimume                      at least
minimumo                      minimum
miningxeniero                 mining-engineer
ministerio                    ministry
ministo                       miner
ministra                      ministerial
ministrejo                    ministry
ministro                      minister
minlampo                      davy, safety-lamp
mino                          mine
minoritata                    minority
minoritato                    minority
minsema sxipo                 minelayer
minus                         minus
minusklo                      lower case letter, small letter
minussigno                    minus sign
minuto                        minute
Mioceno                       Miocene
miopa                         near-sighted, short-sighted
miozoto                       forget-me-not
miragxo                       mirage
mirakla                       miraculous
miraklo                       miracle
mirho                         myrrh
miri                          marvel, marvel at, wonder
miriado                       myriad
miriapodo                     centipede
miriga                        amazing, astonishing
mirigi                        amaze
mirinda                       wonderful
mirmekofago                   anteater
mirtelo                       blueberry
misdecidi                     make a bad decision
misdigesto                    dyspepsia, indigestion
misformita                    deformed
misiisto                      missionary
misio                         mission
miskalkuli                    miscalculate
miskompreni                   misunderstand
miskompreno                   misunderstanding
mispasxo                      aberration, false step
mistera                       abstruse, mysterious
mistero                       mystery
mistifikacxi                  cheat, defraud, fool, swindle
mistifiki                     fool, hoax, mystify, trick
mistifiko                     mystification
mistika                       mystic, mystical
mistikismo                    mysticism
mistikisto                    mystic
misuzi                        abuse
misuzo                        abuse
mita                          mythical
mitingo                       meeting, political meeting
mito                          myth
mitologiisto                  mythologist
mitologio                     mythology
mitro                         miter, mitre
mitulejo                      mussel-bank, mussel-bed
mitulo                        mussel
mizera                        abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched
mizera salajro                starvation wage
mizere                        miserably
mizerikordo                   mercy
mizero                        misery
mizerulo                      pauper, poor devil, poor man
mnemonika                     mnemonic
mobilizi                      mobilize
modelfolio                    pattern
modeli                        model
modelo                        model
modemo                        modem
modera                        moderate, reasonable
modere                        modestly
moderigi                      moderate
moderkosta                    reasonable
moderna                       modern
modernigi                     modernize
modero                        moderation
moderpreza                    reasonable
modesta                       modest
modesteco                     modesty
modesto                       modesty
modifi                        modify
modistino                     milliner
modli                         model, mold, mould
modo                          fashion, mode
mokado                        derision, mockery, ridicule
mokajxo                       mockery
moki                          jeer at, make fun of, mock
moki pri                      deride, mock, quip, ridicule
mokimiti                      echo, repeat parrot-like
mokinsulti                    jeer, jeer at, taunt
moko                          mockery
mokridi pri                   laugh at
mola                          soft
moldava                       Moldavian
Moldavio                      Moldavia
moldavo                       Moldavian
Moldavujo                     Moldavia
moleco                        mellowness, softness, tenderness
molekulo                      molecule
molibdeno                     molybdenum
moligi                        soften up
molkoreco                     tenderness
Molohxo                       Moloch
molotovkoktelo                Molotov cocktail
moluka                        Moluccan
molukano                      Moluccan
Molukoj                       Moluccas
momenta                       momentary
momento                       instant, moment
momenton                      a few minutes, a moment
monahxejo                     monastery
monahxestro                   archimandrite
monahxino                     nun
monahxo                       monk
monaka                        Monegasque
monakano                      Monacan
Monako                        Monaco
monarko                       monarch
monata                        monthly
monato                        month
monavidulo                    money-grubber
monbileto                     bank-note
monbiletujo                   wallet
Monda Banko                   World Bank
Monda Naturfonduso            World Wildlife Fund
mondmilito                    worldwar
mondo                         world
mondumo                       high society
monereta mono                 change
monerfiguro                   effigy, head
monero                        coin
monfarejestro                 Master of the Mint, mint-master
monfarejo                     mint
monfari                       coin, mint
mongola                       Mongolian
Mongolio                      Mongolia
mongolo                       Mongol, Mongolian
Mongolujo                     Mongolia
monludi                       gamble
mono                          money
monogamio                     monogamy
monoklo                       monocle
monologo                      monologue, soliloquy
monopola vendo                sole agency, sole sale
monopolo                      monopoly
monotona                      monotonous
monperdo                      loss
monpuni                       fine
monpuno                       fine
monsinjoro                    monsignor
monsistemo                    monetary system
monstra                       monstrous
monstreco                     monstrosity
monstro                       monster
monsxranko                    strong-box
montara aero                  mountain air
montaro                       mountain chain
montbretio                    montbretia
montenegra                    Montenegrin
montenegrano                  Montenegrin
Montenegro                    Montenegro
monteta deklivo               hillside
monteto                       hill
montfendo                     chasm, cleft, gorge, gully, ravine
montgrimpanto                 Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer
montkabano                    Alpine hut, climber's hut, mountain hut
montkresto                    mountain ridge
monto                         mountain
montocxeno                    chain of mountains, mountain chain, mountain range, rand
montodeklivo                  mountain slope
montodorso                    mountain ridge
montpasejo                    pass
montra pronomo                demonstrative, demonstrative pronoun
montrebla                     apparent
montri                        indicate, point out, show
montricxa                     mountainous
montrigxi                     point out to be
montrofenestro                show window
Montrozo                      Montrose
montspino                     mountain ridge
montsuben                     down the slope, downhill
montsupro                     mountain peak, mountain top, pinnacle
montsxuo                      mountaineering boot
montvojeto                    mountain path
monujo                        purse, wallet
monumenta                     monumental
monumento                     monument
monunio                       monetary union
monunuo                       currency unit, monetary unit
mopedo                        moped
mopso                         pug, pug-dog
morala                        moral
moralajxo                     moral
moraleco                      morality
moralinstruo                  moral
moralisto                     moralist
moralo                        morals
moratorio                     moratorium
moravia frato                 Moravian, Moravian brother
Moravio                       Moravia
morbilo                       measles
mordajxo                      mordant, stain, wood-dye, wood-stain
mordeti                       nibble
mordi                         bite
mordo                         bite
mordpeco                      morsel
moreno                        moraine
morfemo                       morpheme
morfemscienco                 morphology
Morfeo                        Morpheus
morfinmaniulo                 morphine addict, morphinomaniac
morfino                       morphia, morphine
morfologio                    accidence
morganata                     morganatic, morganatical
morgaux                       tomorrow
morgaux matene                tomorrow morning
morgaux posttagmeze           tomorrow afternoon
morgaux vespere               tomorrow evening
morgauxa                      of tomorrow
morhxelo                      morel
Morifirto                     Moray Firth
morkelo                       morel
mormona                       Mormon
mormono                       Mormon
morna                         desolate, dismal, dreary, gaunt, gloomy, mournful
moro                          custom, mores
moroza                        fretful, morose, peevish, sullen
morsa                         Morse code
morsa alfabeto                Morse alphabet
morsa klavo                   Morse key
morsi                         send in Morse code
morta                         dead
morta malamiko                arch-enemy
Morta Maro                    Dead Sea
mortanoncisto                 undertaker's man
mortema                       mortal
mortero                       morter
morterujo                     hod
morti                         die, expire, pass away
mortiga                       deadly
mortigi                       kill, liquidate, slay
mortigi sin                   commit suicide, kill oneself
mortigiloj                    instruments of murder
mortinta                      dead
morto                         death
mortpafi                      shoot dead
mortpala                      ghastly
mortsciigisto                 undertaker's man
moruo                         cod, codfish
moruoleo                      codfish-oil
morusarbo                     mulberry-tree
morusujo                      mulberry-tree
Moseo                         Moses
moskatelo                     muscatel
moskeo                        mosque
moskitforpelilo               mosquito repellant
moskito                       mosquito
mosko                         musk
moskodoro                     musky smell
moskulo                       musk-deer
moskva                        Muscovite
moskvano                      Muscovite
mosto                         must
mosxta                        honorary
mosxto                        excellency, majesty
motelo                        motel
moteto                        motet
motivado                      motivation
motivigxo                     motivation
motiviteco                    motivation
motivo                        motive, reason
moto                          motto
motorboato                    motor-boat, motor-launch
motorcikla policisto          motor-cycle policeman, police motor-cyclist
motorciklisto                 motor-cyclist
motorciklo                    motorcycle
motoristo                     motorist
motorizi                      motorize
motoro                        engine, motor
motorveturilo                 motor vehicle
mova                          locomotive, motorial
movado                        movement
movebla                       mobile
movi                          move
movigxi                       move
movlibero                     elbow-room
movo                          movement
movsablo                      quicksand, quicksands
mozaiko                       mosaic, mosaic work
mozaikplanko                  mozaic floor
mozambika                     Mozambican
mozambikano                   Mozambican
Mozambiko                     Mozambique
Mozelo                        Moselle
mozelvino                     moselle
Mozo                          Meuse
mucida                        moldy, mouldy, musty
muelejo                       mill
mueli                         grind, pulverize
muelisto                      miller
muezino                       muezzin
mugxi                         howl, roar
muka                          mucous
muko                          mucus, phlegm
mulatino                      mulatto, female mulatto
mulato                        mulatto
muldajxo                      cast
muldi                         cast, mold, mould
muldilo                       mold, mould
mulo                          mule
mulpelisto                    muleteer
multa                         a lot of, much
multaj                        many
multampleksa                  comprehensive
multamplekse                  comprehensively
multe                         a lot
multe da                      a lot of, much, plenty of
multekosta                    costly, dear, expensive, pricey
multipliki                    multiply
multnacia                     multinational
multobligi                    duplicate, multiply
multokupita                   busy
multpaperujo                  ring binder
multpeza                      weighty
multsignifa                   significant
multvojagxinta                travelled, widely-travelled
mumiigo                       mummification
mumio                         mummy
mungo                         mongoose
mungoto                       mongoose
municio                       munition, ammunition
muntado                       assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mounting
muntadohalo                   assembly hall, assembly shop
muntejo                       assembly room
munti                         assemble, link, mount
muntilo                       linker
muntisto                      assembler, fitter
muntita foto                  photomontage
muntumo                       setting
muo                           mu
murapogilo                    abutment
murbalo                       squash
murdema                       bloodthirsty
murdemo                       bloodthirstiness
murdi                         murder
murdilo                       murderous weapon
murdintino                    murderess
murdinto                      murderer
murdisto                      murderer
murdo                         murder
murkahelo                     wall-tile
murkrampo                     brace, cramp-iron
murmuri                       murmur, mutter
murmuro                       murmur
muro                          wall
murpapero                     hangings, paper, paper-hangings, wall-paper
murpentrajxo                  mural, mural painting, wall-painting
muska                         mossy
muskaptilo                    mousetrap, mouse-trap
muskatvino                    muscatel
muskedo                       musket
musketero                     musketeer
musketisto                    musketeer
musketo                       musket
musko                         moss
muskola                       muscular
muskolo                       muscle
muskverda                     moss-green
muslino                       muslin
musmato                       mousepad
muso                          mouse
mustarda sauxco               mustard sauce
mustardo                      mustard
mustardujo                    mustard pot
mustelo                       marter, weasel
mustelo[1]                    marten
mustelo[2]                    weasel
musveneno                     rat-poison
musxo                         fly, housefly
muta                          dumb, mute, speechless
mutacio                       mutation
mutulo                        mute
muzelingo                     muzzle
muzeo                         museum
muzika                        musical
muzika komedio                musical
muzika prezentajxo            musical performance
muzika societo                musical club, musical society
muzika vespero                musical evening
muzikajxo                     piece of music
muzikamanto                   music-lover
muzikema                      musical
muzikemo                      musicality
muziki                        make music
muzikilo                      musical instrument
muzikinstruado                musical instruction
muzikistaro                   band
muzikisto                     musician
muzikkesto                    musical box, musical-box, music-box
muzikkiosko                   bandstand
muzikleciono                  music-lesson
muziklernejo                  school of music
muziklibro                    music-book
muziko                        music
muzikologio                   musicology
muzikportilo                  music-stand
muzikteatrajxo                musical
muzikteorio                   theory of music
muzikverko                    piece of music
muzo                          muse
muzulmano                     Mohammedan, Moslem, Muslim, Mussulman

n.b.                          N.B.
nababo                        nabob
nabo                          hub, nave
nabocxapo                     hub-cap
nacia                         national
nacieco                       nationality
nacio                         nation
nadiro                        nadir
nadlo                         needle
naftaleno                     naphthalene, naphthaline
naftalino                     naphthalene, naphthaline
nafto                         crude oil
naftolo                       naphthol
nagxbarelo                    buoy
nagxbaseno                    swimming pool, swimming-pool
nagxejo                       swimming-bath
nagxi                         float, swim
nagxilo                       fin
naiva                         naif, na@f, naive, na@ve
naiveco                       confidence
najado                        naiad
najbara                       adjacent, nearby, neighbouring
najbarajxo                    neighbourhood, vicinity
najbareco                     neighborhood, neighbourhood
najbaro                       neighbour
najli                         nail
najlo                         nail
najlofiksita                  fixed with nails
najlotirilo                   pincers
najtingalo                    nightingale
Nameno                        Namur
namibia                       Namibian
namibianino                   Namibian woman
namibiano                     Namibian
Namibio                       Namibia
nana                          dwarf, midget
nano                          dwarf, midget
napo                          turnip
napola                        Neapolitan
napolano                      Neapolitan
Napolo                        Naples
narciso                       daffodil, narcissus
narkotajxo                    drug
narkoti                       drug
narkotiulo                    drug addict
Naserlago                     Lake Nasser
naskdoloroj                   birth pains, labour pains, pains of childbirth, throes
naski                         bear, give birth to
naskigxejo                    cradle, place of birth
naskigxi                      arise, be born
naskigxo                      birth
naskigxtago                   birthday
nasko                         child-birth, delivery, parturition
naskotago                     birthday
Natalo                        Natal
natria bikarbonato            bicarbonate of soda
natrio                        sodium
natura                        natural
naturdotita                   gifted, talented
naturdoto                     aptitude, disposition, talent, turn
nature                        naturally
natureco                      abandonment
naturlegxo                    law of nature, natural law
naturo                        character, nature
naux                          nine
nauxa                         ninth
nauxdek                       ninety
nauxza                        abhorrant, abominable, alien, disgusting, nasty, nauseous
nauxzi                        nauseate
nauxzo                        disgust, nausea
navigaciado                   navigation
navigacii                     navigate
navigado                      navigation
navighaltejo                  landing-stage, pier
navigi                        navigate
naza                          nasal
nazia                         Nazi
nazio                         Nazi
nazkataro                     cold
nazlobo                       nostril
nazmuko                       snot
nazo                          nose
naztruo                       nostril
naztuko                       handkerchief
ndebela lingvo                Ndebele, Ndebele language
ndebelo                       Ndebele
ne                            no, not
ne atentante                  apart from
ne efektivigxi                break down, come to nothing
ne fari                       fail, neglect, omit
ne kapabli                    be unable
ne malbone                    so so
ne okazi                      fail to appear
ne plu                        no longer
ne plu paroli pri             leave in abeyance
ne tusxi                      keep one's hands off
ne tute                       not quite
ne ...-u                      don't ...
ne[1]                         no
ne[2]                         not
neatendita                    abrupt
neatendite                    unexpectedly
neatenta                      careless, negligent
nebrila                       dim
Nebukadnezo                   Nebuchadnezzar
nebula                        fuzzy, misty
nebuligi                      befog, cloud, dim
nebuligxi                     become steamy, get covered with, get dim
nebulo                        fog, mist
necerta                       uncertain
necesa                        necessary
necesajxoj                    materials, necessaries, requisites
neceseco                      necessity
neceseja broso                toilet brush
neceseja papero               toilet-paper
necesejo                      toilet
necivilizita                  uncivilized
neciviliziteco                want of civilization
nedankinde                    don't mention it, you're welcome
nedauxra                      temporary
nederlanda                    Dutch
nederlanda lingvo             Dutch, Dutch language
Nederlanda Suda Maro          Zuider Zee
Nederlandaj Antiloj           Netherlands Antilles
nederlandaneco                Dutch nationality
nederlandanino                Dutch woman
nederlandano                  Dutchman
Nederlando                    Holland, the Netherlands
nedigestebla                  stodgy
nedividebla                   indivisible
nee                           negatively
neebla                        impossible
neeble                        impossibly
neesprimeble                  inexpressibly
nefari                        fail, neglect, omit
nefermita                     open
nefiksita                     loose
nefruktodona                  barren, infertile, sterile, unfruitful
negativa                      negative
negativo                      negative
negi                          deny
neglektema                    careless, neglectful, negligent, remiss
neglektemo                    carelessness, negligence, remissness
neglekti                      neglect
neglekto                      neglect, slighting
negligxa robo                 dressing-gown
negligxo                      n@glig@, undress
negocado                      trading
negoci                        negotiate, trade
negocisto                     businessman, merchant
negoco                        business, trade
negra                         Negro
negrava                       unimportant
negravajxo                    accessory
negravas                      it doesn't matter
negro                         Negro
negxblanka                    snow white
negxbuli                      throw snowballs
negxero                       snowflake
negxhomo                      snowman
negxi                         snow
negxkovrita                   snowy
negxo                         snow
Negxulino                     Little Snow White
nei                           deny
neintima                      detached
nek ...                       neither ...
nek ... nek                   neither ... nor
nekartografita                uncharted
neklarigebla                  inexplicable
nekombita                     unkempt
nekompleta                    incomplete
nekomprenebla                 inconceivable, unintelligible
nekonata                      unknown
nekonsekvenca                 inconsistent
nekredebla                    incredible
nekristalizita sukero         caster sugar, castor sugar
nekrologo                     obituary
nektaro                       nectar
nekuirita                     raw, uncooked
nekulturita                   dreary
nekutima                      unusual
nelimigita                    absolute
nelogxata                     gaunt
nemalhavebla                  indispensable
nemalplilongigita             unabbreviated
nematodo                      eelworm, nematode
nematura                      unripe
Nemeso                        Nemesis
nemetiisto                    amateur
nemetiulo                     amateur
nenatura                      artificial
nenecesa                      needless
nenial                        for no reason
neniam                        never
nenie                         nowhere
neniel                        by no means, in no way, not at all
nenies                        no-one's
nenio                         nothing
neniom                        none
neniu                         neither, nobody, none, no-one
nenombrebla                   countless
nenormala                     abnormal
nenormalajxo                  abnormality
nenormaleco                   abnormality
neodimo                       neodymium
neokupita                     free, unoccupied, vacant
Neolitiko                     Neolithic
neologismo                    neologism
neona                         neon
neono                         neon
neordinara                    unordinary
neorganika                    inorganic
nepagita                      back, outstanding, overdue
nepala                        Nepalese
nepalano                      Nepalese
Nepalo                        Nepal
nepartia                      neutral
nepenetrebla                  impenetrable
nepino                        granddaughter
nepo                          grandson
nepra                         absolute
nepre                         absolutely, definitely, without fail
nepre ne                      definitely not
nepriskribeble                indescribably
neprofitema                   disinterested
neptunio                      neptunium
Neptuno[1]                    Neptune
nepublika                     private
nepublika kompanio            company, limited liability
neregula                      abnormal
nereguleco                    abnormality
nerezistebla                  irresistible
nerva                         nervous
nervo                         nerve
nervoza                       nervous
nesatigebla                   insatiable
nesignifa                     insignificant
nesimetria                    asymmetric, asymmetrical, dissymmetric
nesondebla                    abysmal
nesti                         nest
nesto                         den, nest
nesxangxigxema                constant, continual, lasting, steady
neta                          cleanly cut, net, neat, precize
neta[1]                       cleanly cut, neat, precise
neta[2]                       net
netaksebla                    priceless
netigi                        finalize, put in finished form
neuxrenberga                  Nuremberg
Neuxrenbergo                  Nuremberg
neuxtrala                     impartial, neutral
nevenkebla                    invincible
nevera                        false, untrue
nevidata                      unseen
nevino                        niece
nevo                          nephew
ngunio                        Nguni
ni                            us, we
nia                           our
Nia Sinjorino                 Our Lady
Nicxjo la Dormigulo           the Dustman, the Sandman, Wee Willie Winkie
nicxo                         niche
nigeria                       Nigerian
nigerianino                   Nigerian, Nigerian lady, Nigerian woman
nigeriano                     Nigerian
Nigerio                       Nigeria
nigra                         black
Nigra Arbaro                  Black Forest
Nigra Maro                    Black Sea, Euxine Sea
nigreco                       blackness
nigrega                       pitch black
nigro                         black
nigxeria                      Nigerien
nigxerianino                  Nigerien woman
nigxeriano                    Nigerien
Nigxerio                      Niger
Nigxero                       Niger
nikaragva                     Nicaraguan
nikaragvano                   Nicaraguan
Nikaragvo                     Nicaragua
nikelo                        nickel
Nikobaroj                     Nicobar Islands
Nilo                          Nile
nilona                        nylon
nilono                        nylon
nimbo                         halo, nimbus
Nimego                        Nimwegen
nimfeo                        waterlily
nimfo                         nymph
Nimrodo                       Nimrod
nin                           us
niobo                         niobium
niti                          rivet
nito                          rivet
nitrogeno                     nitrogen
niveli                        level
nivelo                        level
Noahxo                        Noah
nobela                        of noble birth
nobela klaso                  nobility
nobelaro                      nobility
nobeleco                      nobility
nobelio                       nobelium
nobelo                        nobleman
nobla                         noble
nobleco                       nobleness
noca                          harmful
nocio                         notion
nocxo                         notch
nodi                          knot
nodo                          knot, node
nokta                         nocturnal
nokta besto                   nocturnal animal
nokta dejxoro                 night-duty, night-service, night-shift
nokta flugo                   night flight
nokta frosto                  ground frost, night-frost
nokta lampo                   night-lamp
nokta ripozo                  night's rest
nokta servo                   night-duty, night-service, night-shift
nokta skipo                   night-shift
nokta trajno                  night-train
noktblinda                    night-blind
noktblindeco                  night-blindness
nokte                         at night, by night
noktfesteni                   make a night of it
noktgardisto                  watchman
noktgardo                     night-watch
noktigxo                      evening twilight
noktmeza meso                 midnight mass
noktmezo                      midnight
nokto                         night
noktocxemizo                  night-shirt
noktogardo                    nightwatch
noktoklubo                    night club, night spot
noktosxranko                  pedestal cupboard
noktotarifo                   night rate, night tariff
noktovazo                     pot, chamber-pot
noktpapilio                   moth, night-moth
noktseruro                    double lock
noktsxranko                   pedestal cupboard
noktuo                        screech-owl
noktvazo                      chamber pot
noktvestajxo                  night-attire
noma akcio                    registered share
nomada                        nomadic
nomado                        nomad
nombri                        count
nombro                        amount, number
nome                          namely, viz.
nomfesto                      name-day, saint's day
nomi                          call
nomigxi                       be called
nominalvalora                 at par
nomo                          appellation, name
nomplato                      name-plate
nomumi                        appoint, nominate
nomumo                        appointment, nomination
norda                         northern
Norda Dvino                   Northern Dvina
Norda Maro                    North Sea
nordafrika                    North African
nordafrikano                  North African
Nordafriko                    North Africa
nordamerika                   North American
nordamerikano                 North American
Nordameriko                   North America
Nordbrabanto                  North Brabant
norde de                      above
Nordholando                   North Holland
Nordirlando                   Northern Ireland
nordkorea                     North Korean
nordkoreano                   North Korean
Nordkoreujo                   North Korea
nordo                         north, North
Nordvjetnamo                  North Vietnam
norma                         normal
norma vortsignifo             acceptation
normala                       normal
normale                       ordinarily
normanda                      Norman
Normandio                     Normandy
normando                      Norman
normano                       Dane, Northman, Norseman
normo                         norm, standard
norvega                       Norwegian
norvegino                     Norwegian woman
Norvegio                      Norway
norvego                       Norwegian
Norvegujo                     Norway
nostalgio                     nostalgia
notario                       notary
notbloko                      notepad
notfoliaro                    notepad
noti                          note, make a note, write down
notlibro                      notebook
noto                          grade, note
nova                          new, novel
Nova Gvineo                   New Guinea
Nova Kaledonio                New Caledonia
Nova Sudkimrio                New South Wales
Nova Sudkimrujo               New South Wales
Novaj Hebridoj                New Hebrides
novajxo                       news, novelty, something new
novajxoj                      news
noveco                        newness
novedzino                     bride
novedzo                       bridegroom
novelo                        short story
novembro                      November
novgreka lingvo               Modern Greek
novhebrea lingvo              Modern Hebrew
novico                        novice
novjara tago                  New Year's Day
Novjaro                       New Year
Novjartago                    New Year's Day
Novjorko                      New Amsterdam, New York, New York City
novkaledona                   New Caledonian
Novkaledonio                  New Caledonia
novkaledono                   New Caledonian
Novkaledonujo                 New Caledonia
Novtero                       Newfoundland
novzelanda                    New Zealand
novzelandanino                New Zealand woman
novzelandano                  New Zealander
Novzelando                    New Zealand
nu                            now, well, well then
nuanco                        hue, nuance, shade, tint
nuba                          cloudy
nubia                         Nubian
nubiano                       Nubian
Nubio                         Nubia
nubo                          cloud
nuda                          bare, naked, nude
nudajxo                       nude
nudeco                        nakedness, nudity
nudelo                        noodles
nudismo                       nudism
nudisto                       nudist
nudpieda                      barefoot
nugato                        nougat
nuklea                        nuclear
nukleo                        nucleus
nuko                          back of the neck, nape
nukso                         nut
nul                           nought, zero
nuligi                        abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
nuligi telefone               cancel by telephone, countermand by telephone
nuligo                        abolition, abrogation
nulo                          naught, nought, null, zero, zilch
numeri                        assign a number
numero                        number, numeral
numerplato                    numberplate
numismatikisto                numismatist
numismatiko                   numismatics
numismato                     numismatist
nun                           at present, now
nun ankoraux                  still, yet
nuna                          current, present
nuntempa                      current, present
nuntempe                      currently, nowadays, these days
nupta danco                   display
nur                           exclusively, just, only
nur unu                       just one, one only, only one
nura                          mere, solitary, sole
Nurio                         Newry
nurlegebla memoro             ROM
nutrajxo                      food, nourishment
nutri                         feed, nourish

oazo                          oasis
obea                          obedient
obeema                        obedient
obei                          obey
obeigi                        break
Oberono                       Oberon
objekto                       article, object, thing
obligacio                     bond
oblikva                       oblique, slanting
oblo                          multiple
Obo                           Ob
obscena                       obscene
obsedi                        obsess
obsedo                        obsession
observi                       keep, mind, observe
observi kasxe                 peep, peep at, spy, spy upon
observo                       observation
obskura                       obscure
obstaklo                      obstacle
obstina                       obstinate, stubborn
obstini                       be obstinate, be stubborn, persist
obstrukci                     hamper, hinder, impede, obstruct, stand in the way of
obstrukcio                    impediment, obstruction
obtuza                        dull, obtuse
oceana                        oceanic
Oceanio                       Oceania, Oceanica
oceano                        ocean
Odino                         Odin
Odiseado                      Odyssey
odo                           ode
odoracxi                      reek, smell bad, stink
odori                         give off an odour, reek, smell
odori kiel                    smell of
odoro                         odor, odour, scent, smell
Odro                          Oder
ofenda                        abusive, nasty
ofendi                        abuse, insult, offend
ofendigxi                     take offence, take offense
ofendigxi pro                 resent, take exception to, take offence at
ofendita                      affronted, insulted, hurt, offended
ofendo                        abuse
ofensiva                      aggressive, offensive
ofensiva milito               war of aggression
oferi                         offer, offer up, sacrifice
oferti                        bid, offer, make an offer of
oferto                        offer
ofica                         official
ofica kostumo                 robes of office
ofica krimo                   abuse of power, misfeasance
ofica logxejo                 official residence
ofica periodo                 term of office
oficdono                      appointment, nomination
oficejo                       bureau, office
oficiala                      official
oficiro                       officer
oficisto                      officer, official
oficjxuro                     oath of office
ofico                         function, job, office, post
oficsekreto                   official secret
ofseto                        offset printing
ofta                          frequent
ofte                          frequently, often, regularly
Ojdipo                        Oedipus
ojstro                        hornet
ok                            eight
oka                           eighth
okangula                      octagonal
okangulo                      octagon
okazajxo                      event, occasion, occurence, opportunity
okazantajxo                   event
okaze                         by chance, on occasion
okazi                         come about, happen, occur
okazigi                       cause, cause to take place
okazintajxo                   event
okazo                         chance, event, occurence, opportunity
okazontajxo                   event
okcent                        eight hundred
okcidenta                     western
Okcidenta Dvino               Western Dvina
Okcidenta Flandrio            West Flanders
Okcidenta Flandrujo           West Flanders
Okcidenta Germanujo           West Germany
Okcidenta Skeldo              Western Skeldt
Okcidentaj Indioj             West Indies
okcidentano                   Westener
Okcidentauxstralio            West Australia
okcidenteuxropa               Western European, West European
okcidentgermana               West German
okcidentindia                 West Indian
okcidento                     west, West
okcipito                      back of the head, occiput
okdek                         eighty
Okeano                        Oceanus
okej                          OK, okay
oko                           number of eight
okobla                        eightfold, octuple
okono                         eighth, eighth part
oksigeno                      oxygen
okso                          ox
oktobro                       October
oktopuso                      octopus
okulisto                      oculist, ophtalmologist
okulo                         eye
okulta                        occult
okulumi                       make eyes at, ogle, stare at
okulvitroj                    glasses, spectacles
okuma                         octal
okupado                       occupation
okupata                       busy
okupi                         occupy, take
okupita                       busy
okupo                         occupation
ol                            than
olda                          old
oldulo                        old man
oleo                          oil
Oligoceno                     Oligocene
olimpika                      olympic
Olimpikoj                     Olympics
Olimpo                        Olympus
olivarbo                      olive-tree
olivo                         olive
olivoleo                      oil of olives, olive-oil
olivujo                       olive-tree
omagxi                        pay homage to
omagxo                        homage
Omana Golfo                   Gulf of Oman
Omano                         Oman
omaro                         lobster
ombrajxo                      shade
ombri                         cast a shadow
ombro                         shade, shadow
ombrumi                       hatch, shade
omleto                        omelet, omelette
omnibuso                      omnibus
omo                           Ohm
onagro                        onager
onani                         jack off, toss off
ondatro                       musk-rat, musquash
ondego                        billow
ondi                          undulate
ondo                          wave
ondumi                        corrugate, wave
oni                           you, one, they
onidiro                       rumor, rumour
onikso                        onyx
onklino                       aunt
onklo                         uncle
ono                           fraction
opalo                         opal
operacii                      operate
operacio                      operation, surgical operation
operacosistemo                operating system
opero                         opera
opiajxo                       opiate
opinii                        deem, opine, think
opinio                        opinion
opio                          opium
oportuna                      convenient, handy, opportune
oportunisto                   opportunist
opozicii                      be in opposition
opozicio                      opposition
optikisto                     optician
optimisma                     optimistic
optimismo                     optimism
optimisto                     optimist
opulo                         guelder-rose
ora                           gold, golden
Ora Bordo                     Gold Coast
Ora Lanfelo                   Golden Fleece
orajxisto                     goldsmith
oraklo                        oracle
orangxa                       orange
orangxarbo                    orange-tree
orangxkolora                  orange-coloured
Orangxo                       Orange
orangxosuko                   orange juice
Orangxrespubliko              Orange Free State
orangxujo                     orange tree, orange-tree
oratora                       oratorical
oratoro                       orator
orbito                        orbit
orblonda                      golden
orda                          tidy
ordeno                        order
ordigi                        arrange, put in order, tidy
ordinara                      common, ordinary, usual
ordinare                      usually
ordo                          order
ordoni                        command, order, tell
ordoni skribe                 instruct, notify, summon
ordono                        command, order
orela lobo                    earlobe, lobe of the ear
orelo                         ear
orelpendajxo                  ear-drop, earring
orelringo                     earring
orfa                          orphan
Orfeo                         Orpheus
orfisxo                       goldfish
orflava                       golden yellow
orfo                          orphan
organika                      organic
organismo                     organism
organizacio                   organization
organizajxo                   organization
organizi                      organize
organizo                      organization
organo                        organ
orgeno                        organ
orgia                         orgiastic
orgio                         orgy
orienta                       eastern, Oriental
Orienta Flandrio              East Flanders
Orienta Flandrujo             East Flanders
Orienta Frislando             East Friesland
Orienta Frizonio              East Friesland
Orienta Frizonujo             East Friesland
Orienta Skeldo                East Skeldt
Orientazio                    East Asia
Orientcxina Maro              East China Sea
oriente de                    east of, eastward of, to the east of
orientgermana                 East German
orienthinda                   East-Indian
orienti                       orient
oriento                       east, East
origi                         gild
origina                       aboriginal, original
originala                     original
originalo                     original
origine                       originally
origini                       originate
origino                       origin
orikteropo                    aardvark
Oriono                        Orion
orkestro                      orchestra
orkestrumi                    orchestrate
orkideo                       orchid
Orkniinsularo                 Orkney Islands, Orkneys
orkolora                      gold-coloured, golden
orminejo                      gold-mine
ornama                        ornamental
ornamajxo                     adornment, decoration, ornament
ornami                        adorn, decorate, ornament
ornamita                      adorned
ornamo                        ornament
ornato                        robes of office
oro                           gold
orta                          right-angle, square
ortilo                        carpenter's square, T-square
ortodoksa                     orthodox
ortografio                    orthography
orumi                         gild
oscedi                        yawn
oscedo                        yawn
oscilado                      oscillation
oscili                        oscillate
oscilo                        oscillator
oscilografo                   oscilloscope
Osetio                        Ossetia
oseto                         Ossetian
Osetujo                       Ossetia
Osiro                         Osiris
Oslo                          Oslo
osmio                         osmium
ostagxo                       hostage
ostaro                        skeleton
osteca                        bony
Ostendo                       Ostend, Ostende
osto                          bone
ostpulvoro                    bone-dust
ostro                         oyster
ostrogoto                     Ostrogoth
Oterburno                     Otterburn
otomana                       Ottoman
ovacio                        ovation
ovala                         oval
ovalo                         oval
ovibovo                       musk-ox
ovo                           egg
ovobrando                     egg nog
ozono                         ozone

paca                          peaceful
pacama                        peaceful, peaceloving
pacienca                      patient
pacienci                      be patient
pacienco                      patience
paciento                      patient
Pacifiko                      Pacific, Pacific Ocean
pacifismo                     pacifism
pacifisto                     pacifist
paco                          peace
pacxjo                        dad, daddy
padeli                        paddle
padelo                        blade, paddle
Pado                          Po
pafado                        firing
pafatingi                     command, cover, sweep
pafforigi                     shoot off
pafi                          fire, shoot
pafi al                       fire at, fire upon
pafilo                        gun
pafmortigi                    shoot dead
pafvundi                      wing, wound
pafvundita                    winged, wounded
pagadmoni                     dun, dun for payment
pagana                        pagan
paganismo                     paganism
pagano                        pagan
pagi                          pay
pagi la kostojn de            bear the cost of, defray the cost of, pay the expenses of
pagi la unuan parton          make a down payment
pagi parte                    pay on account
pagigi                        charge
pago                          payment
pagprokrasto                  moratorium
pagxio                        page
pagxo                         page
pajlo                         straw
Pajno                         Pan
pakajxbileto                  luggage ticket
pakajxo                       baggage, luggage
pakajxoj                      goods
pakajxospaco                  bagagehaallare
pakego                        bale
paketo                        packet, parcel
paki                          pack
pakistananino                 Pakistani, Pakistani lady, Pakistani woman
pakistanano                   Pakistani
Pakistano                     Pakistan
pako                          pack
pakvagono                     luggage-van
pala                          pale, sallow
palaco                        palace
paladio                       palladium
Paleoceno                     Palaeocene, Paleocene
Paleolitiko                   Palaeolithic, Paleolithic
Paleozoiko                    Palaeozoic, Paleozoic
palestina                     Palestinian
palestinano                   Palestinian
Palestino                     Palestine
paletro                       palet
paligxi                       fade
palisaro                      fence, palisade
paliso                        stake
palisumi                      impale
palmo                         palm, palmtree
Palmodimancxo                 Palm Sunday
Palmofesto                    Palm Sunday
palpebro                      eyelid
palpebrumi                    blink
palpi                         feel, grope
palpi sercxe                  feel, grope
palto                         coat, overcoat
palumbo                       pigeon
pamfleto                      pamphlet
pampelmo                      grapefruit
panakiranto                   breadwinner
panama                        Panamanian
Panama Golfo                  Gulf of Panama
panamanino                    Panamanian woman
panamano                      Panamanian
Panamo                        Panama
panbutiko                     baker's shop
Pandoro                       Pandora
panei                         break-down, malfunction
panelo                        dash-board, panel, wainscot
paneo                         brakedown
panero                        crumb
paniko                        panic
panisto                       baker
panjo                         mam, mammy, mom, mommy
pankreaso                     pancreas
pano                          bread, loaf
panoramo                      view
pansajxo                      bandage
pansbendo                     bandage, swathe
pansi                         dress
pantaloneto                   short pants, shorts
pantalono                     pants, trousers
pantalonportanta              trousers wearing
panterino                     female panther
pantero                       panther
pantoflo                      slipper
pantomimi                     pantomime
pantomimo                     pantomime
papago                        parrot
papagumi                      parrot
papajo                        papaya, papaw
paparaco                      paparazzo
papaveto                      poppy
papavo                        poppy
paperkorbo                    paper-basket
papero                        paper
papertapeto                   wallpaper
papilio                       butterfly
papo                          pope
papriko                       paprika
Papua Nova Gvineo             Papua New Guinea
papuo                         Papuan
para                          even
parada                        pretentious
paradi                        display, parade
paradizo                      paradise
parado                        display, parade
paradoksa                     paradoxical
paradokso                     paradox
parafino                      paraffin
paragrafo                     paragraph
paragvaja                     Paraguayan
paragvajanino                 Paraguayan woman
paragvajano                   Paraguayan
Paragvajo                     Paraguay
paralela                      parallel
paralizi                      paralyse
paralizigxinta                paralysed
paralizo                      paralysis
parametro                     parameter
paranoja                      paranoid
paranojo                      paranoia
parasxuto                     parachute
parazito                      parasite
parceligi                     parcel out
parcelo                       lot, parcel
pardoni                       forgive, pardon
pardono                       absolution, pardon
pardonpeti                    ask forgiveness, excuse oneself
pardonpeto                    apology
pardonu                       excuse me
pareco                        parity
parenca                       related
parencaro                     relations, relatives
parenceco                     consanguinity, relationship, blood-relationship
parencino                     relative, female relative
parenco                       relative
parenteze                     by the way
parentezo                     parenthesis
parfumi                       perfume
parfumo                       perfume
parigi                        couple, match, pair, unite
parigxi                       mate
Pariso                        Paris
pariza                        Parisian
parizano                      Parisian
Parizo                        Paris
parkadgaragxo                 parking garage
parkejo                       car park, lay-by, parking bay, parking garage, parking place
parkere                       by heart
parkeri                       memorize
parkerigi                     memorize
parki                         park
parko                         park
parlamenta                    parliamentary
parlamentano                  member of parliament
parlamento                    parliament
Parnaso                       Parnassus
paro                          pair
parohxa                       parochial
parohxano                     parishioner
parohxestro                   pastor, vicar
parohxo                       parish
paroka                        parochial
parokano                      parishioner
parokestro                    pastor, vicar
paroko                        parish
parolado                      speech
parolema                      talkative
paroli                        speak, talk
paroli sensence               drivel, twaddle
parolkapablo                  speech
parolmaniero                  speech
parolo                        speech
parte                         partially, partly
partero                       parterre
partia                        biased, partial
partianigxi kun               side with
partiano                      member, supporter
partianoj                     adherents, disciples, followers, party members
participo                     participle
partio                        faction, party, side
parto                         part, Parthian, share
partopreni                    participate, share, take part
partpago                      installment payment
partpreni                     participate
partpreni ies sentojn         sympathize
paruo                         titmouse
parvolo                       wren
pasagxeri                     travel as passenger
pasagxerigi                   convey as passenger
pasagxero                     passenger
pasamento                     trimming
pasejo                        gate, gangway, passage, passageway
pasero                        sparrow
pasi                          pass, pass by
pasi preskauxtusxe            skim
pasi preskauxtusxe super      skim
pasia                         passionate
pasigi                        pass, spend
pasinta                       last
pasinteco                     past
pasinto                       past
pasio                         lust, passion
Pasko                         Easter
pasporto                      passport
pastecxo                      pate, pie
pasto                         dough, paste
pastoro                       pastor
pastro                        clergyman, pastor, priest
pasxegi                       stalk, stride
pasxi                         pace, stalk, step, stride, tread
pasxo                         pace, step, stride
pasxtabulo                    gangway
pasxtejo                      meadow
pasxtelo                      pastel
pasxti                        feed
pasxtigxi                     graze
pasxtisto                     shepherd
Patagonio                     Patagonia
patento                       patent
pato                          frying-pan, frying pan
patriarko                     patriarch
patrico                       die, stamp
patrinflanka avino            maternal grandmother
patrinflanka avo              maternal grandfather
patrinflanka onklino          aunt, maternal aunt
patrinflanka onklo            uncle, maternal uncle
patrini                       mother
patrino                       mother
patriota                      patriotic
patriotismo                   patriotism
patrioto                      patriot
patro                         father
Patro Kristnasko              Father Christmas
patroflanka avino             paternal grandmother
patroflanka avo               paternal grandfather
patroflanka onklino           aunt, paternal aunt
patroflanka onklo             uncle, paternal uncle
patroli                       patrol
patrolo                       patrol
patroni                       act as patron
patrono                       patron
patrujo                       fatherland
pauxta                        dismal
pauxzi                        pause, take a break, take a rest
pauxzo                        break, intermission, pause, recess
pavi                          show off, strut around
paviano                       baboon
pavilono                      pavilion
pavimado                      paving
pavimi                        pave
pavimo                        pavement
pavo                          peacock
pecetigxi                     crumble, crumble away, crumble off
peco                          bit, lump, piece
pecxo                         pitch
pedagogo                      pedagogue
pedali                        pedal
pedalo                        pedal
pedaltaksio                   pedicab, trishaw
pedia lingvo                  Pedi, Pedi language
pediko                        louse
pedio                         Pedi
Pegaso                        Pegasus
pego                          woodpecker
pejzagxo                      landscape, scenery
peka                          sinful
peki                          sin, transgress
Pekino                        Peiping, Peking
pekli                         pickle
peklita viando                salt meat, salted meat
peko                          sin, transgression
pelargonio                    geranium
peli                          chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo
peli piedbate malsupren       kick down, kick off
pelikano                      pelican
pelto                         fur, fur coat, fur piece
peltocxapo                    bearskin, bearskin cap
pelvo                         basin, bowl, pelvis
penado                        efforts
penco                         penny
pendglisilo                   hang-glider
pendi                         droop, hang
pendigi                       hang
pendkolumo                    bands
pendumi                       hang
pene                          with effort
Penelopo                      Penelope
penetri                       penetrate
peni                          aim, attempt, endeavour, try
penicilino                    penicillin
penigajxoj                    fuss, to-do
peniko                        paintbrush
peniseto                      peter, willy
peniso                        penis
peno                          effort
pensi                         think
pensiigxi                     go on pension, retire
pensio                        pension, retirement
pensiono                      boarding house, boarding school
pensiulo                      pensioner, retiree
penso                         thought
pentanta                      contrite, penitent, repentant
Pentateuxko                   Pentateuch
Pentekosto                    Pentecost, Whitsunday
penti                         repent
penti pri                     feel sorry for, regret, repent, repent of
pentigi                       regret, repent, repent of
pento                         repentance
pentofari                     do penance
pentrajxkadro                 frame, picture-frame
pentrajxo                     painting, picture
pentri                        paint
pentristo                     painter
peono                         pawn
pepi                          chirp, peep, twitter
pepsino                       pepsin
per                           by, by means of, on, through, with
per kio                       whereby
per tio                       thereby
perado                        mediation
peranto                       agent
percepti                      find, notice, perceive
perdi                         lose
perdigxi                      be lost, get lost
perdita                       lost
perdo                         loss
perdriko                      partridge
pere de                       per
perei                         perish
pereigi                       destroy, ruin
pereigo                       destruction
perfekta                      perfect
perfekteco                    perfection
perfektigi                    perfect
perfida                       treacherous
perfidema                     treacherous
perfidi                       betray
perfido                       betrayal, treachery
perforte                      by force, violently
perforti                      force, violate
perforto                      violence
pergameno                     parchment
peri                          act as agent
periferia                     peripheral
periferio                     outskirts, periphery
perimetro                     circumference, perimeter
perioda gazeto                periodical
periodo                       period
periosto                      periosteum
periskopo                     periscope
perko                         bass
perkudrila laboro             needlework
perlabori                     earn
perlo                         pearl
permesi                       allow, permit
permesilo                     licence, license, permit
permeso                       permission
Permo                         Perm
perono                        platform, railway platform
perpendikulara                perpendicular
perpleksa                     perplexed, taken aback
persa                         Persian
Persa Golfo                   Persian Gulf
Persefono                     Persephone
persekutado                   persecution, pursuit
persekuti                     chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue
persekuto                     persecution, pursuit
Perseo                        Perseus
persiko                       peach
persino                       Persian woman
Persio                        Persia
persista                      persistent
persistado                    perseverance
persistemo                    perseverance
persisti                      abide, persevere, persist
perso                         Persian
persona                       personal
personaro                     personnel
personeco                     personality
persono                       person
personoj                      people, persons
persontrajno                  passenger train
perspektivo                   perspective
Persujo                       Persia
persvadi                      persuade
persvadi acxeti               palm off on
persvado                      persuasion
perturbi                      disquiet, interfere with, perturb
perturbo                      disquiet, disturbance, interference, unrest
perua                         Peruvian
peruanino                     Peruvian woman
peruano                       Peruvian
peruko                        hairpiece, wig
Peruo                         Peru
perversa                      perverse
pesi                          weigh
pesilo                        scales
pesimisma                     pessimistic
pesimismo                     pessimism
pesimisto                     pessimist
pesto                         pestilence, plague
petalo                        petal
petanto                       applicant
petegi                        beseech
petego                        appeal, entreaty, supplication
petformularo                  application form, form of application
peti                          ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
peticio                       petition
petilo                        application form, form of application
peto                          request
petola                        frolic, frolicsome, petulant
petolema                      mischievous, playful
petoli                        frolic
Petroburgo                    Saint Petersburg
petrolo                       paraffin-oil, petroleum
Petromaricburgo               Pietermaritzburg
petroselo                     parsley
petskribinto                  applicant, petitioner
petskribo                     petition
peza                          burdensome, heavy, onerous
pezi                          weigh
pezilo                        weight
pezo                          weight
Pfalzo                        Palatinate
pfenigo                       pfennig
pia                           pious
pianisto                      pianist
piano                         piano
pico                          pizza
picxo                         cunt, pussy
piedbati                      kick
piedbato                      kick
piede                         on foot
piedestalo                    pedestal
piedfingro                    toe
piedfrapado                   tramping
piediranto                    pedestrian
piediri                       go on foot
piedo                         foot, paw
piedpasi                      tread
piedpilko                     football, soccer ball
piedpremi                     step on
piedvarmigilo                 footwarmer
piedvestajxo                  footwear
pigmeo                        pigmy
pigo                          magpie
pigra                         lazy
pijxamo                       pyjamas
pika                          nasty
pikdrato                      barbed wire, barbed-wire
piki                          pick, stab, sting
pikilo                        sting
pikkalkanumo                  stiletto heel
pikniki                       picnic
pikniko                       picnic
piko                          prick, spades, sting
pilaro                        battery
pilgrimado                    pilgrimage
pilgrimanto                   pilgrim
pilgrimi                      go on pilgrimage
pilgrimo                      pilgrimage
pilko                         ball
pilolo                        pill
pilotado                      steering
piloti                        pilot
piloto                        pilot
pincxegi                      pinch
pincxi                        pinch
pincxilo                      pincers, tongs
pincxpreno                    bit
pincxtenajlo                  pincers
pinglo                        pin, needle
pingloarbo                    conifer
pino                          pine, pine tree
pinta                         pointed, spiked
pinto                         peak, point, tip, summit
piocxo                        pick-axe
pionira                       pioneer
pioniro                       pioneer
pipo                          pipe
pipri                         pepper
pipro                         pepper
piramido                      pyramid
pirarbo                       pear-tree
piratestro                    pirate-chief
pirato                        pirate
pirenea                       Pyrenean
Pireneoj                      Pyrenees
piro                          pear
pirozo                        heartburn
pirujo                        pear-tree
pisi                          urinate
pispoto                       chamber pot
pisti                         crush, pound
pistilo                       pestle
pistolo                       pistol, spray gun
pistujo                       mortar
pisxto                        piston
Piterhedo                     Peterhead
Pitono                        Python
pitoreska                     picturesque
pivoti                        pivot
pivoto                        pivot
pizango                       banana
pizo                          pea
placo                         plaza, square, public square
placxa                        pleasing
placxi                        please
placxo                        pleasure
plado                         course, dish, plate, platter
plado[1]                      dish, plate, platter
plado[2]                      course, dish
plafono                       ceiling
plagi                         afflict, plague
plago                         calamity, scourge
plagxo                        beach
plako                         plate
plando                        sole
plandumo                      sole
planeda                       planetary
planedo                       planet
plani                         plan
planizi                       plan
planko                        floor
plano                         design, diagram, plan, plane
plantado                      planting
plantajxo                     plantation
plantaro                      plantation, planting
plantejo                      plantation
planti                        plant
planto                        plant
plasmo                        plasma
plasta                        plastic
plastika                      plastic
plasto                        plastic
plastro                       plaster
plata                         flat
platajxo                      plateau
platano                       plane, plane-tree, sycamore
plateno                       platinum
plateso                       plaice
platformo                     platform
platnazo                      pug-nose
Plato                         Plato
plauxdeti                     burble, gurgle, murmur, purl
plauxdi                       lap, plash, splash
pledi                         plea, plead
pledi por                     advocate, plead
pledo                         plea
Pleistoceno                   Pleistocene
plej                          most
plej bona                     best
plej bonega                   best of all, very best
plej ekstera                  outer
plej grava                    most important
plej malbona                  worst
plej posta                    hind, hindmost
plej proksima                 nearest, next
plej proksimaj parencoj       next of kin
plej supra                    upper
Plejadoj                      Pleiades
pleje                         at most
plejparte                     mostly
plekti                        braid, plait, twine, wreathe
plektita mato                 plaited mat
plena                         complete, full
plenaera kradrostado          barbecue
plenagxa                      adult, grown-up, full-grown
plenblovi                     inflate
plenbrako                     armful
plenbusxo                     mouthful
plendi                        complain
plendi kontraux               accuse
plendo                        complaint
plene                         completely, fully
plenigi                       fill, fill in, fill up
plenigxi                      become full
plenkreska                    adult, full-grown
plenkreskulo                  adult, grown-up
plenluno                      full moon
plenmano                      handful
plenplena                     brimming, replete
plenumi                       accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
plenumita                     completed
plenzorga                     anxious
plenzorge                     anxiously
pleto                         tray
plezura                       agreeable, pleasant
plezuriga                     pleasurable
plezuro                       fun, pleasure
pli                           more
pli agxa                      elder, older
pli bona                      better
pli detala                    further
pli detale                    more precisely
pli gxuste                    rather
pli juna fratino              younger sister
pli juna frato                younger brother
pli juna gefrato              younger brother, younger sibling, younger sister
pli kaj pli                   increasingly, more and more
pli malbona                   worse
pli malfrue                   later, later on
pli maljuna fratino           elder sister
pli maljuna frato             elder brother
pli maljuna gefrato           elder brother, elder sibling, elder sister
pli malpli                    quite
pli malproksima               farther
pli malproksime               beyond, farther, further
pli malproksime ol            beyond, past
pli malproksimen              farther
pli ol                        above, more than, over
pli proksima                  nearer
pli proksime                  nearer
pli volonte                   preferably
plia                          another, one more
plialtigi                     increase, raise
plialtigxi                    ascend, go up, increase
plibeligi                     embellish
plibeligi iom                 trim
plibeligxi                    grow more beautiful
plibonigi                     improve
plibonigxo                    progress
plibonstatigxo                progress
plidikigi                     thicken
plie                          and also, and ... as well, as well as, together with
plietigxi                     decrease, diminish
plifaciligi                   facilitate
plifervorigi                  cheer, fire, inspire, stimulate
plifortigi                    fortify
plifortigxi                   increase, freshen
plifruigi                     accelerate
pligrandigi                   augment, enlarge, increase
pligrandigo                   enlargement, increase
pligrandigxi                  increase
pligrandigxo                  enlargement, increase
pligravigi                    blow up, heighten
pliigi                        increase
pliigxi                       augment, grow, increase
plilauxtigxi                  swell, swell into a roar
plilongigi                    lengthen
plimalgrandigi                decrease
plimalgrandigxi               decrease, diminish
plimalpli                     more or less
plimultigi                    enhance
plimultigo                    accession
plimultigxo                   increase
plimulto                      majority
Plioceno                      Pliocene
plipezigxi                    gain, put on weight
pliposte                      later on
pliproksimigxi                advance, come on
plirapidigi                   accelerate
plirapidigo                   acceleration
plirapidigxi                  accelerate
plirapidigxo                  acceleration
plistrecxi                    draw tighter, tighten
plivigligi                    fan, fire, inspire, stimulate, stir up, urge on
ploceido                      weaver-bird
plongxi                       dive, plunge
plongxisto                    diver
plori                         cry, weep
plorsingulti                  sob
plu                           else, further, more, on
plua                          additional, another
pludauxrigi                   extend
plue                          besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover
plugebla                      arable
plugi                         plough
plugilo                       plough, plow
pluki                         pick, pluck
plumba                        lead
plumbo                        lead
plumo[1]                      feather
plumo[2]                      pen
pluraj                        several
plurfoje                      repeatedly
plurnacia                     multinational
plurtaskplenumado             multitasking
plurtavola ligno              plywood
plus                          plus
pluskvamperfekto              pluperfect
pluso                         surplus
Pluto[1]                      Pluto
plutonio                      plutonium
pluvalidigi                   extend
pluvegi                       pour, rain cats and dogs
pluveti                       drizzle, mizzle
pluveto                       drizzle, drizzling rain
pluvi                         rain
pluvmantelo                   raincoat
pluvo                         rain
pluvombrelo                   umbrella
pluvsezono                    rainy season
pneuxmatiko                   tyre
pneuxmo                       tire, tyre
pneuxmonio                    pneumonia
po                            at, at the rate of, by
pobe                          abaft
poben                         abaft
pobo                          poop, poopdeck, stern
podagro                       gout
podetalisto                   retailer
podicipo                      grebe
podio                         platform, podium
poemo                         poem
poento                        point
poeto                         poet
poezia                        poetic
poezio                        poetry
pogoniuleto                   small woodpecker
pogrande                      wholesale
pojno                         wrist
pokalo                        goblet
pokero                        poker
pola                          Polish
polekso                       thumb
polemiki                      engage in a controversy
polemiko                      controversy
polenado                      pollination
poleni                        pollinate
policano                      policeman
policejo                      police-station
policestro                    chief of police
policisto                     policeman
polico                        police
policpatrolo                  squad
polinezia                     Polynesian
polinezianino                 Polynesian woman
polineziano                   Polynesian
Polinezio                     Polynesia
polino                        Polish woman
Polio                         Poland
polipo                        polyp
poliso                        policy, insurance policy
politika                      political
politikisto                   politician
politiko                      policy, politics
polivinilklorido              polyvinyl chloride, PVC
polko                         polka
Pollando                      Poland
polo                          Pole
polonio                       polonium
polpo                         octopus
Polujo                        Poland
poluri                        polish
polusa                        polar
poluso                        pole
polva                         dusty
polvo                         dust
polvobroso                    brush
polvokovri                    cover with dust
polvosucxilo                  vacuum cleaner, vacuum-cleaner
pomarbo                       apple-tree
Pomerio                       Pomerania
Pomerujo                      Pomerania
pomfritpastajxo               apple fritter
pomkacxo                      apple-sauce
pomkompoto                    apple-sauce
pomo                          apple
pompa                         resplendant
pompastecxo                   apple turnover
pompo                         pomp, splender
pomsuko                       apple juice
pomtorto                      apple-tart
pomujo                        apple-tree
ponardo                       dagger
poneo                         pony
ponto                         bridge
poplo                         poplar
popolkanto                    folk song
popolo                        folk, nation, people
populara                      popular
por                           for, to, in order to, per
por ke                        so, so that
por tiel diri                 so to speak
poranonca gazeto              advertiser
porcio                        share
pordaperturo                  doorway
pordego                       gate, gateway, portal
pordistino                    doorwoman
pordisto                      porter
pordo                         door, gate
porka                         pig, pig-, of a pig
porkajxo                      pork
porkejo                       sty
porkido                       piglet
porkino                       sow
porko                         hog, pig, swine
pormangxilara lavmasxino      dishwasher
pornografajxo                 pornography
pornografia                   pornographic
pornografio                   pornography
Portaskajgo                   Port Askaig
portebla                      portable
porti                         carry, wear
portiko                       porch
portilo                       litter, strecher
portisto                      porter
Porto                         Oporto
portreto                      portrait
portugala                     Portuguese
portugala lingvo              Portuguese, Portuguese language
portugalino                   Portuguese woman
Portugalio                    Portugal
portugalo                     Portuguese
Portugalujo                   Portugal
porvesperaj vestoj            evening dress
posedajxo                     possession, property
posedajxoj                    possessions
posedi                        own, possess
posedo                        possession
Posejdono                     Poseidon
post                          after, behind
post kiam                     after
post la kulisoj               behind the scenes
post nelonge                  soon
post tio                      beyond, next, then, thereafter
posta                         hind, hindmost
posta meditado                commentary
posta steveno                 stern
postajxo                      backside, rump
poste                         afterwards, next, subsequently
posten                        backwards
posteni                       be on duty, stand guard
posteniri                     go back, go backwards
posteno                       post
posteularo                    offspring
posteulo                      offspring, successor
posteuloj                     issue, offspring, posterity, progeny
postgvardio                   defence, rear, rearguard
postiri                       follow
postkrii moke                 hoot after
postkuri                      chase
postlasajxo                   estate
postlasi                      leave behind
postmangxajxo                 dessert
postmeti                      affix, add
postmorgaux                   the day after tomorrow
postmorta mondo               hereafter
postnaskajxo                  afterbirth, placenta
postoperacia kuracado         after-treatment, follow-up
postraza sxmirajxo            aftershave
postregiono                   hinterland
postresta pozicio             arrears
postrestanto                  laggard, straggler
postresti                     be kept in, be detained, remain, stay on
postrestigi                   keep in
postrigardi                   follow up with one's eyes, look after
postsekvi                     run after
postsoifo                     thirst after drinking to excess
postsoni                      resound
postsono                      echo, resonance
posttagmezo                   afternoon
postuli                       demand, postulate, require
postvango                     buttock
postveninta                   subsequent
postveninto                   afterthought
postveturilo                  trailer
posxlanterno                  electric torch
posxo                         pocket
posxtajxo                     piece of mail
posxtejo                      post office, post-office
posxtisto                     mailman
posxtkarto                    postcard
posxtmandato                  money order
posxtmarko                    stamp, postage stamp
posxto                        mail, post
posxtoficejo                  post-office, post office
posxtrancxilo                 pen-knife
potajxo                       pottery
potenca                       powerful
potenco                       power
potisto                       potter
poto                          jug, pot
pouxpo                        poop, poopdeck, stern
povi                          be able to
povi fari                     be able to cope with, be able to do
povi tutfari                  be able to cope with, be able to handle
povo                          ability
povoscii                      be master of, know
povra                         poor
pozi                          pose
pozicidetermino               reckoning
pozicio                       position
pozistino                     model
pozisto                       model
pozitiva                      positive
pozitivo                      positive
pozo                          pose
pra-                          fore-, greatgrand-
praarbaro                     primeval forest
praavino                      great-grandmother
praavo                        great-grandfather
Prago                         Prague
prahistorio                   prehistory
praktika                      practical
praktikado                    practice
praktikanto                   practitioner
praktiki                      exert, practice
praktiko                      practice
prakuzo                       second cousin
pralogxanta                   indigenous, native
pralogxanto                   native
pramo                         ferry
pranepo                       greatgrandson
pranevo                       grand-nephew
praonklino                    great-aunt
praonklo                      great-uncle
prapatro                      forefather
prapranepo                    greatgrandchild
pratipo                       prototype
prava                         right, true
pravi                         be right
prazeodimo                    praseodymium
precipa                       main, predominant, principal
precipe                       above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally
preciza                       accurate, precise
precize                       exactly, sharp
precizeco                     exactness, precision
prediki                       preach
predikisto                    preacher
prediko                       sermon
predikofico                   benefice
predo                         prey
prefere                       preferably, rather
preferi                       prefer
prefikso                      prefix
pregxejo                      church, kirk
pregxi                        pray
pregxo                        prayer
prelegi                       lecture
prelego                       lecture
preludo                       overture, prelude
prema                         burdensome, onerous
premado                       pressure
prembutono                    push-button
premfiksi                     press, press firmly
premi                         press, oppress, squeeze
premiero[1]                   premier, prime minister
premiero[2]                   first run, first night, premi@re
premii                        award a prize
premio                        premium, prize
premita                       oppressed
premo                         pressure
premsigno                     print, imprint
preni                         get, lay hold of, pick up, take
preni jugxe                   lay a distress upon, seize
prenilo                       tongs
preno                         grasp
prepara                       preliminary, preparatory, prior
preparado                     preparation
prepari                       prepare
preparmaniero                 method of preparation
preparo                       preparation
prepozicio                    preposition
prerio                        prairie
presajxo                      printed matter
presi                         print
presilo                       press
presisto                      printer
preskaux                      almost, nearly
preskribo                     regulation
preslitero                    type
preso                         print
presprovajxo                  proof
presprovo                     proof
prestigxa                     glamourous, prestigious
prestigxo                     glamor, glamour, prestige
preta                         finished, ready, through
preteco                       readiness
preteksti                     give as an excuse, pretend
preteksto                     pretext
pretendema                    arrogant
pretendemo                    assumingness, overbearingness, presumption, pretence
pretendi                      claim, presume
pretendo                      claim, presumption, pretence
preter                        beyond, by, past, straight past
preteriranto                  passer-by
preteriri                     pass, pass by
preterlasema                  careless, neglectful, negligent, remiss
preterlasi                    leave out, omit, overlook
preterlasita                  left out, omitted
preterpasi                    overtake, pass by
preterveturi                  overhaul, overtake, pass
pretigi                       finish, prepare
pretigxi                      get ready
Pretorio                      Pretoria
pretparta konstruado          prefabrication, pre-fabrication
preventi                      prevent
preventilo                    preservative
prezentado                    presentation
prezentata klare              clear, graphic
prezenti                      introduce, perform, present
prezentigxi forire            check out
prezento                      presentation
prezidanto                    chairman, president
prezidi                       preside
prezkonjekto                  budget, estimate, estimates
prezkonkurado                 tender
prezkonkuro                   public tender
prezlisto                     price list, price-list
prezo                         price
preztrompi                    fleece
preztrompisto                 extortioner, swindler
preztrompita                  taken in
preztrompo                    swindle, swindling
pri                           about, concerning, on, upon
pridemandi                    interrogate
prijugxi                      judge
prilaboro                     process
prilumi                       light up, shine upon
primara                       primary
primitiva                     primitive
primoki                       deride, mock, quip, ridicule
primolo                       primrose
princido                      prince's son
princino                      princess
principa                      firm in one's principle, firm in one's principles
principe                      in principle
principo                      principle
princlando                    principality
princo                        prince
prinoti                       annotate
printempo                     spring, springtime
printi                        print
printo                        print
prioritata vojo               major road
priparolado                   discussion
priparoli                     discuss
pripensi                      think, think about, reflect on
pripenstempo                  time to consider
priplanti                     plant
priplori                      mourn
priproprieta juro             proprietary law
prirabi                       rob
prirabo                       robbery
prirespondeco                 responsibility
prirespondi                   be answerable, be liable, be responsible
priskriba                     descriptive
priskribi                     describe
priskribo                     description
prismo                        prism
pristudi                      study
pristudo                      study
prisxteli                     rob
pritondi                      prune
pritraktado                   treatment
pritraktata                   pending
pritrakti                     treat
pritraktigi                   bring before, lay before, take up
privata                       private
priversxi                     water
priveturebla                  passable, practicable
priveturi                     drive over, ride over
privilegia                    privileged
privilegio                    privilege
prizono                       jail, gaol, prison
prizorgi                      look after
prizorgo                      care
pro                           because of, for, for sake of, on account of, owing to, through
pro kio                       what for, wherefore, why
pro tio                       therefore
pro tio ke                    because, for the reason that
probabla                      probable
probable                      probably
problemo                      problem, trouble
procedi                       proceed
procedo                       procedure, process
procentajxo                   commission
procento                      percent, percentage
procesi                       go to court, litigate, sue
procesi kontraux              sue
procesio                      procession
proceso                       lawsuit
procezo                       process
prociono                      raccoon, racoon, washing-bear
produktado                    production
produkti                      bear, produce
produkto                      product
proedzigxa                    by marriage, related by marriage
profani                       defile, profane
profesia                      professional
profesio                      profession
profesoro                     professor
profetajxo                    prophecy
profeti                       forecast, foretell, prophesy
profeto                       prophet
profilo                       profile
profita                       credit, surplus
profiti                       profit
profito                       gain, profit
profitparto                   share
profunda                      deep, profound
profundajxo                   depth
profundeco                    depth
profundegajxo                 abyss, gulf, precipice
profundo                      depth
profundsenca                  abstruse
prognozi                      forecast
prognozo                      forecast, prognosis
programero                    program item, programme item
programi                      program, programme
programo                      programme
progresi                      get along, proceed, progress
progreso                      progress
projekcii                     project
projekciilo                   projector
projekciisto                  projectionist
projekti                      make a project of, plan
projekto                      plan, project, scheme
proklamado                    proclamation
proklamajxo                   proclamation
proklami                      issue, proclaim
proklamo                      proclamation
prokrastemo                   procrastination
prokrasti                     delay, hold in abeyance, postpone, procrastinate, put off
prokrastita                   in abeyance
proksima                      close, near, nearby, next
Proksima Oriento              Middle East
proksimajxo                   neighbourhood, vicinity
proksime                      close, near, nearby
proksime al                   close to, near
proksime de                   close to, near
proksimeco                    nearness, proximity
proksimigi                    bring near to
proksimigxi                   advance, approach, come close, come closer, come on
proksimigxo                   approach
proksimo                      proximity
proksimulo                    fellow-creature, neighbour
proksimuma                    approximate
proksimuma kalkulado          approximation
proksimume                    about, approximately
prokuroro                     public prosecutor
proletario                    proletarian
proletaro                     proletariat, the proletariat
proleto                       proletarian
prologo                       prologue
promenado                     stroll, walk
promenanto                    stroller
promenejo                     promenade
promeni                       go for a walk, stroll
promesi                       promise
promeso                       promise
Prometeo                      Prometheus
prometio                      promethium
promocii                      promote
promocio                      promotion
promulgi                      promulgate
prononci                      pronounce
prononcmaniero                accent
prononco                      pronunciation
propagandajxo                 publicity material
propagandi                    advertise, publicize
propagando                    propaganda, publicity
propeti                       intercede, plead for
proponado                     offer, tender
proponi                       offer, propose, suggest
propono                       offer, proposal, suggestion
proporcia                     proportional
proporcie kun                 proportional to
proporcio                     proportion, rate
propozicio                    sentence
propra                        own, personal
proprajxo                     property
proprajxoj                    possessions
propravole                    voluntarily
proprieto                     ownership
proprietulo                   owner
proprulo                      owner
propulsakso                   drive shaft, driving axle
propulsi                      drive
propulso                      drive
proskripciulo                 exile
prospekto                     prospectus
prospektoro                   prospector
prosperi                      be succesful, prosper
prospero                      prosperity, success
prostituado                   prostitution
prostituejo                   bawdy, brothel, house of ill fame, whorehouse
prostitui                     prostitute
prostituitino                 prostitute
protaktinio                   protactinium
proteino                      protein
protekta                      protectionist
protektado                    protection
protektanto                   patron
protektatino                  prot@g@e
protektato                    prot@g@
protekti                      protect
protektisma                   protectionist
protekto                      protection
protektspirito                guardian angel
Proteo                        Proteus
Proterozoiko                  Proterozoic
protestanta                   Protestant
protestanto                   Protestant
protesti                      protest
protesto                      protest
protokoli                     give a ticket, take somebody's name
protokolo                     minutes, protocol
protono                       proton
prototipo                     prototype
provajxo                      test, trial
provenca                      Proven@al
proverbo                      proverb
provi                         attempt, test, try
proviantado                   catering
provinca                      provincial
provinco                      province
provizado                     arrival, arrivals, supply
provizajxestro                purser
provizejo                     pantry
provizi                       provide, supply
provizi je                    accomodate with
provizi per                   accomodate with
provizi per tavoleto          coat
provizi sin je                store
provizi sin per               buy, get, procure
provizo                       supply
provizora                     provisional, temporary
provizore                     for the time being, temporarily
provizumado                   catering
provizumi                     provision
provo                         attempt, test
provoki                       defy, incite, provoke
prozelito                     convert, proselyte
prozo                         prose
pruda                         prudish
prudenta                      prudent, reasonable, sensible
prudulino                     prude
prudulo                       prude
prujna                        frosted, hoar
pruno                         plum
pruntedoni                    lend
pruntedoni al                 lend
pruntepreni                   borrow
pruntepreni de                borrow from
prunti                        borrow, lend, loan
prunti al                     lend
prunti de                     borrow from
prunto                        loan
pruo                          bow, prow
prusa                         Prussian
prusa bluo                    Prussian blue
prusacido                     prussic acid
prusbluo                      Prussian blue
Prusio                        Prussia
Pruslando                     Prussia
pruso                         Prussian
Prusujo                       Prussia
pruvi                         prove
pruvo                         proof, sign, token
psalmo                        psalm
pseuxdonimo                   pseudonym
Psihxo                        Psyche
psika                         psychic
psikiatra                     psychiatric
psikiatrio                    psychiatry
psikiatro                     psychiatrist
psiko                         psyche
psikologa                     psychological
psikologio                    psychology
psikologo                     psychologist
psikopatologio                abnormal psychology
Ptolemeo                      Ptolemy
publici                       publicize
publika                       public
publike                       openly
publikeco                     publicity
publikigi                     publish, reveal
publikigo                     proclamation, publication
publiko                       public
pudingo                       pudding
pudoro                        chaste behaviour, modesty
pudri                         powder
pudro                         powder, cosmetic powder
pufigi                        puff out
pufigxi                       puff up
pufo                          puff, swelling
pugno                         fist
pugnobatalanto                boxer
pugnobati                     punch
pugo                          behind, bottom, buttocks
Pulcxinelo                    Punch
pulio                         pulley
pulmo                         lung
pulmonario                    lungwort, pulmonaria
pulo                          flea
pulovero                      pullover sweater
pulsi                         pulsate, throb
pulso                         pulse
pulvo                         gunpowder
pulvora                       powdery
pulvorigi                     pulverize
pulvorigita lakto             milk-powder, powdered milk
pulvoro                       powder
pumo                          cougar, mountain lion, puma
pumpi                         pump
pumpilo                       pump
punado                        punishment
puncxo                        punch
pundo                         pound
puni                          punish
puni trafe                    chastise, correct, punish
punkti                        punctuate
punkto                        dot, period, point, spot
punktokomo                    semicolon
puno                          punishment
punto                         lace
pupitro                       desk, lectern, school desk
pupo                          doll, puppet
pura                          clean, pure
pureco                        cleanliness, purity
purgatorio                    purgatory
purigi                        clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
purigi la nazon               blow one's nose
Purimfesto                    Purim
puritana                      puritan
puritano                      puritan
purpura                       purple
purpuro                       purple
pusi                          discharge pus
puso                          pus
pusxekfunkciigi               push
pusxi                         push, thrust
pusxigxi kun                  collide with, run into
pusxo                         push
pusxveturilo                  wheelbarrow
putino                        hooker, whore
puto                          well
putra                         bad, rotten
putreco                       rottenness
putrema                       perishable
putri                         putrefy, rot
putrigxo                      decay

rabajxo                       booty
rabati                        discount, rebate
rabato                        abatement, discount, rebate
rabbesto                      beast of prey
rabeno                        rabbi
rabi                          plunder, rob
rabia                         mad, rabid
rabio                         rabies
rabisto                       robber
raboti                        abrade, plane
rabotilo                      plane
raboto                        abrasion
racia                         rational
racio                         reason, logical reasoning
radaro                        radar
radiatoro                     radiator
radii                         radiate
radikala                      radical
radikale                      radically, thoroughly
radikalo                      radical
radikalulo                    radical
radiko                        root
radio                         beam, radio, ray, wireless
radio[1]                      beam, ray
radio[2]                      radio, wireless
radiofonio                    wireless telegraph
radioterapio                  radiation
radiumo                       radium
radiuso                       radius
rado                          wheel
radono                        radon
radringa deprenilo            tire lever, tyre lever
radringo                      cover, outer cover
radrondo                      felly, felloe, rim
rafaneto                      radish
rafano                        radish, black radish
rafinejo                      refinery
rafini                        refine
raguo                         ragout, stew
ragxabo                       Rajab
Ragxastujo                    Rajasthan
rajda                         mounted
rajdanta                      mounted
rajdi                         ride
rajdi sur cxevalo             ride a horse
rajo                          skate, stingray
rajti                         may, have the right to
rajtigi                       authorize
rajtigo                       authorization
rajto                         right
raketo                        rocket
rakonti                       narrate, relate, tell
rakonti sxercojn              gag
rakontintrigo                 plot
rakonto                       narrative, story, tale
ramadano                      Ramadan
rambutano                     rambutan
ramfasto                      toucan
rampi                         crawl, creep
ranbleki                      croak
ranca                         rancid
rancxo                        ranch
rando                         border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rand, rim
rando[1]                      border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
rando[2]                      rand
ranfemuroj                    frog's legs
rango                         grade, rank, rate
ranido                        tadpole, tad-pole
rano                          frog
ranunkolo                     buttercup
Rao                           Ra, Re
rapida                        fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
rapide                        fast, quickly, swiftly
rapideco                      speed
rapidemo                      haste
rapidi                        go fast, hurry, rush
rapidlimo                     speed-limit, speed limit
rapido                        speed
rapidresponda                 to the point
rapidtrajno                   fast train
rapidumo                      gear
rapidumskatolo                gear-box, gear-case
rapidumujo                    gear-box, gear-case
rapidvagonaro                 fast train
rapo                          turnip
raporti                       report
raporto                       account, record, report
rapsodio                      rapsody
rara                          rare, precious
rasismo                       racism
raso                          breed, race
raspi                         grate, rasp
rasti                         rake
rastilo                       rake
ratifi                        ratify
ratifo                        ratification
rato                          rat
rauxka                        hoarse
rauxndo                       round
rauxpo                        caterpillar
rava                          delightful, lovely
ravi                          delight
ravigxinta                    delighted
ravino                        ravine
ravo                          delight
razeno                        lawn
razi                          shave
razilo                        razor
razisto                       barber
razklingo                     razor-blade
razpeniko                     shaving-brush
re-                           re-
Readmono                      Deuteronomy
reagi                         react, respond
reakcia                       reactionary
reakcio                       reaction
reakciulo                     reactionary
reakiri                       recover
reala                         actual, practical, real
realajxo                      reality
reale                         genuinely, indeed, really, truly
realigi                       produce
realigxi                      come true
realisto                      realist
rebati                        reduce the price
rebonigi                      repair
recenzi                       review
recenzo                       review
recepto                       prescription, recipe
reciproka                     mutual, reciprocal
reciproki                     reciprocate
reciti                        recite
redakcio                      editorial office
redakti                       edit
redaktilo                     editor
redaktisto                    editor
redaktoro                     editor
Redemptoro                    Redeemer, Saviour
redingoto                     frock coat
rediri                        repeat
redoni                        give back, return
redukti                       reduce
ree                           again, once more
reelekti                      re-elect
reen                          back, backwards
refali                        lapse
referajxo                     scholary report
referenco                     reference
reflekti                      reflect
reflektoro                    headlight
reflori                       bloom later
reflui                        ebb
refluo                        low tide
Reformacio                    Reformation
reformi                       reform
reformita                     reformed
reformo                       reform
refortigxi                    convalesce, get stronger, grow stronger, recuperate
refresxigi                    refresh
refugxi                       flee back
refuti                        refute
regado                        control, reign, rule
regajni                       earn back, regain, win back
regali                        entertain, treat
regali per                    treat to
regalo                        treat
reganto                       ruler
regi                          control, govern, restrain, rule
regilo                        controller
regimento                     regiment
regiona                       regional
regiono                       region
registaro                     government
registri                      record, register
registristo                   registrar
registrita letero             registered letter
registrita[1]                 registered
registrita[2]                 registered
registro                      record, register
reglamento                    regulations, rules
Regna Delegitaro              States General
regnestro                     head of state
regno                         realm, state
regreso                       decline, going down
regula                        even, regular
regularo                      regulations, rules
regule                        regularly
reguligi                      regulate
regulo                        regulation, rule
regxa                         regal, royal
regxeco                       kingship, royalty
regximo                       regime, r@gime
regxino                       queen
Regxino cxarlotinsuloj        Queen Charlotte Islands
regxisoro                     stage-manager
regxlando                     kingdom
regxo                         king
regxustigi                    adjust
reiri                         go back, return
rejnbargxo                    Rhine barge
rejnlanda                     Rhineland
rejnlanda vino                hock, Rhine-wine
Rejnlando                     Rhineland
Rejno                         Rhine
rejnsxipo                     barge, Rhine-barge
reklami                       advertise
reklamo                       advertisement
rekomenci                     resume
rekomenda letero              letter of introduction, letter of recommendation
rekomendi                     recommend, register
rekomendinda                  recommendable
rekomendita letero            registered letter
rekomendita[1]                recommended
rekomendita[2]                registered
rekomendo                     recommendation
rekompenci                    compensate, reward
rekompenco                    compensation, reward
rekonebla                     recognizable
rekoni                        recognise, recognize
rekonkeri                     recapture
rekordo                       record
rekrei                        re-create
rekruti                       recruit
rekrutigi                     recruit
rekruto                       recruit
rekta                         direct, straight
rekte                         directly, straigh ahead
rekte antauxen                straight ahead, straight along
rekte tra                     throughout
rektoro                       rector
rekvizicii                    exact, requisition, seize
relativa                      relative
relative                      fairly, rather, relatively
reliefigxi                    bevel
religia                       religious
religio                       religion
relo                          rail
remacxi                       chew the cud
remacxulo                     ruminant
remboato                      row-boat, rowing-boat
remburi                       pad, upholster, stuff
rememori                      recall, recollect, remember
rememorigi                    recall
rememorigo                    recollection
rememoro                      recollection
remendi                       give a repeat order for, order a fresh supply of
remi                          row
remilo                        oar
remisto                       rower
remparo                       rampart
rendevui                      meet
rendevuo                      appointment, date, rendezvous
renegato                      deserter, renegate
renio                         rhenium
renkonti                      come across, encounter, meet, see
renkonti unu la alian         meet each other, meet one another
renkonto                      encounter
reno                          kidney
renoma                        famous
renomo                        fame, renown
renovigi                      renew
rento                         income, return
rentumo                       interest
renversi                      overthrow, turn, turn over, upset
renversi veturile             run into
renversigxi                   turn over
repacigi perkise              kiss and be friends again
repagi                        repay
repertuaro                    repertoire
repreni                       abjure
represajxo                    reprint
represi                       reprint
represo                       reprint
reprezentanto                 representative
reprezenti                    represent
reprodukti                    render, reproduce
reprodukto                    reproduction
reptilio                      reptile
repusxi                       repulse
reputacio                     reputation
resalti                       rebound
resanigi                      cure, heal, remedy
resanigxi                     recover
resoni                        echo, resound
resono                        echo, resonance
respeguli                     mirror, reflect
respeguligxo                  reflection
respektatesto                 accolade
respekti                      respect
respektinda                   respectable
respektindeco                 deference, devotion, respect
respektiva                    respective
respekto                      respect
respiriga kuracado            artificial respiration
responda                      responsible
respondado                    answering, replying
respondaparato                answering machine
respondeca                    responsible
respondecasekuro              liability insurance
respondeco                    responsibility
respondi                      answer, reply, respond
respondi al                   answer
respondigi                    hold responsible
respondkupono                 reply coupon
respondo                      answer, reply
respublika                    republican
respublikano                  republican
respubliko                    republic
restadejo                     abode
restadi                       abide
restado                       stay
restajxejo                    dump, refuse dump, tip, rubbish tip
restajxo                      remainder, rest
restanta                      abiding, left, left over, remaining
resti                         remain, stay, stay over
resti en sia funkcio          continue in office, remain in office
resto                         remainder, rest
restoracio                    restaurant
restrikti                     confine, limit, restrict
resumi                        abstract, summarize
resumo                        abridgement, abstract, resum@, summery
reteni                        detain, hold back, retain
retiri                        draw back, withdraw
retirigxi                     retreat
retirigxo                     retreat
reto                          net, network
retoriko                      oratory, rhetoric
retreto                       retreat
retroira                      backward, retrograde
retropasxi                    walk back, walk backwards
retropasxo                    backspace
retrospegulo                  driving mirror
returne                       back
retusxi                       touch up, retouch
reunuigi                      reunite
reuxmatismo                   rheumatism
revado                        reverie
reveni                        come back, return
reveno                        return
revi                          dream, daydream, fancy
revidi                        see again
revivigxi                     revive
revizii                       revise
revizoro                      auditor, government inspector
revo                          dream, daydream
revolando                     dreamland
revolucia                     revolutionary
revolucio                     revolution
revolvero                     revolver
revui                         review
revulo                        dreamer, day-dreamer, muser
revuo                         magazine, periodical, revue
rezervi                       reserve
rezervigi                     reserve
rezervigo                     booking
rezervujo                     tank
reziduo                       breakdown product
rezignacii                    acquiesce, resign oneself
rezignacio                    resignation
rezignemo                     acquiescence, resignation, submission
rezigni                       abandon, give up, resign, renounce
rezigni pri                   relinquish, renounce, waive
rezigno                       cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender
rezino                        resin
rezisti                       resist, withstand
rezolucio                     motion, resolution
rezonadi postfakte            hold a post-mortem
rezoni pri                    argue, discuss, reason about, reason upon
rezultato                     conclusion, effect, result
rezulti                       result
rezultigi                     bring about
rezulto                       result
Riado                         Riyadh
ribelanto                     mutineer, rebel
ribelema                      insubordinate, rebellious
ribeli                        rebel, revolt
ribelo                        mutiny, rebellion, revolt
ribelulo                      rebel
ribgxino                      black currant gin
ribmarmelado                  currant-jam
ribo                          currant
ribofolio                     currant-leaf
ribokremajxo                  currant custard
ribokustardo                  currant custard
ribsuko                       currant juice
ribujo                        currant, currant bush
ricelanto                     fence
ricevanto                     consignee, recipient
ricevatesto                   receipt
ricevejo                      reception room
ricevi                        get, have, receive
ricevi erektigxon             have an erection
ricxa                         rich, wealthy, well-off
ricxeco                       abundance, wealth
ricxega                       immensely rich, rolling in money
ricxulo                       rich man
ridado                        laughter
ridegi                        roar with laughter
rideti                        smile
rideto                        smile
ridi                          laugh
ridinda                       ridiculous
ridindigi                     ridicule
rido                          laugh
rifo                          reef
rifugxejo                     place of refuge, shelter
rifugxi                       take refuge
rifugxinto                    refugee
rifugxo                       refuge
rifuzi                        refuse, reject
rifuzo                        refusal
rigardacxi                    gape at
rigardado                     examination
rigardanto                    spectator
rigardi                       consider, deem, look, look at, regard, view, watch
rigardi fikse                 gaze, peer, stare
rigardi kiel                  consider, deem, see as
rigardi malsupren             look down
rigardo                       look
rigi                          rig
rigida                        rigid, stiff
rigli                         bolt, fasten
riglilo                       bolt
rigora                        rigorous, stringent
rigoro                        rigor, rigour
rikani                        sneer
rikoltajxo                    harvest
rikolti                       harvest
rikolto                       harvest
rilatato                      antecedent
rilate                        as to, as regards, concerning
rilate al                     toward, towards, with reference to
rilati                        concern, relate
rilato                        relation
rimarki                       notice
rimarkigi al                  bring to the attention of
rimarkigo                     remark
rimarkinda                    noteworthy, remarkable
rimarko                       notice, observation
rimedo                        means, remedy, resources
rimedoj                       means
rimeno                        strap
rimi                          rhyme
rimigi                        rhyme
rimo                          rhyme
ringego                       hoop
ringo                         ring
rinocero                      rhino, rhinoceros
ripari                        fix, repair
riparpago                     reparation
ripetado                      repetition
ripetfoje                     repeatedly
ripeti                        repeat
ripetita                      repeated
ripo                          rib
ripozejo                      resting place, resting-place
ripozi                        repose, rest
ripozo                        repose, rest
riprocxa rimarko              observation, remark
riprocxadmono                 reproof
riprocxi                      blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
riprocxi malafable            snap at, snarl at, snub
riprocxinda                   reprehensible
riprocxo                      reproach
riska                         hazardous, risky
riski                         hazard, risk, venture
risko                         hazard, risk
risorto                       spring
rita                          ritual
rita sinlavo                  ablution
ritaro                        ritual
ritma                         rhythmic
ritmo                         rhythm
rito                          rite
rivali                        rival
rivalo                        rival
riveli                        develop, reveal
riverenci                     bow, curtsy
riverenco                     bow, curtsy, obeisance
rivereto                      stream
rivero                        river
Riviero                       Italian Riviera
rizkampo                      paddy field, ricefield
rizkampulo                    paddy-field, rice-field
rizo                          rice
rizoplanto                    rice plant
rizvino                       sake, sak@, saki
robo                          dress, gown, robe
roboto                        robot
Rodano                        Rhone
Rodesio                       Rhodesia
Rodezio                       Rhodesia
rodi                          gnaw
rodio                         rhodium
rodo                          anchorage, moorage, mooring
rododendro                    rhododendron
rojeto                        brooklet, rill, rivulet
rojo                          brook, stream
Rokmontaro                    Rocky Mountains
roko                          rock
rolanto                       character
rolo                          part, role, r@le
roma                          Roman
romanco                       romance
romanika                      Romanesque
romanisto                     fiction writer, novelist
romano                        Roman, novel
romano[1]                     novel
romano[2]                     Roman
romantika                     romantic
romantiko                     romanticism
rombo                         rhombus
romia                         Roman
romiano                       Roman
Romio                         Roman Empire
Romo                          Rome
rompi                         break
rompigxema                    breakable, brittle, fragile
rompigxi                      break
rompigxinta                   broken
rompita                       broken
rompsxtelisto                 burglar
ronda                         round
rondigi                       round, round off
rondo                         circle
rondodanco                    round dance
rongxi                        gnaw, nibble
rongxulo                      rodent
ronki                         snore
roso                          dew
rostbifo                      roastbeef
rosti                         roast, toast
rostigxi                      roast
rostita                       roasted
rostro                        proboscis, trunk
rotacio                       rotation
Roterdamo                     Rotterdam
roto                          gang, squad
roza                          pink
rozarbusto                    rose-bush
rozario                       rosary
rozkolora                     pink
rozo                          rose
rubando                       ribbon
rubejo                        garbage dump
rubekolo                      robin
rubeno                        ruby
rubeolo                       German measles
rubidio                       rubidium
Rubikono                      Rubicon
rublo                         rouble, ruble
rubo                          debris, rubbish, rubble
ruboj                         rubbish, old materials
rubriko                       column, header
rubujo                        garbage can
rubusbero                     blackberry
rubuso                        blackburry bush, bramble
Rudolflago                    Lake Rudolf
rudro                         rudder
rugxa                         red
Rugxa Kruco                   Red Cross
Rugxa Maro                    Red Sea
rugxa-ribgelatenajxo          currant jelly
rugxa ribo                    currant
rugxigxi                      blush
Rugxkufulineto                Little Red Ridinghood
rugxo                         red
ruinigi                       ruin
ruinigxo                      decay
ruino                         ruin
rukti                         belch, burp
rulfari                       roll
ruli                          roll
ruligxi                       roll
rulkurteno                    roller-blind
rulo                          roll
rulsxuo                       rollerskate
rulumi                        roll
rumana                        Romanian, Rumanian
rumancxa                      Rhaeto-Romance, Romanche
rumanino                      Romanian woman, Rumanian woman
Rumanio                       Romania, Rumania
rumano                        Romanian, Rumanian
Rumanujo                      Romania, Rumania
rumekso                       sorrel
rumo                          rum
Ruro                          Ruhr
Rurvalo                       Ruhr
rusa                          Russian
rusino                        Russian woman
Rusio                         Russia
Ruslando                      Russia
ruso                          Russian
rusta                         rusty
rusti                         rust
rusto                         rust
Rusujo                        Russia
rutenio                       ruthenium
rutino                        routine
ruza                          clever, cunning, sly, smart
ruzajxo                       ruse, stratagem, trick
ruzeco                        cunning, subtlety, slyness
ruzo                          ruse, trick

s-ro                          Mr, Mr.
S-ta                          St.
sabato                        Sabbath, Saturday
sabato[1]                     Saturday
sabato[2]                     Sabbath
sabla                         sand, sand-, of sand
sablero                       grain of sand
sablo                         sand
sablobenko                    bank, sandbank
sacerdota                     priestly
sacerdoto                     priest
sadisma                       sadistic
sadismo                       sadism
sadisto                       sadist
sagaca                        astute, shrewd
sageto                        dart
Sagitario                     Sagittarius
sago                          arrow
sagxa                         sagacious, sage, wise
sagxeco                       wisdom
sagxo                         wisdom
sagxumi                       act wise, show off, split hairs
Saharo                        Sahara
sako                          bag, sack
Sakramenta Tago               Corpus Christi
sakramento                    sacrament
sakri                         curse, cuss, swear
sakrilegio                    sacrilege
saksa                         Saxon
Saksio                        Saxe, Saxony
sakso                         Saxon
saksofono                     saxophone
sakstrato                     dead-end street
Saksujo                       Saxe, Saxony
sakvojo                       blind alley, cul-de-sac
sala                          salty
sala akvo                     salt water
salajro                       salary, wage, wages
salamandro                    salamander
salamo                        salami
salato                        salad
saldi                         strike a balance
saldo                         balance
salero                        grain of salt
sali                          salt
saliko                        willow
salikoketo                    shrimp
salikoko                      prawn
salivi                        salivate
salivo                        saliva
salivtuketo                   bib
salivumi                      slobber
salmo                         salmon
salo                          salt
Salomono                      Salomon
salono                        lounge, parlour, salon, sitting room, sitting-room
saltataki                     leap upon, pounce upon, spring upon
salteti                       hop
salti                         jump, leap, spring
salto                         jump, leap
salujo                        saltshaker
salutado                      greeting, salutation
saluti                        greet, salute
saluti militiste              salute
saluto                        greeting
saluton                       hello
salvio                        sage
sama                          same
samaria                       Samaritan
samariano                     Samaritan
Samario                       Samaria
samaritano                    Samaritan
sambuko                       elder
same                          equally, likewise
samideano                     fellow-thinker
samlandano                    compatriot
samnomulo                     namesake
samovaro                      samovar
samprofesiano                 colleague
samspeca                      similar
samtempa                      simultaneous
samtempe                      at the same time
samurajo                      samurai
sana                          healthy, well
sandalo                       sandal
sandvicxo                     sandwich
sanga                         bloody
sangalfluo                    congestion, rush
sangellasi                    bleed
sangellaso                    bleeding, blood-letting
sangi                         bleed
sango                         blood
sangokovrita                  blood-stained, covered with blood
sangomakulita                 blood-stained, covered with blood
sangomanka                    anaemic
sangomanko                    anaemia
sangorugxa                    blood red, blood-red
sangoversxo                   bloodshed
sani                          be well
sanigi                        cure, heal, remedy
sankciado                     sanction
sankcii                       sanction
sankcio                       sanction
sankorpa                      able-bodied
sankta                        holy, sacred
Sankta jxauxdo                Maundy Thursday
Sankta Nikolao                Saint Nicholas, St. Nicholas
Sankta Vendredo               Good Friday
sanktago                      holy deed
sanktajxo                     holy object, sacred object
sankteco                      holiness
sanktejo                      sanctuary, sanctum
sanktiga                      sanctifying
sanktigi                      sanctify
sanktigxi                     become holy
sanktoleado                   administration of the last sacraments
sanktolei                     administer the last sacraments
Sanktulara Festo              All Hallows, All Saints' Day
sanktulino                    saint
sanktulo                      saint
Sanmarino                     San Marino
sano                          health
sanskrito                     Sanskrit
sapo                          soap
sapumi                        soap
sardelo                       sardine
sardinia                      Sardinian
Sardinio                      Sardinia
sardino                       sardine
Sardio                        Sardinia
Sardlando                     Sardina
sardo                         Sardinian
Sardujo                       Sardinia
sarkasma                      sarcastic
sarkasmo                      sarcasm
sarki                         weed, weed out
sarkilo                       hoe
sarkindajxo                   garbage, refuse, rubbish, waste
Sarlando                      Saarland
sarongo                       sarong
sata                          full, replete, satisfied
satana                        Satanic
Satano                        Lucifer, Satan
satelito                      satellite
sati                          be full, have enough
satira poemo                  satire
saturi                        saturate
Saturnalio                    Saturnalia
Saturno[1]                    Saturn
Saudiarabio                   Saudi Arabia
Saudiarabujo                  Saudi Arabia
sauxco                        gravy, sauce
sauxno                        sauna
Savarmeo                      Salvation Army
savboato                      life-boat
savi                          keep, save, rescue
Savinto                       Saviour
savmono                       salvage, salvage money
savo                          salvage, salvation, recovery
savzono                       life-belt, lifebelt, safety-belt
scenaro                       script
scenejo                       stage
sceno                         scene
sceptro                       sceptre
sciavida                      inquisitive
sciavido                      curiosity
scienca                       scientific
sciencisto                    scientist
scienco                       science
scienculo                     scholar
scii                          know, know how
sciigi                        let know, inform
sciigo                        advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
sciigxi                       find out, hear, learn of
scio                          knowledge
scipovi                       know how
sciuro                        squirrel
scivola                       curious, inquisitive
scivole                       inquisitively
scivolema                     inquisitive
scivoleme                     inquisitively
scivolemo                     curiosity
scivoli                       want to know, wonder
scivolo                       curiosity
se                            if, provided that
sebo                          suet, tallow
secesio                       breakaway, secession, separation
sed                           but
segi                          saw
segilo                        saw
segregacio                    apartheid
segxo                         chair
seka                          dry
sekalo                        rye
sekcado                       autopsy
sekci                         dissect
sekciestro                    head of department
sekcio                        section
sekeco                        dryness
sekiga tuko                   tea-towel
sekigi                        dry
sekigxi                       dry
sekrecii                      secrete
sekrecio                      secretion
sekreta                       secret
sekretariino                  secretary
sekretario                    secretary
sekreto                       secret
seksa                         generative, sexual
seksardo                      heat, sexual desire
sekskunigxi                   have sexual intercourse, mate
sekskunigxo                   copulation
sekso                         sex
seksumi                       have sex
seksumo                       sex
sekto                         sect
sektoro                       sector
sekundo                       second
sekura                        safe, secure
sekureco                      safety, security
sekuriga oficisto             security officer
sekurkopii                    backup
sekurkopio                    backup
sekva                         next
sekvanta                      following, next
sekvantaro                    adherents, disciples, followers, following, party, supporters
sekve                         consequently, so, subsequently, thus
sekve de                      as a result of, in consequence of, owing to
sekve de tio                  as a consequence, consequently
sekvi                         follow
sekvinta                      next
sekvo                         consequence
sekvonta                      following, next
Selando                       Zealand
Seleno                        Selene
selo                          saddle
semajnfino                    week-end
semajno                       week
semantiko                     semantics
semi                          sow
semida                        Semitic
semido                        Semite
semo                          seed
sen-                          -less, un-
senafekteco                   abandonment
senalkohola                   non-alcoholic
senamika                      friendless
senarma                       unarmed
senarmigi                     disarm
senatenta                     careless, negligent
senatenteco                   carelessness, negligence
senbarba                      beardless
senbezona                     needless
senbrida                      lawless, licentious, riotous
senbrua                       noiseless
senco                         meaning, sense
sencxesa                      constant, lasting, sustained
sencxese                      all the time, ceaselessly
sendajxero                    bag, bale, barrel, package
sendajxeroj                   bags, bales, barrels, goods, packages
sendangxera pinglo            safety-pin
sendangxereco                 safety
sendependa                    independant
sendevigi                     exempt
sendi                         send, transmit
sendinto                      sender
sendito                       ambassador, emissary, envoy, messenger
sendrogigxi                   kick it
sendube                       no doubt, undoubtedly
senegaliano                   Senegalese
Senegalio                     Senegal
Senegalo                      Senegal
senespera                     abysmal, desperate
senespere                     despairingly
senfadenigi                   string
senfama                       obscure
senfeligi                     flay, skin, strip
senfina                       everlasting
senfine                       endlessly
senfrukta                     barren
sengusta                      tasteless
sengxena                      free and easy
sengxeneco                    abandonment
senhalta                      continuous
senhalte                      at a strech, for ... together, on end
senhauxtigi                   skin
senhava                       miserable, needy
senhaveco                     destitution, distress, indigence, need, penury
senhavigi                     deprive, deprive ... of
senhavulo                     pauper, poor man
senhelpa                      helpless
senherbigi pasxtigxe          browse, graze
senhoma                       gaunt
senhonta                      abandoned
senhonte                      abandonedly
senigi                        deprive, deprive ... of
senigi de                     deprive of
seniluziigi                   disappoint, set straight
seniluziigxi                  become disillusioned
senimposta                    duty-free, tax-free
seninfana                     childless
senintenca                    unintentional
senintence                    by accidence
seninterrompa                 continuous
seninterrompe                 at a strech, for ... together, on end
senjunta                      seamless
senkapigi                     behead, decapitate
senkompato                    harshness
senkonscia                    unconscious
senkonsola                    desolate
senkremigi                    cream, skim
senkreskajxa                  bleak
senkulpa                      guiltless, innocent
senkulpeco                    innocence
senkulpigi                    excuse
senkulpigi sin                apologize
senkultura                    dreary
senkunkudra                   seamless
senlabora                     unemployed
senlaboreco                   unemployment
senlima                       absolute
senmalica                     guileless, inoffensive
senmanke                      without fail
senmorterigi                  chip, chip off
senmova                       motionless
sennoma                       anonymous, nameless, without a name
sennoma akcio                 bearer share, share to bearer
sennombra                     countless
sennomeco                     anonymity
senofica                      private
senpaga                       free
senpage                       for nothing, free, gratis
senpaneigi                    fix
senpartia                     impartial
senpasie                      dispassionately
senpatra                      fatherless
senpere                       directly
senpezeco                     weightlessness
senpinta                      blunt
senpintigi                    top, truncate
senpolvigi                    dust
senposedigi                   deprive, deprive ... of
senpretendigxi                back down, climb down
senprokraste                  at once, instantly, immediately, without delay
sensacia                      lurid, sensational
sensacio                      sensation
sensala akvo                  fresh water
sensama                       sensual, sensuous
sensanga                      bloodless
sensenca                      absurd
sensencajxo                   nonsense
sensenceco                    absurdity
sensentigita                  numbed
sensignifa                    insignificant, meaningless
senso                         sense
sensorgano                    sense
sensperta                     inexperienced
senspira                      breathless
senspiriga                    breath-taking
sensuprigi                    top, truncate
sensxauxmigi                  skim
sensxeligi                    shell, peel
sensxeligita rizo             husked rice
sensxirma                     bleak
sentauxga                     good-for-nothing, useless
sentauxgulo                   good-for-nothing
sentema                       sensitive
sentenco                      maxim, proverb
Sentheleno                    Saint Helena
senti                         feel, sense
senti nauxzon                 be nauseated
senti sin                     feel
sentima                       bold, courageous, fearless
sentimenta                    sentimental
sentimento                    sentiment
sentiva                       sensitive
sento                         feel, feeling, sensation
senutila                      abortive, useless
senvalora                     worthless
senventeco                    windlessness
senverva                      dull, lifeless, stodgy
senvestigi                    undress
senvestigxi                   undress, strip
sep                           seven
sepa                          seventh
sepdek                        seventy
sepia                         sepia
sepiajxo                      sepia
sepio                         sepia
sepono                        seventh
sepsa                         infected, septic
septembro                     September
sepultentreprenisto           mortician, undertaker
serba                         Serb
Serbio                        Serbia
serbo                         Serb
Serbujo                       Serbia
sercxado                      quest, search
sercxi                        look for, seek
sercxi kontakton              chum up, pick up, strike up an acquaintance
serena                        serene, untroubled
serenado                      serenade
sergxento                     sergeant
seria                         serial
serio                         series, set
serioza                       earnest, serious, staid
sero                          serum
serpento                      serpent, snake
serpentumi                    meander, twist, wind around
serpo                         sickle
serumo                        serum
seruristo                     locksmith
seruro                        lock
serva mono                    house charge, service charge
servado                       attendance, service, waiting
servi                         serve
servico                       crockery set
servilo                       server
servistino                    maid, servant
servisto                      boy, servant
servitulo                     serf
servo                         service
servodauxro                   seniority
servopreta                    obliging, ready, willing
servuto                       serfdom, servitude
servutulo                     serf, villain
ses                           six
sesa                          sixth
sesangulo                     hexagon
sesdek                        sixty
sesdeka                       sixtieth
sesio                         session
sesono                        sixth
Sesxeloj                      Seychelles
Seto                          Seth
severa                        severe, strict
severeco                      severity, rigour, sterness
sezono                        season
sfero                         ball, sphere
sia                           her, his, its, their
siama                         Siamese
Siamo                         Siam, Thailand
siberia                       Siberian
siberiano                     Siberian
Siberio                       Siberia
sibli                         hiss
Sibrandaboro                  Sybrandabuorren, Sijbrandaburen
sicilia                       Sicilian
sicilianino                   Sicilian woman
siciliano                     Sicilian
Sicilio                       Sicily
sidejo                        seat
sidi                          sit
sidi bone                     fit
sidi cxetable                 sit at table
sidigxi                       sit down
sidloko                       place to sit, seat
sidvango                      buttock
siegxanto                     besieger
siegxi                        besiege
siegxo                        siege
Sieraleono                    Sierra Leone
sifiliso                      syphilis
sifono                        siphon
sigeli                        seal
sigelo                        seal
siglo                         acronym
signali                       signal
signalo                       mark, sign, signal, token
signaro                       character set
signi                         indicate, point out, show
signifi                       imply, mean, signify
signifo                       meaning
signifoplena                  significant
signo                         character, mark, sign, signal, token
signostango                   beacon
signovico                     string
sihxo                         Sikh
sikho                         Sikh
sikomoro                      sycomore, sycomore fig
silabo                        syllable
silenta                       silent
silente                       silently
silenti                       be quiet
silento                       silence
Silezio                       Silesia
silicio                       silicon
siliko                        flint, gravel
silka                         silk, silk-, silken, of silk
silko                         silk
silueto                       outline, silhouette
Silurio                       Silurian
Siluro                        Silurian
silvio                        hedge-sparrow
simboli                       symbolize
simbolo                       symbol
simetria                      symmetric
simetrio                      symmetry
simfonia                      symphonic
simfonio                      symphony
simieca                       ape-like, apish, monkey-like
simila                        like, alike, similar
similajxo                     image, picture, portrait
simileco                      resemblance, similarity
simili                        resemble
simili lauxkaraktere          take after
simio                         ape, monkey
simiosimila                   ape-like, apish, monkey-like
simpatia                      sympathetic
simpatio                      sympathy
simpla                        simple, straightforward
simpligi                      simplify
simptomo                      symptom
sinagogo                      synagogue
sinapa semo                   mustard seed
sincera                       above-board, sincere
sincereco                     sincerity
sincero                       sincerity
sindefendo                    defence, defense
sindeteni                     abstain
sindeteno                     abstention, abstinence
sindikato                     labour-union, trade-union, syndicate
sindona                       devoted, selfless
sindone                       devotedly, selflessly
sindoneco                     attachment
sindonema                     devoted, selfless
sindonemo                     attachement
sindono                       attachment
singapura                     Singaporean
singapurano                   Singaporean
Singapuro                     Singapore
singarda                      careful, cautious
singarde                      carefully, gently, lightly
singardeco                    caution
singardema                    careful, cautious
singardemo                    discretion, generalship, prudence
singardi                      be careful, take care
singardo                      caution
singulti                      hiccough, hiccup
singulto                      hiccough, hiccup
singxena                      abashed, self-conscious, shy
singxenema                    shy
singxeno                      bashfulness, shyness, timidity
sinhalo                       Singhalese, Sinhalese
sinhumiligo                   abasement
sinjorino[1]                  lady
sinjorino[2]                  madam, Mrs.
sinjoro[1]                    gentleman, lord
sinjoro[2]                    Mister, Mr., sir
sinki                         sink
sinkigi                       sink
sinkrona                      synchronous
sino                          bosom
sinofero                      abnegation
sinrega                       composed, restrained, self-possessed
sinretenema                   detached
sinsekve                      consecutively
sinsekvigi                    link together, link up
sinsekvo                      order
sintakso                      syntax
sinteno                       attitude
sintonizi                     tune
Sirakuso                      Syracuse
Sirakuso[1]                   Syracuse
Sirakuso[2]                   Syracuse
siria                         Syrian
siriano                       Syrian
siringo                       lilac
Sirio                         Syria
siroko                        sirocco
siropo                        syrup
sistema                       systematic
sistemo                       system
sitelo                        bucket, pail
situacio                      circumstances, condition, situation
situi                         be situated
situo                         site
skabeno                       alderman
skalo                         scale
skandalo                      commotion, scandal
skandi                        scan
skandinava                    Scandinavian
skandinavino                  Scandinavian woman
Skandinavio                   Scandinavia
skandinavo                    Scandinavian
Skandinavujo                  Scandinavia
skandio                       scandium
skapolo                       shoulderblade
skarabo                       beetle
skatoleto                     box
skatolmalfermilo              can opener, tin-opener
skatolo                       box
Skeldo                        Scheldt
skeleto                       skeleton
skemo                         model, pattern, scheme
skeptika                      skeptical
skeptikulo                    skeptic
skermi                        fence
sketi                         skate
skii                          ski
skikuri                       ski
Skilo                         Scylla
skio                          ski
skismo                        schism
skizi                         plan, sketch
skizo                         design, outline, sketch
sklavino                      bondwoman, slave, female slave
sklavo                        slave
skoldi                        reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold
skolo                         school
skolopendro                   centipede
skolto                        scout, boyscout, boy scout
skombro                       mackerel
skorpio                       scorpion
skota                         Scottish
skotino                       Scotswoman
Skotio                        Scotland
Skotlando                     Scotland
skoto                         Scot, Scotsman
Skotujo                       Scotland
skrapgumo                     rubber
skrapi                        scrape, scratch
skrapvundo                    abrasion, scratch
skriba                        written
skriba ordono                 warrant, writ
skribajxo                     writing
skribi                        write
skribisto                     clerk
skribmarko                    cursor
skribmasxino                  typewriter
skribo                        script, writing
skriboplumo                   pen
skribtablo                    desk, writing desk, writing-desk
skrupula                      scrupulous
skui                          shake, shock
skuigxi                       shake
skulptajxo                    sculpture
skulpti                       carve, sculpture
skulptilo                     chisel
skulptisto                    sculptor
skulpturo                     sculpture
skurgxi                       whip
skusorbilo                    shock-absorber
skutilo                       scooter
skvamo                        scale
slava                         Slavic
slavo                         Slav
slavona                       Slavonian
Slavonio                      Slavonia
slavono                       Slavonian
Slavonujo                     Slavonia
sledo                         sledge, sleigh
sliparo                       file
slipo                         filing card, slip
slovaka                       Slovak
slovakino                     Slovak woman
Slovakio                      Slovakia
slovako                       Slovak
Slovakujo                     Slovakia
slovena                       Slovenian
Slovenio                      Slovenia
sloveno                       Slovene, Slovenian
Slovenujo                     Slovenia
smeraldo                      emerald
smirga                        abrasive
smirgi                        abrade
snoba                         snobbish
snobo                         snob
snufi                         snuffle
sobra                         abstemious, sober, staid, temperate
socia                         social
sociala                       social
socialismo                    socialism
socialisto                    socialist
societo                       society
socio                         society
sociologio                    sociology
sociologo                     sociologist
sofo                          sofa
soifa                         thirsty
soifi                         be thirsty
soifo                         thirst
sojlo                         sill, threshold
soklo                         supporting base
sola                          alone, only, sole, solitary
sola agento                   sole agent
solano                        nightshade
soldata botelo                canteen, water-bottle
soldatejo                     barracks
soldato                       pawn, soldier
sole                          alone, just, only, solely
soleca                        lonely, solitary
solena                        ceremonious, solemn
solenado                      celebration
solenajxo                     ceremony
soleneco                      ceremony, solemnity
soleni                        celebrate
soleno                        ceremony
soleo                         sole
solida                        firm, solid
solidara                      standing together
solidareco                    solidarity
solidaro                      solidarity
solideco                      virtue
solisto                       soloist
Solo                          Seoul
solulo                        single, single man, unattached man
solvajxo                      solution
solventeco                    ability
solvi[1]                      dissolve
solvi[2]                      solve
solvigxi                      dissolve
solvo                         solution
somala                        Somali, Somalian
somalino                      Somalian woman
Somalio                       Somalia
somalo                        Somali, Somalian
Somalujo                      Somalia
somerdomo                     summerhouse, summer-house
somero                        summer
sonato                        sonata
sonbendo                      audio tape
songxi                        dream
songxo                        dream
soni                          sound
sono                          sound
sonora                        sonorous, sonourous
sonorado                      tolling
sonori                        peal, ring
sonorigi                      ring
sonorilaristo                 carillonneur
sonorilaro                    carillon, chimes
sonorilbutono                 bell-button, bell-push
sonorilego                    bell
sonorileto                    bell, little bell
sonorilo                      bell
sonormartelo                  clapper
sopira                        longing
sopiranta                     anxious
sopiri                        long for, yearn
soprano                       soprano
sorba                         absorbent
sorba papero                  blotter, blotting paper
sorbi                         absorb, sip
sorcxa                        magic
sorcxado                      enchantment, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry
sorcxi                        bewitch
sorcxinfluo                   spell
sorcxistino                   witch
sorcxisto                     enchanter, magician, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
sorcxo                        sorcery
sorcxvortoj                   abracadabra
sordida                       dirty, foul, nasty
sorpo                         mountain-ash berry, rowan berry
sorpujo                       mountain-ash, rowan
sortimento                    assortment
sorto                         destiny, fate, fortune, luck
sota lingvo                   Sotho, Sotho language
soto                          Sotho
sovagxa                       savage, wild
sovagxa kapro                 wild goat
soveta                        Soviet
Sovetio                       Soviet Union, USSR
Sovetunio                     Soviet Union, USSR
spaco                         room, space
spado                         rapier
sparkado                      ignition
sparkilo                      plug, spark plug
sparko                        spark
sparta                        Spartan
spartano                      Spartan
Sparto                        Sparta
spasmo                        spasm
speciala                      particular, special
specialcela                   ad hoc
speciale                      particularly, specially
specifa                       specific
specifi                       specify
specifika                     specific
specifiki                     specify
specimenboteleto              sample-bottle
specimenkarto                 sample-card
specimenlibro                 sample book
specimeno                     sample, specimen
specio                        species
speco                         kind, sort
speguli                       reflect
spegulo                       looking-glass, mirror
spektaklo                     show, spectacle
spektanto                     spectator
spekti                        watch
spekulativa                   speculative
spekulativi                   speculate
spekulativo                   speculation
spelto                        spelt
spermo                        sperm
sperta                        experienced, expert
sperti                        go through, live to see
sperto                        experience
spertulo                      expert
spezado                       cash flow
spezi                         transact money
spezo                         turnover
spiceca                       nutty
spici                         spice
spicisto                      grocer
spico                         spice
spiko                         ear
spili                         bottle
spinaco                       spinach
spino                         spine
spioni                        spy
spiono                        spy
spirado                       respiration
spiralo                       spiral
spirblovi                     snuffle
spirgxeno                     tightness of the chest
spiri                         breathe
spirita                       spiritual
spiritforesta                 absent-minded
spiritismo                    spiritualism
spirito                       spirit
spirmanko                     dyspnea, dyspnoea
spiro                         breath
spirpauxzo                    breather, breathing space
spite                         defiantly, despite, in spite of
spito                         defiance, spite
spleno                        ill humor, ill humour
spliti                        splinter, split
splito                        splinter
sponga                        spongy
spongeca                      spongy
spongi                        sponge, sponge down, sponge over
spongo                        sponge
spontana                      spontaneous
spontanea                     spontaneous
sporada                       sporadic
sportcxemizo                  sports shirt
sportejo                      sports ground
sportisto                     sportsman
sporto                        sport
spraji                        spray
sprita                        lively, witty
spritajxo                     witticism
sprito                        wit
spritresponda                 to the point
sproni                        incite, rouse, spur, stimulate, stir up
sprono                        spur
spuro                         trace, track
sputi                         spit
srilanka                      Sri Lankan
srilankanino                  Sri Lankan woman
srilankano                    Sri Lankan
Srilanko                      Sri Lanka
stabejo                       headquarters
stabila                       stable
stablo                        bench, easel, tressle, workbench
stablolaboristo               benchhand, fitter
stabo                         staff
stacidomo                     station
staciestro                    station-master
stacio                        stage, station, stop
stadio                        stadium, stage
stadiono                      stadium
stafeto                       relay racer, relay rider
stagni                        stagnate
stajo                         brace, cramp-iron
staki                         stack
stakiso                       woundwort
stako                         heap, pile, stack
stalfako                      stall
stalo                         stable, stall, sty
stalono                       stallion
stampi                        mark, stamp
stampi monerojn               coin, mint
stana                         tin
standardo                     flag, standard
stango                        pole, rod
stano                         tin
stari                         stand
starigxi                      get up, rise, stand, stand up
starti                        start off
startigi                      start
startigilo                    starter
statisti                      play a small part
statistiko                    statistics
statisto                      bit-player, supporting actor
stato                         condition, state
statuo                        statue
staturo                       stature
statuto                       by-laws, statute, regulations
stebi                         quilt, stitch
stebilo                       sewing-machine
stela                         sideral, star, star-, of a star
steleto                       asterisk
stelo                         star
stelulino                     celebrity, star
stelulo                       celebrity, star
steno                         shorthand
stenografi                    write shorthand
stenografio                   shorthand, stenography
stenotajpistino               stenotypist, female stenotypist
stepo                         moor, steppe
stereotipo                    stereotype
sterila                       sterile
steriligi                     sterilize
sterkado                      dressing, fertilization, manuring
sterkakvo                     liquid manure, muck-water, stale
sterki                        fertilize
sterko                        fertilizer, manure
sterlingo                     pound sterling
sterni                        lay out, spread, spread out
stevardino                    stewardess
stevardo                      attendant, steward
Stikso                        Styx
stilo                         style
stimuli                       rouse, stimulate, stir up
stimulo                       impetus, incitement, stimulus
stipendiulo                   exhibitioner, scholar
stirado                       steering
stiranto                      driver
stiri                         steer
stirilo                       joystick, steering wheel, steering-wheel
Stirio                        Styria
stiristo                      driver
stirrado                      steering-wheel
stivi                         stow
stivisto                      stevedore
stoika                        stoic, stoical
stoikulo                      stoic
Stokholmo                     Stockholm
stoki                         stock
stoko                         stock
stomaka suko                  gastric juice
stomakdoloro                  stomach ache
stomako                       stomach
stop                          stop
storo                         memory
strabi                        look askance, squint
strando                       beach
strandsxtelisto               beachcomber
stranga                       odd, peculiar, strange
strangoli                     choke, strangle
Strasburgo                    Strasbourg, Strassbourg, Strassburg
stratangulo                   corner, street-corner
strategia                     strategic
strategio                     strategy
strateto                      alley, lane
stratlanterno                 streetlamp, streetlight
strato                        street
strebi                        strive for
strecxanta                    hard
strecxe                       tightly
strecxi                       strech, wind up
strecxigxo                    tension
strecxita                     strained
strecxo                       tension
streki                        draw, make a stroke
strekmarki                    check off, tick off
streko                        streak, stroke
strigli                       curry
strigo                        owl
striita oficefalo             striped snake-head fish
striki                        strike
striko                        strike
strikta                       tight
strio                         ray, strip, stripe
strofo                        verse
strukturo                     structure
struto                        ostrich
studado                       study
studanto                      student
studentino                    student, female student
studento                      academic, student
studi                         study
studio                        studio
studo                         study
stufajxo                      stew
stuki                         plaster
stuko                         plaster
stulta                        foolish, stupid
stulte                        stupidly
stultega                      as stupid as an ass
stultulo                      fool
stumbli                       stumble
stumpigi                      top, truncate
sturgo                        sturgeon
sturmi                        assault, storm
sturmo                        assault, storming
sturno                        starling
sub                           below, beneath, under, underneath
suba fluo                     lower course
suba najbaro                  neighbour on the lower storey
suba parto                    lower part
subacxeti                     bribe
subakva                       underwater
subakvigxi                    dive, sink
subauxskulti                  eavesdrop
subcxemizo                    vest
sube                          below, underneath
suben                         down, underneath
subensxargxi                  download
subfali                       succumb
subfosa                       subversive
subfosi                       subvert, undermine
subigi                        subdue, subjugate
subiri                        go down, set
subita                        abrupt, sudden
subite                        all of a sudden, suddenly
subjektiva                    subjective
subjekto                      subject
subjunkcio                    subjunction
subjunktivo                   subjunctive
subjupo                       petticoat
sublimato                     corrosive sublimate
submeti                       subdue, subjugate, submit
submeti sin                   submit
submetigxi                    submit
suboficiro                    noncom, non-commissioned officer
subombro                      shade
subpremi                      suppress
subskribi                     sign
subskribo                     signature
substanco                     matter, stuff, substance
substantivo                   noun, substantive
substitui                     substitute
substreki                     emphasize, underline
substreko                     underscore
subsxteli                     pilfer, pinch
subsxtofo                     lining
subsxtupare                   downstairs
subtaksi                      underestimate
subtaso                       saucer
subtegmento                   attic
subtenajxo                    abutment
subteni                       abet, support, sustain
subtera                       underground
subtila                       subtle
subtraha problemo             subtraction sum
subtrahata nombro             subtrahend
subtrahebla                   deductible
subtrahi                      subtract
subtraho                      subtraction
subulo                        subordinate
suburbo                       suburb
subvencii                     subsidize
subvencio                     subsidy
subventra                     abdominal
subventro                     abdomen
subvesto                      undergarment
sucxbotelo                    baby's bottle, feeding-bottle
sucxi                         suck
sucxigi                       suckle
sucxilo                       comforter, baby's comforter, dummy, pacifier, vacuum-cleaner
suda                          south, southern
Suda Kruco                    Southern Cross
suda vento                    south wind
sudafrika                     South African
sudafrikano                   South African
Sudafriko                     South Africa
sudamerika                    South American
Sudameriko                    South America
sudana                        Sudanese
sudananino                    Sudanese woman
sudanano                      Sudanese
Sudano                        Sudan
Sudauxstralio                 South Australia
sudaziano                     South Asian
Sudcxina Maro                 South China Sea
Sudkoreujo                    South Korea
sudo                          south
Sudorientazio                 Sout-East Asia
Sudvjetnamo                   South Vietnam
suferanta pro                 affected with, afflicted with, subject to
suferi                        abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
suferi de                     suffer from
suferi pro                    suffer from
suficxa                       enough, sufficient
suficxe                       enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
suficxe granda                fair, tidy
suficxega                     abundant
suficxego                     abundance
suficxi                       suffice
sufikso                       extension, suffix
suflori                       prompt
sufloro                       prompter
sufoka                        stifling, oppressive, sultry
sufoki                        choke, quell, suffocate, suppress
sufokigxi                     choke
sugesti                       suggest
sugestii                      suggest
sugestio                      the power of suggestion
sugesto                       suggestion
sukceno                       amber
sukcese                       successfully
sukcesi                       succeed
sukceso                       success
sukcesplene                   successfully
sukerkano                     sugar-cane
sukero                        sugar
sukerpalmo                    sugar-palm
sukerujo                      sugar-bowl, sugarbowl
suko                          juice, sap
sukurejo                      first-aid station
sukurismo                     first aid
sukuristo                     first-aider
sukuro                        first-aid
sulfura                       sulfuric, sulphuric, sulphureous
sulfuro                       brimstone, sulphur
sulki                         furrow, wrinkle
sulko                         furrow, wrinkle
sultano                       sultan
Sulumaro                      Sulu Sea
Sumatro                       Sumatra
sumigi                        add up, sum up
sumigxi                       amount
sumigxi je                    amount to
sumo                          amount, sum
suna                          solair, sun, sun-, of the sun
sunbrilo                      sun, sunshine
sunfloro                      sunflower
sunlevigxo                    sunrise
sunlumo                       sunlight
suno                          sun
sunradio                      sunbeam, sun-beam, sun beam
sunsekigi                     dry in the sun
sunsubiro                     sunset
sunumi                        sun, sun oneself, take a sunbath
sunvitroj                     sun-glasses
super                         above, over
supera                        superior
superakvigxi                  emerge
superaltara pentrajxo         altarpiece
superatuti                    surpass
superblufi                    abash
supereco                      upper hand
superfantazia                 great
superfelicxa                  overjoyed
superflua                     overflowing, superfluous
superflui                     overflow
superforti                    overpower, prevail over
superhomo                     superman
superi                        exceed, surpass
superjaro                     leap-year, leap year
supermarkto                   supermarket
superrega                     of paramount importance, predominating
supersigno                    accent mark, supersign
supersticxa                   superstitious
supersticxo                   superstition
supersxtupare                 upstairs
supersxuti                    flood, overwhelm
supertuto                     overalls
superulo                      chief, superior
supervendejo                  supermarket
supo                          soup
supoze ke                     supposing that
supozi                        guess, presume, suppose, surmise
supozo                        supposition
supra                         upper
supra brako                   upper arm, upper-arm
supra flanko                  upper side
suprajxa                      superficial
suprajxe                      shallowly
suprajxo                      summit, surface, top
supre                         above, on top, overhead, upstairs
supre menciita                above, above-mentioned
supre nomita                  above, above-mentioned
supre sur                     on top of
Suprelago                     Lake Superior
supren                        above, up, uphill, upwards
supreniri                     ascend, climb, go up
suprenstreko                  diagonal, separatrix, slash, solidus, stroke, virgule
suprensxargxi                 upload
suprestaranta                 above
supro                         summit, surface, top
sur                           on, upon
sur kiu                       upon which
surbazigi                     base, found, ground
surbendajxo                   tape recording
surbordigxi                   be washed ashore
surda                         deaf
surdmuta                      deaf and dumb
surfaco                       surface
surgenui                      kneel
surgenuigxi                   kneel
surgrati                      scratch all over, scratch over
surgrimpado                   ascent, climbing, mounting
surgrimpebla                  mountable
surgrimpi                     ascend, climb, scale
surhavi                       wear
surinama                      Surinamese
surinama lingvo               Surinamese, Surinamese language
surinamanino                  Surinamese woman
surinamano                    Surinamer, Surinamese
Surinamo                      Surinam
surirebla                     passable, practicable
suriri                        tread, walk, walk upon
surkonstruita areo            built-up area
surkreskata                   covered, grown over, overgrown
surkreski                     overgrow
surmeti                       put on
suro                          calf
surpaperigi                   print
surpentri                     paint over
surpresi                      print
surpriza                      startling, surprising
surprize                      aback
surprizi                      surprise
surprizo                      surprise
surprovi                      try on
surradiado                    irradiation
surradii                      irradiate, shine upon
surskribi                     write upon
surskribo                     superscription
sursxipe                      on board
sursxprucigi                  spatter, bespatter, splash, sprinkle
surtabligi                    serve
surtera                       terrestrial
surterigxi                    land
surterigxo                    landing
surtronigxo                   accession
surtuto                       coat, overcoat
surversxi                     water
surveturi                     run over
suspektema                    suspicious
suspekti                      suspect
suspektinda                   suspicious
suspekto                      suspicion
suspendi                      postpone
suspendita                    in abeyance
suspiri                       sigh
susuri                        rustle, swish
susuro                        rustle, swish
suturi                        seam, suture
suturo                        seam, suture
suverena                      sovereign
suvereno                      sovereign
svahila                       Swahili
svahilo                       Swahili
Svalbardo                     Spitsbergen
svarmi                        abound, swarm
svarmo                        swarm
svati                         match, match-make
svatistino                    match-maker
svatisto                      match-maker
svazia                        Swazi
svazia lingvo                 Swazi, Swazi language
Svazilando                    Swaziland
sveda                         Swedish
Svedio                        Sweden
Svedlando                     Sweden
svedo                         Swede
Svedujo                       Sweden
svelta                        slender, slim
sveltigxadi                   slim
sveni                         faint, swoon
sveniga cerefolio             hemlock
svenigi                       drug, intoxicate, stun, stupefy
sveninta                      unconscious
sveno                         faint, swoon
svingi                        brandish, fling, swing, wave, wave about
svingigxi                     sway, swing
svingpendi                    swing
svingsaluti                   wave
svisa                         Swiss
Svisio                        Switzerland
Svislando                     Switzerland
sviso                         Swiss
Svisujo                       Switzerland

sxabano                       Sha'ban
sxablono                      pattern, stencil, template, templet
sxafajxo                      mutton
sxafbleki                     bleat
sxafejo                       fold, pen
sxafhundo                     sheep-dog
sxafida                       lamb, of lamb
sxafidajxo                    lamb
sxafido                       lamb
sxafisto                      shepherd
sxafo                         sheep
sxafto                        arbor, shaft, spindle
sxaho                         shah
sxajne                        apparently, seemingly
sxajni                        appear, appear to be, seem
sxajnigi                      feign, pretend
sxajno                        appearance
sxakalo                       jackal
sxaki                         check
sxako                         chess
sxakri                        peddle
sxaktabulo                    chessboard, chess-board
sxakto                        shaft
sxalo                         shawl
sxalti                        switch, turn on
sxaltilo                      switch
sxalupego                     launch, longboat
sxalupo                       boat, ship's boat, shallop, sloop
sxamano                       shaman
sxamo                         chamois, chamois leather
sxampinjono                   mushroom
sxampui                       shampoo
sxampuo                       shampoo
sxanceli                      shake
sxanceligxanta                hesitant
sxanceligxema                 indecisive
sxanceligxemo                 infirmity of purpose, indecision, irresolution
sxanceligxi                   hesitate, waver
sxanco                        chance, luck
sxangxi                       change, turn
sxangxigxi                    change
sxangxigxo                    alteration, change, conversion, transformation
sxangxmono                    change
sxangxo                       about-face, alteration, change, conversion, transformation
sxanhajo                      Shanghai
sxargi                        charge, load
sxargxanta                    carrying, loaded with
sxargxauxto                   lorry, truck
sxargxbiciklo                 carrier cycle, carrier tricycle
sxargxi                       burden, load
sxargxo                       burden, charge, load
sxarko                        shark
sxatateco                     esteem, regard, respect
sxategi                       be fond of, love
sxati                         appreciate, like
sxatinda                      likable
sxauxma                       effervescent, sparkling
sxauxmi                       foam, froth
sxauxmo                       foam, froth
sxedo                         penthouse, shed
sxejko                        sheik, sheikh
sxelkoj                       braces, suspenders
sxelo                         bark, husk, peel, shell
sxenoprazo                    chive
sxercajxo                     gag, joke
sxercema                      jocular, playful
sxerci                        jest, joke
sxerco                        gag, joke
sxerifo                       sheriff
sxetlandinsularo              Shetland Islands
sxi                           her, she
sxia                          her
sxika                         chic
sxildo                        shield, sign-board
sxilingo                      shilling
sxima                         moldy, mouldy
sxima odoro                   moldy smell, mouldy smell
sximi                         get moldy, get mouldy
sximo                         mold, mould
sxin                          her
sxindo                        shingle
sxinko                        ham
sxintoismo                    Shintoism
sxipanaro                     crew
sxiparo                       fleet
sxipe                         by ship
sxipestro                     captain
sxipisto                      sailor
sxipo                         ship, vessel
sxippereo                     shipwreck
sxipripo                      frame, timber
sxipsava kompanio             salvage company
sxipsava sxipo                salvage vessel, salvor
sxipveturi lauxflue sur       go down
sxirajxo                      tear
sxiri                         rip, tear
sxirigxinta                   torn
sxirita                       torn
sxirmejo                      shelter
sxirmi                        shelter, protect
sxirmi sin                    shelter
sxirmi sin kontraux           protect from, ward off
sxirmilo                      shelter
sxirmo                        protection, shelter
sxirmtegajxo                  dust-sheet, loose cover
sxlesvigo-Holsxtejno          Schleswig-Holstein
sxlimo                        mud, slime
sxlosi                        lock
sxlosilo                      key, wrench
sxlosita                      locked
sxmaci                        smack
sxminki                       make up
sxminki sin                   put on make-up
sxminko                       make up, make-up
sxmirajxo                     ointment
sxmiri                        anoint, smear, spread
sxnuro                        cord, rope, string
sxnursalti                    skip rope
sxnursxtupetaro               accommodating ladder
sxoforo                       chauffeur, driver
sxoguno                       shogun
sxokanta                      offensive
sxoki                         shock
sxokigxi                      resent, take exception, take offence
sxoko                         shock
sxoseo                        highway
sxoso                         shoot
sxoveli                       shovel
sxovelilo                     shovel
sxovi                         push along, shove
sxovinismo                    chauvinism
sxovinisto                    chauvinist
sxovsulko                     slot
sxparado                      economy, saving
sxparema                      thrifty
sxpari                        save, spare
sxparo                        economy, saving
sxpato                        spade
sxpini                        spin
sxpinilo                      spindle
sxpinrado                     spinning wheel, spinning-wheel
sxprucakvumi                  water
sxprucakvumo                  watering
sxpruci                       gush, spurt, spurt out
sxprucigi                     squirt
sxprucilo                     nozzle
sxranklito                    cupboardbed
sxranko                       cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
sxrapnelo                     shrapnel
sxrauxbi                      screw
sxrauxbi pli firme            screw home
sxrauxbingo                   nut
sxrauxbo                      screw
sxrauxbsxlosilo               adjustable wrench, spanner
sxrauxbtenilo                 vice
sxrauxbturnilo                screwdriver
sxrumpi                       shrink, shrivel up
sxtala                        steal, of steal
sxtalo                        steel
sxtataneco                    nationality
sxtatestro                    head of state
sxtatigi                      nationalize
sxtatigo                      nationalization
sxtato                        state
sxtele                        stealthily
sxteli                        steal
sxteliri                      steal
sxteliri al                   stalk
sxtelistino                   thief, female thief
sxtelisto                     thief
sxtelo                        abstraction, theft
sxtelrampi al                 come over
sxtelrigardi                  crib
sxtiparo                      woodpile
sxtipo                        block, chunk of wood
sxtofo                        cloth, material
sxtona                        metalled, stone
sxtonego                      boulder
sxtonetaro                    broken stones, chippings, road-metal, rubble, stone-chippings
sxtonhakisto                  stone-cutter, stonemason
sxtonigxinta                  petrified
sxtono                        stone
sxtopi                        block, clog, plug up, stop up
sxtopilingo                   electric socket
sxtopilo                      plug, electric plug, stopper
sxtormo                       storm
sxtrumpeto                    sock
sxtrumpo                      stocking
sxtuparo                      staircase, stairs
sxtupetaro                    ladder
sxtupo                        stair, step, rung
sxufaristo                    shoemaker
sxuisto                       shoemaker
sxukorno                      shoe-horn, shoe-lift
sxulacxo                      shoe-lace
sxuldi                        owe
sxuldo                        debt
sxultro                       shoulder
sxultrolevi                   shrug
sxultrozono                   bandoleer, shoulder-belt
sxuo                          shoe
sxuti                         dump, pour, pour out, scatter
sxvabio                       Swabia
sxvabrileto                   dish-mop
sxvabujo                      Swabia
sxvebi                        float, hover
sxveli                        swell
sxveligi                      inflate
sxviti                        sweat
sxvito                        perspiration, sweat

T-cxemizo                     T-shirt
tabakajxbutiko                tobacconist's
tabako                        tobacco
tabano                        gadfly, gad-fly, horsefly, horse-fly
tabelkalkula programo         spreadsheet programme
tabelo                        index, table, tablet, tabulation
tabernaklo                    tabernacle
tablo                         table
tablotuko                     table-cloth
tabula bordkovrajxo           campsheeting, campshedding, campshot
tabulo                        board, plank
tabureto                      stool
tacxmento                     detachment
tagbileto                     day-ticket
tage                          by day, in the daytime
tageto                        African marigold
tagigxo                       dawn, daybreak
taglibro                      diary
taglumo                       daylight
tagmangxo                     dinner, midday meal
tagmezo                       midday, noon
Tago                          Tagus
Tago de la Mortintoj          All Souls' Day
Tago de la Patrinoj           Mother's Day
Tago de Pekliberigo           Day of Atonement, Feast of Expiation
tagordo                       agenda
Tagxikio                      Tadzhikistan
tagxiko                       Tadzhik
Tagxikujo                     Tadzhikistan
Tahito                        Tahiti
Tahxo                         Tagus
taja                          Thai
taja lingvo                   Thai, Thai language
Taja Novjaro                  Thai New Year
tajdo                         tide
tajino                        Thai woman
Tajlanda Golfo                Gulf of Thailand
tajlanda lingvo               Thai, Thai language
Tajlando                      Siam, Thailand
tajli                         cut, polish
tajlori                       tailor
tajlorino                     tailor, female tailor
tajloro                       tailor
tajo                          Thai
tajpi                         type
tajpistino                    typist
tajvana                       Taiwanese
tajvanano                     Taiwanese
Tajvano                       Taiwan
taksi                         appraise, estimate, rate
taksiisto                     taxidriver, taxi-driver
taksio                        taxi
taksistacio                   cab-stand
taksisto                      appraiser
taksuso                       yew-tree
taktiko                       tactic, tactics
takto                         musical time, tact
talenta                       talented
talento                       talent
talentplena                   gifted, talented
talio                         waist, waistline
taliumo                       thallium
Talmudo                       Talmud
talpo                         mole
tamariko                      tamarisk
tambono                       tambon
tamburino                     tambourine, timbrel
tamburisto                    drummer
tamburo                       drum
tamen                         but, however, nevertheless, yet
Tamizo                        Thames
tampono                       plug, tampon
tango                         tango
Tangxero                      Tangier
tani                          tan
tanino                        tannin
tanko                         tank
Tantalo                       Tantalus
tanzania                      Tanzanian
tanzaniano                    Tanzanian
Tanzanio                      Tanzania
tapeti                        paper
tapetisto                     paperer, paper-hanger
tapeto                        tapestry, wall covering
tapisxo                       carpet
tarantulo                     tarantula
taski                         assign
tasko                         job, assigned job, task
tasmania                      Tasmanian
tasmaniano                    Tasmanian
Tasmanio                      Tasmania
taso                          cup
Tasxkento                     Tashkend, Tashkent
tatara                        Tatar
tataro                        Tartar
tauxga                        of use, suitable
tauxgeco                      ability, capability, fitness, suitability
tauxgi                        fit, suit, be suitable
tauxro                        bull
tauxrobatala areno            bullring
tauxrobatalejo                bullring
tauxzi                        dishevel, tousle
taverno                       inn, tavern
tavolo                        layer
teamo                         team
teatra                        theatrical
teatrajxo                     play, theatre play
teatro                        theatre
teda                          boring, stodgy, tiresome
tedajxoj                      fuss
tede banala                   hackneyed, hard-worked, stale, trite, worn-out
tedi                          bore
teejo                         tea-house
tegi                          cover, overlay
tegilo                        cover, protective cover
tegmento                      roof
tegumento                     cover
Tehxrano                      Teheran
teknecio                      technetium
teknika                       technical
tekniko                       technics, technique
teknologio                    technology
teko                          briefcase, file
tekrucxo                      teapot
teksajxo                      fabric, textile
teksasanino                   Texan woman
teksasano                     Texan
Teksaso                       Texas
teksi                         weave
teksilo                       loom
teksti                        read, say
tekstilajxoj                  textile
teksto                        lyric, text
tekstprilabora programeto     editor
tektono                       teak tree
tekulero                      teaspoon
telefonbudo                   call box, telephone kiosk, phone booth, telephone booth
telefoni                      telephone
telefono                      telephone
telefunkciigo                 remote control
telegrafi                     telegraph
telegrafo                     telegraph
telegramo                     telegram
telemetrio                    telemetry
telereto                      saucer, small plate
telerlavilo                   dishwashing brush
telero                        plate
telerrako                     draining board, drainer
teleskopo                     telescope
telestirado                   remote control
televida anteno               television aerial, television antenna
televida filmo                TV film, TV movie, television film, television movie
televidi                      see on television
televidilo                    TV set, television set
televido                      television, TV
teluro                        tellurium
temas pri                     it's a matter of
temo                          theme, topic, subject
temperamento                  temperament
temperaturo                   temperature
tempesto                      storm, tempest
tempio                        temple
templo                        temple
tempo                         time, while
tempo por pripensi            time to consider
tenajlo                       pincers, pair of pincers
tenaro                        ball, ball of the thumb
tendaro                       camp of tents, tented camp
tendenca                      biased, tendencious, tendentious
tendenco                      tendency
tendeno                       sinew, string, tendon
tendi                         camp
tendo                         tent
Tendofesto                    Feast of Tabernacles
tendumi                       camp
tenebro                       darkness
tenejo                        depository
tenereco                      tenderness
teni                          hang onto, hold
teni brulanta                 keep ... burning
tenilo                        handle, knob
teniso                        tennis
tenoro                        tenor
tensio                        tension, voltage
tenti                         entice, tempt
tento                         temptation
teo                           tea
teokratio                     theocracy
teologio                      theology
teologo                       theologian
teoremo                       theorem
teoria                        abstract
teorie                        in the abstract
teorio                        theory
tepoto                        teapot
tera                          earthen, earthly, terrestrial
tera akso                     axis of the earth, earth's axis
terapio                       therapy
teraso                        terrace
terbio                        terbium
terbulo                       clod of earth, lump of earth
tereno                        ground, grounds, terrain
teretagxo                     ground-floor
tergaso                       natural gas
tergloba                      terrestrial
terglobo                      globe, worldglobe
tergrundo                     earth
teritoria                     territorial
teritorio                     territory
terkonekti                    earth, ground
terkonekto                    earth connection, earthing, earth wire, grounding, ground wire
terkrusto                     earth's crust, crust of the earth
terkultivisto                 farmer
terkulturisto                 farmer
terminalo                     terminal
terminaro                     glossary, terminology
termino                       term
termito                       termite
termometro                    thermometer
termoso                       thermos bottle
termostato                    thermostat
terni                         sneeze
ternivelo                     first floor, ground floor, ground level
terno                         sneeze
ternukso                      ground-nut
tero                          earth, land, soil
terorismo                     terrorism
teroristo                     terrorist
teroro                        terror, reign of terror
terpeko                       asphalt, bitumen
terpoma faruno                potato flour
terpoma kacxo                 mashed potatoes
terpomo                       potato
terpomsensxeliga trancxilo    potato peeler
terpomsximo                   potato blight, potato disease, potato rot
terskuo                       earthquake shock
Tersolo                       Tersoal, Terzool
tersxovigxo                   landslide
tertavolo                     layer, layer of earth
tertestudo                    land tortoise
Tertiaro                      Tertiary
tertremo                      earthquake
terura                        abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
terure                        awfully
terurega                      hideous, horrible, ghastly
teruregajxo                   abhorrence, abomination
terurego                      abhorrence, horror
teruri                        frighten, terrify
terurigxinta                  startled
terurita                      startled
teruro                        terror
tervermo                      earthworm
terzono                       zone
testamenti                    bequeath, make a will
testamento                    testament, will
testi                         test
testiko                       testicle
testo                         test
testudo                       tortoise
teujo                         tea-pot
tezo                          essay, thesis
tia                           such, such a, that kind of
tial                          therefore
tial ke                       because, for the reason that
tiam                          then
tiamaniere                    in that way, this way, like this, thus
Tiberio                       Tiberius
Tibero                        Tiber
tibeta                        Tibetan
tibetanino                    Tibetan woman
tibetano                      Tibetan
Tibeto                        Tibet
tibiingo                      gaiter, legging
tibio                         shin-bone, tibia
tie                           there, over there, yonder
tie cxi                       here
tie kaj tie                   here and there
tie[1]                        there
tie[2]                        over there, yonder
tiea                          that ... over there
tiel                          so, such, thus
tiel estu                     amen
tiel ... kiel                 as ... as, so ... as
tien                          that way, there, thither, yonder
tien cxi                      here, hither, this way
tien kaj reen                 back and forth
ties                          that one's
tifo                          typhus
tifono                        typhoon
tigo                          stalk, stem
Tigriso                       Tigris
tigro                         tiger
tikli                         tickle
tiko                          tic, twich
tildo                         tilde
tilia                         lime, lime-, of a lime-tree
tilio                         lime-tree, linden-tree
tima                          afraid
timego                        fright
timema                        afraid, timid
timemulo                      coward, funk
timi                          be afraid of, fear
timida                        shy
timiga                        horrible
timigi                        frighten
timigita                      afraid, fearful
timkrio                       cry of distress
timo                          fear
Timormaro                     Timor Sea
Timoro                        Timor
timtremiga                    gaunt, ghastly, gruesome, horrible
tindro                        tinder, punk
tinedifektita                 moth-eaten
tineo                         moth
tinko                         tench
tinkturi                      dye, tint
tinkturo                      dye, tint
tinti                         jingle, tinkle
tintigi                       ring
tintilo                       bell
tinto                         jingle, tinkle
tinuso                        tuna, tuna-fish, tunny
tio                           that, that over there, those
tio cxi                       these, this, this here
tio estas                     that is
tio ne gravas                 it doesn't matter, never mind
tiom                          that much
tipa                          typical
tipo                          type
tiraneco                      tyranny
tirani                        tyrannize
Tirano                        Tirana
Tirena Maro                   Tyrrhenian Sea
tiri                          drag, draw, haul, pull, tug
tirkesto                      drawer
tirkestsxranko                cabinet
tirlevi                       hoist, hoist up
titana                        titanic
titanio                       titanium
Titano                        Titan
titoli                        title
titolo                        degree, heading, title
tiu                           that, that one, yonder
tiu cxi                       this
tiu[1]                        that, that one
tiu[2]                        that ... over there, that one over there
tiuj                          those
tiuj cxi                      these
tiun cxi nokton               tonight
tiuokaze                      then
Togo                          Togo, Togoland
Tokjo                         Tokyo
toleri                        endure, put up with, tolerate
tolmarko                      laundry mark
tolo                          linen
tomato                        tomato
tomatsuko                     tomato juice
tomatsupo                     tomato-soup
tombejo                       cemetery, graveyard
tombo                         grave, tomb
tombomonteto                  barrow, burial mound, grave-mound, tumulus
tondi                         clip, cut, shear
tondilo                       scissors
tondri                        thunder
tondro                        thunder
tono                          tone
tonsilo                       tonsil
topazo                        topaz
torako                        chest
torcxo                        torch
tordi                         contort, twist
torento                       torrent, volley
torfo                         peat
Torino                        Turin
torio                         thorium
torni                         turn
tornilo                       lathe
tornistro                     backpack, knapsack
torpedi                       torpedo
torpedo                       torpedo
torso                         trunk
torto                         pie, tart
torturado                     torture
torturi                       torture
torturisto                    torturer
torturo                       torture
Toskano                       Tuscany
tosti                         toast, offer a toast
tosto                         toast
totala                        overall, total
totale                        altogether, in all
totaligi                      add together, total
totalismo                     totalitarianism
totemo                        totem
tra                           through
trabo                         beam, girder
Tracio                        Thrace, Thracia
tradicia                      traditional
tradicio                      tradition
traduki                       translate
traduko                       translation
trafa                         striking
trafe dirita                  to the point
trafe reaganta                to the point
trafi                         catch, hit, run across, strike
trafiko                       traffic
trafikreguloj                 traffic rules
trafiksxtopigxo               traffic block, traffic congestion, traffic jam, traffic tie-up
trafosi                       spade
tragedia                      tragedy
tragedio                      tragedy
tragelafo                     bushbuck
tragika                       tragic
trairejo                      passage
trairi                        cover, go through, pass through
trajektorio                   trajectory
trajnbileto                   railway ticket, train ticket
trajno                        train
trajto                        feature, trait
trakeo                        windpipe
trakino                       weever
traknivela pasejo             level-crossing
trako                         track
traktado                      treatment
traktajxo                     treatise
traktato                      treaty
trakti                        deal with, handle, treat
trakti kiel                   treat as
trakti malbone                abuse
trakti per radioterapio       radiate
trakto                        treatment
traktoro                      tractor
tramo                         streetcar, tram
trancxajxo                    slice
trancxeo                      trench
trancxi                       cut, slice
trancxilo                     knife
trancxvundo                   cut
trankvila                     calm, tranquil
trankvileco                   calmness, composure
trankviligi                   appease, calm, quiet, soothe, still
trankviligxi                  calm down
tranoktejo                    accommodation
tranokti                      pass the night, spend the night
trans                         across, beyond, on the other side of
transa flanko                 opposite side
transakcio                    transaction
transdoni                     convey, hand, hand over, pass
transdono                     delivery
transe                        opposite
transformado                  transformation
transformi                    transform
transformo                    refashioning, transformation
transi                        cross
Transilvanio                  Transylvania
transirejo                    level crossing
transiri                      cross, go beyond, transfer
transistoro                   transistor
transitiva                    transitive
Transkejo                     Transkei
translogxigi                  move
translogxigxi                 move
transloki                     move, transfer
translokigxi                  move
transpago                     remittance, remittance of money
transpasi                     go beyond
transportbiciklo              carrier cycle, carrier tricycle
transporti                    transport
transportisto                 carrier, transporter
transporto                    transport
transskribo                   transliteration
transsxargxi                  shift on to
transvala                     Transvaalian
Transvalo                     Transvaal, the Transvaal
transversa                    transverse
transversasxipe               abeam
transverse                    crosswise
trasercxi                     search
trasorbigi                    soak
trastreki                     cross out
trati                         make a draft
trato                         draft
travadi                       ford
traversxilo                   colander, strainer
travestianto                  transvestite
travestio                     travesty
travidebla                    transparant
travivajxo                    experience
travivi                       experience, live through, survive
tre                           quite, very, very much
tredi                         thread
treege                        enormously, extremely
trefo                         clubs
trejni                        coach, train
tremi                         quiver, shiver, tremble
tremiga                       eerie, grisly, gruesome, macabre
tremo                         quiver, quivering, vibration
tremolo                       aspen
trempi                        dip, immerse, soak
treni                         drag, tow
trenkablo                     towing-line
trensxipo                     tug, tugboat
treti                         trample on, tread
trezoro                       treasure
tri                           three
tria                          third
triangula                     triangular
triangulo                     triangle
Triaso                        Triassic
triba                         tribal
tribo                         tribe
tribordo                      starboard
tribunalo                     tribunal
tribuno                       rostrum, speaker's platform
tribunuso                     tribune
tributi                       pay tribute
tributo                       tribute
triciklo                      tricycle
tridek                        thirty
Triero                        Treves
Triesto                       Trieste
trifingra bradipo             ai, three-toed sloth
trifoje                       three times
trifolio                      clover, shamrock
trigonometrio                 trigonometry
trikfadeno                    worsted
triki                         knit
trikilo                       knitting needle
trikoloreto                   pansy
trili                         trill
triliono                      trillion
trilo                         trill
trilogio                      trilogy
trinkajxo                     beverage, drink
trinkebla                     drinkable
trinkebla akvo                drinking-water
trinkeja servisto             barman, bartender
trinkeja tabureto             bar stool
trinkejo                      bar, pub
trinki                        drink
trinkmono                     tip
triobla                       triple
triono                        third
Tripolo                       Tripoli
trista                        dismal, dreary, sad
triste                        sadly
tristigi                      afflict, distress, grieve
tritiko                       wheat
Tritono                       Triton
triumfi                       triumph
triumfo                       triumph
Triunuo                       Trinity
triviala                      commonplace, course, vulgar
tro                           too, too much
tro multa                     too much
troa                          undue
trodorloti                    spoil
trodorlotita                  spoiled
trogo                         manger, trough
troigi                        exaggerate
trojano                       Trojan
Trojo                         Troy
trolebuso                     trolleybus, trolley-bus
troleo                        trolley
trombono                      trombone
trompa                        deceitful
trompanto                     cheat, deceiver, imposter
trompeti                      take in
trompi                        cheat, deceive
trompita                      cheated, deceived
trompito                      deceived person, deceived one
trompo                        swindle
trompsxteli                   pilfer, pinch
trompsxtelisto                fraud
trompsxtelo                   fraud
trono                         throne
tropagigi                     fleece
tropeolo                      nasturtium
tropika                       tropical
tropiko                       tropics
trotaksi                      overestimate
troti                         trot
trotilo                       scooter
trotuaro                      pavement, sidewalk
trovi                         find
trovi sin                     be found, be located, find oneself
trovigxi                      be found, be located, find oneself
trudi                         force, impose
truko                         trick
trumpeti                      trumpet
trumpeto                      trumpet
trunketo                      blade, stalk
trunko                        stem, trunk
truo                          hole
truplena                      full of holes
trupo                         troop, troupe
truto                         trout
tsvana lingvo                 Tswana, Tswana language
tualeto                       toilet
tualetujo                     cosmetic case, vanity case
tubercelerio                  turnip-rooted celery
tuberkulozo                   tuberculosis
tubisto                       fitter
tubmuntisto                   fitter
tubo                          barrel, channel, pipe, tube
tucxo                         Indian ink
tufalauxdo                    tufted lark
tufgrebo                      grebe
tufo                          tuft
tuj                           at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
tuj kiam                      as soon as
tuja                          immediate
tukano                        toucan
tuko                          cloth
tulio                         thulium
tulipo                        tulip
tumoro                        tumor, tumour
tumultema                     wanton
tumultemo                     wantonness
tumulto                       riot, tumult
tumultsonorilo                alarm-bell
tunelo                        tunnel
tuniko                        tunic
tunisiano                     Tunisian
Tuniso                        Tunis
tunizia                       Tunisian
tunizianino                   Tunisian woman
tuniziano                     Tunisian
Tunizio                       Tunisia
Tunizo                        Tunis
tuno                          ton
turdo                         thrush
tureto                        turret
turismo                       tourism
turisto                       tourist
turistoficejo                 tourist bureau
turka                         Turkish
turkino                       Turkish lady, Turkish woman
Turkio                        Turkey
Turkmenio                     Turkmenistan
turkmeno                      Turkoman
Turkmenujo                    Turkmenistan
turko                         Turk
Turkujo                       Turkey
turmentado                    abuse
turmenti                      abuse, torment
turmento                      torment
turneo                        tour, theatrical tour
turni                         turn, turn around, turn round
turni plipreme                fasten, tighten, turn, turn on
turni sin                     turn, turn back, turn around, turn round
turni sin al                  apply to
turnigxadi                    swirl
turnigxi                      turn
turnigxo                      turn
turniro                       tournament
turno                         turn
turo                          castle, tower
turpa                         nasty, ugly
turto                         turtle-dove
tusi                          cough
tusilago                      coltsfoot
tuso                          cough
tusxanta                      adjacent, adjoining, neighbouring
tusxeti                       touch lightly
tusxi                         touch
tusxo                         touch
tusxosurfaco                  tire tread
tuta                          entire, overall, whole
tutajxo                       entirety
tute                          at all, entirely, quite, wholly
tute ne                       not at all
tute senviva                  stone-dead
tutkora                       cordial, whole-hearted
tutmonda                      worldwide
tuto                          whole
tvisti                        twist
tvisto                        twist

uesto                         west
uganda                        Ugandan
ugandano                      Ugandan
Ugando                        Uganda
ujo                           jug, box, container, vessel
ukraina                       Ukrainian
ukrainino                     Ukrainian woman
Ukrainio                      Ukraine, the Ukraine
ukraino                       Ukrainian
Ukrainujo                     Ukraine, the Ukraine
ulcero                        ulcer, sore
Uliso                         Ulysses
ulmo                          elm
ulo                           chap, guy, fellow, person
ultimato                      ultimatum
umajxo                        thingamajig, whatchamacallit
umbiliko                      navel
umo                           thingamajig, whatchamacallit
unco                          ounce
ungego                        claw
ungo                          nail
ungobroso                     nail-brush
ungokusxejo                   nail-bed
ungotajlilo                   nail clipper, nail clippers
ungotondilo                   nail-scissors
ungoverniso                   nail-varnish
ungozono                      cuticle
uniformo                      uniform
unika                         unique
unio                          union
unito                         unit
universala                    general, universal, worldwide
universala sxrauxbilo         monkey-wrench, shifting spanner
universala sxrauxbsxlosilo    monkey-wrench, shifting spanner
universaleco                  generality, universality
universitata                  academic
universitata diplomito        academic, university graduate
universitata profesoro        academic
universitato                  university
universo                      universe
unu                           one
unu kaj duona                 one and a half
unu kaj duona horo            an hour and a half
unu kaj duono                 one and a half
unu la alian                  each other, one another
unua                          first
unua etagxo                   ground floor
unua helpo                    first aid
unua partpago                 down payment
unua plano                    close-up
unuafoje                      for the first time
unualoke                      above all
unuanima                      unanimous
unudirekta trafiko            one-way traffic
unue                          first, firstly, first of all
unueca                        unified
unueco                        unity
unuflanka                     unilateral
unufoje                       once, one time
unuforma                      uniform
unuhora marsxo                an hour's walk
unuigi                        join, unite
unuigo                        combination, joining, junction, union
unuigxi                       associate, join, pool
unuigxinta                    united
Unuigxintaj Nacioj            United Nations
unukornulo                    unicorn
unuo                          unit
unuobla                       single
unuopa                        single
unuope                        one at a time, singly
unupersona                    one person
unutona                       monotonous
upupo                         hoopoo
uragano                       hurricane
Uralo                         Ural
urba                          urban
urbdomo                       city hall, town hall, townhall
urbego                        city, metropolis
urbestro                      mayor
urbeto                        town
urbo                          city, town
urbsxtato                     city state
urgxa                         pressing, urgent
urgxe                         urgently
urgxeco                       urgency
urgxi                         hurry, press, urge
urgxi sin                     hurry
urgxigxi                      hurry, rush
urini                         urinate
urino                         urine
urinujo                       chamber pot
uro                           aurochs
ursino                        she-bear
Ursinsulo                     Bear Island
urso                          bear
urtiko                        nettle
urugvaja                      Uruguayan
urugvajanino                  Uruguayan woman
urugvajano                    Uruguayan
Urugvajo                      Uruguay
usona                         American
usona futbalo                 football, American football
Usona Samoo                   American Samoa
usonanino                     American woman
usonano                       American, US citizen
Usono                         United States of America, USA
utero                         uterus, womb
utila                         advantageous, useful
utileca programo              utility
utili                         avail
utiligi                       make use of, utilize
utilo                         advantage, benefit
utilprogramo                  utility
utopia                        utopian
Utopio                        Utopia
Utrehxto                      Utrecht
uverturo                      overture
uzado                         use
uzanto                        user
uzbeka                        Uzbek
uzbekino                      Uzbek, Uzbek lady, Uzbek woman
Uzbekio                       Uzbekistan
uzbeko                        Uzbek
Uzbekujo                      Uzbekistan
uzebla                        of use, suitable
uzi                           employ, use, make use of
uzigxi                        be used
uzino                         factory, mill
uzita                         used
uzita akvo                    effluent
uzo                           use
uzofini                       discard
uzuro                         usury
uzurpi                        overpower, usurp

uxajto                        Isle of Wight
uxato                         Watt

vadi                          wade
vafleto                       cone, wafer
vaflo                         waffle
vagi                          roam, wander
vagino                        vagina
vagonaro                      train
vagonenira vestiblo           platform
vagono                        carriage, coach, railway carriage, waggon
vagulo                        vagabond
vajco                         vice
vaka                          vacant
vakcini                       vaccinate
vakcino                       vaccine
vakero                        cowboy
vaki                          be vacant
vaksflava                     as yellow as wax
vakskandelo                   taper, wax candle
vakso                         wax
vakstolo                      oilcloth
vakuo                         vacuum
Valakio                       Walachia, Wallachia
Valencia Golfo                Gulf of Valencia
Valencio[1]                   Valencia
Valencujo[1]                  Valencia
valeriano                     valerian
Valhalo                       Valhalla, Walhalla
valida                        valid
validi                        be valid
validigi                      validate
valizo                        suitcase, valise
valkiro                       Valkyrie, Walkyrie
Valo                          Vaal
valona                        Walloon
Valonio                       Wallonia
valono                        Walloon
Valonujo                      Wallonia
valora                        valuable
valoraldona imposto           VAT
valori                        be worth
valoro                        value, worth
valso                         waltz
valuto                        currency
valvo                         tube, valve
vampiro                       vampire
vana                          abortive, futile, useless, vain
vandalo                       vandal
vando                         wall
vane                          in vain
vango                         cheek
vangobarbo                    whiskers, side-whiskers
vangofrapo                    slap
vangoharoj                    whiskers, side-whiskers
vanilo                        vanilla
vanta                         conceited, frivolous, vain
vantajxo                      frivolity, silliness
vanteco                       vanity
vao                           wah
vaporigi                      evaporate
vaporigxi                     evaporate
vaporkaldrono                 steam-boiler
vaporkovrigxi                 become steamy, get covered with, get dim
vaporo                        steam, vapor, vapour
vaporpurigejo                 dry cleaner's
vaporsxipo                    steamship
varbi                         recruit
varbigxi                      enlist
varbito                       recruit
varfo                         landing-stage, pier
varia                         variable
variado                       change, variation
varieteo                      variety entertainment
varii                         vary
vario                         variety
varioleto                     chicken pox
variolo                       smallpox
varma                         warm
varmbotelo                    thermos, thermos flask
varme                         warmly
varmega                       hot
varmega sezono                hot season
varmego                       heat
varmeta                       lukewarm
varmo                         warmth
varo                          commodity, merchandise, wares
varoj                         goods, wares
Varsovio                      Warsaw
varti                         look after, nurse
vartistino                    nurse
vaska                         Basque
vaska cxapo                   beret
vaska lingvo                  Basque, Basque language
Vaskio                        Basque country
vasko                         Basque
Vaskujo                       Basque Country
vasta                         extensive, spacious, vast, wide
vastega                       abysmal, immense
vatikana                      Vatican
Vatikano                      Vatican, the Vatican
Vatikanurbo                   Vatican City
vato                          cotton-wool, wadding
vatto                         watt
vazelino                      vaseline
vazo                          vase, vessel
ve                            woe
vegetado                      growth
vegetajxaro                   vegetation
vegetajxo                     vegetation
vegetara                      vegetarian
vegetarano                    vegetarian
vegeti                        vegetate
vegeto                        growth
vejni                         grain, vein
vejno                         vein
vekhorlogxo                   alarmclock
veki                          arouse, wake, awaken, wake up
vekigxi                       wake, wake up
veldi                         weld
veli                          sail
velki                         fade, wither
velo                          sail
velstango                     yard
velura                        velvet
veluro                        velvet
vendaa lingvo                 Venda, Venda language
vendao                        Venda
vendejo                       shop, store
vendi                         dispose of, sell, vend
vendistino                    saleswoman
vendisto                      salesman
vendo                         sale
vendoplaco                    market, marketplace
vendotablo                    counter
vendredo                      Friday
veneca                        Venetian
venecano                      Venetian
venecia                       Venetian
veneciano                     Venetian
Veneco                        Venice
venena                        poisonous
veneni                        poison
veneno                        poison
venerea                       venereal
venerea malsano               venereal disease
venezuela                     Venezuelan
Venezuela Golfo               Gulf of Venezuela
venezuelanino                 Venezuelan woman
venezuelano                   Venezuelan
Venezuelo                     Venezuela
vengxi                        avenge, avenge oneself
vengxo                        revenge, vengeance
veni                          come
veni por akompani             meet, pick up
veni poste                    arrive afterwards, come afterwards, come later, follow
venigi                        get, send for
venki                         defeat, win over
venkigxi                      be beaten, be defeated, lose
venkinto                      victor
venko                         victory
venonta                       next
venpreni                      meet, pick up, take up
ventego                       storm
venteto                       breeze
venti                         blow
vento                         wind
ventoli                       ventilate
ventolilo                     electric fan, ventilator
ventra                        abdominal
ventro                        abdomen, belly, tummy
ventrodoloro                  stomach ache, tummy ache
ventumi                       aerate, fan
ventumilo                     fan
Venuso                        Cytherea, Venus
Venuso[1]                     Cytherea, Venus
Venuso[2]                     Venus
vera                          true
verando                       porch, veranda
verbo                         verb
verda                         green
verdikto                      verdict
verdire                       to tell the truth
verdo                         green
vere                          absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
vereco                        truth
vergeto                       rib
vergi                         flog, take a switch to
vergo                         rod, switch, wand
verkajxo                      writing
verkaro                       works
verki                         compose, create, write
verkinto                      author
verkisto                      author, writer
verko                         work
vermborita                    unsound, worm-eaten
vermo                         worm
vermuto                       vermouth
verniso                       varnish
vero                          reality, truth
versio                        version
verso                         verse
versxajna                     likely, probable
versxajne                     probably
versxi                        pour, scatter, shed
vertebra kolono               spine
vertebraro                    spine
vertebro                      vertebra
vertigxi                      feel dizzy
vertigxo                      dizziness, vertigo
vertikala                     vertical
verto                         top of the head
veruko                        wart
verva                         lively, vivacious
vervo                         verve, vivacity
vespera jxurnalo              evening paper
vespera krepusko              evening twilight
vespera lernejo               evening classes, evening-school, night-school
vespera vartantino            babysitter
vespera vartanto              babysitter
vespere                       in the evening
vesperigxas                   night is falling
vespermangxo                  evening meal, supper
vespero                       evening
vesperrobo                    evening frock, evening gown
vesperto                      bat
vespo                         wasp
vestajxo                      article of dress, garment
vestalo                       vestal, vestal virgin
vestejo                       cloakroom
Vestfalio                     Westphalia
vesti                         clothe, dress
vesti prove                   try on
vesti sin                     dress
vestigxi                      dress, get dressed
Vesto                         Vesta
vestoj                        clothes, clothing
vestosxranko                  clothes-press, wardrobe
vesxto                        vest, waistcoat
veteracxo                     foul weather
veterano                      veteran
veterinaro                    veterinarian
veterinformoj                 weather report
vetero                        weather
veti                          bet, wager
vetkuri                       race
veto                          bet, wager
veturbileto                   ticket
veturi                        go, ride, travel
veturi malantauxen            back
veturigi                      drive
veturigi malantauxen          back up
veturigi posten               back up
veturigisto                   driver
veturilo                      vehicle
Vezero                        Weser
veziketo                      blister
veziko                        bladder, bubble
Vezuvo                        Vesuvius
vi                            thou, you
vi mem                        yourself
via                           your
viandhaketajxo                minced meat
viando                        meat
vibrado                       flutter, vibration
vibri                         vibrate
vibro                         vibration
viburno                       guelder rose, snowball
vice                          in rows
vicfilino                     step-daughter
vicfratino                    step-sister
vicfrato                      step-brother
vico                          file, line, rank, row, turn
vicpatrino                    step-mother
vicpatro                      step-father
vicprezidanto                 vice-president
vicvoki                       call over
vidajxo                       view
vidbendo                      videotape
videbla                       visible
videobendo                    video-tape
vidi                          see
vidinda                       worth seeing
vido                          sight, view
vidpunkto                     viewpoint
vidvino                       widow
vidvo                         widower
viena                         Vienna, Viennese
vienanino                     Viennese woman
vienano                       Viennese
Vieno                         Vienna
vigla                         alert, brisk, keen
vigleco                       activity, gusto, spirit, stir, zest
vigligi                       encourage, stimulate
vikingo                       Viking
viktimo                       victim
Viktorilago                   Lake Victoria
vila                          hairy, shaggy
vilagxestro                   burgomaster, mayor, provost
vilagxeto                     hamlet, township
vilagxo                       village
vilao                         villa
Vilhelmfortikajxo             Fort William
vin                           you
vinagro                       vinegar
vinagrujo                     vinager-bottle
vinberejo                     vineyard
vinbero                       grape
vindi                         bandage, wind
vindinfano                    infant in arms
vindistino                    nurse, dry-nurse, monthly nurse
vindotuko                     swaddling cloth
vinkulo                       accolade
vino                          wine
vintra                        winter, winter-, of the winter
vintro                        winter
violente                      violently
violkolora                    violet
violo                         violet
violoncxelo                   cello
violono                       violin
vipi                          whip
vipo                          whip
vipuro                        viper
vira                          male, masculine
viracxo                       arse-hole, bastard, son-of-a-bitch
virbovo                       bull
vircervo                      stag
vircxevalo                    stallion
vireco                        virility
virga                         virgin, virginal
Virgo                         Virgo
Virgulinaj Insuloj            Virgin Islands
virgulino                     virgin
virgulo                       virgin
virina                        female
virino                        woman
virinsaketo                   lady's bag, vanity bag
virkapro                      he-goat
virkato                       male cat
virkoko                       cock, rooster
virkolombo                    cock-pigeon
virkuniklo                    buck, buck-rabbit
virleporo                     buck, buck-hare
viro                          fellow, man
virporko                      boar
virseksa                      male
virseksulo                    male
virsxafo                      ram, tup
virto                         morality, vice
virtuala                      virtual
virtuozo                      virtuoso
viruso                        virus
visigoto                      Visigoth
viskio                        whisky, whiskey
visko                         mistletoe
viskoza dodoneo               aalii
visto                         whist
Vistulo                       Vistula
visxebla                      washable
visxi                         delete, wipe, wipe off
Visxnuo                       Vishnu
visxtuko                      dish cloth, dust rag
vitala                        vital
vitameno                      vitamin
vitamino                      vitamin
vitejo                        vine
vito                          vine, grapevine
vitra                         glass
vitrajxo                      pane
vitreca                       glassy
vitrino                       showcase
vitro                         glass
vivanta                       alive
vivi                          be alive, live
vivi kune                     live together
vivo                          life
vivoforta                     full of life, vital
vivtabelo                     actuarial table
vivtena minimumo              subsistence minimum
vivteni                       support
vizagxa neuxralgio            face-ache, tic douloureux
vizagxacxo                    mug, phiz
vizagxkoloro                  complexion
vizagxo                       face
vizio                         vision
vizitanto                     caller, visitor
vizitantregistro              visitor's register
viziteti                      drop in, pop in
viziti                        attend, call on, see, visit
viziti ejon                   visit a place
viziti personon               visit a person
vizito                        visit
vizo                          visa
vjetnama                      Vietnamese
vjetnamanino                  Vietnamese woman
vjetnamano                    Vietnamese
Vjetnamio                     Vietnam
Vjetnamo                      Vietnam
vjolo                         tenor violin, viola
vocxdoni                      vote
vocxe                         orally
vocxo                         voice, vote
vocxo[1]                      voice
vocxo[2]                      voice
vocxo[3]                      vote
vodko                         vodka
Vogezoj                       Vosges
vojagxagentejo                tourist agency, travel agency
vojagxanto                    traveler, traveller
vojagxema                     inclined to travel
vojagxi                       travel
vojagxo                       journey, trip, voyage
vojbordero                    shoulder, verge, verge of a road
vojerari                      lose one's way
vojerarinta                   lost
vojeto                        path
vojevodo                      Polish provincial governor
vojkrucigxo                   cross roads
vojmontrilo                   signpost
vojo                          road, route, way
vojplano                      route
vojsulko                      trail
vokalo                        vowel
voki                          call, summon
vokto                         taskmaster
volapuko                      Volapuk
volbo                         dome, vault, vaulted ceiling
vole nevole                   willy-nilly
volframo                      tungsten
Volgo                         Volga
voli                          be willing to, want, wish
voli diri                     mean
volitivo                      subjunctive, subjunctive mood
volo                          will, willingness, wish
volonta                       voluntary, willing
volonte                       willingly
volontulo                     volunteer
Voltao                        Volta
volto                         Volt
volumeno                      volume
volumo                        volume
volupta                       voluptuous
volupto                       lust, sexual pleasure
volvi                         roll, roll up, wind, wind up
volvigxi                      twist
vomi                          throw up, vomit
vortaro                       dictionary, vocabulary
vorto                         word
vosto                         tail
voti                          vow
voto                          vow
vuali                         veil
vualo                         veil
vulgara                       common, everyday, vulgar
Vulgato                       Vulgate
Vulkano                       Vulcan
vulpo                         fox
vulturo                       vulture
vundi                         hurt, wound
vundita                       injured, wounded
vundo                         injury, wound

Zairio                        Zaire,
Zairo                         Zaire,
zambia                        Zambian
zambiano                      Zambian
Zambio                        Zambia
Zamo                          Zama
zebro                         zebra
zefiro                        zephyr
zelanda                       Zealand
Zelanda Flandrio              Dutch Flanders
Zelanda Flandrujo             Dutch Flanders
zelandano                     Zealander
Zelando                       Zealand, Zeeland
zenito                        zenith
zeno                          zen
Zeuxso                        Zeus
zigzaga                       zigzag
zigzagi                       zigzag
Zimbabvo                      Zimbabwe
zingibro                      ginger
zinko                         zinc
zipo                          zipper
zirkonio                      zirconium
zodiako                       zodiac
zoni                          gird
zono                          belt, zone
zono[1]                       belt, girdle
zono[2]                       zone
zoologia gxardeno             zoo
zoologio                      zoology
zoologo                       zoologist
zorga                         careful, tender
zorgato                       pupil
zorgeme                       carefully
zorgetoj                      worries
zorgi                         care, see, take care, worry
zorgi por                     care for
zorgi pri                     care about, take care of
zorgo                         care, concern
zorgoj                        worries
zorgplena                     anxious
zorgplene                     anxiously
zulua lingvo                  Zulu, Zulu language
Zululando                     Zululand
zuluo                         Zulu
zumi                          buzz, hum
zumilo                        buzzer

Xavier Godivier - English-Esperanto translation